Objective: Experiment 2: Determination of Ash Content
Objective: Experiment 2: Determination of Ash Content
Objective: Experiment 2: Determination of Ash Content
Ash is the inorganic residue remaining after the water and organic matter have been
removed by heating in the presence of oxidizing agents, which provides a measure of the total
amount of minerals within a food. Analytical techniques for providing information about the total
mineral content are based on the fact that the minerals (the “analyte”) can be distinguished from
all the other components (the “matrix”) within a food in some measurable way. The most widely
used methods are based on the fact that minerals are not destroyed by heating, and that they
have a low volatility compared to other food components. The three main types of analytical
procedure used to determine the ash content of foods are based on this principle: dry ashing,
wet ashing and low temperature plasma dry ashing. The method chosen for a particular analysis
depends on the reason for carrying out the analysis, the type of food analyzed and the
equipment available. Ashing may also be used as the first step in preparing samples for
analysis of specific minerals, by atomic spectroscopy or the various traditional methods
described below. Ash contents of fresh foods rarely exceed 5%, although some processed
foods can have ash contents as high as 12%, e.g., dried beef.
The advantages of conventional dry ashing are that it is a safe method, it requires no
added reagents or blank subtraction, and little attention is needed once ignition begins. A large
number of crucibles can be handled at once, and the resultant ash can be used for analyses like
individual elements, acid-insoluble ash, and water-soluble and insoluble ash. The disadvantages
are the length of time required (12 - 18 h, or overnight) and expensive equipment. There will be a
loss of the volatile elements and interactions between mineral components and crucibles. Volatile
elements at risk of being lost include arsenic, boron, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead,
mercury, nickel, phosphorus, vanadium and zinc.
2. Wet ashing for samples with high fat content (meats and meat products) as a preparation
of elemental analysis,
Wet ashing is a procedure for oxidizing organic substances by using acids and oxidizing agents or
their combinations. Minerals are solubilised without volatilization. Wet ashing is preferable to dry
ashing for specific elemental analysis. The oxidation time is short and requires a hood, hot plate,
long tongs and safety equipment. Nitric and perchloric acid acids are preferable, but a special
perchloric acid hood is necessary. The disadvantages of wet ashing are that it takes almost
constant operator attention, use of corrosive reagents and only small numbers can be handled at
any one time.
3. Low-temperature plasma dry ashing for preparation of samples when volatile elemental
analyses are conducted.
Muffled furnace
Hot plate
1. Dry a representative sample (weigh accurately to nearest mg ~ 3 – 5 g of samples) in
a crucible in an oven at 130°C overnight. Char the sample on an electric hot plate or
over a low flame in a fume cupboard until it has ceased smoking.
2. Place the above crucibles (containing charred sample) in a cold muffle oven and bring
the temperature to 550°C.
3. Ignite the sample 12- 18 h (or overnight) at 550°C.
4. Turn off the muffle furnace and wait to open until the temperature has dropped to at
least 250°C, preferably lower. Open door carefully to avoid losing ash that may be light
and fluffy.
5. Use safety tongs to quickly transfer the crucibles to a dessicator with a porcelain plate
and desiccant. Cover crucibles, close the dessicator, and allow crucibles to cool prior
to weighing.