For Physical Diseases: Medical Cannabis
For Physical Diseases: Medical Cannabis
For Physical Diseases: Medical Cannabis
It's defined as a persistence of pain during the OUD is, according to DSM-5 as a problematic
last 3 months or more, even without the pattern of opioid use leading to clinically
presence of an specific pain stimuli. Its significant impairment or distress. Symptoms
symptoms could cause: can include:
Sleep disturbances. Craving.
Development of angry, depressed and unsuccessful attempts to control use
anxiety behaviours. Failure to fulfill obligations due to opioids
Social and economical issues Continued use despite physical or
Tendency to substance misuse (specially psychological problems caused by its use.
opioids) Tolerance (can lead to an overdose).
The difference between an overweight issue It's the inability of the body to control the
and obesity could be defined in terms of the amount of sugar (glucose) in blood via insulin
body mass index (BMI), when the measure is 30 (resistance). Lack on its treatment can lead to:
or above. The main problem with obesity are its Same obesity comorbidities.
comorbidities, which can include: Neuropathic diabetes.
Type-2 diabetes. Kidney disease.
Heart coronary disease. Eye diseases.
Cancer. Amputation.
Fatty liver disease. Dementia, depression.
Cirrhosis Sleep apnea.
NAS concluded that cannabinoids have a modest Be aware of the type of product you'll use. Pay an
effect on pain control, but produces less harmful special attention to the concentration, the THC:
side effects. CBD relation and the best way to use it, in order to
Its use as a substitute or in conjunction with prevent undesirable side effects.
opioids have shown a reduction on the prescription Historical cannabis studies used to show a
doses, and found its side effects more tolerable. proportional relation between cannabis use and
Data suggest cannabinoids may have a role in caloric intake.
insulin sensitivity. Its anti inflammatory properties Avoid heavy work or potential harmful activities.
could help to prevent insulin resistance. Not recommended for those people with
Mixed responses to the treatment of neuropathic psychopath family history
pain due to type-2 diabetes.