Bodyweight Challenge Progression
Bodyweight Challenge Progression
Bodyweight Challenge Progression
Ideally, you want to be training on alternate days with the weekends off, e.g. Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday as training days with Tuesday, Thursday, and the weekends
off. The alternative is to train 1-2x a week as you see fit.
There are a total of 4 levels in the Bodyweight Challenge with each level setting the
foundation for the next. Progression is marked by more advanced variations of the
same exercises. Your main focus should be to make consistent progress no matter how
fast or slow.
Workout Structure
Split #1:
● Horizontal push
● Horizontal pull
● Squat
● Core
● Wheel variation
Split #2:
● Vertical pull
● Vertical push
● Lunge
● Core
● Wheel variation
Level 1 Workouts
Split #1:
Split #2:
Level 2 Workouts
Split #1:
Split #2:
Level 3 Workouts
Split #1:
Split #2:
Level 4 Workouts
Split #1:
Split #2: