IT8501-Web Technology
IT8501-Web Technology
IT8501-Web Technology
IT8501-Web Technology
Regulation – 2017
Prepared by
7. Explain the way in which a DNS server resolves addresses. BTL5 Evaluating
(i) Explain TCP/IP in detail. (7)
1. (ii) Explain the purpose and way of creating lists in HTML BTL2 Understanding
documents. (6)
2. Recall in detail about Internet and World Wide Web. (13) BTL1 Remembering
Explain in detail the working of the following Internet Protocols.
3. (i) TCP/IP (7) BTL2 Understanding
(ii) HTTP (6)
(i) List and explain any four HTML elements in detail. (7)
4. (ii) State the types of lists supported by HTML and explain them in BTL1 Remembering
detail. (6)
5. Create a HTML document for a company home page. (13) BTL6 Creating
(i) Explain the capabilities of web client and web server. (7)
6. BTL4 Analyzing
(ii) Write and explain HTTP request message format. (6)
Explain the significance of XHTML with the help of a real time
7. BTL5 Evaluating
application. Write necessary code snippets. (13)
How do you create frames? Why do we need them? Develop an
8. BTL4 Analyzing
application to explain the same. (13)
(i) Explain the use of relative URL’s with an example. (7)
9. (ii) Explain how tables can be inserted into a HTML document with BTL3 Applying
an example. (6)
12. Examine the basic XHTML syntax and semantics. (13) BTL4 Analyzing
4. Briefly discuss the HTML frame and table tags. (15) BTL6 Creating
12. Write the registration form for the creation of email account with all
BTL5 Evaluating
possible validations using JavaScript. (13)
13. (i) Explain the JavaScript array handling and array methods.
(ii) Explain the following JavaScript objects. (6) BTL4 Analyzing
a. RegExp
b. Math
(i) Write JavaScript to find sum of first ‘n’ even numbers and
display the result. Get the value of ‘n’ from user. (7) BTL6 Creating
(ii) Write JavaScript to find factorial of a given number. (6)
1. Discuss the various aspects of Normal Flow Box Layout in the
context of CSS. (15) BTL6 Creating
2. Explain in detail about CSS3. Give the illustration for CSS3
BTL5 Evaluating
animation. (15)
3. (i) Explain the way in which JavaScript handles arrays with
example. (8)
BTL5 Evaluating
(ii) Explain how local and global functions can be written using
JavaScript. (7)
4. (i) Discuss how do you use JavaScript for form validation?
Develop a complete application that would include
BTL6 Creating
information functions to validate the user data. (10)
(ii) Write short notes on JavaScript built-in objects. (5)
Separating Programming and Presentation: JSP Technology Introduction-JSP and Servlets-Running JSP
Applications Basic JSP-JavaBeans Classes and JSP-Tag Libraries and Files-Support for the Model-View-
Controller Paradigm- Databases and JSP. Representing Web Data: XML-Documents and Vocabularies-
Versions and Declaration-Namespaces- DOM based XML processing Event-oriented Parsing: SAX-
Transforming XML Documents-Selecting XML Data: XPATH-Template based Transformations: XSLT-
Displaying XML Documents in Browsers.
1. BTL2 Understanding
Give the advantages of using JSP for server side programming.
2. Write two basic differences between JSP and servlet. BTL4 Analyzing
3. BTL1 Remembering
List the types of directives in JSP.
4. Explain in brief about Java Scriplet. BTL2 Understanding
5. Display current date using Java Scriplet. BTL6 Creating
6. BTL1 Remembering
What is MVC paradigm?
7. Write short notes on some implicit objects in JSP. BTL3 Applying
8. Identify the steps involved in JSP. BTL3 Applying
9. Assess the JSP elements? BTL5 Evaluating
10. Explain JSTL? BTL5 Evaluating
11. What is the purpose of namespace? BTL1 Remembering
12. What is meant by XML namespace? BTL1 Remembering
13. Define DTD. BTL2 Understanding
14. What is an XPATH? BTL1 Remembering
15. BTL3 Applying
List the advantages of XPATH.
16. How is XML parsing done with SAX? BTL4 Analyzing
17. Compare DOM and SAX in XML processing. BTL4 Analyzing
18. What does XSLT mean? BTL1 Remembering
19. What is the purpose of XSLT? BTL2 Understanding
20. Discuss CDATA and PCDATA. BTL6 Creating
State and explain the information in a JSP document in detail. (13) BTL1 Remembering
2. (i) Write a client server JSP program to find simple interest and
display the result in the client. (7) BTL6 Creating
(ii) Write about the JSP tag libraries. (6)
3. Identify the objects associated with JSP and highlight the features
BTL3 Applying
of each object. Explain the various JSP elements. (13)
4. Explain in detail the creation, instantiation and usage of java
BTL2 Understanding
beans objects. (13)
What is a JavaBeans component? How will you use the JSP
BTL1 Remembering
language elements for accessing Beans in your JSP pages? (13)
6. Discover a JSP code to access a table and records from a student
BTL4 Analyzing
database to obtain the result of a student. (13)
7. Classify the implicit objects involved in JavaScript Expression
BTL4 Analyzing
Language. (13)
8. (i) Explain the role of XML name spaces with examples. (7)
BTL2 Understanding
(ii) Explain the features of XML path language. (6)
9. Discover a XML document to store voter ID, voter name, address
and date of birth details and validate the document with the help of BTL4 Analyzing
DTD. (13)
Write XSLT code to display employee details in a Table form
BTL3 Applying
which is stored is XML. (13)
11. (i) Explain XPATH nodes in detail. (7)
(ii) Explain about the object that helps AJAX reload parts BTL5 Evaluating
of a web page without reloading the whole page. (6)
12. (i) List and explain the XML syntax rules in detail. (7)
(ii) Explain how a XML document can be displayed on a BTL1 Remembering
13. Explain in detail the XML schema, built in and user defined data
BTL1 Remembering
type detail. (13)
(i) Explain in detail about XSL. (7) BTL2 Understanding
(ii) Explain about DOM based XML processing. (6)
(i) What is the significance of JavaBeans classes in the context
of JSP? Discuss. (8) BTL5 Evaluating
(ii) Explain about MVC architecture in detail. (7)
2 Write a Servlet program to display the waiting list status, given the
PNR number of a train. Create a JSP to display the information at BTL6 Creating
the client end. (15)
Get the students’ details like name, register number and mark using
form. Generate DTD for this XML document.
Name Regno Mark
XYZ 1000 90
ABC 1001 80
BTL6 Creating
RST 1002 89
PQR 1003 87
Generate the collected information in the descending order of
marks using XSLT. Results should be displayed in the above
format. Write a source code and explain the same. (15)
4 (i) Explain how XSLT transforms the document from one (Word)
type to other type (HTML). (8) BTL5 Evaluating
(ii) Describe the basic java bean classes and JSP tag libraries. (7)
11. Explain the role of XML schema in building web services in detail.
BTL2 Understanding
12. Design a railway reservation system using UDDI and WSDL for the
following case study. Railway could register their services into an
UDDI directory for checking the train rate and reservation. Travel BTL6 Creating
agencies could then search the UDDI directory to find the railway
reservation interface for ticket booking. (13)
13. Model a web service for calculator application. (13) BTL3 Applying
(i) Explain the JDBC database access in detail. (7)
BTL5 Evaluating
(ii) Explain the SOAP elements in detail. (6)
1. Explain JAX-RPC concept with suitable example. (15) BTL5 Evaluating
2. Discuss the creation of a Java Web Service in detail with examples.
BTL6 Creating
3. (i) Explain the elements of a SOAP message. (8) BTL5 Evaluating
(ii) How do you store Java objects? Describe. (7)
4. Formulate the principles of WSDL, XML and SOAP and their
BTL6 Creating
interaction between them in web service applications. (15)