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IT8501-Web Technology

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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203




IT8501-Web Technology
Regulation – 2017

Academic Year 2019 – 2020

Prepared by

Ms. K. Mohanambal, Assistant Professor (Sr.G)/IT

Ms. S. Sandhya, Assistant Professor (O.G)/IT

SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.


SUBJECT : IT8501 Web Technology
SEM / YEAR: V Sem/ III Year


Web Essentials: Clients, Servers, and Communication. The Internet-Basic Internet Protocols -The
World Wide Web-HTTP request message-response message-Web Clients Web Servers. Markup
Languages: XHTML. An Introduction to HTML History-Versions-Basic XHTML Syntax and
Semantics-Some Fundamental HTML Elements-Relative URLs-Lists-tables-Frames-Forms-HTML

Q.No Questions BT Level Competence

1. List any four common browsers. BTL1 Remembering

2. Define URI. BTL1 Remembering
State the use of web server logs and list the contents of a message
3. BTL2 Understanding
4. List the different basic protocols used in Internet. BTL1 Remembering
5. What do you mean by Relative URLs? BTL1 Remembering
6. Write the functions of a Web Server. BTL2 Understanding

7. Explain the way in which a DNS server resolves addresses. BTL5 Evaluating

8. State the uses of Internet Protocol. BTL2 Understanding

9. Write short notes on basic Internet protocols. BTL2 Understanding
10. List and explain the three flavors of HTML. BTL1 Remembering
11. State the function of DNS and the protocol used. BTL3 Applying
12. List and explain any two HTML elements. BTL1 Remembering
13. Create two rows of horizontal frames using HTML frames. BTL6 Creating
14. Write HTML code to display an image. BTL3 Applying
15. How will you create a password field in a HTML form? BTL4 Analyzing
Write HTML code to create the following table,
16. W X BTL6 Creating
17. Differentiate HTML and XHTML. BTL4 Analyzing

18. Explain canvas in HTML. BTL5 Evaluating

Choose the syntax to display the following statement
19. BTL5 Evaluating
“I am learning Web Programming”
20. Identify how a scripting language differs from HTML? BTL3 Applying

(i) Explain TCP/IP in detail. (7)
1. (ii) Explain the purpose and way of creating lists in HTML BTL2 Understanding
documents. (6)
2. Recall in detail about Internet and World Wide Web. (13) BTL1 Remembering
Explain in detail the working of the following Internet Protocols.
3. (i) TCP/IP (7) BTL2 Understanding
(ii) HTTP (6)
(i) List and explain any four HTML elements in detail. (7)
4. (ii) State the types of lists supported by HTML and explain them in BTL1 Remembering
detail. (6)
5. Create a HTML document for a company home page. (13) BTL6 Creating
(i) Explain the capabilities of web client and web server. (7)
6. BTL4 Analyzing
(ii) Write and explain HTTP request message format. (6)
Explain the significance of XHTML with the help of a real time
7. BTL5 Evaluating
application. Write necessary code snippets. (13)
How do you create frames? Why do we need them? Develop an
8. BTL4 Analyzing
application to explain the same. (13)
(i) Explain the use of relative URL’s with an example. (7)
9. (ii) Explain how tables can be inserted into a HTML document with BTL3 Applying
an example. (6)

(i) List any two differences between HTML respects to elements

10. and XHTML with Also explain about the XHTML DTD. (7) BTL1 Remembering
(ii) Discuss on any four HTTP request methods. (6)

Explain HTML forms in detail along with form elements, attributes

11. and methods. Write an HTML document to provide a form that BTL2 Understanding
collect name and telephone numbers. (13)

12. Examine the basic XHTML syntax and semantics. (13) BTL4 Analyzing

(i) Explain in detail the functions of a web server. (7)

13. BTL3 Applying
(ii) Give the structure of HTTP request and response messages. (6)
Define HTML 5.0. List and explain some of the HTML 5.0 tags with
14. BTL1 Remembering
examples. (13)
(i) Give the HTTP request message structure and explain it in
detail. (8)
1. BTL5 Evaluating
(ii) List and explain the steps involved in a web based client
server communication. (7)
(i) Explain the most significant HTML elements in detail. (8)
2. (ii) Explain the way in which data can be presented in a tabular BTL5 Evaluating
form using HTML. (7)
Develop an interactive web page for student registration using
3. BTL6 Creating
HTML form elements. (15)

4. Briefly discuss the HTML frame and table tags. (15) BTL6 Creating


Style Sheets: CSS-Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets-Features-Core Syntax-Style Sheets and
HTML- Style Rule Cascading and Inheritance-Text Properties-Box Model Normal Flow Box Layout-
Beyond the Normal Flow-CSS3.0. Client-Side Programming: The JavaScript Language-History and
Versions Introduction JavaScript in Perspective-Syntax-Variables and Data Types-Statements-
Operators-Literals-Functions-Objects-Arrays-Built-in Objects-JavaScript Debuggers.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Give the syntax of a CSS rule. BTL2 Understanding
2. Mention the need for cascading style sheets. BTL3 Applying
3. Give example for inline style sheet. BTL2 Understanding
4. How will you include CSS in a web site? BTL4 Analyzing
5. Give some advantages of using Cascading Style Sheets. BTL2 Understanding
6. How external style sheet is useful in web page design? BTL4 Analyzing
7. Write short notes on text properties in CSS with suitable example. BTL1 Remembering
8. What is Normal Flow Box Layout in CSS? BTL1 Remembering
9. List the two forms of style rules with an example. BTL1 Remembering
10. What is meant by DHTML? BTL1 Remembering
11. List the ways of positioning an element within a browser window. BTL1 Remembering
12. What is a JavaScript statement? Give an example. BTL1 Remembering
13. Explain array creation in JavaScript with example. BTL2 Understanding
14. List the different methods defined in document and window object
BTL4 Analyzing
of JavaScript.
15. List and explain any two JavaScript built in objects. BTL5 Evaluating
16. State the types of JavaScript statements with examples. BTL3 Applying
17. Write the JavaScript to print “Good Day” using IF-ELSE condition. BTL5 Evaluating
18. Write code to return the full URL of a document. BTL6 Creating
Compile the limitations of CSS. BTL6 Creating
20. Apply CSS to a web page with the following requirements
(i) Add a background image of a submarine.
BTL3 Applying
(ii) Set a color to the span elements (different color for each
1. (i) Discuss about JavaScript debugging. (7)
BTL4 Analyzing
(ii) Explain in detail CSS border and CSS outline. (6)
2. (i) Explain any eight CSS text properties. (7)
BTL1 Remembering
(ii) Discuss JavaScript Array object in detail. (6)
3. (i) List and explain in detail various selector strings. (7)
BTL2 Understanding
(ii) Explain the features of cascading style sheets. (6)
(i) Write a CSS which adds background images and indentation. (7) BTL2 Understanding
(ii) Explain external style sheet with an example. (6)
(i) Explain in detail the CSS Box model in detail. (7)
BTL3 Applying
(ii) List and explain the various positioning schemes in detail. (6)
6. List and describe the CSS Border Style Properties in detail with BTL1 Remembering
illustration. (13)
7. Apply CSS to a web page with the following requirements
(i) Paint the background gray (2)
(ii) Paint the sidebar yellow (2)
(iii) Set the artist h1 to be only uppercase (2)
(iv) Set the title h2 to be uppercase-first letter (2) BTL3 Applying
(v) Set a line spacing between the lines (2)
(vi) Set letter spacing between the letters in each span of type
instruction (3)
(i) State and explain the types of statements in JavaScript. (6)
(ii) Explain how functions can be written in JavaScript with an BTL4 Analyzing
example. (7)
9. Summarize about debugging in JavaScript. (13) BTL2 Understanding
10. What are the various JavaScript objects? Explain each with an
BTL1 Remembering
example. (13)
Show in detail about JavaScript variables and operators. (13) BTL1 Remembering

12. Write the registration form for the creation of email account with all
BTL5 Evaluating
possible validations using JavaScript. (13)
13. (i) Explain the JavaScript array handling and array methods.
(ii) Explain the following JavaScript objects. (6) BTL4 Analyzing
a. RegExp
b. Math
(i) Write JavaScript to find sum of first ‘n’ even numbers and
display the result. Get the value of ‘n’ from user. (7) BTL6 Creating
(ii) Write JavaScript to find factorial of a given number. (6)
1. Discuss the various aspects of Normal Flow Box Layout in the
context of CSS. (15) BTL6 Creating
2. Explain in detail about CSS3. Give the illustration for CSS3
BTL5 Evaluating
animation. (15)
3. (i) Explain the way in which JavaScript handles arrays with
example. (8)
BTL5 Evaluating
(ii) Explain how local and global functions can be written using
JavaScript. (7)
4. (i) Discuss how do you use JavaScript for form validation?
Develop a complete application that would include
BTL6 Creating
information functions to validate the user data. (10)
(ii) Write short notes on JavaScript built-in objects. (5)


Host Objects: Browsers and the DOM-Introduction to the Document Object Model DOM History and
Levels-Intrinsic Event Handling-Modifying Element Style-The Document Tree-DOM Event Handling-
Accommodating Noncompliant Browsers Properties of window. Server-Side Programming: Java Servlets-
Architecture -Overview-A Servlet-Generating Dynamic Content-Life Cycle- Parameter Data-Sessions-
Cookies-URL Rewriting-Other Capabilities-Data Storage Servlets and Concurrency- Databases and Java
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Define host objects. BTL1 Remembering
List the types of event listeners in DOM2. BTL1 Remembering
3. Assess Event Bubbling and Event Capturing. BTL5 Evaluating
4. What is meant by intrinsic event handling? BTL1 Remembering
5. List and explain any four HTML intrinsic event attributes. BTL2 Understanding
6. Evaluate the various levels of DOM. BTL5 Evaluating
7. Examine the usage of DOM style property. BTL4 Analyzing
8. List some of the window object properties. BTL4 Analyzing
9. Compose any two mouse events. BTL6 Creating
10. Discuss any two keyboard events. BTL6 Creating
11. Differentiate Client Side Scripting from Server Side Scripting. BTL4 Analyzing
12. Write a short note on java servlet life cycle. BTL3 Applying
13. List the different life cycle methods of Java Servlets. BTL1 Remembering
14. What is a cookie? BTL1 Remembering
15. What is the purpose of cookies? BTL1 Remembering
16. Write the purpose of URL rewriting. BTL2 Understanding
17. How is session tracking achieved by URL rewriting? BTL3 Applying
18. State the use of ServletContext object. BTL2 Understanding
19. Explain in brief the interaction between a web server and a servlet. BTL2 Understanding
Identify the difference between get request and post request type. BTL3 Applying
1. Explain in detail DOM event handling. Also explain with an
example of creating a context menu. [Note: A context menu is one
BTL5 Evaluating
that that is shown when the user right-clicks anywhere in the
document]. (13)
2. (i) Explain about the document tree in detail. (7)
BTL2 Understanding
(ii) Explain DOM event handling in detail. (6)
3. (i) List and explain the various types of document nodes. (7)
(ii) Explain in detail about event object and event listeners with BTL2 Understanding
an example. (6)
With a suitable example discuss about event propagation. (13) BTL1 Remembering
5. List the properties of mouse events associated with DOM2 with an
BTL1 Remembering
example. (13)
6. What are the various levels of DOM? Explain each of them in detail.
BTL1 Remembering
7. Make use of some of the style object in DOM to modify the
BTL3 Applying
elements’ style. (13)
8. (i) Explain about architecture of servlet. (7)
(ii) Explain the purpose of the following DOM method and
properties, (6)
a. get Element By Id
BTL4 Analyzing
b. create Element
c. create Text Node
d. append child
e. parent Node
9. Write a servlet to illustrate the principle of Cookies and explain.
BTL6 Creating
10. Explain the Servlet operation in detail with a sample Servlet
BTL3 Applying
program. (13)
11. What is a session? Explain how client state is maintained using
session and also explain about session tracking and session BTL1 Remembering
management using an example. (13)
Explain the servlet life cycle with an example. (13) BTL2 Understanding
13. Write a Java code for getting the details of the items to be
purchased from a client and to update the inventory of the shop
after selling. Also bill should be prepared for the client. Maintain BTL4 Analyzing
the transaction table also just by inserting these purchase item
details at the shop use JDBC for transactions. (13)
14. (i) Write a code for creating cookies with name of person and
secret code at the server, after getting these details from
client using HTML form. How these details at the server BTL4 Analyzing
side using HTTP servlet are displayed? (7)
(ii) Write a code to display the current and yesterday’s gold rate
using session object. (6)

Describe the process of generating dynamic content using servelts.

1. BTL5 Evaluating
Briefly explain the importance of Document Object Model. (15)

With a simple example illustrate how the elements of the HTML

2. BTL6 Creating
document tree structure can be accessed using JavaScript. (15)

Discuss the ways of storing and accessing information using

3. BTL5 Evaluating
cookies and handling associated issues. (15)

Write a Java Servlet to display net salary of employee, use JDBC

4. BTL6 Creating
connectivity to get employee details from database. (15)


Separating Programming and Presentation: JSP Technology Introduction-JSP and Servlets-Running JSP
Applications Basic JSP-JavaBeans Classes and JSP-Tag Libraries and Files-Support for the Model-View-
Controller Paradigm- Databases and JSP. Representing Web Data: XML-Documents and Vocabularies-
Versions and Declaration-Namespaces- DOM based XML processing Event-oriented Parsing: SAX-
Transforming XML Documents-Selecting XML Data: XPATH-Template based Transformations: XSLT-
Displaying XML Documents in Browsers.


Q.No Questions BT Level Competence

1. BTL2 Understanding
Give the advantages of using JSP for server side programming.
2. Write two basic differences between JSP and servlet. BTL4 Analyzing
3. BTL1 Remembering
List the types of directives in JSP.
4. Explain in brief about Java Scriplet. BTL2 Understanding
5. Display current date using Java Scriplet. BTL6 Creating
6. BTL1 Remembering
What is MVC paradigm?
7. Write short notes on some implicit objects in JSP. BTL3 Applying
8. Identify the steps involved in JSP. BTL3 Applying
9. Assess the JSP elements? BTL5 Evaluating
10. Explain JSTL? BTL5 Evaluating
11. What is the purpose of namespace? BTL1 Remembering
12. What is meant by XML namespace? BTL1 Remembering
13. Define DTD. BTL2 Understanding
14. What is an XPATH? BTL1 Remembering
15. BTL3 Applying
List the advantages of XPATH.
16. How is XML parsing done with SAX? BTL4 Analyzing
17. Compare DOM and SAX in XML processing. BTL4 Analyzing
18. What does XSLT mean? BTL1 Remembering
19. What is the purpose of XSLT? BTL2 Understanding
20. Discuss CDATA and PCDATA. BTL6 Creating
State and explain the information in a JSP document in detail. (13) BTL1 Remembering

2. (i) Write a client server JSP program to find simple interest and
display the result in the client. (7) BTL6 Creating
(ii) Write about the JSP tag libraries. (6)
3. Identify the objects associated with JSP and highlight the features
BTL3 Applying
of each object. Explain the various JSP elements. (13)
4. Explain in detail the creation, instantiation and usage of java
BTL2 Understanding
beans objects. (13)
What is a JavaBeans component? How will you use the JSP
BTL1 Remembering
language elements for accessing Beans in your JSP pages? (13)
6. Discover a JSP code to access a table and records from a student
BTL4 Analyzing
database to obtain the result of a student. (13)
7. Classify the implicit objects involved in JavaScript Expression
BTL4 Analyzing
Language. (13)
8. (i) Explain the role of XML name spaces with examples. (7)
BTL2 Understanding
(ii) Explain the features of XML path language. (6)
9. Discover a XML document to store voter ID, voter name, address
and date of birth details and validate the document with the help of BTL4 Analyzing
DTD. (13)
Write XSLT code to display employee details in a Table form
BTL3 Applying
which is stored is XML. (13)
11. (i) Explain XPATH nodes in detail. (7)
(ii) Explain about the object that helps AJAX reload parts BTL5 Evaluating
of a web page without reloading the whole page. (6)
12. (i) List and explain the XML syntax rules in detail. (7)
(ii) Explain how a XML document can be displayed on a BTL1 Remembering
13. Explain in detail the XML schema, built in and user defined data
BTL1 Remembering
type detail. (13)
(i) Explain in detail about XSL. (7) BTL2 Understanding
(ii) Explain about DOM based XML processing. (6)
(i) What is the significance of JavaBeans classes in the context
of JSP? Discuss. (8) BTL5 Evaluating
(ii) Explain about MVC architecture in detail. (7)
2 Write a Servlet program to display the waiting list status, given the
PNR number of a train. Create a JSP to display the information at BTL6 Creating
the client end. (15)
Get the students’ details like name, register number and mark using
form. Generate DTD for this XML document.
Name Regno Mark
XYZ 1000 90
ABC 1001 80
BTL6 Creating
RST 1002 89
PQR 1003 87
Generate the collected information in the descending order of
marks using XSLT. Results should be displayed in the above
format. Write a source code and explain the same. (15)
4 (i) Explain how XSLT transforms the document from one (Word)
type to other type (HTML). (8) BTL5 Evaluating
(ii) Describe the basic java bean classes and JSP tag libraries. (7)


AJAX: Ajax Client Server Architecture-XML Http Request Object-Call Back Methods. Web Services: JAX-RPC-
Concepts-Writing a Java Web Service-Writing a Java Web Service Client-Describing Web Services: WSDL-
Representing Data Types: XML Schema-Communicating Object Data: SOAP Related Technologies-Software
Installation-Storing Java Objects as Files.
Q. No Questions BT Level Competence
1. Explain AJAX. BTL5 Evaluating
2. Identify the advantages of AJAX. BTL3 Applying
3. Analyze the disadvantages of AJAX. BTL4 Analyzing
4. Identify the technologies used by AJAX. BTL3 Applying
5. List all the features of AJAX. BTL4 Analyzing
6. Compare AJAX and JavaScript? BTL5 Evaluating
7. Analyze where AJAX cannot be used? BTL4 Analyzing
8. Create an AJAX object. BTL6 Creating
9. What is web service? BTL1 Remembering
Following syntax can be used to create Ajax objects:
10. Why do you want to describe a Web Service? BTL1 Remembering
11. Var sample = New ajaxObject(‘path of the page’)
Mention some of the disadvantages of Web Service. BTL2 Understanding
12. List some examples of web services. BTL1 Remembering
13. Define serialization. BTL2 Understanding
14. List the basic concepts behind JAX-RPC technology. BTL1 Remembering
15. What is UDDI? BTL1 Remembering
16. Explain the term XML Schema. BTL2 Understanding
17. What is the purpose of XML schema? BTL1 Remembering
18. Define the need for SOAP. BTL2 Understanding
19. State the significance of a WSDL document. Give some uses of
BTL3 Applying
20. Give an example of a web service registry and its function. BTL6 Creating
1. (i) Discuss the various aspects of JAX-RPC. (7)
(ii) Develop a Java Web Service that would do arithmetic BTL4 Analyzing
operations. (6)
2. (i) What do you mean by AJAX? Write the advantages of AJAX.
(7) BTL1 Remembering
(ii) Write short notes on Event-oriented Parsing. (6)
3. (i) Discuss AJAX architecture and compare it with DOM and
SAX. (7) BTL1 Remembering
(ii) What languages are used to represent data in web? Explain any
two of them. (6)
4. Discover about the development of a web application to illustrate
BTL4 Analyzing
the basics of AJAX. (13)
5. BTL2 Understanding
Explain about the XMLHttpRequest Object in detail. (13)
Brief the Return Document Forms in AJAX. (13) BTL1 Remembering
7. Explain why the callback function is written as an anonymous
BTL4 Analyzing
function in the request phase function. (13)
8. (i) Explain in detail the steps involved in writing a web service.(7) BTL2 Understanding
(ii) Explain the basic concepts of RPC. (6)
9. Describe the significance and working of WSDL with an example. BTL3 Applying
Describe the major elements of SOAP. (13) BTL1 Remembering

11. Explain the role of XML schema in building web services in detail.
BTL2 Understanding
12. Design a railway reservation system using UDDI and WSDL for the
following case study. Railway could register their services into an
UDDI directory for checking the train rate and reservation. Travel BTL6 Creating
agencies could then search the UDDI directory to find the railway
reservation interface for ticket booking. (13)
13. Model a web service for calculator application. (13) BTL3 Applying
(i) Explain the JDBC database access in detail. (7)
BTL5 Evaluating
(ii) Explain the SOAP elements in detail. (6)
1. Explain JAX-RPC concept with suitable example. (15) BTL5 Evaluating
2. Discuss the creation of a Java Web Service in detail with examples.
BTL6 Creating
3. (i) Explain the elements of a SOAP message. (8) BTL5 Evaluating
(ii) How do you store Java objects? Describe. (7)
4. Formulate the principles of WSDL, XML and SOAP and their
BTL6 Creating
interaction between them in web service applications. (15)

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