Etsi TS 129 214
Etsi TS 129 214
Etsi TS 129 214
0 (2009-06)
Technical Specification
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3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 2 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
Pursuant to the ETSI IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out by ETSI. No guarantee
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This Technical Specification (TS) has been produced by ETSI 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The present document may refer to technical specifications or reports using their 3GPP identities, UMTS identities or
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The cross reference between GSM, UMTS, 3GPP and ETSI identities can be found under
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 3 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
Intellectual Property Rights ................................................................................................................................2
1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................6
2 References ................................................................................................................................................6
3 Definitions and abbreviations...................................................................................................................7
3.1 Definitions..........................................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Abbreviations .....................................................................................................................................................8
4 Rx reference point ....................................................................................................................................8
4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................................8
4.2 Rx reference model ............................................................................................................................................8
4.3 Functional elements............................................................................................................................................9
4.3.1 AF .................................................................................................................................................................9
4.3.2 PCRF ............................................................................................................................................................9
4.4 PCC procedures over Rx reference point .........................................................................................................10
4.4.1 Initial Provisioning of Session Information ................................................................................................10
4.4.2 Modification of Session Information ..........................................................................................................12
4.4.3 Gate Related Procedures.............................................................................................................................12
4.4.4 AF Session Termination .............................................................................................................................13
4.4.5 Subscription to Notification of Signalling Path Status ...............................................................................13
4.4.6 Traffic Plane Events....................................................................................................................................13 IP-CAN Session Termination................................................................................................................13 Service Data Flow Deactivation............................................................................................................13 Notification of Signalling Path Status ...................................................................................................14 IP-CAN type change Notification .........................................................................................................14 Access Network Charging Information Notification.............................................................................14
5 Rx protocol.............................................................................................................................................14
5.1 Protocol support ...............................................................................................................................................14
5.2 Initialization, maintenance and termination of connection and session............................................................15
5.3 Rx specific AVPs .............................................................................................................................................15
5.3.1 Abort-Cause AVP .......................................................................................................................................16
5.3.2 Access-Network-Charging-Address AVP ..................................................................................................16
5.3.3 Access-Network-Charging-Identifier AVP.................................................................................................17
5.3.4 Access-Network-Charging-Identifier-Value AVP......................................................................................17
5.3.5 AF-Application-Identifier AVP ..................................................................................................................17
5.3.6 AF-Charging-Identifier AVP ......................................................................................................................17
5.3.7 Codec-Data AVP ........................................................................................................................................17
5.3.8 Flow-Description AVP ...............................................................................................................................18
5.3.9 Flow-Number AVP.....................................................................................................................................18
5.3.10 Flows AVP..................................................................................................................................................19
5.3.11 Flow-Status AVP ........................................................................................................................................19
5.3.12 Flow-Usage AVP........................................................................................................................................19
5.3.13 Specific-Action AVP ..................................................................................................................................20
5.3.14 Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL AVP.........................................................................................................21
5.3.15 Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL AVP.........................................................................................................21
5.3.16 Media-Component-Description AVP .........................................................................................................21
5.3.17 Media-Component-Number AVP ...............................................................................................................22
5.3.18 Media-Sub-Component AVP......................................................................................................................22
5.3.19 Media-Type AVP........................................................................................................................................23
5.3.20 RR-Bandwidth AVP ...................................................................................................................................23
5.3.21 RS-Bandwidth AVP....................................................................................................................................23
5.3.22 SIP-Forking-Indication AVP ......................................................................................................................23
5.3.23 Service-URN AVP......................................................................................................................................24
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 4 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 5 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:
Version x.y.z
y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.
z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 6 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
1 Scope
The present document provides the stage 3 specification of the Rx reference point for the present release. The functional
requirements and the stage 2 specifications of the Rx reference point are contained in 3GPP TS 23.203 [7]. The Rx
reference point lies between the Application Function and the Policy and Charging Rule Function.
Whenever it is possible the present document specifies the requirements for the protocol by reference to specifications
produced by the IETF within the scope of Diameter. Where this is not possible, extensions to Diameter are defined
within the present document.
2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
• References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
• For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including
a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
[3] void
[4] void
[5] 3GPP TS 29.209: "Policy control over Gq interface", latest Rel-6 version.
[6] void
[7] 3GPP TS 29.211: "Rx Interface and Rx/Gx signalling flows", latest Rel-6 version.
[8] 3GPP TS 29.212: "Policy and Charging Control over Gx reference point".
[9] 3GPP TS 29.213: "Policy and Charging Control signalling flows and QoS parameter mapping".
[11] IETF RFC 3556: "Session Description Protocol (SDP) Bandwidth Modifiers for RTP Control
Protocol (RTCP) Bandwidth".
[15] ETSI TS 183 017: "Telecommunications and Internet Converged Services and Protocols for
Advanced Networking (TISPAN); Resource and Admission Control: DIAMETER protocol for
session based policy set-up information exchange between the Application Function (AF) and the
Service Policy Decision Function (SPDF); Protocol specification".
[17] 3GPP TS 24.229: "IP Multimedia Call Control Protocol based on SIP and SDP; Stage 3".
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 7 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
[18] IETF RFC 3264: "An Offer/Answer Model with the Session Description Protocol (SDP)".
[21] IETF RFC 5031: "A Uniform Resource Name (URN) for Emergency and Other Well-Known
[22] 3GPP TS 29.061: "Interworking between the Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) supporting
packet based services and Packet Data Networks (PDN)".
[25] 3GPP TS 29.229: "Cx and Dx interfaces based on the Diameter protocol; Protocol details"
[26] 3GPP TS 24.292: "IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystem Centralized Services (ICS);
Stage 3".
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following
Application Function (AF): element offering application(s) that use IP bearer resources
AF Session: application level session established by an application level signalling protocol offered by the AF that
requires a session set-up with explicit session description before the use of the service.
Attribute-Value Pair (AVP): See RFC 3588 [5], corresponds to an Information Element in a Diameter message.
binding: PCRF process of associating IP flows described in AF Service Information with IP-CAN bearers.
IP-CAN bearer: IP transmission path of defined capacity, delay and bit error rate, etc.
See 3GPP TS 21.905 [1] for the definition of bearer.
IP flow: unidirectional flow of IP packets with the same source IP address and port number and the same destination IP
address and port number and the same transport protocol
Port numbers are only applicable if used by the transport protocol.
packet flow: A specific user data flow carried through the PCEF. A packet flow can be an IP flow.
PCC rule: set of information enabling the detection of a service data flow and providing parameters for policy control
and/or charging control
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 8 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
service information: set of information conveyed from the AF to the PCRF over the Rx interface to be used as a basis
for PCC decisions at the PCRF, including information about the AF session (e.g. application identifier, type of media,
bandwidth, IP address and port number)
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purpose of the present document, the abbreviations given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply:
AF Application Function
AVP Attribute Value Pair
CRF Charging Rules Function
IP-CAN IP Connectivity Access Network
PCC Policy and Charging Control
PCEF Policy and Charging Enforcement Function
PCRF Policy and Charging Rule Function
PDF Policy Decision Function
P-CSCF Proxy-Call Session Control Function
QoS Quality of Service
SDF Service Data Flow
SPR Subscriber Profile Repository
UE User Equipment
4 Rx reference point
4.1 Overview
The Rx reference point is used to exchange application level session information between the Policy and Charging
Rules Function (PCRF) and the Application Function (AF). As defined in the stage 2 specifications
(3GPP TS 23.203 [2]), this information is part of the input used by the PCRF for the Policy and Charging Control
(PCC) decisions. The PCRF exchanges the PCC rules with the Policy and Charging Enforcement Function (PCEF) and
QoS rules with the Bearer Binding and Event Reporting Function (BBERF) as specified in 3GPP TS 29.212 [8].
Signalling flows related to the both Rx and Gx interfaces are specified in 3GPP TS 29.213 [9].
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 9 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
Online Charging
Gxx Gx System
Service Data Flow
Bearer Binding Policy and Based Credit
and Event Charging Control
Reporting Enforcement
Function Function
AN-Gateway PDN-Gateway System
Figure 4.1: Rx reference point at the Policy and Charging Control (PCC) architecture
NOTE: The details associated with the Sp reference point are not specified in this Release. The SPR's relation to
existing subscriber databases is not specified in this Release.
NOTE: The AFs may be deployed by the same operator offering the IP-CAN or may be provided by external
third party service provider.
4.3.2 PCRF
The PCRF (Policy Control and Charging Rules Function) is a functional element that encompasses policy control
decision and flow based charging control functionalities. These 2 functionalities are the heritage of the release 6 logical
entities PDF and CRF respectively. The PCRF provides network control regarding the service data flow detection,
gating, QoS and flow based charging (except credit management) towards the PCEF. The PCRF receives session and
media related information from the AF and informs AF of traffic plane events.
The PCRF may check that the service information provided by the AF is consistent with the operator defined policy
rules before storing the service information. The service information shall be used to derive the QoS for the service. The
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 10 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
PCRF may reject the request received from the AF and as a result the PCRF shall indicate, in the response to the AF,
the service information that can be accepted by the PCRF.
The PCRF may use the subscription information as basis for the policy and charging control decisions. The subscription
information may apply for both session based and non-session based services. The subscription specific information for
each service may contain e.g. max QoS class and max bit rate.
If the AF requests it, the PCRF shall report IP-CAN session events (including bearer events and events on AF signalling
transport) to the AF via the Rx reference point.
The PCRF PCC/QoS Rule decisions may be based on one or more of the following:
- the session and media related information obtained from the AF via the Rx reference point;
- the bearer and subscriber related information obtained from the PCEF over the Gx reference point;
- the bearer and subscriber related information obtained from the BBERF over the Gxx reference point;
- subscriber and service related data the PCRF may be aware of by configuration or through the Sp reference
NOTE: The details associated with the Sp reference point are not specified in this Release. The SPR's relation to
existing subscriber databases is not specified in this Release.
The PCRF shall provision PCC/QoS Rules to the PCEF/BBERF via the Gx/Gxx reference point.
NOTE: The AF does not need to open an Rx Diameter session with the PCRF, if the SDP payload is only
proposing to use a circuit-switched bearer (i.e. "c=" line set to "PSTN" and an "m=" line set to "PSTN",
refer to 3GPP TS 24.292 [26]).
NOTE: The Rx Diameter session used for an AF session is different from the Rx Diameter session possibly used
for the notifications of the status of the AF signalling transmission path. A new Rx Diameter session is
established for each new AF session.
The AF may include the AF-Application-Identifier AVP into the AA-Request in order to indicate the particular service
that the AF session belongs to. This AVP can be provided at both AF session level, and Media-Component-Description
level. When provided at both levels, the AF-Application Identifier provided within the Media-Component-Description
AVP will have precedence.
The AF may include the AF-Charging-Identifier AVP into the AA-Request for charging correlation purposes. The AF
may also include the Specific-Action AVP to request notification for certain user plane events, e.g. bearer termination.
The AF may include the Service-URN AVP in order to indicate that the new AF session relates to emergency traffic. If
the PCRF receives the Service-URN AVP indicating an emergency session, the PCRF may apply special policies, for
instance prioritising service flows relating to the new AF session or allowing these service flows free of charge.
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 11 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
If the AF provides service information that has been fully negotiated (e.g. based on the SDP answer), the AF may
include the Service-Info-Status AVP set to FINAL_SERVICE_INFORMATION. In this case the PCRF shall authorize
the session and provision the corresponding PCC/QoS rules to the PCEF/BBERF.
The AF may additionally provide preliminary service information not fully negotiated yet (e.g. based on the SDP offer)
at an earlier stage. To do so, the AF shall include the Service-Info-Status AVP with the value set to PRELIMINARY
SERVICE INFORMATION. Upon receipt of such preliminary service information, the PCRF shall perform an early
authorization check of the service information. For GPRS, the PCRF shall not provision PCC rules towards the PCEF
unsolicitedly. However, the PCRF may authorize a PCC/QoS rule request received from the PCEF/BBERF as per 3GPP
TS 29.212 [8].
When the PCRF receives an initial AA-Request from the AF, the PCRF shall perform session binding as described in
3GPP TS 29.213 [9]. To allow the PCRF to identify the IP-CAN session for which this request applies, the AF shall
provide either the Framed-IP-Address or the Framed-IPv6-Prefix containing the routable IP address applicable for the
IP Flows towards the UE. In case of private IP address being used, the AF may also provide PDN information if
available in the Called-Station-ID AVP for session binding
If the PCRF fails in executing session binding, the PCRF responds to the AF with an AA-Answer including the
Experimental-Result-Code AVP set to the value IP-CAN_SESSION_NOT_AVAILABLE. Further details on how the
PCRF identifies suitable IP-CAN sessions can be found in the binding mechanism described in 3GPP TS 29.213 [9].
If the request contains Media-Component-Description Attribute-Value Pair(s) (AVP(s)) the PCRF shall store the
received Service Information. The PCRF shall process the received Service Information according to the operator
policy and may decide whether the request is accepted or not. The PCRF may take the priority information within the
Reservation-Priority AVP into account when making this decision. If the service information provided in the AA-
Request command is rejected (e.g. the subscribed guaranteed bandwidth for a particular user is exceeded), the PCRF
shall indicate in the AA-Answer the cause for the rejection with the Experimental-Result-Code AVP set to the value
REQUESTED_SERVICE_NOT_AUTHORIZED. The PCRF may additionally provide the acceptable bandwidth
within the Acceptable-Service-Info AVP.
To allow the PCRF and PCEF to perform PCC rule authorization and bearer binding for the described service IP flows,
the AF shall supply both source and destination IP addresses and port numbers within the Flow-Description AVP, if
such information is available.
The AF may specify the Reservation-Priority AVP at request level in the AA-Request in order to assign a priority to the
AF Session as well as specify the Reservation-Priority AVP at the media-component-description AVP level to assign a
priority to the IP flow. The presence of the Reservation-Priority in both levels does not constitute a conflict as they each
represent different types of priority. Specifically the Reservation-Priority at the AA-Request level provides the relative
priority for a session while the Reservation-Priority at the media-component-description level provides the relative
priority for an IP flow within a session. If the Reservation-Priority AVP is not specified the requested priority is
The AF may request notifications of specific IP-CAN session events through the usage of the Specific-Action AVP in
the AA-Request command. The PCRF shall make sure to inform the AF of the requested notifications in the event that
they take place.
The PCRF shall check whether the received Service Information requires PCC/QoS Rules to be created and provisioned
and/or authorized QoS to be provisioned. Provisioning of PCC/QoS Rules and Authorized QoS to the PCEF/BBERF
shall be carried out as specified at 3GPP TS 29.212 [8].
The PCRF shall reply with an AA-Answer to the AF. The acknowledgement towards the AF should take place before or
in parallel with any required PCC Rule provisioning towards the PCEF and shall include the Access-Network-
Charging-Identifier(s) and may include the Access-Network-Charging-Address AVP, if they are available. The AA-
Answer message shall also include the IP-CAN-Type AVP, if such information is available. In that case, the AA-
Answer message shall also include the RAT-Type AVP when applicable for the specific IP-CAN Type (e.g. 3GPP IP-
CAN Type). If the PCRF needs to terminate the Rx session before it has sent the AA Answer, the PCRF shall send the
AA Answer immediately and before the AS Request.
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 12 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
The behaviour when the AF does not receive the AA Answer, or when it arrives after the internal timer waiting for it
has expired, or when it arrives with an indication different than DIAMETER_SUCCESS, are outside the scope of this
specification and based on operator policy.
If the AF provides service information that has been fully negotiated (e.g. based on the SDP answer), the AF may
include the Service-Info-Status AVP set to FINAL_SERVICE_INFORMATION. In this case the PCRF shall authorize
the session and provision the corresponding PCC rules to the PCEF.
The AF may additionally provide preliminary service information not fully negotiated yet (e.g. based on the SDP offer)
at an earlier stage. To do so, the AF shall include the Service-Info-Status AVP with the value set to PRELIMINARY
SERVICE INFORMATION. Upon receipt of such preliminary service information, the PCRF shall perform an early
authorization check of the service information. For GPRS, the PCRF shall not provision PCC rules towards the PCEF
unsolicitedly. However, the PCRF may authorize a PCC/QoS rule request received from the PCEF/BBERF as per 3GPP
TS 29.212 [8].
The PCRF shall process the received Service Information according the operator policy and may decide whether the
request is accepted or not. If the updated Service Information is not acceptable (e.g. subscribed guaranteed bandwidth
for a particular user is exceeded), the PCRF shall indicate in the AA-Answer the cause for the rejection with the
Experimental-Result-Code AVP set to the value REQUESTED_SERVICE_NOT_AUTHORIZED. The PCRF may
additionally provide the acceptable bandwidth within the Acceptable-Service-Info AVP.
If accepted, the PCRF shall update the Service Information with the new information received. Due to the updated
Service Information, the PCRF may need to create, modify or delete the related PCC rules and provide the updated
information towards the PCEF following the corresponding procedures specified at 3GPP TS 29.212 [8]. The
procedures to update the Authorized QoS for the affected IP-CAN bearer are also specified at 3GPP TS 29.212 [8].
The PCRF shall reply with an AA-Answer to the AF. The acknowledgement towards the AF should take place before or
in parallel with any required PCC Rule provisioning towards the PCEF and shall include the Access-Network-
Charging-Identifier(s) and may include the Access-Network-Charging-Address AVP, if they are available at this
moment and have not been yet supplied earlier to the AF. The AA-Answer message shall include the IP-CAN-Type
AVP if such information is available and has not yet been supplied earlier to the AF. In that case, the AA-Answer
message shall also include the RAT-Type AVP when applicable for the specific IP-CAN Type (e.g. 3GPP IP-CAN
Type). If the PCRF needs to terminate the Rx session before it has sent the AA Answer, the PCRF shall send the AA
Answer immediately and before the AS Request.
In response to this action the PCRF shall set the appropriate gate status for the corresponding active PCC rule(s).
If a Media-Sub-Component AVP under a Media-Component-Description AVP contains a Flow-Usage AVP with the
value RTCP, then the corresponding RTCP IP Flows in both directions shall be enabled even if the Flow-Status AVP
under the Media-Sub-Component AVP is set to ENABLED-UPLINK, ENABLED-DOWNLINK, ENABLED, or
The PCRF shall reply with an AA-Answer and shall include the Access-Network-Charging-Identifier(s) available at this
moment. The PCRF forwards the AF decision to enable or disable the authorized IP flows.
The behaviour when the AF does not receive the AAA, or when it arrives after the internal timer waiting for it has
expired, or when it arrives with an indication different than DIAMETER_SUCCESS, are outside the scope of this
specification and based on operator policy.
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 13 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
When the PCRF receives a ST-Request from the AF, indicating an AF session termination, it shall acknowledge that
request by sending a ST-Answer to the AF. Afterwards, it shall free the resources allocated for the corresponding
Service Data Flow(s). In order to do that, the PCRF shall initiate the request for the removal of any related PCC/QoS
rules from the PCEF/BBERF and for the update of the Authorized QoS for the affected IP-CAN bearer following the
corresponding procedures specified at 3GPP TS 29.212 [8].
When the PCRF receives an AA-Request as described in the preceding paragraph from the AF, the PCRF shall perform
session binding as described in 3GPP TS 29.213 [9] and acknowledges the AAR command by sending an AA-Answer
command to the AF.
PCC/QoS Rules related to AF Signalling IP Flows should be provisioned to PCEF/BBERF using the corresponding
procedures specified at 3GPP TS 29.212 [8] at an earlier stage (e.g. typically at the establishment of the IP-CAN bearer
dedicated for AF Signalling IP Flows). The PCRF may install the corresponding dynamic PCC/QoS rule for the AF
signalling IP flows if none has been installed before.
The AF may cancel the subscription to notifications of the status of the AF Signalling transmission path at any time. In
that case, the AF shall use a Session-Termination-Request (STR) command to the PCRF, which shall be acknowledged
with a Session-Termination-Answer (STA) command.
When the AF receives the ASR command, it shall acknowledge the command by sending an ASA (abort session
answer) command to the PCRF and indicate the termination of the session by sending an STR (session termination
request) command to the PCRF. The PCRF shall acknowledge the termination of the session by sending an STA
(session termination answer) command to the AF.
Signalling flows for IP-CAN session termination cases are presented in 3GPP TS 29.213 [9].
When not all the service data flows within the AF session are affected, the PCRF shall inform the AF by sending an
RAR (re-authorization request) command. The RAR command shall include the deactivated IP Flows encoded in the
Flows AVP and the cause encoded in the Specific-Action AVP.
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 14 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
When the AF receives the RAR command, it shall acknowledge the command by sending an RAA (re-authorization
answer) command to the PCRF. The AF may also update the session information by sending an AAR (AA-request)
command to the PCRF.
If the PCRF receives the AAR command, it shall acknowledge the command by sending an AAA (AA-answer)
command to the AF.
When all the service data flows within the AF session are affected, the PCRF shall inform the AF by sending an ASR
command on the Rx Diameter session related to the AF session. When the AF receives the ASR command, it shall
acknowledge the command by sending an ASA (abort session answer) command to the PCRF. After that the AF shall
initiate an AF session termination procedure as defined in clause 4.4.4.
Signalling flows for Service Data Flow Deactivation cases are presented in 3GPP TS 29.213 [9].
NOTE: If the IMS signalling specific PCC rules include a QCI corresponding to a non-GBR bearer, the
INDICATION_OF_LOSS_OF_BEARER will not be reported.
When the AF receives the RAR command, it shall acknowledge the command by sending an RAA command to the
The AF may then decide to terminate the Rx Diameter session used for the notification of the status of the AF
Signalling transmission path. The AF may also decide to terminate any other active Rx Diameter session with the PCRF
related to the AF Signalling which is not available any longer. In that case, the AF shall then initiate the AF
Termination procedure towards the PCRF as defined in clause 4.4.4.
5 Rx protocol
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 15 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
The Rx application is defined as an IETF vendor specific Diameter application, where the vendor is 3GPP and the
Application-ID for the Rx application in the present release is 16777236. The vendor identifier assigned by IANA to
3GPP ( is 10415.
NOTE: A route entry can have a different destination based on the application identification AVP of the message.
Therefore, Diameter agents (relay, proxy, redirection, translation agents) must be configured
appropriately to identify the 3GPP Rx application within the Auth-Application-Id AVP in order to create
suitable routeing tables.
Due to the definition of the commands used in Rx protocol, there is no possibility to skip the Auth-Application-Id AVP
and use the Vendor-Specific-Application-Id AVP instead. Therefore the Rx application identification shall be included
in the Auth-Application-Id AVP.
With regard to the Diameter protocol defined over the Rx reference point, the PCRF acts as a Diameter server, in the
sense that it is the network element that handles AF session authorization requests for a particular realm. The AF acts as
the Diameter client, in the sense that is the network element requesting the authorization of resources for an AF session.
After establishing the transport connection, the PCRF and the AF shall advertise the support of the Rx specific
Application by including the value of the application identifier in the Auth-Application-Id AVP and the value of the
3GPP (10415) in the Vendor-Id AVP of the Vendor-Specific-Application-Id AVP contained in the
Capabilities-Exchange-Request and Capabilities-Exchange-Answer commands. The Capabilities-Exchange-Request
and Capabilities-Exchange-Answer commands are specified in the Diameter Base Protocol (RFC 3588 [10]).
The termination of the Diameter user session is specified in RFC 3588 [10] in clauses 8.4 and 8.5. The description of
how to use of these termination procedures in the normal cases is embedded in the procedures description (clause 4.4).
NOTE: Most of these AVPs have already been defined in 3GPP TS 29.209 [5] for Rel-6. Their definition is based
on the one used for Rel-6 with some possible modifications to be applied to the Rel-7 protocols.
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 16 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
This value is used when the bearer has been deactivated as a result from normal signalling handling. For
GPRS the bearer refers to the PDP Context.
This value is used to indicate that the server is overloaded and needs to abort the session.
This value is used when the bearer has been deactivated due to insufficient bearer resources at a transport
gateway (e.g. GGSN for GPRS).
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 17 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
The Access-Network-Charging-Identifier AVP can be sent from the PCRF to the AF. The AF may use this information
for charging correlation with session layer.
AVP Format:
Access-Network-Charging-Identifier ::= < AVP Header: 502 >
{ Access-Network-Charging-Identifier-Value}
*[ Flows ]
For example the AF-Application-Identifier may be used as additional information together with the Media-Type AVP
when the QoS class for the bearer authorization at the Gx interface is selected. The AF-Application-Identifier may be
used also to complete the QoS authorization with application specific default settings in the PCRF if the AF does not
provide full Session-Component-Description information.
The Codec-Data AVP shall contain codec related information known at the AF. This information shall be encoded as
- The first line of the value of the Codec-Data AVP shall consist of either the word "uplink" or the word
"downlink" (in ASCII, without quotes) followed by a new-line character. The semantics of these words are the
- "uplink" indicates that the SDP was received from the UE and sent to the network.
- "downlink" indicates that the SDP was received from the network and sent to the UE.
NOTE: The first line indicates the direction of the source of the SDP used to derive the information. The majority
of the information within the Codec-Data AVP indicating "downlink" describes properties, for instance
receiver capabilities, of the sender of the SDP, the network in this case and is therefore applicable for IP
flows in the uplink direction. Similarly, the majority of the information within the Codec-Data AVP
indicating "uplink" describes properties, for instance receiver capabilities, of the sender of the SDP, the
UE in this case and is therefore applicable for IP flows in the downlink direction.
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 18 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
- The second line of the value of the Codec-Data AVP shall consist of either the word "offer" or the word
"answer", or the word "description" (in ASCII, without quotes) followed by a new-line character. The semantics
of these words are the following:
- "offer" indicates that SDP lines from an SDP offer according to RFC 3264 [18] are being provisioned in the
Codec-Data AVP;
- "answer" indicates that SDP lines from an SDP answer according to RFC 3264 [18] are being provisioned in
the Codec-Data AVP;
- "description" indicates that SDP lines from a SDP session description in a scenario where the offer-answer
mechanism of RFC 3264 [18] is not being applied are being provisioned in the Codec-Data AVP. For
instance, SDP from an RTSP "Describe" reply may be provisioned.
- The rest of the value shall consist of SDP line(s) in ASCII encoding separated by new-line characters, as
specified in IETF RFC 4566 [13]. The first of these line(s) shall be an "m" line. The remaining lines shall be any
available SDP "a" and "b" lines related to that "m" line. However, to avoid duplication of information, the SDP
"a=sendrecv", "a=recvonly ", "a=sendonly", "a=inactive", "b:AS", "b:RS" and "b:RR" lines do not need to be
- Protocol.
- Source and destination port (The Source Port may be omitted to indicate that any source port is allowed. For the
Rx interface, lists or ranges shall not be used.).
If any of these restrictions is not observed by the AF, the server shall send an error response to the AF containing the
Experimental-Result-Code AVP with value FILTER_RESTRICTIONS.
For the Rx interface, the Flow description AVP shall be used to describe a single IP flow.
The direction "in" refers to uplink IP flows, and the direction "out" refers to downlink IP flows.
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 19 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
When reporting an out of credit condition, the Final-Unit-Action AVP indicates the termination action applied to the
impacted flows.
If no Flow-Number AVP(s) are supplied, the Flows AVP refers to all Flows matching the media component number.
AVP Format:
Flows::= < AVP Header: 510 >
This value shall be used to enable associated uplink IP flow(s) and to disable associated downlink IP flow(s).
This value shall be used to enable associated downlink IP flow(s) and to disable associated uplink IP flow(s).
This value shall be used to enable all associated IP flow(s) in both directions.
This value shall be used to disable all associated IP flow(s) in both directions.
This value shall be used to remove all associated IP flow(s). The IP Filters for the associated IP flow(s) shall
be removed. The associated IP flows shall not be taken into account when deriving the authorized QoS.
NOTE: The interpretation of values for the RTCP flows in the Rx interface is described within the procedures in
clause 4.4.3.
This value is used to indicate that no information about the usage of the IP flow is being provided.
RTCP (1)
This value is used to indicate that the IP flow is used to transport AF Signalling Protocols (e.g. SIP/SDP).
NOTE: An AF may choose not to identify RTCP flows, e.g. in order to avoid that RTCP flows are always
enabled by the server.
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 20 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
Within a PCRF initiated Re-Authorization Request, the Specific-Action AVP determines the type of the action.
Within an initial AA request the AF may use the Specific-Action AVP to request specific actions from the server at the
bearer events and to limit the contact to such bearer events where specific action is required. If the Specific-Action AVP
is omitted within the initial AA request, no notification of any of the events defined below is requested.
Void (0)
Within a RAR, this value shall be used when the server reports the access network charging identifier to the AF.
The Access-Network-Charging-Identifier AVP shall be included within the request. In the AAR, this value
indicates that the AF requests the server to provide an access network charging identifier to the AF at each bearer
establishment/modification, when a new access network charging identifier becomes available.
Within a RAR, this value shall be used when the server reports a loss of a bearer (e.g. in the case of GPRS PDP
context bandwidth modification to 0 kbit) to the AF. The SDFs that are deactivated as a consequence of this loss
of bearer shall be provided within the Flows AVP. In the AAR, this value indicates that the AF requests the
server to provide a notification at the loss of a bearer.
Within a RAR, this value shall be used when the server reports a recovery of a bearer (e.g. in the case of GPRS,
PDP context bandwidth modification from 0 kbit to another value) to the AF. The SDFs that are re-activated as a
consequence of the recovery of bearer shall be provided within the Flows AVP. In the AAR, this value indicates
that the AF requests the server to provide a notification at the recovery of a bearer.
Within a RAR, this value shall be used when the server reports the release of a bearer (e.g. PDP context removal
for GPRS) to the AF. The SDFs that are deactivated as a consequence of this release of bearer shall be provided
within the Flows AVP. In the AAR, this value indicates that the AF requests the server to provide a notification
at the removal of a bearer.
Void (5)
This value shall be used in RAR command by the PCRF to indicate a change in the IP-CAN type. When used in
an AAR command, this value indicates that the AF is requesting subscription for IP-CAN change notification.
When used in RAR it indicates that the PCRF generated the request because of an IP-CAN change. IP-CAN-
Type AVP shall be provided in the same request with the new value. The RAT-Type AVP shall also be provided
when applicable for the specific IP-CAN Type (e.g. 3GPP IP-CAN Type).
Within a RAR, this value shall be used when the PCRF reports to the AF that SDFs have run out of credit, and
that the termination action indicated by the corresponding Final-Unit-Action AVP applies (3GPP TS 32.240 [23]
and 3GPP TS 32.299 [24). The SDFs that are impacted as a consequence of the out of credit condition shall be
provided within the Flows AVP. In the AAR, this value indicates that the AF requests the PCRF to provide a
notification of SDFs for which credit is no longer available.
Within a RAR, this value shall be used by the PCRF to indicate that the resources requested for particular service
information have been successfully allocated. The SDFs corresponding to the resources successfully allocated
shall be provided within the Flows AVP.
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 21 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
In the AAR, this value indicates that the AF requests the PCRF to provide a notification when the resources
associated to the corresponding service information have been allocated.
NOTE: This value applies to applications for which the successful resource allocation notification is required
for their operation since subscription to this value impacts the resource allocation signalling overhead
towards the PCEF/BBERF.
Within a RAR, this value shall be used by the PCRF to indicate that the resources requested for a particular
service information cannot be successfully allocated. The SDFs corresponding to the resources that could not be
allocated shall be provided within the Flows AVP.
In the AAR, this value indicates that the AF requests the PCRF to provide a notification when the resources
associated to the corresponding service information cannot be allocated.
NOTE: This value applies to applications for which the unsuccessful resource allocation notification is
required for their operation since subscription to this value impacts the resource allocation signalling
overhead towards the PCEF/BBERF.
Reserved (10)
When provided in an AA-Request, it indicates the maximum requested bandwidth. When provided in an AA-Answer, it
indicates the maximum bandwidth acceptable by PCRF.
When provided in an AA-Request, it indicates the maximum requested bandwidth. When provided in an AA-Answer, it
indicates the maximum bandwidth acceptable by PCRF.
Within one Diameter message, a single IP flow shall not be described by more than one Media-Component-Description
Bandwidth information and Flow-Status information provided within the Media-Component-Description AVP applies
to all those IP flows within the media component, for which no corresponding information is being provided within
Media-Sub-Component AVP(s).
If a Media-Component-Description AVP is not supplied by the AF, or if optional AVP(s) within a Media-Component-
Description AVP are omitted, but corresponding information has been provided in previous Diameter messages, the
previous information for the corresponding IP flow(s) remains valid.
All IP flows within a Media-Component-Description AVP are permanently disabled by supplying a Flow Status AVP
with value "REMOVED". The server may delete corresponding filters and state information.
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 22 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
Reservation-Priority provided within the Media-Component-Description AVP in the request from the AF applies to all
those IP flows within the media component and describes the relative importance of the IP flow as compared to other IP
flows. The PCRF may use this value to implement priority based admission. If the Reservation-Priority AVP is not
specified the IP flow priority is DEFAULT (0).
Each Media-Component-Description AVP shall contain either zero, or one, or two Codec-Data AVPs. In the case of
conflicts, information contained in other AVPs either within this Media-Component-Description AVP, or within the
corresponding Media-Component-Description AVP in a previous message, shall take precedence over information
within the Codec-Data AVP(s). The AF shall provision all the available information in other applicable AVPs in
addition to the information in the Codec-Data AVP, if such other AVPs are specified.
If the SDP offer-answer procedures of IETF RFC 3264 [18] are applicable for the session negotiation between the two
ends taking part in the communication (e.g. for IMS), the following applies:
- The AF shall provision information derived from an SDP answer and shall also provision information derived
from the corresponding SDP offer.
- If the Media-Component-Description AVP contains two Codec-Data AVPs, one of them shall represent an SDP
offer and the other one the corresponding SDP answer.
- If the Media-Component-Description AVP contains one Codec-Data AVP, and this AVP represents an SDP
offer, the AF shall provision the corresponding SDP answer information in a Codec-Data AVP within a
subsequent Rx message.
NOTE: Some SDP parameters for the same codec in the SDP offer and answer are independent of each other and
refer to IP flows in opposite directions, for instance some MIME parameters conveyed within "a=fmtp"
SDP lines and the packetization time within the "a=ptime" line. Other parameters within the SDP answer
take precedence over corresponding parameters within the SDP offer.
If SDP is applied without using the offer-answer procedures, zero or one Codec-Data AVP shall be provisioned.
The PCRF may provide the Media-Component-Description AVP(s) within the Acceptable-Service-Info AVP in the
AA-Answer command if the service information received from the AF is rejected. For this usage, the Media-
Component-Description AVP shall only include the appropriate Media-Component-Number AVP and the Max-
Requested-Bandwidth-UL and/or Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL AVPs indicating the maximum acceptable bandwidth.
AVP format:
Media-Component-Description ::= < AVP Header: 517 >
{ Media-Component-Number } ; Ordinal number of the media comp.
*[ Media-Sub-Component ] ; Set of flows for one flow identifier
[ AF-Application-Identifier ]
[ Media-Type ]
[ Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL ]
[ Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL ]
[ Flow-Status ]
[ Reservation-priority ]
[ RS-Bandwidth ]
[ RR-Bandwidth ]
*[ Codec-Data ]
When this AVP refers to AF signalling, this is indicated by using the value 0 according to the rules in Annex B.
Possible Bandwidth information and Flow-Status information provided within the Media-Sub-Component AVP takes
precedence over information within the encapsulating Media Component Description AVP. If a Media-Sub-
Component- AVP is not supplied, or if optional AVP(s) within a Media-Sub-Component AVP are omitted, but
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 23 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
corresponding information has been provided in previous Diameter messages, the previous information for the
corresponding IP flow(s) remains valid, unless new information is provided within the encapsulating
Media-Component-Description AVP. If Flow-Description AVP(s) are supplied, they replace all previous
Flow-Description AVP(s), even if a new Flow-Description AVP has the opposite direction as the previous
Flow-Description AVP.
All IP flows within a Media-Sub-Component- AVP are permanently disabled by supplying a Flow Status AVP with
value "REMOVED". The server may delete corresponding filters and state information.
AVP format:
Media-Sub-Component ::= < AVP Header: 519 >
{ Flow-Number } ; Ordinal number of the IP flow
0*2[ Flow-Description ] ; UL and/or DL
[ Flow-Status ]
[ Flow-Usage ]
[ Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL ]
[ Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL ]
*[ AVP ]
- AUDIO (0)
- VIDEO (1)
- DATA (2)
- TEXT (5)
This value is used to indicate that the Diameter session relates to a single SIP dialogue.
This is the default value applicable if the AVP is omitted.
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 24 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
This value is used to indicate that the Diameter session relates to several SIP dialogues.
It contains values of the service URN including subservices, as defined in [21] or registered at IANA. The string
"urn:service:" in the beginning of the URN shall be omitted in the AVP and all subsequent text shall be included.
Examples of valid values of the AVP are "sos", "", "sos.police" and "sos.ambulance".
If the acceptable bandwidth applies to one or more media components, only the Media-Component-Description AVP
will be provided. If the acceptable bandwidth applies to the whole AF session, only the Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL
AVP and Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL AVP will be included.
Acceptable-Service-Info::= < AVP Header: 526 >
*[ Media-Component-Description]
[ Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL ]
[ Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL ]
*[ AVP ]
5.3.25 Service-Info-Status-AVP
The Service-Info-Status AVP (AVP code 527) is of type Enumerated, and indicates the status of the service information
that the AF is providing to the PCRF. If the Service-Info-Status AVP is not provided in the AA request, the value
This value is used to indicate that the service has been fully negotiated between the two ends and service
information provided is the result of that negotiation.
This value is used to indicate that the service information that the AF has provided to the PCRF is
preliminary and needs to be further negotiated between the two ends (e.g. for IMS when the service
information is sent based on the SDP offer).
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 25 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
The base functionality for the Rx reference point is the 3GPP Rel-7 standard and a feature is an extension to that
functionality. If the origin host does not support any features beyond the base functionality, the Supported-Features
AVP may be absent from the Rx commands.
As defined in 3GPP TS 29.229 [25], the Supported-Features AVP is of type grouped and contains the Vendor-Id,
Feature-List-ID and Feature-List AVPs. On the Rx reference point, the Supported-Features AVP is used to identify
features that have been defined by 3GPP and hence the Vendor-Id AVP shall contain the vendor ID of 3GPP (10415). If
there are multiple feature lists defined for the Rx reference point, the Feature-List-ID AVP shall differentiate those lists
from one another.
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 26 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
The table below defines the features applicable to the Rx interfaces for the feature list with a Feature-List-ID of 1.
The PCRF rejects new or modified service information the service information provided by the AF is invalid
or insufficient for the server to perform the requested action.
The PCRF rejects new or modified service information because the Flow-Description AVP(s) cannot be
handled by the server because restrictions defined in clause 5.3.7 are not observed.
The PCRF rejects new or modified service information because the requested service, as described by the
service information provided by the AF, is not consistent with either the related subscription information or
operator defined policy rules.
The PCRF rejects a new Rx session setup because the new Rx session relates to an AF session with another
related active Rx session, e.g. if the AF provided the same AF charging identifier for this new Rx session that
is already in use for the other ongoing Rx session.
The PCRF rejects a new Rx session setup when it fails to associate the described service IP flows within the
session information received from the AF to an existing IP-CAN session.
5.6 Rx messages
Existing Diameter command codes from the Diameter base protocol RFC 3588 [10] and the NASREQ Diameter
application (RFC 4005 [12]) are used with the Rx specific AVPs. An Rx specific Auth-Application id is used together
with the command code to identify the Rx messages.
NOTE 1: The notion of NAS (Network Access Server) is not used here, NASREQ is just used for protocol
purposes, not for its functional meaning.
NOTE 2: Some of the AVPs included in the messages formats below are in bold to highlight that these AVPs are
used by this specific protocol and do not belong to the original Diameter Base Protocol RFC 3588 [10].
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 27 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
Message Format:
<AA-Request> ::= < Diameter Header: 265, REQ, PXY >
< Session-Id >
{ Auth-Application-Id }
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
{ Destination-Realm }
[ Destination-Host ]
[ AF-Application-Identifier ]
*[ Media-Component-Description ]
[Service-Info-Status ]
[ AF-Charging-Identifier ]
[ SIP-Forking-Indication ]
*[ Specific-Action ]
*[ Subscription-ID ]
*[ Supported-Features ]
[ Reservation-Priority ]
[ Framed-IP-Address ]
[ Framed-IPv6-Prefix ]
[ Called-Station-ID ]
[ Service-URN ]
[ Origin-State-Id ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ Route-Record ]
*[ AVP ]
Message Format:
<AA-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: 265, PXY >
< Session-Id >
{ Auth-Application-Id }
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
[ Result-Code ]
[ Experimental-Result ]
*[ Access-Network-Charging-Identifier ]
[ Access-Network-Charging-Address ]
[ Acceptable-Service-Info ]
[ IP-CAN-Type ]
[RAT-Type ]
*[ Supported-Features ]
*[ Class ]
[ Error-Message ]
[ Error-Reporting-Host ]
*[ Failed-AVP ]
[ Origin-State-Id ]
*[ Redirect-Host ]
[ Redirect-Host-Usage ]
[ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ AVP ]
Message Format:
<RA-Request> ::= < Diameter Header: 258, REQ, PXY >
< Session-Id >
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 28 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
{ Destination-Realm }
{ Destination-Host }
{ Auth-Application-Id }
{ Specific-Action }
*[ Supported-Features ]
*[ Access-Network-Charging-Identifier ]
[ Access-Network-Charging-Address ]
*[ Flows ]
*[ Subscription-ID ]
[ Abort-Cause ]
[ IP-CAN-Type ]
[RAT-Type ]
[ Origin-State-Id ]
*[ Class ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ Route-Record ]
*[ AVP ]
Message Format:
<RA-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: 258, PXY >
< Session-Id >
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
[ Result-Code ]
[ Experimental-Result ]
*[ Supported-Features ]
*[ Media-Component-Description ]
[ Service-URN ]
[ Origin-State-Id ]
*[ Class ]
[ Error-Message ]
[ Error-Reporting-Host ]
*[ Redirect-Host ]
[ Redirect-Host-Usage ]
[ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ]
*[ Failed-AVP ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ AVP ]
Message Format:
<ST-Request> ::= < Diameter Header: 275, REQ, PXY >
< Session-Id >
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
{ Destination-Realm }
{ Auth-Application-Id }
{ Termination-Cause }
[ Destination-Host ]
*[ Supported-Features ]
*[ Class ]
[ Origin-State-Id ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ Route-Record ]
*[ AVP ]
Message Format:
<ST-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: 275, PXY >
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 29 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
Message Format:
<AS-Request> ::= < Diameter Header: 274, REQ, PXY >
< Session-Id >
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
{ Destination-Realm }
{ Destination-Host }
{ Auth-Application-Id }
{ Abort-Cause }
[ Origin-State-Id ]
*[ Supported-Features ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ Route-Record ]
*[ AVP ]
Message Format:
<AS-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: 274, PXY >
< Session-Id >
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
[ Result-Code ]
*[ Supported-Features ]
[ Origin-State-Id ]
[ Error-Message ]
[ Error-Reporting-Host ]
*[ Failed-AVP ]
*[ Redirected-Host ]
[ Redirected-Host-Usage ]
[ Redirected-Max-Cache-Time ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ AVP ]
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 30 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
Annex A (normative):
IMS Related P-CSCF Procedures over Rx
Additionally, the P-CSCF may send service information to the PCRF when receiving a SIP message that includes an
SDP offer payload for the purpose of performing an early bandwidth authorization check or for enabling pre-
authorization for a UE terminated IMS session establishment or modification with UE initiated resource reservation.
For a UE terminated session the P-CSCF may send the service information derived from the SDP offer when the SDP
offer either does not include any preconditions information or includes preconditions information indicating that the
local preconditions (i.e. the preconditions related to the remote peer) are already met. In this case, the P-CSCF shall
derive the service information only from the SDP offer and shall include the Service-Info-Status AVP with the value set
NOTE: For a UE terminated session setup, when the SDP offer either does not include any preconditions
information or includes preconditions information indicating that the local preconditions (i.e. the
preconditions related to the remote peer) are already met, the terminating UE can request a resource
modification prior to sending the SDP answer. Even if the IP address and port information in the session
information derived from the SDP offer can be insufficient for PCC rule authorization, the policy to
handle such UE initiated requests at the PCRF can take into account the fact that an IMS session
establishment is ongoing, for instance in deciding whether to authorize the request and in selecting an
appropriate charging key and a gating policy.
The P-CSCF shall derive Flow-Description AVP within the service information from the SDP as follows:
- An uplink Flow-Description AVP shall be formed as follows: The destination address shall be taken from the
SDP information received by the P-CSCF in downlink direction, while the source IP address may be formed
from the address present in the SDP received by the P-CSCF in uplink direction (taking into account only the 64
bit prefix of the IPv6 address) Source and destination ports shall be derived according to rules provided in 3GPP
TS 29.213 [9] clause 6.2.
EXAMPLE 1: Assuming UE A sends an SDP to UE B, the PCRF of UE B uses the address present in this SDP
for the destination address of UE B's uplink Flow-Description AVP, while the PCRF of the UE A
uses the 64 bit prefix of the same address for the source address of UE A's uplink
Flow-Description AVP. If the source address is not formed from the 64 bit prefix, the source
address shall be wildcarded.
- A downlink Flow-Description AVP shall be formed as follows: The destination address shall be taken from the
SDP information received by the P-CSCF in uplink direction, while the source IP address may be formed (in
order to reduce the possibilities of bearer misuse) from the destination address in the SDP received by the P-
CSCF in downlink direction (taking into account only the 64 bit prefix of the IPv6 address) Source and
destination ports shall be derived according to rules provided in 3GPP TS 29.213 [9] clause 6.2.
EXAMPLE 2: Assuming UE A sends an SDP to UE B, the PCRF of UE A uses the address present in this SDP
for the destination address of UE A's downlink Flow-Description AVP, while the PCRF of UE B
uses the 64 bit prefix of the same address for the source address of UE B's downlink
Flow-Description AVP. If the source address is not formed from the 64 bit prefix, the source
address shall be wildcarded.
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 31 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
The P-CSCF shall derive the bandwidth information within the service information, from the "b=AS" SDP parameter,
as detailed in 3GPP TS 29.213 [9] clause 6.2. For the possibly associated RTCP IP flows, the P-CSCF shall use the SDP
"b=RR" and "b=RS" parameters, if present, as specified in 3GPP TS 29.213 [9] clause 6.2. The "b=AS", "b=RR" and
"b=RS" parameters in the SDP contain all the overhead coming from the IP-layer and the layers above, e.g. IP, UDP,
RTP and RTCP payload, or IP, UDP and RTCP.
However, if service information is received containing the "b=TIAS" SDP parameter that corresponds to an SDP
answer payload, and if the P-CSCF supports this parameter, the P-CSCF may derive the bandwidth from this parameter
rather than from the "b=AS" SDP parameter, as detailed in 3GPP TS 29.213 [9] clause 6.2.
When available, the P-CSCF shall also indicate to PCRF, as a complement to the Service Information, the IMS
Communication Service Identifier within the AF-Application-Identifier AVP. The P-CSCF shall take the IMS
Communication Service Identifier value from the SIP response for which the corresponding SIP request included the
same IMS Communication Service Identifier value. Otherwise, the P-CSCF may not be able to provide an IMS
Communication Service Identifier value to the PCRF. The format and specific headers where IMS communication
service identifiers are transported within SIP are defined in 3GPP TS 24.229 [17].
The PCRF may decide not to authorize requested service information. The PCRF will indicate it to the P-CSCF by
sending an AA-Answer with Experimental-Result-Code AVP set to the value
REQUESTED_SERVICE_NOT_AUTHORIZED. Upon receiving an AA-Answer with Experimental-Result-Code
AVP set to the value REQUESTED_SERVICE_NOT_AUTHORIZED the P-CSCF shall apply the procedures defined
in 3GPP TS 24.229 [17].
When a 2xx response is received, the P-CSCF shall enable all media IP flows according to the direction attribute within
the last received SDP, as specified in 3GPP TS 29.213 [9] clause 6.2. When a 2xx response is received and the P-CSCF
previously provided modified values of the Flow-Status AVPs in the session information, the P-CSCF shall provide
service information with values of the Flow-Status AVPs corresponding to the last received SDP.
If the P-CSCF receives SDP answers after the completion of the SIP session set-up, i.e. after the 200 OK (INVITE) or
any other 2xx response is received, the P-CSCF shall provide the Flow-Status AVP, based on the last received SDP
answer. The Flow-Status AVP as derived from the SDP according to 3GPP TS 29.213 [9] clause 6.2.
A.3.1 PCC rule provisioning for early media for forked responses
When a SIP session has been originated by a connected UE, the P-CSCF may receive multiple provisional responses
due to forking before the first final answer is received. Multiple early media session may be established during this
The UE and the P-CSCF become aware of the forking only when a subsequent provisional response arrives for a new
early dialogue. After the first early media session is established, for each subsequent provisional response establishing
an additional early media session,, the P-CSCF shall use an AA request within the existing Diameter session containing
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 32 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
the SIP-Forking-Indication AVP with value SEVERAL_DIALOGUES and include the service information derived
from the latest provisional response.
The P-CSCF shall also provision the service information derived from any subsequent SDP offer-answer exchange
within an early dialogue (e.g. in PRACK and OK(PRACK), or UPDATE and OK(UPDATE) ) using an AA request
within the existing Diameter session containing the SIP-Forking-Indication AVP with value SEVERAL_DIALOGUES
and the derived service information.
When receiving an AA request containing the SIP-Forking-Indication AVP with value SEVERAL_DIALOGUES, the
PCRF shall identify the existing authorization information for that AF session. The PCRF shall send additional PCC
Rules or individual service data flow filters to already provided PCC rules as required by the Flow Description AVPs
within the session information to the PCEF. The PCRF shall authorize any additional media components and any
increased QoS requirements for the previously authorized media components, as requested within the service
information. The PCRF shall authorize the maximum bandwidth required by any of the dialogues, but not the sum of
the bandwidths required by all dialogues. Thus, the QoS authorized for a media component is equal to the highest QoS
requested for that media component by any of the forked responses. The PCRF shall open or close the gates for service
flows depending on the flow status that is being provisioned. However, if a flow ID has been enabled in uplink or
downlink direction or bothway within previous service information, it shall remain enabled even if the PCRF receives
service information that disable this flow ID within an AA request containing the SIP-Forking-Indication AVP with
When receiving the first final SIP response, the P-CSCF shall send an AA request without the SIP-Forking-Indication
AVP and include the service information derived from the SDP corresponding to the dialogue of the final response. The
P-CSCF shall provision the full service information including the applicable Flow-Description AVP(s) and Flow-Status
Editor's Note: Additional Procedures are required to prevent that the PCRF is provisioned with service information
about the wrong dialogue if SIP final response messages or their acknowledgments are lost between P-
CSCF and UE, unless the procedures in CT1 specifications are modified in such a way that this error may
no longer occur.
When receiving an AA request with no SIP-Forking-Indication AVP or with a SIP-Forking-Indication AVP with value
SINGLE_DIALOGUE, the PCRF shall update installed PCC Rules information and Authorized-QoS information to
match only the requirements of the service information within this AA request. The PCRF should immediately remove
PCC Rule(s) or individual service data flow filters not matching IP flow(s) in the updated Service Information, to
reduce the risk for initial clipping of the media stream, and to minimize possible misuse of resources. The PCRF shall
also open or close the gates for service flows according to the flow status in the received service information.
The P-CSCF shall cancel the subscription to notification of the status of the AF Signalling transmission path when the
AF Signalling to that particular user is terminated (i.e. when the user is de-REGISTERED from the IM CN subsystem).
When the P-CSCF receives a notification of loss of signalling connectivity from the PCRF, the P-CSCF shall behave as
defined in 3GPP TS 24.229 [17].
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 33 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 34 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
Annex B (normative):
Flow identifiers: Format definition and examples
<The ordinal number of the position of the media component description in the SDI , The ordinal number of the
IP flow(s) within the media component description assigned in the order of increasing downlink port numbers as
detailed below >
where both are numbered starting from 1. The encoding of the flow identifier is as indicated in 3GPP TS 24.008 [12].
If UE and AF share an algorithm for a given application, which guarantees that UE and AF assign the same ordinal
number to each media component, the ordinal numbers of the IP Flows within a media component shall be assigned
according to the following rules:
- All IP flow(s) or bidirectional combinations of two IP flow(s) within the media component, for which a
downlink destination port number is available, shall be assigned ordinal numbers in the order of downlink
destination port numbers.
- All IP flows, where no downlink destination port number is available, shall be assigned the next higher ordinal
numbers in the order of uplink destination port numbers.
The ordinal number of a media component shall not be changed when the session description information is modified.
For SDP, the flow identifier shall be assigned in the following way:
If no SDI with fixed and unique positions for media components is exchanged between UE and AF, the UE and AF may
assign the ordinal numbers of the media components in another application-dependent algorithm which guarantees that
UE and AF assign the same ordinal number to each media component.
If UE and AF do not share an algorithm for a given application, which guarantees that UE and AF assign the same
ordinal number to each media component, the ordinal number of the media component shall be set to zero and the
ordinal number of the IP flows shall be assigned according to the following rules:
1. If ordinal numbers for several IP flows are assigned at the same time, all uplink IP flows shall be assigned lower
ordinal number than all downlink IP flows.
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 35 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
2. If ordinal numbers for several IP flows are assigned at the same time, all uplink and all downlink IP flows shall
separately be assigned ordinal numbers according to increasing internet protocol number assigned by IANA (e.g.
8 for TCP and 17 for UDP)
3. If ordinal numbers for several IP flows are assigned at the same time, for each internet protocol with a port
concept, all uplink and all downlink IP flows of this internet protocol shall separately be assigned ordinal
numbers according to increasing port numbers.
4. If IP flows are removed from an existing session, the previously assigned binding info shall remain unmodified
for the remaining IP flows.
5. If IP flows are added to an existing session, the previously assigned binding info shall remain unmodified and
the new IP flows shall be assigned ordinal numbers following the rules 1. to 3., starting with the first previously
unused ordinal number. The numbers freed in step 4. shall not be reused.
If the IP flows correspond to AF signalling (e.g. SIP signalling IP Flows), both the ordinal number of the media
component and the IP flows shall be set to zero.
B.2 Example 1
An UE, as the offerer, sends a SDP session description, as shown in table B.2.1, to an application server (only relevant
SDP parameters are shown):
Table B.2.1: The values of the SDP parameters sent by the UE in example 1.
o=ecsreid 3262464865 3262464868 IN IP6 2001:0646:00F1:0045:02D0:59FF:FE14:F33A
i=One unidirectional audio media and one unidirectional video media and one bidirectional application
t=3262377600 3262809600
m=video 50230 RTP/AVP 31
c=IN IP6 2001:0646:00F1:0045:02D0:59FF:FE14:F33A
m=audio 50330 RTP/AVP 0
c=IN IP6 2001:0646:00F1:0045:02D0:59FF:FE14:F33A
m=application 50430 udp wb
c=IN IP6 2001:0646:00F1:0045:02D0:59FF:FE14:F33A
and receives the SDP parameters, as shown in table B.2.2, from the application server:
Table B.2.2: The values of the SDP parameters sent by the application server in example 1.
o=ecsreid 3262464865 3262464868 IN IP6 2001:0646:00F1:0045:02D0:59FF:FE14:F33A
i=One unidirectional audio media and one unidirectional video media and one bidirectional application
t=3262377600 3262809600
m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31
c=IN IP6 2001:0646:000A:03A7:02D0:59FF:FE40:2014
m=audio 49170 RTP/AVP 0
c=IN IP6 2001:0646:000A:03A7:02D0:59FF:FE40:2014
m=application 32416 udp wb
c=IN IP6 2001:0646:000A:03A7:0250:DAFF:FE0E:C6F2
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 36 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
From this offer–answer exchange of SDP parameters the UE and the PCRF each creates a list of flow identifiers
comprising the IP flows as shown in table B.2.3:
B.3 Example 2
In the general case, multiple ports may be specified with a "number of ports" qualifier as follows, RFC 2327 [17]:
An UE, as the offerer, sends a SDP session description, as shown in table B.3.1, to an application server (only relevant
SDP parameters are shown):
Table B.3.1: The values of the SDP parameters sent by the UE in example 2.
o=ecsreid 3262464321 3262464325 IN IP6 2001:0646:00F1:0045:02D0:59FF:FE14:F33A
i=One unidirectional audio media consisting of two media IP flows described by one media
t=3262377600 3262809600
m=audio 50330/2 RTP/AVP 0
c=IN IP6 2001:0646:00F1:0045:02D0:59FF:FE14:F33A
and receives the SDP parameters, as shown in table B.3.2, from the application server:
Table B.3.2: The values of the SDP parameters sent by the application server in example 2.
o=ecsreid 3262464321 3262464325 IN IP6 2001:0646:00F1:0045:02D0:59FF:FE14:F33A
i=One unidirectional audio media consisting of two media IP flows described by one media
t=3262377600 3262809600
m=audio 49170/2 RTP/AVP 0
c=IN IP6 2001:0646:000A:03A7:02D0:59FF:FE40:2014
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 37 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
From this offer–answer exchange of SDP parameters the UE and the PCRF each creates a list of flow identifiers
comprising the IP flows as shown in table B.3.3:
At the AF session initiation, the UE and AF agree to set up the following IP flows:
At a later stage in the session, the TCP IP flows are removed and the following IP flows are added:
The following binding info is assigned to the IP flows existing at this stage:
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 38 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
B.5 Example 4
In this example, the SDP 'a=rtcp' attribute defined in IETF RFC 3605 is used.
An UE, as the offerer, sends a SDP session description, as shown in table B.5.1, to an application server (only relevant
SDP parameters are shown):
Table B.5.1: The values of the SDP parameters sent by the UE in example 1.
o=ecsreid 3262464865 3262464868 IN IP6 2001:0646:00F1:0045:02D0:59FF:FE14:F33A
i=One unidirectional video media
t=3262377600 3262809600
m=video 50230 RTP/AVP 31
c=IN IP6 2001:0646:00F1:0045:02D0:59FF:FE14:F33A
a=rtcp: 49320
and receives the SDP parameters, as shown in table B.5.2, from the application server:
Table C.5.2: The values of the SDP parameters sent by the application server in example 1.
o=ecsreid 3262464865 3262464868 IN IP6 2001:0646:00F1:0045:02D0:59FF:FE14:F33A
i=One unidirectional video media
t=3262377600 3262809600
m=video 51372 RTP/AVP 31
c=IN IP6 2001:0646:000A:03A7:02D0:59FF:FE40:2014
From this offer–answer exchange of SDP parameters the UE and the PCRF each creates a list of flow identifiers
comprising the IP flows as shown in table B.5.3:
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 39 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
Annex C (informative):
Limited PCC Deployment
Within a RAR, this value shall be used when the server reports the limited PCC deployment (i.e. dynamically
allocated resources are not applicable) as specified at Annex K in 3GPP TS 23.203 [2] to the AF. In the
AAR, this value indicates that the AF requests the server to provide a notification for the limited PCC
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 40 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
Annex D (informative):
Change history
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 41 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
3GPP TS 29.214 version 8.5.0 Release 8 42 ETSI TS 129 214 V8.5.0 (2009-06)
Document history
V8.1.0 October 2008 Publication