CMA P1 Plan A4 PDF
CMA P1 Plan A4 PDF
CMA P1 Plan A4 PDF
Studying for and passing the CMA Exams is a mission that requires dedication and hard work.
From our experience at HOCK helping thousands of candidates, we know that planning makes this
process much easier. Because the exam is available throughout the year and there is no specific
date by which you need to be prepared, studying can seem endless without a proper plan. We
know it is easy to “put things off until tomorrow.” However, you cannot afford to do that. Under
the guidelines for the exams, you are required to complete the program within 3 years of your
entry into the program. If you do not successfully complete both exam parts within 3 years of
entering the certification program, any passed part will expire. To continue in the program, you
will be required to pay the CMA entrance fee again and retake the expired part.
We believe that you will find studying easier and less time consuming if you have a solid plan that
targets passing the Part 1 Exam within three to four months after you begin studying. Set out
below is a 17-week plan, studying 8 to 10 hours per week. This is simply a guide based on the
expected amount of study time for a person with some financial background who is familiar with
the basic exam concepts. You may be able to complete the preparation in less time, or you may
need more time.
This Study Plan is organized in Study Units. Each Study Unit has a recommended study time of
two or three weeks. In My Studies you will find the PassMap, an interactive step-by-step study
guide that you can use along with the Study Plan to track your progress through the study mate-
As you go through your schedule, you may find yourself getting ahead or somewhat behind due
to changes in your work or personal commitments. Do not be concerned if that occurs. Each
person should study at his or her own pace and feel comfortable with the study process and time
required to prepare for the exams. You can revise your dates and update your PassMap anytime.
While studying, there are sure to be things that are not clear to you and perhaps some that you
find incredibly difficult. HOCK provides teacher support for study materials purchased from us. We
will even do our best to help with questions from other course providers that may not appear in
HOCK study materials. Please feel free to contact us, and we will help you as much as possible.
Also, keep in mind that you do not need to have 100% knowledge of 100% of the exam content
in order to pass. At certain points, you will need to decide whether the extra time spent learning
something is worth the extra knowledge gained. When in doubt about what to do, contact us and
we will guide you.
I wish you great success in your studies and look forward to helping you pass the exams.
Note: We advise students to focus the majority of their study time on reading and learning
the material in the book so they will understand the concepts and be able to answer the
unfamiliar questions they will face on the exam. Candidates who spend all their study time
answering the practice questions learn how to answer those questions, but they may not
have the understanding they need to answer the exam questions, which will be very dif-
ferent from the practice questions. The understanding needed to pass the exam comes
from studying and learning the material in the book. The purpose of the questions is to
practice using the concepts studied in the book to answer questions because that is what
you will need to be able to do to pass the exam. But you first must know the concepts.
Note: If you use ExamSuccess in both formats, your performance is not synced between
the two formats.
After completing the reading and the questions in the book for each assigned topic, answer
the multiple-choice questions on that topic in ExamSuccess.
To request questions from a specific topic or topics, fill in the number of questions you want
to see from one (or more) topics. HOCK recommends when you create a Study Session that
you request the maximum number of questions available, because that ensures you will see
all the questions in the question database for that topic. Scroll down to the “Start Session”
button and click it.
You do not need to answer all of the questions in the Study Session at one sitting. You can
click “Save” to close a session without grading it. Later, clicking on the Section link will re-
open the session so you can work on it some more. You can have only one Study Session per
Section saved and in progress at a time.
Note: If you have a saved session in progress and click on “Study Session,” your saved
session will open automatically. If you want to start a new and different session, you will
need to end the session in progress. You cannot have two different sessions of the same
session in progress at the same time.
As you answer each question in a Study Session, click the “See Answer” button below the
question. You will receive immediate feedback for your answer.
• If you answered the question correctly, you will see a green checkmark next to your
• If you answered the question incorrectly, you will see a red “x” next to your answer.
Regardless of whether you answered the question correctly or incorrectly, you will see answer
explanations for all four answer choices, the correct answer and the three incorrect answers.
Once you have viewed the answers, you cannot change your answer choice.
To close out and grade a Study Session, click the “End Session” button. You will see your
score and a review of all the questions in the Study Session along with answer explanations.
Questions answered incorrectly will be shown first, followed by questions answered correctly.
You can create another Study Session from the same Section and topic after you have ended
your current Study Session.
When you have completed the Study Session and graded it, re-study all questions not an-
swered correctly on the first try by creating a new Study Session from those questions not
answered correctly on the first try, looking up in the book and re-studying the topics missed,
and then answering the incorrectly answered questions again. Keep doing that until you have
scored at least 85% correct and preferably over 90% correct before moving on to the next
Note: When you use the option to select your own mix of questions (the first option),
questions are selected and shown in the following order: 1) unseen questions, 2) questions
not yet answered correctly, and finally 3) questions answered correctly.
The number of questions answered correctly and the total number of questions in the topic
is shown to the right of the topic, for example “12 correct out of 20.”
Therefore, after you have answered all the questions in a given topic (thus you have seen
them all) and have ended the session, you can create a new Study Session from questions
not answered correctly by requesting another Study Session on the same topic consisting
of the number of questions not answered correctly. Using the example of “12 correct out
of 20,” a Study Session created consisting of 8 questions will present you with questions
you have not yet answered correctly.
Make sure you complete all of the questions for each topic before moving on to study the
next topic.
As you complete each full Section (A, B, and so forth), a review in ExamSuccess should be
part of your overall review of the Section. Review Sessions are available for each Section and
for multiple Sections cumulatively.
If you select “Study,” under “Study Settings” use the Section Filter to select the Section and
then the Subsection Filter to select the Subsection. Then select the number of questions using
the slider. The default is the maximum number of questions available. After you select your
answer to each question, scroll down to see whether you answered it correctly and to view
the answer explanation or explanations. To move to the next question, select “Next.” You
can skip questions and you can use the “Summary” button at any time to view links to each
question and get back to answered or unanswered questions. To close out a session at any
time, select “Close.” Until you have answered all the questions and selected “Complete,” the
session will still be open when you return to complete it, and you can go back and add and
change answers by using the “Summary” button. After you have answered all the questions
in the session, select “Summary” and then “Complete” to record your answers. Your score
will be displayed along with the questions and answers.
If you select “Exam,” you will be presented with 100 questions drawn from all of the Sections
and timed for 3 hours. However, you can also choose to answer fewer than 100 questions,
and the timer will be adjusted accordingly. Select “Summary” to complete any unanswered
questions and then “Complete” to close out the exam when you have answered all of the
questions. Your score will be displayed along with a summary of your performance by Section.
Note: If you purchased the HOCK CMA Complete program with the “You Pass or We Pay”
Guarantee, you must use ExamSuccess Online to fulfill the ExamSuccess portion
of the requirements to qualify for the guarantee. These requirements cannot be met
using the mobile App.
Periodic Reviews
In addition to completing each block of questions as you complete each block of reading and
in addition to reviewing at the end of each Section, periodically stop and create a Study
Session in ExamSuccess of around 40 questions drawn from all the topics you have studied
to date. Doing that will keep you fresh on the topics you studied earlier so you do not forget
the material.
HOCK is always improving ExamSuccess by adding new questions and improving answer
explanations to existing questions.
• Updates made to ExamSuccess Online are reflected immediately in the questions you
see online. You do not need to take any action.
• Updates to the HOCK CMA Prep mobile app by Appitur® take place automatically
through the App Store. You do not need to take any action.
Final Review
When you have completed your preparation, take several practice exams in ExamSuccess as
part of your overall review:
• If you are using ExamSuccess Online, use the CMA Part 1 Practice Exam that you will
find at the end of the Section listings on the ExamSuccess Online home page.
• If you are using the HOCK CMA Prep mobile app by Appitur®, choose Exam on the
setup screen.
In both formats, the Exam will consist of 100 multiple-choice questions drawn from the same
question database as the Study Sessions are drawn from, and you will be timed for 180
minutes (3 hours).1 The question topics will be in the same proportion as the actual exam
questions will be. You may create and complete as many Exams as you wish, and the ques-
tions will be different each time, though always selected randomly from the database of
If you are using the HOCK CMA Prep App by Appitur®, you can choose to take a shorter exam with questions
drawn from all the Sections.
If you have the HOCK “You Pass or We Pay” Guarantee, to be eligible you must 1) Watch 95% of the videos, 2)
Answer 90% of the MCQs correctly, and 3) Pass one mock exam with a 70% score (first attempt only) or two whole-
Part review sessions with an 80% score (multiple attempts allowed). You must use ExamSuccess Online for the
question requirements.
essay questions for the Section. Where a video explanation is available, a button titled “Watch
Video Explanation” is above the answer.
Most of the practice essay questions and their answers have been provided by the ICMA. The
ICMA, the Institute of Certified Management Accountants (not the IMA), is the entity that is
responsible for administering the CMA exams and for certifying candidates who fulfill all the
requirements for certification.
The CMA exam does not provide a spreadsheet application for answering essay questions,
and the ICMA has stated that none of the essay questions on the exam will require columnar
work.3 Accordingly, none of the practice essay questions will require the use of a spreadsheet
to answer.
However, if the ICMA does ask an essay question on the exam that requires columnar work such as a financial
statement, do not spend any time formatting your answer. Just get the information down, and do not worry about
whether your columns are straight. You will not have time for formatting.
Other Information
Three additional documents are available for downloading in My Studies. They are:
• Sample Grading, an example of how a former exam question was graded by the
ICMA, is available in the Essay Questions area of the access page. This example was
supplied by the ICMA and will help you to understand what will be expected. HOCK
recommends you download the Sample Grading document and review it be-
fore you attempt answering your first essay question.
• HOCK’s Exam Tips is a document prepared by HOCK that contains some tips for the
multiple-choice portion and the essay portion of the exam and some general strate-
gies for exam day. It is available in the Final Tips area of the access page in My
• Test-Taking Strategies is also available in the Final Tips area of the access page.
This document was supplied by the ICMA and contains some suggestions for how to
approach the exam.
HOCK recommends you download the Test-Taking Strategies and HOCK’s Exam Tips docu-
ments, review them early in your preparation, and make use of them as you prepare.
Note: The exam questions will be presented in random order, not in Section order or
Learning Outcome Statement order.
Note: The information on External Financial Reporting Decisions in your CMA Part 1 text-
book covers the ICMA’s Learning Outcome Statements. However, the coverage of
accounting and external financial reporting is not exhaustive because the CMA exam and
thus these study materials assume a prior knowledge of accounting.
Textbook In A.2. Recognition, Measurement, Valuation, and Disclosure,
Volume 1: read the following topic and answer the questions in the book for:
3) Equity Transactions
Videos/Audios: Watch/listen to:
Common Stock
Preferred Stock
Classification of Shares
Treasury Stock
ExamSuccess: Answer all of the multiple-choice study questions in ExamSuccess
Owners’ Equity
Review of Section A
If you have had particular difficulty with a topic or topics in this Section, begin your review
by completing a multiple-choice question Study Session in ExamSuccess consisting of ques-
tions from just that topic or those topics.
In addition to doing that, you should review specifically all the topics in Section A by answer-
ing at least 25 multiple-choice questions in ExamSuccess from the entire group of Section A,
External Financial Reporting questions or by completing the Review Session available in Ex-
amSuccess Online.4
HOCK recommends that you create a study sheet consisting of the items you will need to
memorize for the exam. You can wait until you are finished studying and do that as part of
your overall review, or you can create it Section by Section as part of your Section reviews.
If you have chosen to create it Section by Section, now is the time to create it for Section A.
Creating the study sheet is in itself a learning experience, and for that reason we do not do
it for you. It will be much more meaningful to you if you make the study sheet yourself and
then review it than it would be to review one that has been made for you.
Note: For candidates who have access to the Videos, final Review Videos are available by
Section to assist with your review. The Final Review Video for Section A is on the access
page in My Studies in a separate location below the individual Section videos.
Remember that if you have the HOCK “You Pass or We Pay” Guarantee, to be eligible to claim your exam re-
registration fee in the event you fail the exam, one of the requirements is that you must answer 90% of the MCQs
correctly. ExamSuccess Online must be used to fulfill this requirement.
Administrative Task: If this is your first exam, be sure to become a member of the IMA
and pay your certification entrance fee. You need to be a member of the IMA and pay the
certification entrance fee before you will be able to register for any exam.
You can become an IMA member anytime, but it would be wise to wait to pay the certifi-
cation entrance fee until you are ready to register for your first exam. The entrance fee is
valid for three years, and if you have not passed both exams within three years of paying
the fee, you will need to pay the fee again. Thus, it is best to wait until the last possible
moment to pay it. (Payment of the entrance fee provides access to a “CMA Support Pack-
age” published by the IMA. However, the same study questions that are in the IMA’s
Support Package are available in your HOCK study materials.)
Before you will be able to schedule your exam appointment, you will need to register with
the ICMA for the exam and receive your authorization number. The IMA processes exam
registrations for the ICMA in the online store on its website at You can
also call the IMA to register. Exam registrations are processed immediately, and an email
containing your authorization number is sent out with the subject “CMA Exam Authoriza-
tion Letter.” More information about how to register for an exam is available on the HOCK
website at
After receiving your authorization email from the ICMA, you can schedule your exam ap-
pointment with the Prometric testing center on its website at
However, wait for about an hour after receiving the authorization email before trying to
schedule your exam appointment with Prometric to allow time for the IMA’s website to
synchronize its information with the Prometric website.
Your exam registration will authorize you to take the exam any time within the two-
month testing window that you select when you register. The testing windows are
January-February, May-June, and September-October.
Depending upon appointment availability at the Prometric testing center you use, you may
need as much as 6 weeks lead time to get your desired exam appointment date. The ICMA
is not responsible if you are not able to schedule an exam appointment within your au-
thorization period.
However, do not register too soon, or you may find yourself appearing for the
exam before you are prepared for it. It is better to wait to register until you are far
enough along in your studies to be able to project when you will be ready to take the
More information on scheduling an exam appointment is available in the ICMA’s CMA Can-
didate Handbook, available through a link on the IMA’s website and also through a link on
HOCK’s website at
Textbook In B.3. Forecasting Techniques, read the following topics and an-
Volume 1: swer the questions in the book for:
Using Regression Analysis in Forecasting
Using Learning Curves in Forecasting
Using Probability Concepts in Forecasting
Videos/Audios: Watch/listen to:
Forecasting and Regression Analysis
Learning Curves
ExamSuccess: Answer all of the multiple-choice study questions in ExamSuccess
Forecasting Techniques – Regression Analysis
Forecasting Techniques – Learning Curves
Forecasting Techniques – Probability
Review of Section B
If you have had particular difficulty with a topic or topics in this Section, begin your review
by completing a multiple-choice question Study Session in ExamSuccess consisting of ques-
tions from just that topic or those topics.
In addition to doing that, you should review specifically all the topics in Section B by answer-
ing at least 25 multiple-choice questions in ExamSuccess from the entire group of Section B,
Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting questions or by completing the Review Session available
in ExamSuccess Online.5
HOCK recommends that you create a study sheet consisting of the items you will need to
memorize for the exam. You can wait until you are finished studying and do that as part of
your overall review, or you can create it Section by Section as part of your Section reviews.
If you have chosen to create it Section by Section, now is the time to add to the sheet the
items you want to memorize for Section B.
Note: For candidates who have access to the Videos, the Final Review Video for Section B
is on the access page in My Studies in a separate location below the individual Section
Remember that if you have the HOCK “You Pass or We Pay” Guarantee, to be eligible to claim your exam re-
registration fee in the event you fail the exam, one of the requirements is that you must answer 90% of the MCQs
correctly. ExamSuccess Online must be used to fulfill this requirement.
Manufacturing Input Variances – More Than One Material Input or One Labor Class
When more than one direct material input or more than one class of labor is used in producing
the product, the price and quantity variances are calculated a little differently and the quan-
tity variance is broken down into two sub-variances: the mix variance and the yield
• The mix variance shows the portion of the quantity variance that was caused by the
actual mix used having been different from the standard mix because more of one
ingredient was used and less of another ingredient was used.
• The yield variance shows the portion of the quantity variance that was caused by the
total actual amount of all ingredients used having been different from the total stand-
ard amount of all ingredients allowed for the actual production.
Textbook In Manufacturing Input Variances, read the following topic and
Volume 1: answer the questions in the book for:
More than One Material Input or One Labor Class
Videos/Audios: Watch/listen to:
Multiple Input Variances
ExamSuccess: Answer all of the multiple-choice study questions in ExamSuccess
Manufacturing Input Variances-Multiple Input Classes
Sales Variances, Variance Analysis for a Service Company, and Market Variances
Sales variances are used to explain the differences between actual and budgeted amounts of
revenue, variable costs, and contribution margin caused by differences between actual sales
results and planned or budgeted sales results. Sales variances are reported on a variance
report that looks like an income statement, and there are several examples in the book.
Sales variances are different from manufacturing input variances because they are related to
units sold, not units produced. The flexible budget variance on a sales variance report is, for
costs of units sold, a combination of the manufacturing input price and quantity variances for
the units sold during the period. These two production cost causes of a flexible budget vari-
ance cannot be separated on a sales variance report, because the planned costs and
quantities of inputs for the units sold are not reported on a sales variance report.
The flexible budget variance and the sales volume variance on a sales variance report are
calculated using the same basic formulas as the price and quantity variances used to evaluate
variances in manufacturing input costs. However, the variances that result do not have the
same meanings as the manufacturing input variances. The differences are:
• For the revenue line, the amounts used for “price” in the formulas for sales variances
are the actual and planned selling prices per unit. For the variable cost line or lines,
the amounts used for “price” in the formulas are the actual and planned variable costs
per unit. Furthermore, as mentioned above, the actual and planned variable costs
per unit incorporate both the price and quantity variances for the manufacturing in-
puts used to produce the goods that were sold.
• The “quantity” amounts in sales variances are actual and planned quantities of units
sold instead of actual and planned quantities of inputs used in production.
A sales variance report can be prepared for a service business, too, and the book has an
example of a variance report for a service business and some interpretation of the variances.
The sales quantity variance for the contribution margin can be broken down into a market
size variance and a market share variance to discover the cause or causes of the variance in
the total quantity sold in terms of market forces. The total level of sales may be different
from expected because (a) the market was bigger or smaller than expected (the market size
variance) or (b) because the company’s share of the market was bigger or smaller than
expected (the market share variance), or both.
Textbook Read the following topics and answer the questions in the book for:
Volume 1:
Sales Variances
Variance Analysis for a Service Company
Market Variances
Videos/Audios: Watch/listen to:
Sales Variances
Service Companies and Market Variances
ExamSuccess: Answer all of the multiple-choice study questions in ExamSuccess
Sales and Market Variances
Textbook Read the following topic and answer the questions in the book for:
Volume 1:
C.2. Responsibility Centers and Reporting Segments
Videos/Audios: Watch/listen to:
Responsibility Centers
Contribution Income Statement
Transfer Pricing
ExamSuccess: Answer all of the multiple-choice study questions in ExamSuccess
Responsibility Centers and Reporting Segments
Review of Section C
If you have had particular difficulty with a topic or topics in this Section, begin your review
by completing a multiple-choice question Study Session in ExamSuccess consisting of ques-
tions from just that topic or those topics.
In addition to doing that, you should review specifically all the topics in Section C by answer-
ing at least 25 multiple-choice questions from the entire group of Section C, Performance
Management questions or by completing the Review Session available in ExamSuccess
HOCK recommends that you create a study sheet consisting of the items you will need to
memorize for the exam. You can wait until you are finished studying and do that as part of
your overall review, or you can create it Section by Section as part of your Section reviews.
If you have chosen to create it Section by Section, now is the time to add to the sheet the
items you want to memorize for Section C.
Note: For candidates who have access to the Videos, the Final Review Video for Section C
is on the access page in My Studies in a separate location below the individual Section
Remember that if you have the HOCK “You Pass or We Pay” Guarantee, to be eligible to claim your exam re-
registration fee in the event you fail the exam, one of the requirements is that you must answer 90% of the MCQs
correctly. ExamSuccess Online must be used to fulfill this requirement.
Measurement Concepts
Textbook Read the following topics and answer the questions in the book for:
Volume 2:
Introduction to Section D – Cost Management
D.1. Measurement Concepts
Videos/Audios: Watch/listen to:
Classification of Costs
Costing Systems
ExamSuccess: Answer all of the multiple-choice study questions in ExamSuccess
Classifications of Costs
Cost Measurement, COGS, and COGM
• If a product can be sold at the splitoff point, its Net Realizable Value at the splitoff
point is its sales price at the splitoff point.
• If a product cannot be sold at the splitoff point, its Estimated Net Realizable Value
is calculated based on the product’s future sales price minus its separable costs, and
that is used as its NRV.
In a single allocation of costs, you may have some products for which you will use sales price
at splitoff as their NRV and some products for which you will use Estimated Net Realizable
Value as their NRV.
Textbook Read the following topic and answer the questions in the book for:
Volume 2:
Joint Products and Byproducts
Videos/Audios: Watch/listen to:
Joint Product Costing
Byproduct Costing
ExamSuccess: Answer all of the multiple-choice study questions in ExamSuccess
Joint Products and Byproducts
Process Costing
Process Costing is a topic that is often troublesome for candidates. To make it a little easier,
the textbook contains a seven-step process to help you complete a full process-costing ques-
In process costing, you need to be able to calculate the equivalent units of production (EUP)
for both materials costs and conversion costs. Even if you can’t do anything else in process
costing, make sure that you can calculate the equivalent units of production, as this will very
likely be tested. You also need to understand the difference between the FIFO and the
weighted average cost flow assumptions for work-in-process. The only difference is in the
treatment of beginning work-in-process inventory (BWIP) and the treatment of the costs in
The concept of spoilage, both normal and abnormal, is also covered. You must be able to
calculate the number of normally spoiled units and the number of abnormally spoiled units
based on the information given. However, if you have trouble with the allocation of costs to
the spoiled units, don’t be too worried because if this is tested, it will probably be only one,
maybe two, questions. In any case, the allocation of costs to the spoiled units is not a heavily
or commonly tested item.
Textbook Read the following topics and answer the questions in the book for:
Volume 2:
D.2. Costing Systems (Introduction)
Process Costing
Videos/Audios: Watch/listen to:
Process Costing
Process Costing Example
Spoilage in Process Costing
ExamSuccess: Answer all of the multiple-choice study questions in ExamSuccess
Process Costing
Activity-Based Costing
Activity-Based Costing (ABC) is an alternative to the traditional method of allocating overhead
to units produced. In the traditional method, the total overhead is allocated on the basis of
a single cost driver that is volume-based such as number of units produced, number of direct
labor hours used, or number of machine hours used. In Activity-Based Costing, total manu-
facturing overhead is classified into multiple cost pools according to type of cost, and each
cost pool is allocated separately to units or jobs using an individual cost driver based on
cause-and-effect criteria for that type of cost.
A numerical ABC question may require you to compare the results of an ABC overhead allo-
cation to the results of a traditional overhead allocation. You will be given instructions about
the cost driver to use under the traditional method, and the ABC method is nothing more
than applying the traditional method three or four times to the same data using different cost
drivers for different cost pools. However, for the ABC part of the question, you may need to
classify the types of costs into cost pools and determine the most appropriate cost driver for
each cost pool from among those given. You will also need to be certain to understand the
idea behind ABC, the related terminology and its benefits.
Textbook In D.3. Overhead Costs, read the following topic and answer the
Volume 2: questions in the book for:
Activity-Based Costing
Videos/Audios: Watch/listen to:
Activity-Based Costing
ExamSuccess: Answer all of the multiple-choice study questions in ExamSuccess
Activity-Based Costing
Review of Section D
If you have had particular difficulty with a topic or topics in this Section, begin your review
by completing a multiple-choice question Study Session in ExamSuccess consisting of ques-
tions from just that topic or those topics.
In addition to doing that, you should review specifically all the topics in Section D by answer-
ing at least 25 multiple-choice questions in ExamSuccess from the entire group of Section D,
Cost Management questions and/or by completing the Review Session available in Exam-
Success Online.7
HOCK recommends that you create a study sheet consisting of the items you will need to
memorize for the exam. You can wait until you are finished studying and do that as part of
your overall review, or you can create it Section by Section as part of your Section reviews.
If you have chosen to create it Section by Section, now is the time to add to the sheet the
items you want to memorize for Section D.
Note: For candidates who have access to the Videos, the Final Review Video for Section D
is on the access page in My Studies in a separate location below the individual Section
Remember that if you have the HOCK “You Pass or We Pay” Guarantee, to be eligible to claim your exam re-
registration fee in the event you fail the exam, one of the requirements is that you must answer 90% of the MCQs
correctly. ExamSuccess Online must be used to fulfill this requirement.
Legislative Initiatives About Internal Control, External Auditors’ Responsibilities and Re-
Textbook Read the following topics and answer the questions in the book for:
Volume 2:
Legislative Initiatives About Internal Control
External Auditors’ Responsibilities and Reports
Videos/Audios: Watch/listen to:
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Sarbanes-Oxley
External Audit Opinions
ExamSuccess: Answer all of the multiple-choice study questions in ExamSuccess
Legislation and External Audit
Review of Section E
If you have had particular difficulty with a topic or topics in this Section, begin your review
by completing a multiple-choice question Study Session in ExamSuccess consisting of ques-
tions from just that topic or those topics.
In addition to doing that, you should review specifically all the topics in Section E by answer-
ing at least 25 multiple-choice questions in ExamSuccess from the entire group of Section E,
Internal Controls questions and/or by completing the Review Session available in Exam-
Success Online.8
HOCK recommends that you create a study sheet consisting of the items you will need to
memorize for the exam. You can wait until you are finished studying and do that as part of
your overall review, or you can create it Section by Section as part of your Section reviews.
If you have chosen to create it Section by Section, now is the time to add to the sheet the
items you want to memorize for Section E.
Note: For candidates who have access to the Videos, the Final Review Video for Section E
is on the access page in My Studies in a separate location below the individual Section
Remember that if you have the HOCK “You Pass or We Pay” Guarantee, to be eligible to claim your exam re-
registration fee in the event you fail the exam, one of the requirements is that you must answer 90% of the MCQs
correctly. ExamSuccess Online must be used to fulfill this requirement.
Review of Section F
If you have had particular difficulty with a topic or topics in this Section, begin your review
by completing a multiple-choice question Study Session in ExamSuccess consisting of ques-
tions from just that topic or those topics.
In addition to doing that, you should review specifically all the topics in Section F by answer-
ing at least 25 multiple-choice questions in ExamSuccess from the entire group of Section F,
Technology and Analytics questions and/or by completing the Review Session available in
ExamSuccess Online.9
HOCK recommends that you create a study sheet consisting of the items you will need to
memorize for the exam. You can wait until you are finished studying and do that as part of
your overall review, or you can create it Section by Section as part of your Section reviews.
If you have chosen to create it Section by Section, now is the time to add to the sheet the
items you want to memorize for Section E.
Remember that if you have the HOCK “You Pass or We Pay” Guarantee, to be eligible to claim your exam re-
registration fee in the event you fail the exam, one of the requirements is that you must answer 90% of the MCQs
correctly. ExamSuccess Online must be used to fulfill this requirement.
Comprehensive Review
If you have chosen to create a study sheet after you have completed all the Sections rather
than as you were going through each one, now is the time to do it. You will want to keep it
handy during the last couple of weeks before your exam so you can review it again and again.
You should also at least skim through the entire material one more time. While doing this,
you won’t want to focus on any individual idea or topic or try to memorize the formulas.
Simply make certain that you are familiar with all of the topics, both large and small, and
refresh your memory as to the key terms and ideas.
After you skim through the materials, you will want to focus on the main topics that are
identified in the Section Overviews in this Study Plan.
If you have the flash cards and have not been using them up to this point, now is a good
time to use them. The flash cards do not cover every detail in the materials, but they do
address the main topics, definitions, and formulas that are most likely to be tested. Use the
flash cards whenever you can, even if it is for only a few minutes. The flash cards are provided
in PowerPoint format, and instructions for using them are provided with the flash cards.
During the final week or two before your exam, create several Part 1 Practice Exams in
ExamSuccess Online10 or Exams in the HOCK CMA Prep mobile app by Appitur®. Each prac-
tice exam will contain 100 multiple-choice questions selected randomly from the entire
question base in approximately the same distribution as the distribution of the questions on
the actual exam and will be timed for 3 hours. You can use these sessions to continue to
refine your time management and look for any weak areas that you need to study. Be sure
to use the questions that you miss as another learning opportunity.
You also have access to two mock exams with new questions in ExamSuccess Online, which
you can take after you have completed your review. Like the real exam, the mock exams
contain 100 multiple-choice questions and 2 essay scenarios, each with several questions,
and you will not get immediate feedback about whether your answer is correct or not. Set
aside 4 hours without interruption to complete each mock exam so you can become accus-
tomed to sitting for 4 hours in one place. When you have completed the mock exams, use
them as another study tool. Look up in your book the topics where missed questions, and
then try answering those questions again.
After you have completed the two mock exams, you can use the Part 1 Practice Exam to
continue reviewing questions from all of the topics in Part 1. Keep in mind that you don’t
need to do this too many times, and eventually the questions will become familiar because
the questions are drawn randomly from the whole question database.
Note: The multiple-choice questions on the real exam will not be organized according to
Section. The questions will be presented on all the topics randomly.
If you have not done so already, refer to the HOCK’s Exam Tips document for some tips you
can use on exam day.
Remember that if you have the HOCK “You Pass or We Pay” Guarantee, to be eligible to claim your exam re-
registration fee in the event you fail the exam, one of the requirements is that you pass one mock exam with a 70%
score (first attempt only) or two whole-Part review sessions with an 80% score (multiple attempts allowed). Exam-
Success Online must be used to fulfill this requirement.