Hadoop Virtualization: Courtney Webster

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Courtney Webster
Hadoop Virtualization

Courtney Webster
Hadoop Virtualization
by Courtney Webster
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Editors: Julie Steele and Jenn Webb Illustrator: Rebecca Demarest

February 2015: First Edition

Revision History for the First Edition:

2015-01-26: First release
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ISBN: 978-1-491-90674-3
Table of Contents

The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Abstract 1
Introduction 2
MapReduce 2
Hadoop 2
Virtualizing Hadoop 4
Another Form of Virtualization: Aggregation 5
Benefits of Hadoop in a Private Cloud 7
Agility and Operational Simplicity with Competitive
Performance 8
Improved Efficiency 10
Flexibility 12
Conclusions 15
Apply the Resources and Best Practices You Already Know 15
Benefits of Virtualizing Hadoop 16

The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop
in a Private Cloud

Hadoop is a popular framework used for nimble, cost-effective anal‐
ysis of unstructured data. The global Hadoop market, valued at $1.5
billion in 2012, is estimated to reach $50 billion by 2020.1 Companies
can now choose to deploy a Hadoop cluster in a physical server envi‐
ronment, a private cloud environment, or in the public cloud. We have
yet to see which deployment model will predominate during this
growth period; however, the security and granular control offered by
private clouds may lead this model to dominate for medium to large
enterprises. When compared to other deployment models, a private
cloud Hadoop cluster offers unique benefits:

• A cluster can be set up in minutes

• It can flexibly use a variety of hardware (DAS, SAN, NAS)
• It is cost effective (lower capital expenses than physical deploy‐
ment and lower operating expenses than public cloud deploy‐
• Streamlined management tools lower the complexity of initial
configuration and maintenance
• High availability and fault tolerance increase uptime

This report reviews the benefits of running Hadoop on a virtualized

or aggregated (container-based) private cloud and provides an over‐
view of best practices to maximize performance.

Today, we are capable of collecting more data (and various forms of
data) than ever before.2 It may be the most valuable intangible asset of
our time. The sheer volume ("big data") and need for flexible, low-
latency analysis can overwhelm traditional management systems like
structured relational databases. As a result, new tools have emerged to
store and mine large collections of unstructured data.

In 2004, Google engineers described a scalable programming model
for processing large, distributed datasets.3 This model, MapReduce,
abstracts computation away from more complicated tasks like data
distribution, failure handling, and parallelization. Developers specify
a processing ("map") function that behaves as an independent, mod‐
ular operation on blocks of local data. The resulting analyses can then
be consolidated (or “reduced”) to provide an aggregate result. This
model of local computation is particularly useful for big data, where
the transfer time required to move the data to a centralized computing
module is limiting.

Doug Cutting and others at Yahoo! combined the computational pow‐
er of MapReduce with a distributed filesystem prototyped by Google
in 2003.4 This evolved into Hadoop—an open source system made of
MapReduce and the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). HDFS
makes several replica copies of the data blocks for resilience against
server failure and is best used on high I/O bandwidth storage devices.
In Hadoop 1.0, two master roles (the JobTracker and the Namenode)
direct MapReduce and HDFS, respectively.
Hadoop was originally built to use local data storage on a dedicated
group of commodity hardware. In a Hadoop cluster, each server is
considered a node. A “master” node stores either the JobTracker of
MapReduce or the Namenode of HDFS (although in a small cluster as
shown in Figure 1, one master node could store both). The remaining
servers ("worker" nodes) store blocks of data and run local computa‐
tion on that data.

2 | The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud

Figure 1. A simplified overview of Hadoop5

The JobTracker directs low-latency, high-bandwidth computational

jobs (TaskTrackers) on local data. The Namenode, the lead storage
directory of HDFS, provides rack awareness: the system’s knowledge
of where files (Data Nodes) are stored among the array of workers. It
does this by mapping HDFS file names to their constituent data blocks,
and then further maps those data blocks to Data Node processes. This
knowledge is responsible for HDFS’s reliability, as it ensures non-
redundant locations of data replicates.

Hadoop 2.0
In the newest version of Hadoop, the JobTracker is no longer solely
reponsible for managing the MapReduce programming framework.
The JobTracker function is distributed, among others, to a new Ha‐
doop component called the Application Master. In order to run tasks,
ApplicationMasters request resources from a central scheduler called
the ResourceManager. This architectural redesign improves scalability
and efficiency, bypassing some of the limitations in Hadoop 1.0. A new
central scheduler, the ResourceManager, acts as its key replacement.
Developers can then construct ApplicationMasters to encapsulate any
knowledge of the programming framework, such as MapReduce. In

The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud | 3

order to run their tasks, ApplicationMasters request resources from
the ResourceManager. This architectural redesign improves scalability
and efficiency, bypassing some of the limitations in Hadoop 1.0.

Virtualizing Hadoop
As physically deployed Hadoop clusters grew in size, developers asked
a familiar question: can we virtualize it?
Like other enterprise (and Java-based) applications, development ef‐
forts moved to virtualization as Hadoop matured. A virtualized private
cloud uses a group of hardware on the same hypervisor (such as
vSphere [by VMware], XenServer [by Citrix], KVM [by Red Hat], or
Hyper-V [by Microsoft]). Instead of individual servers, nodes are vir‐
tual machines (VMs) designated with master or worker roles. Each
VM is allocated specific computing and storage resources from the
physical host, and as a result, one can consolidate their Hadoop cluster
onto far fewer physical servers. There is an up-front cost for virtuali‐
zation licenses and supported or enterprise-level software, but this can
be offset with the cluster’s decreased operating expenses over time.
Virtualizing Hadoop created the infrastructure required to run Ha‐
doop in the cloud, leading major players to offer web-service Hadoop.
The first, Amazon Web Services, began beta testing their Elastic Map‐
Reduce service as early as 2009. Though public cloud deployment is
not the focus of this review, it’s worth noting that it can be useful for
ad hoc or batch processing, especially if your data is already stored in
the cloud. For a stable, live cluster, a company might find that building
its own private cloud is more cost effective. Additionally, regulated
industries may prefer the security of a private hosting facility.
In 2012, VMware released Project Serengeti—an open source man‐
agement and deployment platform on vSphere for private cloud en‐
vironments. Soon thereafter, they released Big Data Extensions (BDE),
the advanced commercial version of Project Serengeti (run on vSphere
Enterprise Edition). Other offerings, like OpenStack’s Project Sahara
on KVM (formerly called Project Savanna), were also released in the
past two years.

4 | The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud

Though these programs run on vendor-specific virtualization plat‐
forms, they support most (if not all) Hadoop distributions (Apache
Hadoop [1.x and 2.x] and commercial distributions like Cloudera,
Hortonworks, MapR, and Pivotal). They can also manage coordinat‐
ing applications (like Hive and Pig) that are typically built on top of a
Hadoop cluster to satisfy analytical needs.

Case Study: Hadoop on a Public Versus Private Cloud

A company providing enterprise business solutions initially turned
to the public cloud for its analytics applications. Ad hoc use of a Ha‐
doop cluster of 200 VMs cost about $40k a month. When their de‐
velopers needed consistent access to Hadoop, the bills would spike by
an additional $20-40k. For $80k, they decided to build their own 225
TB, 30-node virtualized Hadoop cluster. Flash-based SAN and server-
based flash cards were used to enhance performance for 2-3 TB of
very active data. Using Project Serengeti, it took about 10 minutes to
deploy their cluster.

Another Form of Virtualization: Aggregation

Cloud computing without virtualization
Thus far, virtualization refers to using a hypervisor and VMs to isolate
and allocate resources in a private cloud environment. For clarity,
"virtualization" will continue to be used in this context. But building
a private cloud environment isn’t limited to virtualization. Aggrega‐
tion (as a complement to or on top of virtualization) became a useful
alternative for cloud computing (see B in Figure 2), especially as ap‐
plications like Hadoop grew in size.

The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud | 5

Figure 2. Strategies for cloud computing

Virtualization partitions servers into isolated virtual machines, while

aggregation consolidates servers to create a common pool of resources
(like CPU, RAM, and memory) that applications can share. System
containers can run a full OS, like a VM, while others (application con‐
tainers) contain a single process or application. This allows multiple
applications to access the consolidated resources without interfering
with each other. Resources can be dynamically allocated to different
applications as their loads change.
In an initial study by IBM, Linux containers (LXC) and control groups
(cgroups) allowed for isolation and resource control in an aggregated
environment with less overhead than a KVM hypervisor.6 The poten‐
tial overhead advantages should be weighed against some limitations
with LXC, such as the restriction to only run on Linux and that, cur‐
rently, containers offer less performance isolation than VMs.

6 | The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud

If an industry has already invested in virtualization licenses, aggrega‐
tion can be used on a virtualized environment to provide one "super"
VM (see C in Figure 2). Unless otherwise specified, however, the terms
"aggregation" and "containers" here imply use on a bare metal (non-
virtualized) environment.

Cluster managers
Cluster managers and management tools work on the application level
to manage containers and schedule tasks in an aggregated environ‐
ment. Many cluster managers, like Apache Mesos (backed by Meso‐
sphere) and StackIQ, are designed to support analytics (like Hadoop)
alongside other services.

Hadoop on Mesos
Apache Mesos provides a foundational layer for running a variety of
distributed applications by pooling resources. Mesos allows a cluster
to elastically provision resources to multiple applications (including
more than one Hadoop cluster). Mesosphere aims to commercialize
Mesos for Hadoop and other enterprise applications while building
add-on frameworks (like distributed schedulers) along the way. In
2013, they released Elastic Mesos to easily provision a Mesos cluster
on Amazon Web Services, allowing companies to run Hadoop 1.0 on
Mesos in bare-metal, virtualized, and now public cloud environ‐

Benefits of Hadoop in a Private Cloud

In addition to cost-effective setup and operation, private cloud de‐
ployment offers additive value by streamlining maintenance, increas‐
ing hardware utilization, and providing configurational flexibility to
enhance the performance of a cluster.

The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud | 7

Agility and Operational Simplicity with Competitive

Deploy a Scalable, High-Performance Cluster with a

Simplified Management Interface
• Benchmarking tools indicate that the performance of a virtual
cluster is comparable to a physical cluster
• Built-in workflows lower initial configuration complexity and
time to deployment
• Streamlined monitoring consoles provide quick performance
read-outs and easy-to-use management tools
• Nodes can be easily added and removed for facile scaling

Competitive performance
Since a hypervisor demands some amount of computational resour‐
ces, initial concerns about virtual Hadoop focused on performance.
The virtualization layer requires some CPU, memory, and other re‐
sources in order to manage its hosted VMs,7 though the impact is
dependent on the characteristics of the hypervisor used. Over the past
5 to 10 years, however, the performance of VMs have significantly
improved (especially for Java-based applications).
Many independent reports show that when using best practices, a vir‐
tual Hadoop cluster performs competitively to a physical system.8,9
Increasing the number of VMs per host can even lead to enhanced
performance (up to 13%).
Container-based clusters (like Linux VServer, OpenVZ, and LXC) can
also provide near-native performance on Hadoop benchmarking tests
like WordCount and TeraSuite.10
With such results, performance concerns are generally outweighed by
the numerous other benefits provided by a private-cloud deployment.

Rapid deployment
To deploy a cluster, Hadoop administrators must navigate a compli‐
cated setup and configuration procedure. Clusters can be composed

8 | The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud

of tens to hundreds of nodes—in a physical deployment, each node
must be individually configured.
With a virtualized cluster, an administrator can speed up initial con‐
figuration by cloning worker VM nodes. VMs can be easily copied to
expand the size of the cluster, and problematic nodes can be removed
and then restored from backup images. Some virtualized Hadoop of‐
ferings, like BDE, can entirely automate installation and network con‐
Using containers instead of VMs offers deployment advantages as well,
as it takes hours to provision bare metal, minutes to provision VMs,
but just seconds to provision containers. Like BDE, cluster managers
can also automate installation and configuration (including network‐
ing software, OS software, and hardware parameters, among others).

Improved management and monitoring

A Hadoop cluster must be carefully monitored to meet the demands
of 24/7 accessibility, and a variety of management tools exist to help
watch the cluster. Some come with your Hadoop distribution (like
Cloudera Manager and Pivotal’s Command Center), while others are
open source (like Apache Ambari) or commercial (like Zettaset Or‐
chestrator). Virtualization-aware customers are already using hyper‐
visor management interfaces (like vCenter or XenCenter) to simplify
resource and lifecycle management, and a virtualized Hadoop cluster
integrates as just another monitored workload.
These simplified provisioning and management tools enable Hadoop-
as-a-service. Some platforms allow an administrator to hand off pre-
configured templates, leaving users to customize the environment to
suit their individual needs. More sophisticated cloud management
tools automate the deployment and management of Hadoop, so com‐
panies can offer Hadoop clusters without users managing any config‐
urational details.

Modifying a physical cluster—removing or adding physical nodes—
requires a reshuffling of the data within the entire system. Load bal‐
ancing (ensuring that all worker nodes store approximately the same
amount of data) is one of the most important tasks when scaling and
maintaining a cluster. Some hypervisors, like vSphere Enterprise Ed‐

The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud | 9

ition, include distributed resource schedulers that can perform auto‐
matic load balancing.
To scale an aggregated system, cluster managers just need to be in‐
stalled on new nodes. When the cluster scheduler is made aware of the
new node, it will automatically absorb the offered resources and begin
scheduling tasks on it.

Improved Efficiency

Create a Robust, High-Utilization Cluster

• Rather than monopolizing dedicated hardware, a private cloud
cluster allows for mixed workflows for higher utilization.
• High availability and fault tolerance increase the uptime of a
cluster during unanticipated outages and failures or routine

Higher resource utilization

A physical deployment model monopolizes its dedicated hardware.
Physical Hadoop clusters are often over-engineered—they are built to
handle an estimated peak capacity, but left underutilized the rest of
the time. Any complementary application (like a NoSQL or SQL da‐
tabase) requires its own dedicated hardware as well.
In a virtual deployment, resources like CPU and RAM are partitioned
for the Hadoop cluster, freeing up resting resources for other tasks.
Co-locating VMs running Hadoop roles (like MapReduce jobs) with
VMs running other workloads (such as Hive queries on HBase) can
balance the use of a system.5 Multiple workloads can be run concur‐
rently on the same hardware with a minimal effect on results (less than
a 10% difference when compared to utilizing separate, independent
workloads on a standalone cluster).11
An aggregated cloud also offers higher utilization. Though isolated
from one another, all applications access the same pool of resources.
The system can elastically scale resources for each application. Theo‐
retically, a high-load application could use the entirety of aggregated
resources (like CPU, RAM, and memory) until loads on other appli‐
cations increase.

10 | The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud

Minimizing downtime with high availability and fault tolerance
High availability (HA) protects a cluster during planned and unplan‐
ned downtime. Failovers can be deliberately triggered for maintenance
or are automatically triggered in the event of failures or unresponsive
Virtualized HA solutions monitor hosts and VMs to detect hardware
and guest operating system (OS) failures. If a server outage or failed
network connection is detected, VMs from the failed host are restarted
on new hosts without manual intervention (see Figure 3).12 In the case
of an OS failure, VMs are automatically restarted. In aggregated en‐
vironments, failed workloads automatically failover to a new node
with available resources.
HA in a Hadoop cluster can protect against the single-point failure of
a master node (the Namenode or JobTracker). If desired, the entire
cluster (master nodes and worker nodes) can be uniformly managed
and configured for HA.12

Figure 3. High availability monitoring12

In a virtualized environment, fault tolerance (FT) provides continuous

availability by creating a live, up-to-date shadow (a secondary in‐
stance) of a VM. Though an FT system is not able to detect if the
application fails or a guest OS hangs,13 it triggers a failover procedure
to the secondary VM if a VM stops due to a hardware outage or loss
of network connectivity. This helps prevent data loss and decreases

The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud | 11

downtime. Combining HA and FT can create maximum availability
for a virtualized Hadoop cluster.


Utilize Options for Flexible Configuration

• A cluster can be built using DAS, SAN/NAS, or a hybrid combi‐
nation of storage.
• Configurational options create elastic scalability to address fluc‐
tuating demands.

Hardware flexibility
By using commodity hardware and built-in failure protection, Ha‐
doop was designed for flexibility. Virtualization takes this a step fur‐
ther by abstracting away from hardware completely. A private cloud
can use direct attached storage (DAS), a storage attached network
(SAN), or a network attached storage (NAS). SAN/NAS storage can
be more costly but offers enhanced scalability, performance, and data
isolation. If a company has already invested in non-local storage, their
Hadoop cluster can strategically employ both direct- and network-
attached devices. The storage or VMDK files for the Namenode and
JobTracker can be placed on SAN for maximum reliability (as they are
memory- but not storage-intensive) while worker nodes store their
data on DAS.5 The temporary data generated during MapReduce can
be stored wherever I/O bandwidth is maximized.

Case Study: Hadoop on NAS

A major shipping company uses a virtualized Hadoop cluster to per‐
form web log analysis (detecting mobile devices accessing the web‐
site), ZIP code analysis (which ZIP codes are the highest source or
destination for shipments), and shipment analysis (to determine pat‐
terns that may delay a package). Their cluster is hosted on EMC Isilon
NAS storage. From their perspective, Isilon helps drive down the total
cost of ownership by eliminating the "triple replicate penalty" with
data storage. Additionally, they’ve found that a fast enough network

12 | The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud

can perform competitively to DAS (equalizing the playing field in
terms of data locality).

Configurational flexibility
As previously described, organizing computation tasks to run on
blocks of local data (data locality) is the key to Hadoop’s performance.
In a physical deployment, this necessitates that worker nodes host data
and compute roles in a fixed 1:1 ratio (a "combined" model). For this
model to be mimicked in a virtual cluster, each hypervisor server
would host one or more VMs that contained data and compute pro‐
cesses (see A in Figure 4). These configurations are valid, but difficult
to scale under practical circumstances. Since each VM stores data, the
ease of adding or removing nodes (simply copying from a template or
using live migrate capabilities) would be offset by the need to rebalance
the cluster.
If instead, compute and data roles on the same hypervisor server were
in separate VMs (see B in Figure 4), compute operations could be
scaled according to demand without redistributing any data.14 Like‐
wise in an aggregated cloud, Apache Mesos only spins up TaskTracker
nodes as a job runs. When the task is complete, the TaskTrackers are
killed, and their capacity is placed back in the consolidated pool of
This "separated" model is fairly intuitive (since the TaskTracker con‐
trols MapReduce and the Namenode controls the data storage) and
the flexibility of virtualized or aggregated clusters makes it relatively
simple to configure.
In addition to creating this elastic system (where compute processes
can be easily cloned or launched to increase throughput), the separated
model also allows you to build a multi-tenant system where multiple,
isolated compute clusters can operate on the same data. The same
cloud could host a production Hadoop cluster as well as a development
and QA environment.

The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud | 13

Figure 4. Configurational flexibility with compute and data processes
(C: compute; D: data). Figure modified from VMware’s "Deploying
Virtualized Hadoop Systems with VMware vSphere Big Data Exten‐
sions (BDE)."5

Virtual rack awareness

Using the separated model does carry an added complication. If com‐
pute processes can scale on demand, the cluster’s topology is dynamic
(compared to the fixed structure of a physical deployment).
In a virtualized cluster, a compute and data node on the same hyper‐
visor server communicate over a virtual network in memory (without
suffering physical network latencies). It is important that the system
maintain virtual "rack awareness” to preserve the performance ad‐
vantage of data locality. To accommodate this need, VMware contrib‐
uted a tool called Hadoop Virtualization Extensions (HVE) to Ha‐
doop.15 HVE accounts for the virtualization layer by grouping all VMs
on the same host in a new domain. For best performance, the cluster
can use this domain to direct computation to perform on the same
hypervisor server hosting the data. It can also intelligently place data
replicates on separate hosts to provide maximum protection in the
event of a hardware failure.

14 | The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud

Separately scaled data and compute processes presents a similar chal‐
lenge in an aggregated environment. If an application can request tasks
and be offered resources throughout the entire cloud, how does it
know which nodes store the data required? Adding constraints allows
an application to reject resource offers that don’t meet its require‐
ments.16 A technique called "delay scheduling," in which an application
can wait if it cannot launch a local task, can result in nearly optimal
data locality.17

Apply the Resources and Best Practices You
Already Know
If planning your first cluster or a deployment overhaul, it is important
to consider the following:

• Current data storage

• Estimated data growth
• The amount of temporary data that will be stored during Map‐
Reduce processing
• Throughput and bandwidth needs
• Performance needs
• The resources (hardware and software) you have available to ded‐
icate to the cluster
• The resources (hardware and software) you’d need to purchase to
dedicate to the cluster

It would be difficult to specify an ideal architecture for every Hadoop

cluster, as analytical demands and resource needs vary widely. But
planning a private cloud cluster doesn’t necessitate a large learning
curve either.
Many companies can utilize resources (e.g., virtualization licenses,
cluster managers, DAS, or SAN/NAS storage) they already have. Ad‐
ditionally, many of the best practices an IT department already puts
in place (like avoiding VM contention and optimizing I/O bandwidth)
translate well to configuring a high-performance Hadoop cluster.

The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud | 15

Benefits of Virtualizing Hadoop
Whether Hadoop is deployed in a physical system or in a private or
public cloud, the goals of a well-established infrastructure are the
same. In any implementation, Hadoop should provide:

• Cost-effective and high-performance data analysis

• Failure-tolerant data storage
• Scalable capability for future growth
• Minimal downtime

For Hadoop administrators and users, a private cloud offers unique

benefits with comparable (even improved) performance. Rapid de‐
ployment and built-in workflows ease initial configuration complex‐
ity, to the point where developers can use built-in tools to configure
their own test environments without involving IT. Management tools
make it easier to monitor and analyze performance, and features like
high availability and fault tolerance decrease downtime.
The need for low-latency data management systems will grow in com‐
ing years, and enterprise applications continue to move from physical
systems into cloud computing infrastructures. Using a private cloud
can create a scalable, streamlined Hadoop cluster built to accommo‐
date data science’s evolving landscape.

16 | The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud

1. "Global Hadoop Market (Hardware, Software, Services, HaaS, End
User Application and Geography) - Industry Growth, Size, Share, In‐
sights, Analysis, Research, Report, Opportunities, Trends and Fore‐
casts Through 2020"
2. "Big Data: The Next Big Thing." Nasscom, New Delhi, 2012.
3. "MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters"
4. Hadoop: The Definitive Guide
5. VMware, Inc. “Deploying Virtualized Hadoop Systems with
VMware vSphere Big Data Extensions.” 2014.
6. Felter, W., A. Ferreira, R. Rajamony, and J. Rubio. "An Updated Per‐
formance Comparison of Virtual Machines and Linux Containers."
IBM Research Report, 2014.
7. Microsoft IT Big Data Program. “Performance of Hadoop in Hyper-
V.” MSIT SES Enterprise Data Architect Team, 2013.
8. Buell, J. “A Benchmarking Case Study of Virtualized Hadoop Per‐
formance on VMware vSphere 5.”
9. Buell, J. “Virtualized Hadoop Performance with VMware vSphere
5.1.” VMware, Inc., 2013.
10. Xavier, M.G., M.V. Neves, and A.F. De Rose. “Performance Com‐
parison of Container-based Virtualization MapReduce Clusters.”
IEEE, 2014.
11. Intel, VMware, and Dell. “Scaling the Deployment of Multiple Ha‐
doop Workloads on a Virtualized Infrastructure.” 2013.
12. Hortonworks and VMware. “Apache Hadoop 1.0 High Availability
Solution on VMware vSphere.” 2011.
13. Buell, J. “Protecting Hadoop with VMware vSphere 5 Fault Toler‐
ance.” VMware, Inc., 2012.
14. Magdon-Ismail, T., et al. “Toward an Elastic Elephant – Enabling
Hadoop for the Cloud.” VMware Technical Journal 2, no. 2 (December
2013): 56-64.

The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud | 17

15. VMware, Inc. “Hadoop Virtualization Extensions on VMware
vSphere 5.”
16. B. Hindman et. al. “Mesos: A Platform for Fine-Grained Resource
Sharing in the Data Center.” UC Berkeley, 2010.
17. M. Zaharia et al. “Delay Scheduling: A Simple Technique for Ach‐
ieving Locality and Fairness in Cluster Scheduling.” Proceedings of the
5th European Conference on Computer Systems, 2010.

18 | The Benefits of Deploying Hadoop in a Private Cloud

About the Author
Courtney Webster is a freelance writer with professional experience
in laboratory automation, automated data analysis, and the applica‐
tion of mobile technology to clinical research. You can follow her on
Twitter @automorphyc and find her blog at http://automorphyc.com.

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