Memorandum For Revision
Memorandum For Revision
Memorandum For Revision
Mukesh Kumar, S/o. Rahul Kumar aged 24 years, R/O House No. 17,
Ravi Bhandari, S/o. Prakash Bhandari, aged 29 years, R/O House No. 157,
The honorable Chief Justice and other respected judges of High Court and his
Companion Justice of High Court.
The revision application of the petitioner against order dated 12th March 2020 in suit
no. 822 of 2017 decided by the court of District Judge at Jabalpur between X and Y
in which the petitioner was plaintiff is preferred on the following grounds or Revision
under the statement of the case in brief as follows:
1. The opposite party had instituted a suit bearing no. 822 of 2017 in the Court of
Civil Judge, Senior Division, Jabalpur. The court decreed the said suit of the
opposite party on March 12, 2020 and ordered applicant to pay the amount of
decree to the opposite party.
2. The applicant being aggrieved by the said decree and judgment prefers that this
application on the following among other grounds:
(a) That the decree and judgment passed by the learned judge is illegal and
(b) That the learned judge has erred in law by passing the said decree on a sale-
deed which was not properly registered.
(c) That the learned Judge erred in law by not appreciating the petitioner’s
application for leave to produce a material document.
It is, therefore, most respectfully prays that this honourable court may be
pleased to allow the revision petition setting aside the imputed order dated 12th
March 2020 in Suit no 822 of 2017 decided in the court of Civil Judge, Senior
Any other order which may be deemed fit in the interest of justice may be
passed in favour of the petitioner.
Mukesh Kumar, S/o. Rahul Kumar aged 24 years, R/O House No. 17,
Ravi Bhandari, S/o. Prakash Bhandari, aged 29 years, R/O House No. 157,
I, Mukesh Kumar S/o. Rahul Kumar aged 24 years, R/O House No. 17,
Malviya Chowk, Jabalpur hereby solemnly declare and affirm on oath as
1. That I am the applicant against the decree passed in above-mentioned suit dated
12 March 2020.
2. That I being aggrieved by the said decree and judgment prefers this application
on the above specified grounds.
I, Mukesh Kumar, the above named deponent do hereby declare that the contents of
Paragraph 1 and 2 are correct to my knowledge and belief. Nothing has been
concealed therein.