Class Vi Science: Chapter 1

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Exercise 1:- Objective type---

1. Which one is a stem? – Ginger

2. Which one is not a stem? – Beet
3. Which one is a pulse? – Soya
4. Which one is not a pulse? – Pea
5. Which one is not edible oil? – Coconut oil
6. Which one is a fungus? – Mushroom
7. Which one is an animal product? - Milk
8. Which one is a Herbivore? – Rabbit
9. Which one is a Carnivore? – Frog
10. Which one is an Omnivore? – Parrot

Match the columns-----

1. Fish - pisciculture
2. Birds - Poultry
3. Honey bee - Apiculture

One Word answers: -----

1. Animals that eat only plants - Herbivores

2. Animals that eat other animals - Carnivores
3. Animals that eat both plants and animals - Omnivores
4. Edible flesh from animals - Sheep and Goat
5. Rearing of Fish - Pisciculture
6. Rearing of birds for food - Poultry
7. Rearing of honeybees - Apiculture
8. Animals that eat dead animals and help in keeping the surroundings clean
- Scavengers

Complete the following Statements: -

1. Bee sucks nectar from the flowers. Bee is an insect.

2. Cat eats birds, rats, and laps milk still cat is a carnivore.
3. Pigeon eats grains. Pigeon is a herbivore
4. Lizard and frog eat only insects. Lizard and Frog are carnivores
5. Fish eat small water plants and water animals. Fish is omnivore.
6. Dog eats plants as well as animal flesh. Dog is an omnivore.
7. Rat eats grains, oily food and gnaws wood paper, cloth and even plastic.
Rat is omnivore.

Mark the correct one in the following: ----

1. Carrot - Root
2. Potato - Stem
3. Spinach - Leaves
4. Cauliflower – Flower
5. Tomato - Fruit
6. Peanut - Seed
7. Onion - Root

Encircle the odd one, also give the reason for doing so----

1. Rabbit, snake, goat, and sheep

Snake is a carnivore, others are herbivores.
2. Pea, rice, maize, wheat
Pea is a vegetable, others are cereals.
3. Carrot, radish, potato, turnip
Potato is a stem, others are roots
4. Potato, egg, tomato, beet
Egg is an animal product, others are plant products.
5. Cauliflower, onion, cabbage, spinach
Cauliflower is a flower, others are leaves.
6. Lion, lizard, rabbit, snake
Rabbit is herbivore, others are carnivores.
7. Man, ants, parrot, dog
Parrot is herbivore, others are omnivores.
8. Cow, zebra, elephant, eagle
Eagle is carnivore, others are herbivores.
9. Goat, spider, frog, rat.
Goat is herbivore, others are carnivores.
10. Fenugreek, spinach, apple, cauliflower.
Apple is a fruit, others are leaves.

Short answer type questions: -------------

1. What are the two main sources of food?

The two main sources of food are – Plants and Animals

2. Name two plants which yield edible oil and non edible oil
The two plants which yield edible oil are - Mustard plant, Groundnut plant
and the two plants which yield non edible oil are – Castor plants and
linseed plant.

3. What are sprouts?

When the seed begin to grow or germinate by developing tiny roots, they
are called Sprouts.

4. Name two plants which are big sources of sugar.

The two plants which are big sources of sugar are—Sugarcane and Sugar

5. Name the food/s that comes from goat, hen, bee, beetroot
The food/s that comes from below mentioned animals are –
a) Goat – Milk, Mutton
b) Hen – Egg, meat
c) Bee – Honey
d) Beetroot - Essential nutrients

6. Name two non green fungus plants which are source of food.
The two non green fungus plants which are source of food are –
Mushrooms and Morchella.

Long answer type questions:--

1. In what way food serves our body?

All living organisms need food. It is essential for both plants and animals.
We cannot live without food for more than a few days. Food serves our
body in the following ways: -
a) It provides energy to do work and other activities.
b) It helps in the growth of our body.
c) It helps in healing injuries and protects our body from diseases.
d) It keeps our body warm.
e) It helps us to repair muscles and build DNA.

2. Animals are a source of food but not the producers of food. Explain?
Animals are a source of food but not the producers of food because animals
cannot make their own food so they must eat plants and or other animals
to feed themselves that is why they are called consumers not producers.
3. What are food producers and consumers?
Food Producers: - All the green plants can make their own food so they are
called food producers.
Food Consumers: - All the animals (including human beings) can only
consume food made by others, so they are called food consumers.

4. How are sprouts prepared?

To prepare sprouts follow the below mention steps: -
a) Take about 50 gm seed of moong and put them into vessel containing
water and keep them overnight.
b) Next day remove the seed from water and wrap them in a piece of wet
cloth and again keep them aside for one day.
c) Water should be sprinkled on the cloth from time to time to keep it wet.
d) Next day when we open the cloth we will find that tiny white structures
have grown out of the seeds. Thus we say that the seeds have sprouted
or the sprouts have been formed.

5. Which animals are nature’s scavengers? How do they help in keeping the
environment clean?
Vultures, Crows, Sparrows etc are nature’s scavengers. They consume all
dead and decaying food from the surroundings and help in keeping the
surrounding clean.

6. Milk is a complete food? If not, what are its deficiencies?

Milk is a complete food because it is rich in proteins and calcium but if it is
not then it is deficient only in fibers and Vitamin C.

Thinking Skills: ----

1. Carrots are orange not red and they are this color because they do not
absorb the color red from the light. Spinach is green due to chlorophyll
pigment present in the chloroplast of the leaf tissue.

2. Honey is created from flower nectar. This nectar is then carried back to the

hive and given to the housekeeping bees. These bees inside the hive
deposit the nectar into the honeycomb. The combination of stomach
enzymes and fanning over it to evaporate the excess water that is in
the nectar.
3. Organisms which make food for themselves and for others should have
chlorophyll because Chlorophyll gives plants their green color because it
does not absorb the green wavelengths of white light and so it appears

4. A fruit which is seedless is Banana, Grape,

A fruit which bears a single seed is Mango, Litchi, and Plum
A fruit which bears many seeds is Apple, Guava, pomegranate, Guava,
Custard apple, raspberry.

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