Record Deals Guide
Record Deals Guide
Record Deals Guide
For the last two years the Music Managers Forum has been
educating the artist and management community about
the inner workings of the streaming business through the
‘Dissecting The Digital Dollar’ project.
For the last two years the Music Managers Forum has been
This included the series of ‘Digital Dollar’ roundtables
educating the artist and management community about
involving artists, songwriters, labels, publishers, lawyers,
the inner workings of the streaming business through the
‘Dissecting Theand lots Dollar’
Digital of artist managers.
One of the outcomes
This included the seriesof
‘Digitaldiscussions was theinvolving
Dollar’ roundtables
consensus that artists
artists, songwriters, andpublishers,
labels, managerslawyers,
to be better
informed about the
lots of artist managers. various different kinds of label and
distribution deals that are now available in the streaming
age, of
andthetooutcomes of these
have a fuller discussions was
understanding thepros
of the consensus
that artists and managers needed
cons of each different approach. to be better informed about
the various different kinds of label and distribution deals
that are
That waynow availablewill
managers in streaming
be betterage,
ableand to havetheir
to advise a fuller
on what dealsof thesuit
best prostheir
and cons of eachAnd,
objectives. different approach.
by having
more options on the table, managers should be able to
That way managers would be better able to advise their artists
achieve better terms with key partners.
This Deals Guide seeks to do just that by identifying,
assessing and explaining ten key deal types.
The music business is made up of as well as helping artists create
companies and individuals who and distribute recordings, they also
work with artists to help them unlock provide investment and marketing
revenue around their music, their which can help the artist build their
performance and their fanbase. fanbase and therefore their wider
Most music companies specialise in business.
a specific revenue stream, meaning
an artist will have multiple business Over the last ten years the artist/label
partners at any one time. relationship has started to evolve,
partly as a result of changes in the
A key job of the artist manager – as economics of recorded music, partly
the one business partner involved in as a result of the emergence of digital
all aspects of an artist’s career – is to distribution and marketing channels,
help their clients identify and select and partly as a result of the expanded
the other business partners and to role of the artist manager.
then negotiate specific deals with
each of them. And to then manage Record labels – or companies that
the relationship between the artist provide the services of a record
and each business partner on a day- label (which may call themselves
to-day basis. labels, distributors or label services
companies) – remain key business
The record company – or record partners, especially for new talent,
label – is the business partner that but the nature of the partnership has
works with the artist on creating and changed. This guide looks at the
exploiting their recorded music. The different ways artists and labels work
label has always been seen as a together, the kinds of deals available
key business partner for the artist – to artists today, and the pros and
especially with new talent – because cons of different artist/label models.
Cash Advance
Recording Costs
Artist Development
Product Development
4 Digital Distribution
Physical Manufacture
Physical Distribution
Consumer Marketing
B2B Marketing
Social & Digital
likely include press and promotions activity if it believes this will lead to
work, social media and email activity, extra coverage which, in turn, further
and possibly advertising, events and promotes the new record.
publicity stunts. For the label, the
priority is generating sales and/or PROMOTIONS
streams of the record, though for the In addition to getting media coverage
artist – especially with new talent – for an artist’s release, the label will
the album campaign is as much about also seek to get the new music
building their brand and fanbase, so – specifically the single releases
to grow their other revenue streams – played on radio and TV, and in
as well. relevant clubs. Labels usually have
separate PR teams working on this -
B2B MARKETING usually referring to as the promotions
In addition to the consumer-facing or plugging team – or again may
marketing campaign, the label will outsource this work to an external
also promote the artist and their promotions agency.
recordings to an industry audience.
This traditionally meant sales activity SOCIAL MEDIA &
to persuade retailers to stock the DIGITAL CHANNELS
record. In the digital domain, the Another key component of a label
digital service provider allows any marketing campaign is the use
recordings to be pushed into its of social media and other digital
platform, so the B2B marketing is channels such as email. Most
more about ensuring a track has artists will have active social media
prominence, which usually means channels and email lists already,
getting it included in playlists on and the label will work with artist
the streaming services. The label and management on creating
may also promote the artist to other bespoke content for these channels
decision makers and opinion formers around the new release. This may
within the industry, usually on a more also involve the label putting some
informal basis. advertising spend into social media,
especially Facebook. The label may
PRESS also have its own digital channels via
A key component of a label which it will promote the release.
Copyright Ownership
Control Of Recordings
with the tools to get their music into advances from distributors, but
the digital platforms and then pass on again this will primarily be based
any monies as they are generated. on past financial performance. The
However, some DIY distributors have advance will then be recoupable
also started offering advances on from the artist’s share of subsequent
future income in some scenarios. income. More conventional music
Such advances are usually made distributors will usually want a longer
based on past performance, ie where commitment from the artist than
a distributor can see what income a DIY distributor, ie a contractual
an artist has generated in the last commitment that they will work
14 year and can advance money based together for a set period of time.
“to the more risk a label partner needs
take, the more selective they will
be in choosing which artists to work
with … quite what partners and deal
types are available – and which are
most desirable – will often depend on
where the artist is in their career
DEAL 05: DISTRIBUTOR needs to set out what costs are
WITH MARKETING recoupable.
Many distributors now offer consumer
marketing as part of the deal. Quite DEAL 07: DISTRIBUTION
what this means varies greatly DEAL WITH A LABEL
from distributor to distributor. Some Many record labels now offer
distributors have in-house marketing distribution or services deals as well.
teams while others will commit to These may be through separate
hire external agencies. At least some divisions that are basically distributors
of the costs associated with this as described above, or an artist
marketing will likely be recoupable. might be able to sign a distribution
deal with a more conventional label.
DEAL 06: DISTRIBUTOR In the latter option, the label may
WITH LABEL SERVICES operate more like the label services
Some distributors offer a range of agency described above. Or the label
other label services in addition to may actually provide all the services
distribution and marketing, ie some of associated with a traditional record
the other services outlined in Section deal, but without any copyright
One above. The range of services assignment. This could be seen
Cash Advance 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Recording Costs 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4
Artist Dvlpmnt 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4
Product Dvlpmnt 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4
Digital Dist 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Manufacture? 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4
Physical Dist 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Consmer Mktng 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4
B2B Mktng 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Press 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4
Promotions 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4
Sync 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4
This puts more strain onto
management, both in terms of This is proving problematic today
navigating the deals on offer, with legacy contracts from the
sourcing alternative finance, and Twentieth Century when assignment
in providing some of the services for life of copyright was the norm.
that were previously handled by Managers feel that – in the absence
the label. Though as more artists of an industry-wide initiative to bring
pursue distributor and distribution old contracts into the modern age
deals, managers may find they can – legislative change is required to
18 negotiate more favourable deals empower artists to bring old deals in
with more conventional labels in line with current standards.