Module 62 Rate of Reaction Concentration Effect - Dwi
Module 62 Rate of Reaction Concentration Effect - Dwi
Module 62 Rate of Reaction Concentration Effect - Dwi
1. A conical flask with 50 cm3 of sodium thiosulphate 0.2 mol dm-3 is placed on top of a
filter paper with an “X” mark on it. 5 cm3 hydrochloric acid 1 M is added to the conical
flask and the mixture is stirred. The stop watch is quickly started right after an acid is
poured to the conical flask. The time is taken for the “X” mark to disappear from above
of the conical flask. The experiments are then carried on by using the different volume of
distilled water and sodium thiosulphate solution as shown in table below.
Suatu kelalang kon yang berisi 50 cm3 larutan natrum tiosulfat berkepekatan 0.2 mol dm-
diletakkan di atas sehelai kertas turas yang bertanda “X” di atasnya. 5 cm3 asid
hidroklorik berkepekatan 1 moldm-3 dimasukkan ke dalam kelalang kon dan campuran
dikacau. Jam randik dimulakan sebaik sahaja asid dituangkan ke dalam kelalang kon.
Masa untuk tanda “X” hilang daripada pandangan diukur. Eksperimen diteruskan
dengan menggunakan isipadu air suling dan larutan natrium tiosulfat seperti jadual di
40 10 8.5
30 20 11.0
20 30 17.0
10 40 33.0