Emergency Lighting Considerations PDF
Emergency Lighting Considerations PDF
Emergency Lighting Considerations PDF
A direct lighting system in the form of downlights is used in this corridor. The aim The luminous flux is reduced to 18% of the maximum output during emergency
of this design is to create good luminosity on the vertical surfaces, and average operations. Four Pleiad SLD 1x26W used as emergency luminaires have been
illuminance of 200 lux at floor level. chosen for this area. The lowest illuminance for the exit route during emergency
lighting operation is 0.5 lux
In this large office we have chosen a lighting system featuring MultiFive Beta The luminous flux is reduced to 9% of the maximum output during emergency
3x24W. The aim of this design is to create good luminosity on the vertical surfaces, operations. In this office area we have chosen six MultiFive Beta 3x24W as
and average illuminance of 250 lux at the working level. With the addition of task the emergency lighting luminaires. The lowest illuminance during emergency
lighting, Icon 1x18W, the illuminance on the working plane is 600 lux. lighting operation is 0.5 lux. Only 1 lamp in each emergency luminaire is lit during
emergency operation.
In this area, glare should be limited to 1000 cd/m2 between the angles
60-90 degrees from the vertical line. This value applies to an instal-
lation height of 2.5 m. With greater installation heights a higher
luminance is permitted, e.g. 1800 cd/m2 at 3 m.
It is extremely important that there is clear information showing where
occupants should go in the event of a power failure or other reason
that can create a dangerous situation. Therefore clear and easy to un-
derstand safety signs, should be placed in strategic positions.
There are primarily two different types of safety signs, internally lit or
externally illuminated. As an internally lit sign is considered to be easy
to discern, the maximum reading distance is twice the distance of an
externally illuminated sign of the same size.
The maximum reading distance is obtained using the formula d = s x p, where d -is
the viewing distance, p- is the symbol’s (signs) height and s- is a constant: 100 for
externally illuminated signs, 200 for internally lit signs.
Luminaire models with an integrated emergency lighting function are
available for most of our HF-luminaires. As some emergency lighting
components, for example the battery, are sensitive to heat the phy-
sical location of the components varies from luminaire to luminaire.
Some luminaires require the battery or the battery and the emergency
lighting electronics to be moved outside of the luminaire and to be
placed in a separate enclosure (battery and emergency lighting enclo-
sure). For functional reasons the emergency lighting enclosure must
be placed within 0.5 m of the luminaire. Alternatively, the battery en-
closure can be placed up to 1 m from the luminaire. Distances greater
than 1 m are not possible due to the demands in the relevant product
standard (EN60598-2-22).
Basic version
Luminaires equipped with the basic emergency conversion have • Annually a test is carried out with emergency lighting operating for
either all the necessary components fitted integrally, or are prepared 3 hours.
to accept an external remote enclosure containing the necessary If a fault is established during the testing this is indicated by the diode
components. (Emergency lighting electronics, batteries and indicating on the luminaire. If the diode is not lit this indicates a battery fault
diode.) The diode indicates that the battery is connected and that it or that there is no voltage supply to the luminaire. A flashing diode
is charging. In the event of a power failure the emergency lighting indicates that the light source is missing or defective and relamping is
automatically powers up. necessary. In addition, the emergency lighting luminaire will give an
audio alarm for 3 seconds every 35 minutes.
Version with integrated self-test, Autotest. Resetting after a service
Besides the component parts in the basic version the emergency ligh- When faults have been indicated and have been rectified the self-
ting luminaire is equipped with an integrated self-test. The self-test, test system must be reset. This is done via an on/off operation of the
which we call Autotest, is fully self-contained. No programming is ne- switched live. Switch on the switched live => Switch off as soon as the
cessary. Neither is a connection to an external PC or other supervisory light source ignites => switch the switched live on again. The system
unit. Autotest tests the luminaire regularly via an in-built “schedule” has now been reset. A check is made automatically during resetting, to
housed in the emergency lighting electronics. As it is preferable for the ensure that the emergency lighting system is functioning.
testing of emergency lighting operations to be performed when no
one is in the building, Autotest is fitted with integrated “intelligence” History
that “learns” the luminaire’s usage pattern. As the tests are normally carried out when no one is present the emer-
gency lighting electronics are equipped with a function that indicates
The self-test works as follows: how many times testing has been carried out. This is indicated by the
The “clock” built into the emergency lighting electronics starts during diode in the luminaire. 30 seconds after the luminaire is switched on
installation. Over the course of the first 37 days the electronics “learn” in normal mode the diode will flash the number of times correspon-
when the luminaire is normally switched on and off. After this period ding to the next test number. Accordingly, flashing 7 times indicates
Autotest has registered an appropriate time for the necessary tests. that the next test will be the seventh.
The following are checked during each test:
• That the luminaire is connected to the mains emLON, monitoring via LonWorks
• That the battery is connected Most emergency luminaires equipped with integrated self-test, Auto-
• That battery charging works test, can also be equipped with a node for LonWorks communications.
• That the light source for emergency operation is intact and works The status of the emergency luminaire can be read via the node and
• That the complete emergency lighting circuit is functioning testing can be initialised. Testing does not need to be pre-program-
med, as this is handled by the self-test unit’s calendar function.
How often is the test made? More information about the emLON system is available from our
• Each month a test is carried out with the emergency lighting opera- website, where you can find a program description as well as resource
ting for 5 minutes. files available for downloading.
• Every 6 months a test is carried out with the emergency lighting
operating for 1 hour.