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This is for YOU!

The short book that will transform your life!

By: Jahmal Simmons

For my sons, Jody, Riley, and Harley. Dad loves you!
You’ve inspired me to look deep within.

Telly and La, whom have always been the apples of my

eye, even before being born.

Elvin, a man possessing the touch of Midas. You are the

embodiment of greatness!

My Aunt Toni, whom shared her light with me, allowing

me to do the same for many.

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Table of contents

Chapter 1: Choice ……………………………………………………….1

Chapter 2: Liberation NOT Bondage ……………………………7

Chapter 3: Truth; Beliefs ……………………………………………14

Chapter 4: Confidence ………………………………………………18

Chapter 5: Who am I? ……………………………………………….23

Chapter 6: What is it that I want? ……………………………..28

Chapter 7: Commitment ……………………………………………36

Chapter 8: Advice: Consider the source …………………….40

Chapter 9: Pacifying negativity ………………………………….44

Chapter 10: GO FORTH! …………………………………………….48

Author’s Preface
I am proud of you!

There are many reasons people will pick up this

book to read, but it is indeed meant for self-
improvement. Maybe you’ve witnessed a handsome,
smiling gentleman convincing you that you have
“nothing to lose with plenty to gain”. Maybe over time,
this became a best-seller and you wanted to see what
the fuss was about. To be frank, I don’t care the reason;
I am grateful that you’ve chosen to spend your time
with me as a guide to well-being.

Starting the book of with a “bang” (and will

make the last sentence make sense), there are 2 main
reasons you are here in this life:

1. Finding something that you are passionate

2. Share its significance, through you, to the

Also, your many faceted abundance lay in what for you

for claim if you are to remain broad about the way it
comes to you. This passion can obviously be monetized.
I am not an author, I am a life coach and
motivational/public speaker. However, seeing that this
is MY book, I am an author, too! Did you see what I did

there? It’s okay if you haven’t just yet, but if you
haven’t, chances are this book will be ineffective initially
and at this present moment.

Through several reads, it is my intention for

clarity to grow, as I have a passion for personal growth
and development. I love helping, assisting, advising, and
consulting people beyond their previous limit. I study
something for the sake of teaching it better than I may
have learned. I earn money helping people “win” … and
I’m really good at it. See that? A teacher AND a student!

Which brings us to my next point; I don’t care

what it is that you will be, do, have, or retain. In fact,
nobody cares: not your parents, your siblings, your
children, your friends, strangers – NO ONE! The only
thing that anyone outside of you want is for you to
share your best influence in whatever form it may take.
This point further compound the reasons for living
because frankly, anything you do has a level of personal
satisfaction to it without exception. People that would
have a hard time accepting this truth are probably not
consciously deliberate either.

Nonetheless, my mission isn’t to patronize you,

it’s to warm you up with what lies ahead. Everything is
relative to now, the place in which your power lives,
and that power is called “focus”. If there is anything
that I could impart to be, do, have, or retain anything to

anyone without charging a cent, it would be to develop
commitment and confidence. I’m so certain about these
two attributes that, lacking in one will directly cause the
other to suffer.

All of this long-windedness is my way of

showing deep appreciation and gratitude. I have already
gifted the theme of this book, but we’ll do a quick

 I am passionate about what I do, which

is helping people grow.
 You are actively participating in it by
checking out what I have written to see
if it is truly a benefit to YOU.
 I am happy to help you, I don’t care if
you like me.
 Because I wish to be the best influence
of myself when sharing, this book will
not fall short of that standard.
 My intention is always focused toward
improvement and unconditional love.

So yeah, thank you! You’ve allowed me space to occupy

time with you. It is my belief that I will maintain the
broad perspective so you may receive benefit from
whichever topic I may touch upon. I use analogy,
parable, sayings, and slang. I make no compromise in
being myself, it’s the least I could do seeing that you are
investing your time with me, right?

As I write this book, I intend to be as authentic
as possible so that my presence may be felt. It isn’t
uncommon for complete strangers to remark that they
feel like they’ve known me “forever” and I wish to
channel that for you throughout your reading. All in all,
my message is to choose yourself so that you are
enabled to help others. If someone partakes in your
growth, they are kind. You are kind for reading my
work; I will presently repay the sum with interest!

Enjoy! This one is for YOU!

Chapter 1: Choice
Here goes the cliché … “everything you do is by
choice” and there isn’t a shred of evidence that would
debunk this. In fact, the divine saw it fit that we exercise
our liberty through free-will, insofar as to abide by the
divine at whim. Not even the creator of everything will
encroach our free-will either. Before we get too far into
that point (and losing an audience), I am spiritual but I
am NOT religious. If you are atheist, agnostic, theist, or
gnostic it makes no relative difference; something
happens to that consciousness that produces a sound in
your head we call a “voice” when this physical body die.

Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, yet

converted. If a person is made up of matter, they are
indeed composed of energy, and so is everything else
we can think of, haven’t thought of, and even imagine.
This is the way I advise, as it’s far simpler to understand:
if one has emotions (matter), then one has a head start
of comprehending this book because we ARE energy.
Also, a received stimulus convert into a response called
impulse, which may or may not convert into physical
form. The conversion is based on the interpreter
ALWAYS, as we are the powerful interpreter and the
results will always affect our surroundings.

So, if I’m going to have to live with results, who
I am, where I live, etc., it is best to choose deliberately. I
mean, it isn’t like I can blame someone else for my
perceptions; they aren’t in my body. If I did, that’s like
arguing for self-imposed limitations and expecting you
to feel pity for me, especially considering, that you too
have choice.

There is a tendency, to our detriment, to place

too much emphasis of our experience outside of
ourselves. Really, take a look at it: influence, inspiration,
love, happiness, peace, finances, intelligence, respect,
worthiness and on and on … why is anyone else in
charge of the faculties I possess over me? They aren’t
and if you’re in agreement, going forward your missive
is to assume your best self to never again be reactive.
The choice is simple enough as your “best influence”
will come out of your “best self”. This person, your best
self, is always you regardless of conditions. In other
words, no more becoming excited and deflect blame; It
is you. If one received stimulus then acted, it is inspired
action. Every stimulus is different for every individual as
it is irresponsible to credit any negativity produced from
within to another, which include but not limited to
iniquity and anxiety.

In the like, when another acknowledge great

choices made, it isn’t wise to credit them for implied
deliberate intent outside of self. There is always
satisfaction in the choosing, while praise is a kind bonus

afforded that another perceived from well-being. That
doesn’t mean to not appreciate the acknowledgement,
if anything, gratitude is a great choice to expand the
positivity. Further, being committed to and confident in
one’s self at minimum will encourage others, as they
are worthy of the same feelings! Do yourself a favor,
right now … take ownership over yourself.

Allow conditions to spring forth from you, not

the other way around. Everyone in your life has a clean
slate as of this moment because you understand that
choice start and end with you. In fact, you understand
that every choice is made from a response to any
relationship to you - from influence to assuming a
behavior. If you choose you right now, I don’t care
where you are in life, you are heading in the right
direction; you cannot share what you do not have. This
also mean your missive is to acquire something to
enable you to do so. You still have to choose yourself
before you do anything, so it’s only sensible to be
conscious of doing anything on purpose. Yes, all the
time! You do not need permission to do things
intentionally … except from yourself, right?

All of this is to say, you are always intentional,

conscious or not. All that is around you change with

Imagine having a huge potluck and everyone
carries at least a handful of dishes of all sorts. Some of
the dishes you may not have seen before, others you’re
familiar with, some you’re excited to try, and there are
dishes that you are certain you would dislike. Of course,
the sensible person avoid the last kind of dish from the
previous sentence.

Everyone is about the place, sampling food

items and gaining insight on the things they are
enjoying, but then … there is that ONE person that
complains about what they absolutely dislike and will
help themselves to a second portion, even a third. It
isn’t relative whether or not that person is in agreement
with the person that brought the dish – the response is
to the dish!

“This sucks!” they’d say and—

“Why would they think that their food was any

good?” and—

“Try this! This is absolutely disgusting!” and

sometimes …

“You don’t think this is awful? You’re crazy to

think that the food isn’t bad, and for having
your own opinion, I will treat you poorly.”

This person becomes a glutton to the choices that they

‘don’t like’ no matter how many more favorable options
are available and obvious. They will only consume that
which isn’t good for them. There are others that will

leave fully satisfied with recipes, including new twists
for their own dishes they wish to incorporate. They’ll
even be invited further to other events and introduced
to new sets of people.

The ‘glutton’ to bad choice? This person is wondering

why their stomach is hurting. Even blaming others for
THEIR choice to consume that which they don’t like!

“If YOU truly cared about ME, YOU would’ve

kept me from eating it!” and—

“I know you have told me to try something else,

but I’d rather tell you that my stomach hurts!”

Which is quickly followed by—

“To heck with your stomach remedies!” but


“I’m tired of this crap! I’ll never EVER do this

again!” they’d say with their face inside of life’s toilet
bowl, vomiting.

And while some will never find themselves with their

faces in that toilet bowl again, others, well … I’m
trusting they’ll eventually understand what they are
eating and what follows. So with choice relative to the

Eat and enjoy the good choices and feel

compelled to know about those and the people that
brought those to the potluck and others whom share a
similar like for the dish. At least you’d lessen the
likelihood of positioning your face in a shameful place.

Besides, how many of these people could you complain
to (or about) will help support your head (let alone keep
the hair out of your way) as you suffer from that which
you’ve consumed?

By the way, no one has to. Choice.

Chapter 2: Liberation
NOT Bondage
When people think of liberation, they think of
the feelings of satisfying relief; a comfort and freeness
which never hinder motion or constrict anything that
allow for any form of expansion. These people can only
be right if the wrongness of thinking that it has to be
earned doesn’t exist. You’ve read correct. You are
already free. We are so free … that we can choose
bondage. In truth, the only bondage that we possess are
self-imposed conditions. Society give them labels for
easier reference and there is a relative emotional
response that springs forth, like for instance, a smile is
usually an expression for joy.

For example, ‘A man smiles upon seeing his


It is for your benefit to eliminate condition to justify an

emotional response. In the example above, it is likely
that many would perceive the example to be “the wife
makes her husband happy”. The thing is, I’m certain the
husband was happy BEFORE having a wife. I’m also
certain he was happy in the early dating phase and will
probably be happy throughout courtship (because
courtship is indefinite; if you’re struggling with
relationships, you’re welcomed! I enjoy weddings!). I’m

certain the wife wouldn’t subscribe to being a “happy
factory” for her husband, let alone find her husband
remotely attractive if he weren’t happy at all. It is then
reasonable to suggest that the husband is happy, and
the wife adds to it. There isn’t a condition, really, just a
creation of something originating from inside every
individual. Again, it is for your benefit to eliminate

Another example, ‘You are making me angry’

Exactly how? Is anger something that can be crafted

into physical material and then gifted? Or is it
something that an individual can pull out of their mind
and body and insert it in your own mind and body?
Well, to be honest … that CAN happen, but not without
your allowing and acceptance of those conditions. In
other words, you cannot be made angry, you choose it,
just like any other emotion, through focus consciously
or not. Your emotions are always the prime indicator of
your state of being, as the subtlety can be felt and
expressed. So with this example, ‘you are making me
angry’ doesn’t quite fit, but rather, ‘I am becoming
angry’ most definitely does. Your power is within to be
expressed outward, not claimed or given to you from an
external source for you to hold within. The truth of the
matter is, any contradiction to the prior sentence would
suggest a state of oppression and subjugation, even
yielding to something with a belief as if that condition is
more powerful than your desire to become or choose

greater. And by the way, oppression and subjugation is
a choice.

We’ve learned about choice in the last chapter,

in this one the key to YOUR liberation is mastering your
emotions. I’m simply advising you to choose to “put the
horse before the cart”. I believe I can make several
books dedicated to this topic alone, but I believe this
chapter will serve for now. I’m asking you to be good to
yourself and to care about how you feel. In everything
that everyone want out of life, I believe that joy,
passion, and best of all, love, is in there. I know that this
is an obvious statement … until many of us realize that
we do not choose joy, for example, deliberately.
Complaining, gossiping, scheming, criticizing, worrying,
doubting, fearing, reasoning etc. … if anything, this
disallow an opportunity for, let alone a momentum of
true joy, right?

*Just to entertain the crowd whom believe that being

deliberate is irrelevant*

Anything that resembles a lack of awareness may feel

normal if you aren’t deliberately focused. Assuming that
this crowd think that they are in control of themselves
without awareness, they’d probably say that they are
“fine” and enjoying themselves, and then a condition
appears to disrupt their attention to joy. So you see, the
“feel” of that logic typically expand into anything but
beneficial construction.

Now, still assuming conditional-joy, let’s take a
moment to perceive how THAT feels against an
accomplishment or success, a time of empowerment or
even youthful enthusiasm. I guarantee the contrasting
feelings are worlds apart. In fact, I guarantee that
everyone reading would be in agreement that the latter
options are far better. That is because the factoring of
choice to “be your best influence” without condition
becomes obvious to be the preferred choice by auto-
suggestion. No thinking involved or necessary, we’ve all
felt ‘it’. You, another reader, myself, all of us.

“So what does ‘feeling good’ have to do with bondage?”


“So what does ‘feeling good’ have to do with


Well, take a few moments to feel that the

answer is in the question. How does it feel to be in
bondage? How does it feel to be liberated? NOW, how
does it feel for yourself at your absolute best and
KNOW that your true worthiness is vastly different from
anything in defaulted, auto-pilot, unconscious,
conditional, ice-skating-uphill, spitting-into-the-wind
feelings that being reactive to conditions carry? So
what’s the benefit to being deliberate (on purpose)?
Divine law is on your side, the Law of Attraction, the
single most powerful law, period:

“That which is alike is drawn together.”

This powerful law is immutable, absolute, and

consistent. Sure, you may make pledges, promises, and

statements declaring for your desires, but have you
tried feeling for what it is like to possess that which you
desire as if it is already had? I’m literally saying to open
up your 5 physical senses and your 6th, emotions
(anything that registers impulse is sensory), and
perceive that thing that you want as though it is yours
right now for 1 minute. Next, I would like for you to add
the feeling of confidence and excitement that a 5 year
old would have in telling them that they’re going to
Disneyland. There isn’t any resistance in the way they’d
feel, let alone any condition that could take that away,
right? The child wouldn’t have to be in front of the
theme park to feel good, right? Truth be told, the child
would probably be a model version of well-behaved
after the initial excitement wane and they’d also savor
the fun once there.

In the like, choose, you always are anyway, but

do so always on purpose now if you are not already. We
can start with this book right now. You didn’t pick it up
because you’re mad, sad, helpless and wanted to feel
better; you’ve chosen this book because you’ve chosen
enlightenment, empowerment, fun, authenticity,
appreciation, etc. and this book may add to that choice,
dependent solely on individual perception. In other
words, you can only allow what happens to you through
choice of perception. You will only ever find evidence of
whatever you are choosing to feel, consciously or not,
and all of that has a momentum to it.

That’s right! It is illogical to think that someone
can go from sad to happy instantly; choose to be happy
and then perceive (with any and all senses) those things
that will continuously add to it: smile, put on a nice
outfit, eat your favorite food, go out and smell the
‘roses’, incorporate elements of the best version of self,
allow for that momentum to build and CHOOSE to not
be aware of things disharmonious with how you would
prefer to feel. BE that which YOU feel you are on
purpose and BE excited that what you want will yield to
you; it is law. Or you can spit-into-the-wind because the
saliva droplets give momentary, albeit disgusting

“So how long will this take to work to get the thing I

That depends on what you allow yourself to perceive

and its momentum from wherever you are. There is
only now and your attention to that expands. In other
words, what is then was NOW, what is now is NOW,
and what is next is NOW. Your focus in now can only
expand because now is always expansive, meaning as a
result, either YOU will expand or your surroundings will
have to accommodate your being. You are currently
more expanded than you were even 1 second ago, a
few paragraphs ago, last week, etc., but were you
intentional? Of course you are, consciously or not, this
book is adding to that expansion of whatever it is
you’ve chosen, as is everything else around you.

So, the key is in your hand, release the shackles
if you are still hesitant. You are worthy, you are free and
always have been. You haven’t ever a need to earn
freedom and if you feel that you have, it’s the releasing
of self-imposed bondage and in truth, you may just now
be perceptively aware to clarity.

Because you are so free, that you can choose

bondage. Grant yourself true joy. There isn’t a single
choice made without personal satisfaction’s

Chapter 3: Truth;
Assuming that we acknowledge our own
worthiness and perception, I feel it is necessary to
peruse truth. Truth in Layman’s, is a belief of a habitual
thought accepted that CAN change. I actually enjoy the
channeled entities Abraham’s (via Esther Hicks in ‘Ask
and it is given’) definition which is, “a belief is only a
thought you continue to think”. This makes a lie more
clearly defined as “a thought that isn’t accepted by an
individual due to beliefs”. We are all able to feel the
difference within ourselves; it’s about individual

Every truth is a truth, however, every truth is

not factual. If anything involves a relationship to
something or someone else, chances are there may be
other evidence to consider and that consideration abide
with individual perception.

I can draw a ‘6’ in between you and I, call it a ‘6’, believe

with conviction that what I drew is indeed a ‘6’.
However, it will not make you nor I wrong if you were to
perceive ‘9’.

“YOU should know what it is! YOU drew it!”

If you accept that we are worthy, free and have choice,

the next thing to accept is that you cannot control

another being, as they have the exact same faculties.
This truth should be prescribed as anxiety medicine as
we understand that our perceptions are only relative to
ourselves. Let a person from Toronto tell a person from
Miami that 70 degrees Fahrenheit during summer is hot
… get it?

Our lives are all lived in our own perceptive

truths. Just as we know that momentum is expanded
through focus in our now, so too is our truth. This
assists in bringing clarity to vision and purpose, well-
being, and everything we wish to experience in life. In
fact, when it is decided (choice) to push the boundaries
of our truths, there is always the likelihood of new
discovery which then add to ourselves (expansion).
Simplified, this pushing of boundaries is called
“curiosity”, queued by optimism, fun, and full of beliefs
that negativity cannot reach nor abide. Frankly, this is
the difference between abundance and lack in any area
of one’s own life. Again, we are expansive beings and
our power is focus.

Lack of truth, “lies”, have an immense amount

of focus meant to control conditions appealing to
another’s perception and it usually comes from one’s
own shameful position. Liars then, hope to conceal that
which they don’t accept as something truly satisfying,
however, their influence placed on another, if believed,
add to their personal relief (satisfaction). Because of a
lack of faith in themselves, it can be reasoned that the

lie’s rejection from another may trigger negative
emotion within themselves and quite possibly
expressed outward.

Habitual liars, deliberate choosers of disbelief,

are sophists that create narratives influencing people to
gain sympathy, empathy, and a desire for others to
acknowledge their worthiness. There isn’t anything
wrong with acknowledgement, especially the
unsolicited variety, except habitual liars are using their
power (focus) ineffectively for their gain or true
satisfaction. THEIR satisfaction is absolutely conditional,
placing their power outside of themselves to another
because they aren’t confident or committed to
themselves and require others to buy their mass-
produced snake oil to keep their factory operational.
Again, we only do what we have belief and satisfaction
in, isn’t it ironic they CANNOT find it within themselves?
Over a long duration, their choices can lead to a
minimum of anxiety and depression headed into the
territory of narcissistic personality disorder. Needless to
say, their overpowering emotion due to not having trust
in themselves can be problematic for those they may
choose to set their focus on.

So, the easiest way to avoid anything not

relative to our perceptive truth is to commit to our
truth. One cannot find evidence of anything one does
not believe, even with a neon sign posted outside of
their own bedroom. If anything isn’t individually

perceived, it does not exist to one’s self. In fact, new
information presented can incite negative emotion
because of the conviction in one’s belief. In other
words, the information is rejected. In the same manner,
a lie can be detected dependent on the confidence level
of the individual granted audience.

In Georgia, there is a saying that goes:

“A hit dog gon’ holler!”

The truth can hurt, but if you are “hollerin’”, it typically

will show that your position is most likely roadkill; it
definitely stinks and everyone does their best to avoid
it. For this, arguing against another’s perception or
feeling the strong urgency to validate one’s own
perception weakens their own position. I don’t believe
that that is an enviable position or satisfying in the
slightest. Pursue and explore your truth. Whether or
not it expand or changes is irrelevant; your satisfaction,
however, is relevant.

Chapter 4: Confidence
This is the ultimate acceptance and expression
of self-love. You can’t buy it, nobody can give it to you,
and you can’t fake it; either you have it or you don’t.
“Shaky” confidence mean one doesn’t fully possess it,
and you know what else? This makes the difference
between execution and non-fulfillment, elevation and
stagnation, accomplishment and contriteness and on
and on. The great news is this can be developed by
simply starting with something one believe they can do
with certainty followed by pushing it’s boundary further
and further.

Confident people tend to have “coat-tails”;

while there are those that want to “hang on”, there are
those attempting to “slow down” the stride of the
person in the “tux”. With confidence, one will have
supporters and detractors, but one CANNOT find
themselves in the latter group because then they would
become a walking contradiction.

They (those possessing confidence) believe …

“why is it that I cannot do this, you say?”, “it can’t be
done? Watch this!” … and whatever they set their eye
on to attain is had! They are pioneers expanding known
territories, inventors creating devices that facilitate life,
and on and on. With confidence, the feats are many and

so too are their acquisition, which may also be limitless
and parallel to focus. They are open to anything that
will add to their NOW, turn away from what doesn’t,
and the idea of “loss” isn’t perceptive to them at all.
Confidence emanate and oozes out of the body of the
possessor, it is felt in their speech and witnessed in
actions … these are the shining stars brightening the

Some will want this light to shine bright,

encouraging others meanwhile there are some that
make attempt to dim the light because their own is dull
(otherwise, why try?). Be it envy or an adversary, any
extra opposition against a confident person is a bonus.
In fact, an abundance of confidence can be perceived as
arrogant or obnoxious to an onlooker giving the “evil
eye”. Truth be told, they (the evil eye on looker) would
suggest the shining star to “twinkle” less, and if that
doesn’t work to their benefit, they’d make attempt to
veil and conceal the light to others; suggesting the light
isn’t special. Oxymoronic, as the light is special enough
for them to focus on and develop indignation.
Satisfaction, not because of an achievement of their
own, but because they’d use their focus to influence
another’s perception negatively to mask their own
feelings of inadequacy. A “hater” and persecutor, they
wish to have what the smoothy has; It isn’t like they
cannot have ‘that’, however their focus is outside of

Imagine being a human resources manager
interviewing an applicant that is needed to fill a
position. After going over the details of the position,
you may ask:

“Is this something that you think you can do?”

“… I don’t know …”

Surprised at the response, you may ask yet again:

“Is this something that you think you can do?”


Yep, get out of my office.

Imagine your child coming home with test

scores resembling shoe sizes. During the inquiry of how
the result came to be, they may blame-shift to the
teacher’s ineffective method of instruction, how other
students are performing poorly, how their stomach may
have hurt, etc., but never once they’d accept their
shortcomings or ever mentioned that they were having
trouble understanding their lessons, let alone ask the
teacher or parent for further explanation or clarity on
the lessons.

I am not suggesting that this may not be true,

the teacher may indeed be inept (perceptively), etc.,
however, be advised that confidence, like all other
positive emotions and their combinations, in self is

immutable: either you have it or there is an absence of
it. At any time the child could say or do anything to
secure a much better result.

“How would my child know to do that?”

Empowerment from their parents. Yes, I went there.

The child learn directly from their surroundings and
form subconscious habits. A responsible parent, rather,
a great source of guidance – is accountable for this.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter how much

confidence a person may have, if it isn’t utilized or
developed then it wouldn’t make a difference whether
or not confidence is present within self. Comparatively,
that’s the equivalent of owning a riding lawn mower yet
live in an apartment downtown in a major city; it is of
no real value … except … in order to be, do, have, or
retain anything deliberately, confidence is a necessity.

Suffice it to say, no more arguing for external

conditions. You’ve got this! There isn’t anything to lose
and the entire universe to gain! If you ever feel the
inclination to declare something due to sureness, do so.
Why would a skeptic matter to YOUR ability to be, do,
have or retain anything? Not everyone has great
aspirations for you, and though support is wonderful –
to assist and provide a ‘second wind’ – no one can truly
make your purpose, your vision or dream happen, only

And yes, “crab in a bucket” mentality exists;
sure you can do well and ALMOST get to the top, while
there are others that make attempt to ‘pull’ you down.
If the “dim star” is overt opposition, then,
metaphorically speaking, the “crab” is subverted
opposition. In this sense, the “crab” will make attempt
to lessen the likelihood of you “making it to the top”
(fear of loss). We sometimes call these kind of people
relatives and friends. Their actions and attitude
resemble that of sanctimony, but it doesn’t matter, a
winner will focus on the goal – the finish line so to
speak – and not the backs of those that may lead or the
people beside them. RUN YOUR RACE! There isn’t
assertion with the production of satisfying results.

Chapter 5: Who am I?
Many people walk through life without truly
having lived or discovering and knowing their true self.
Be it beliefs, comfort or external conditions, the idea of
personal growth from their perspective typically belong
to others (bondage; the “people pleasing” kind). In fact,
I’ve lived in 5 states, visited 15 others within the United
States and have been to several countries. While I’ve
“hopped across water and borders”, I’ve come to find
many people haven’t travelled out of their home state,
let alone hometown. Therein lie the takeaway from this

Specifically, not travelling isn’t to the detriment

of expansion, however, that does add significant “color”
to one’s “picture”. I can truly say that I have personally
received great experiences in a variety of cultures, food,
climate, etc. Heck, I’ve attended schools in 4 different
states, and no, my family wasn’t on ‘the run’, my
parents separated when I was about 4 years old and I
am graced to have parents that never strived over
where I chose to reside. It was most definitely, a
positive collaborative effort with me as the focus of
their attention, not the ‘loss’ of their relationship, as the
relationship transformed into something else, without
one or the other exerting forceful influence.

If there was any one thing that I could change (I
wouldn’t) about my growing up, it would be knowing
who-I-am instead of accepting who-it-is my parents told
me that I was. I wouldn’t change it however; the
experiences of life became more enjoyable instantly
once I became aware. As far as I’m concerned, that
stunted my growth even though they were well-
intended. Needless to say, I love people: young old, sick,
healthy, black, white, beige with green polka dots … I’m
kidding with the last one, however, I’ve found
enjoyment in meeting and helping others. I can
truthfully say, ever since I was 19 years old, though I
didn’t know what I’d be (because my parents told me
who-I-was), I was certain I would help people; touching
lives and speaking life into many using my natural
affinity to assimilate and recapitulate info.

So, I honestly believe that natural talent is a

calling of sorts. It is my belief that everyone is able to
find their calling by looking at a common theme, but
even if one doesn’t know, I’m certain we’d be closer
following this chapter via process of elimination. For
now, let’s try out the following exercise (you will need
something to write with and a blank sheet of paper):

 Fold the paper in half vertically, then unfold it

or simply draw a line in the middle of the paper,
vertically, from top to bottom.
 At the top of the left side of the paper, label it
“things I am not”.

 Before starting to write, give yourself 30
seconds of nice, deep, slow breaths, focusing
solely on the statement just written then write
what comes natural. You may write “lazy” or
“hateful” or any other words for example, but
keep writing until you cannot. At the moment
of long pause (say, 5 or 10 seconds), you are
 Next, label at the top of the right side of the
paper, “I am this at my best”.
 Once more, before writing, give yourself 30
seconds of nice, deep, slow breaths, focusing
solely on the statement just written, and again,
write what comes natural. You may write
“intelligent” or “attractive” or any other
descriptive words until again, you no longer
can. At the moment of long pause, you are
 Step away from your list for about 1 minute,
then come back to it.

It should be understood, this is the new found clarity

that will serve as your guide, as you have held
deliberate focus in your now to define what you believe
to be true. You may repeat this exercise once weekly for
about a month, then once per month for gauging
growth (you’ll never stop expanding, remember?). It
doesn’t matter what anyone else can perceive or their
opinions or their beliefs, those are non-factors in this
exercise. It is you giving yourself the ability to be … you.

These descriptions you’ve detailed on the right
side is not likely to be a contradiction to your highest,
best self. If there is a sensing of duplicity, not to worry,
there is still plenty more book! The point of this exercise
is to start personal accountability from yourself then
outward. For example, if you have written “I am joyful”,
you must consistently display this characteristic while
eliminating anything not representing who you are:
from critical speech, being sad, and yes, avoiding people
and possibly terminating relations with people that
encroach your ability to be what you’ve written down.
Environments are also inclusive. As you assume whom
you really are and become more familiar, there may be
a slight discomfort, but in relative short time you will
appreciate your wonderful self more. Do not think the
changes will not be noticeable, you are
intentionally/purposely/deliberately being YOU. It is
with near certainty that you will receive varied response
to being you, but whom else would you prefer to be?
People whom asserted control of influence over you will
be majorly adverse to your remarkable decision; and
the question that develop within (rather quickly I might
add) is, “do you prefer me to be what you think I should
be or have you really accepted me?” anyway, being
secondary indefinitely to others can lead to a life of
misery and a lack of satisfaction, heading where
everyone else’s direction but your own.

It doesn’t matter to whom, you (as do they) live

for yourself first then others. It is illogical to assume or
think or believe that personal deferment make this

truth invalid. There are many that can be dependent
upon one, but I encourage the “one” to empower
others as the one’s personal satisfaction, growth,
liberty, etc. is limited with this added condition. It does
not feel good to feel used by others, in which that is a
flawed premise; the “one” has chosen bondage in the
emotional and physical variety.

Experience life the way it was intended for

yourself. This will eliminate regret, besides … the
question one should ask is NOT “who/what am I?” but
rather, “who/what am I becoming?” If the clarity of the
latter question doesn’t stir life within, you are quite
possibly a corpse, pun intended. And no, I didn’t
contradict the title of the chapter as we are always
expanding. You aren’t the same person you were before
picking up this book, let alone reading the last sentence.
You are the living embodiment of convergence.

Chapter 6: What is it
that I want?
It is not of benefit to anyone to suggest writing
lists, creating affirmations to recite, researching an
endless amount of information, taking apprenticeship
or consultation of anything until focus is unequivocally
understood. This book isn’t a “mind over matter” thing,
it isn’t a checklist for practical use. Again, this is a guide
to help you find … you. Everything offered within this
book is from a feeling space, as keeping up with
emotions are far easier than say, 60-80 thousand
thoughts per day – literally 1 thought per second.
Emotion is energy and tend to linger far longer than
what a response illicit. This is why it is beneficial to put
“the horse before the cart”, as to advise that if one can
be influenced, one can be controlled. Take heed, while
keeping up with that many thoughts are not likely
possible (not at all really), then how one feel should be
considered, chosen, and committed to.

One’s focus in their NOW says “Yes! This is what

I want! More please!” even if it is something one does
not truly want … like calamity and unfulfillment for
example. One can only receive evidence of what one is
perceptive to; suggesting otherwise defies divine law
that is never muted. Oaths and declarations mean

nothing in comparison to the way you feel, as even the
offering of words and your belief may be inconsistent.
In your choosing the way you feel, consciously or not,
you are saying “I want this, seconds and third helpings
please!” The divine says “Oh sure, I have plenty (and an
infinite amount) of it”, loading your ‘plate’ excessively,
in the manner of a kind grandmother concerned with
her grandchild’s appearance of being “too thin”.

The divine does not care about why you have

chosen what you have, whether or not you are
conscious, the divine responds to your focus in your
NOW. If your NOW feeling you wish to change has a
significant amount of time with it in a negative
direction (momentum), then it is reasonable that it will
take a period of time with intentional focus to change
what grandma “serves on your plate”. For this reason,
people “settle” with whatever is being served because
of familiarity or “give up” before perceptive physical
evidence can be acknowledged. Also, for the same
reason that grandma serve large portions, people
ascend to heights unimaginable previously thought. In a
nutshell, one is only consuming what one is producing,
or “reaping” what one “sow” so to speak.

It is imperative that training the power of focus

as it relate to what is wanted supersede any other
relationship. This lone action will grant everything to
anyone that one wishes without fail with absence of
contradiction. This will also usher in far better and

superior relationships and experiences while replacing
the inferior. The practical mind will object until it is
accepted that everything that anyone does is for
satisfaction. So too, the religious crowd whom will
believe this is vanity, until they too consider that their
beliefs are for personal satisfaction. It doesn’t matter
the mind, we must grow within to express anything
outward. That is the true meaning of an education isn’t

“That seems … selfish …”

We are. Every one of us. No exception. Every choice

made is for the sake of satisfaction without fail, but the
work isn’t really in the choosing as it is in beliefs and
moreover, commitment.

“I do this for my family” …

“I do this for my God” …

“I do this because I have to” …

“I do this because I am happy/unhappy” …

The reason will always lead back to personal satisfaction

and the individual choosing. Regardless of choice, again,
it expands. Besides, if anyone outside of you says
“thanks but no thanks” or “you didn’t have to do that
thing that you did” in a perceptively ungrateful tone,
I’m certain that in many cases it wouldn’t be received
well, therefore, eliminating self-righteousness is
beneficial to growth. YOU are worthy and able to be,
do, have or retain anything.

Now, what is it that YOU want? It doesn’t
matter what, just develop WHY it will add to yourself.
That is the only consideration. To have the want is a
matter of feeling as though it is present, maintaining
and building upon the positivity in the acquirement of
the ‘want’ to retain it and that grows in relation to the

Let’s say you would aspire to be a life coach.

There’s a clear affinity (and prerequisite) for helping
others reach their goals and there is a vast market for
the many ways to help. From spiritual, emotional,
mental, physical and material guidance to a maintained
state of learning so that you, as a life coach, may
continue to improve in your products and services.
There may be courses in psychology and public speaking
they’d take while looking for ways to further their
personal brand. There are many talented people that
“flame-out”, however due to this one truth:

There aren’t any boundaries. If there ARE boundaries,

they aren’t enforced with efficacy.

For me, it is fun to do what I am passionate about but I

make it a point to never have it feel like … work … which
include severing services to clients that will get upbeat
with their new perspective, only to have the progress
negated by outside negative influence that does not
possess the client’s best interest at heart. Frankly, if it
were the case, the client would be further along without

seeking an outside source – and I will not get into a tug
of war with anyone. Another way to lose service is to
tell me how to do what I do to be most effective by a
zealot without true guidance or clarity of their own.
Again, I will not strife, there isn’t a reason to accept a
disharmonious experience.

This isn’t limited to clients; family members,

friends or personal acquaintances usually won’t mind
knowing what I know that will be of help, except I must
remain cognizant of how I’d help them, because let’s
face it, they feel obliged not to support what I do
financially. So, as to not monetize a conversation, I
refrain from going into detail but I would give basic
guidance to their experiences. Oh, and rebuttal from
inferiority complex! Does this make me a bad person?
IT. DOES. NOT. It says that if I were a mechanic, you’d
pay me to work on your car. If I were a cosmetologist,
you’d pay me to look stunning for your special occasion.
If I were a chef, you’d pay me to cater food to your
event. If I were a teacher, you’d pay me to tutor your
children during non-school hours, and on and on. I’m
certain we do not arrive at our workplace going 100
mph, getting the work done, then say “this one is on
me, don’t worry about it!”, right? Now, factor in conflict
from a person whom is resistant to what you may offer
and quickly you’d realize that a specialized skill is worth
paying for, and particularly one that will make anyone
more productive if that is truly wanted. I will not argue
for your limitation, nor anxiety, nor will I allow you to
hold me hostage or get me to “see things your way”

(which is still anxiety by the way), you’ve came to me
for me – not to be what you think I should be. It is
worth noting that any relations to a bad experience for
either party in any given situation is most likely rooted
in destruction, not construction.

Rough example, I know, but seeing that I’d like

to make an impact that can help, let’s say:

What: “I want a productive, intimate relationship”

Why: I enjoy companionship. It makes me happy to

know that someone is willing to build a good life with
me. It feels good to have someone in my experience
whom is willing to growth with me and create lasting
memories with. When I would hold this person in my
focus, I get excited knowing that they are well intended.
This relationship would keep my interest because I
wouldn’t invest myself into something that wouldn’t be
fruitful. It is great knowing that someone would accept
my goodness and further highlight my best attributes. It
is also wonderful to know that I enjoy strengthening my
positive influence for this person to have. I
communicate and comprehend well. I love knowing that
I excel in anything I set my attention toward, this
relationship included. I’d shower this person with
appreciation, not for something the other has done, but
because they are a joy to be with – because I am this
and I am only sharing that which I am. I look at this
relationship as the standard and will have fun making it
even more joyous. I love choosing this person because I
am love and able to share it abundantly.

Not a single contradiction or placing a power
outside of one’s self. If you’re worried about something
outside of your power, you are NOT ready for ‘it’,
whatever ‘it’ is. One more example:

What: “I want a satisfying job”

Why: I am excited! I look forward to waking up and

being great value to the company. I am an asset and I
love being able to utilize my talent to make the day
more pleasant for myself and others. I love greeting and
working with the many people that make up this
amazing company and its wonderful customer base. All
of this is fun! I’d share my great ideas to help further
grow the business, which in turn, will grow everything
within and throughout the company. I impact
operations positively and introduce fresh perspective
on a variety of topics. It doesn’t matter whether or not I
work by myself or in a team – I am dependable,
consistent, and accomplish more than what is assigned
and in addition to my role. I am a stellar performer that
all people recognize because my output shows in quality
and quantity. I am sought out because the company
values me. All of this is pleasing to me.

I can go on with many scenarios but I believe

these examples should be sufficient. Notice that there
isn’t a single contradiction or a focus outside of one’s
self. The reason is clear: if you are worried about
something outside of your own ability, you aren’t ready
to receive what you want. Conditions are obsolete
when it comes to being worthy; conditions come forth

from those that create what they want, it is that simple.
Again, the key to this exercise, and knowing what you
want in general, is to open your senses and to feel,
know, and believe that whatever you want is present
and to hold yourself in that place, positively expecting
‘it’ to yield to you, while being satisfied NOW. It does
you no good to be contrary, ‘it’ must surely come. It is

The essence, really, is to understand this: In

order to get from HERE to THERE – you must know how
it feels to be THERE and assume that feeling
dominantly without inconsistency or contradiction –
THERE then comes over HERE willingly. Never chase the
desire without feeling for and confident in the feeling of
what it is for this reason: If you are chasing
SOMETHING, SOMETHING is running away.

Chapter 7:
The single most important attribute to possess!
More important than confidence and the immediate by-
product of choice, this will determine success - or lack

This attribute determines whether something is

a simple wish or if a burning desire dwell within. This
determines, truly the character of a person, and for
those in close proximity, the reputation of the same
person. Whether or not someone will pursue
meaningful gain or if they offer lip service to anyone
willing to listen. This is “walking the talk”, this is happily
and willingly “burning the midnight oil”. It is a knowing
that THIS (whatever “this” is) is an extension of myself
and nothing will take preference because THIS is of
important value to me. Anything short of these
descriptions is hypocrisy, inconsistency, double-
mindedness and a lie.

Whether or not there are trials to attainment or

further expansion becomes irrelevant to something
truly meaningful that add significant value to one’s self.
Even without confidence at outset, the joy of

satisfaction is immeasurable compared to what the
current modus operandi afford. The beauty of
commitment provide a far better wage than the settling
for less than one’s own worth, however, there is cost. In
pursuit of something greater, the divine open channels
that will facilitate one’s own journey. The “flip side” of
the coin? One will have to be comfortable with
perceived loss. What is the value of a friend that cannot
(or will not) uplift you, for example. What is the value of
an employer that cannot hold accountability for
associates within its company to offer recompense
barely keeping up with inflation? What is the value of
family that capitalize on personal short-coming AND
“kicking you while you are down”? ZERO. Sure,
temporary comfort within discomfort may be
necessary, but loyalty to those position will only invite
displeasure. Further, being comfortable or creating alibi
to stay there (physical, mental, emotional) simply mean
that the measure of your worth isn’t much – to yourself,
and likewise, with others. The sum of which the self-
imposed limitation reside in your experience and is

There isn’t a gray area, in the timeless words of

Master Yoda to Luke Skywalker in Star Wars V: The
Empire Strikes Back, “do or do not, there is no try.” In
the scene, Luke is attempting to lift a space craft using
the power of ‘the force’ yet complain at the nature of
the task to be performed, even expressing that the
object was too large for him to lift. Yoda calmly refute
the reason Luke has in the possibility of being able to

raise the space craft while advising that it was Luke, not
the object that was the issue. Frustrated, Luke walks off
into the background, seemingly patronized and justified
in his prior perception while becoming convicted in
those thoughts (Luke mentions that the task being
“impossible”) after failing another attempt. Yoda then,
being significantly older and smaller in stature and in
comparison to Luke, compassionately disprove Luke’s
claim of “impossible” by easily raising the space craft
and setting it between the two. Stunned, Luke says “I
don’t believe it”, in which Yoda replies without breaking
eye contact, “That is why you fail.”

It is plainly expressed that while belief is

acknowledged as to what was lacking, overtly, Luke
gave up because he accepted his own perceived
limitation and resigned. If anything, Luke was
committed – to negative thinking. Fortunate for him, he
had support from another that is wise in that which he
wanted to acquire. Drawing the parallel and bridging
that idea to this chapter, we could only imagine what
would be possible If Luke took counsel from an
unskilled, ignorant source. It is further pointed that we
are our own limitation and to understand that a
problem is our own perception.

Another truth in commitment to be understood

is that there isn’t such a thing as a mistake or an
accident, but a commitment to the culmination of
coinciding thoughts and/or actions which produced the

result. Intention has to be evaluated, so too, integrity.
Just as a positive outcome is on purpose, so too, a
negative outcome has its own momentum. The physical
expression always has the usage of commitment.
Nothing in anyone’s life experience is instant or sudden
to one’s own perception, but unrestricted focus will
hasten the process to realization. Once anything is
realized, there isn’t contradiction found, only
commitment from thoughts and/or actions.

Knowing that focus is now, and now is

expansive (there is only now), this also mean that our
commitment is parallel to our focus. Delay,
procrastination and excuses are indeed a commitment
to inconsistency, and of course, inconsistency is
hypocrisy, hypocrisy is double-mindedness, all of which
is a lie. Regardless, we invest in and subscribe to
ourselves indefinitely, this is the sum of our character;
that which is indicated outward is our reputation.
Everything starting from consideration, no matter the
duration, then choice. As an advisory and recap,
whatever is actively consumed will produce something
relative to what is within. Once more, divine law is
unfailing, absolute and perfect: that which is alike is
drawn unto itself.

Chapter 8: Advice:
Consider the source
The last chapter focused on a relationship
between Luke and Yoda, apprentice and master. Their
common-ground allowed for a deeper understanding of
one another, and most important, influence and
impress upon one another. Everyone that has a
relationship with you in any capacity are giving and
receiving influence and impression, and those truths
become more perceptive whether or not you are aware.
We are all in this experience together and while we are
individually responsible for our individual selves, it is
impossible to live in this world without both internal
and external influence. Being able to gently guide our
internal faculties will surely reflect our external
environment without fail. The kind of people we keep
around us, though unique, will represent that which we
are; another truth that highlight choice. Yes indeed, we
are “guilty by association”, as we are channels
transmitting and receiving information
(frequency/vibration). Just as emotions have their
frequency, each made clear with focus (“tuning in” so to
speak), so too is everything around us; if it is a noun
(person, place, thing, or idea) – it has a frequency. It
takes practiced intention, being deliberate, until
anything become natural and surely that expression is
made clear, and more clear still until a choice is made to
change. There isn’t anything available that anyone can

offer at present day that can defy the basic laws of
physics, and then further, the law of attraction which
govern universal forces.

There! It is also impossible to have a well-

defined belief (a thought a person continues to think)
without experiencing clarity (all answers and solutions
to problems feel like this) or discomfort (a sharp
contrast that opposes the belief held) when a new or
differing frequency is introduced. With exposure to, and
practiced familiarity with a foreign frequency,
assimilation takes hold by way of convergence. The
flawed premise of “opposites attract” therefore is a
baseless idea, as a choosing of frequency, in particular a
dominant one, is at minimum congruent in the broadest

For example, rage and joy cannot exist in the

same being at the same time, as their frequencies differ
vastly. A choosing of either has its own momentum and
either can become the other and transmitted
dependent upon individual perception via stimulus
received, and again, “tuning in”, whether or not one is
conscious or deliberate. Likewise, one cannot be
oppressed yet strong, financially abundant yet lacking,
clear yet confused, and on and on. Those frequencies
are too far apart, however, a shift in focus would incite
change to be realized with momentum.

So, though we are always intentional, that also
mean there is an influence from ourselves and what is
allowed into our perception. The information received
and applied by those ignorant to a general subject is
typically met with unfortunate results. If one were to
take relationship advice from a promiscuous person, a
person with several failed marriages, a “serial
monogamist”, and any person resembling such traits,
understand that their transmission of frequency (like
everyone else) is biased from their experience no
matter how well-intended they may seem. The context
of information solicited will always be perceptive. A
person taking financial consultation from a person with
a history of bankruptcies, credit delinquency, savings
that are scant or not present, let alone the ability to
increase cash flow in a variety of ways will also be met
with misfortune. Essentially, a disciple of an ignorant
teacher or a partner to the unskilled will meet tragedy
when applying the knowledge/logic. The information or
evidence isn’t a problem because it is prevalent in
THEIR experience, if anything, it is the consistency, as
the acquiring of the information forms a mastery
through commitment and a confidence developed from
the study. That is literally, a belief defined as a thought
one continues to think.

Guess what? With the realization of whatever is

gained, the trophy is always branded with the winner’s
name, never an influence outside of one’s self. Sure, a
person may cite influences, but whom is being
recognized? Likewise, when fault is found, to whom is

being addressed? Most assured, as we are born and die,
the recognition/address isn’t likely to shift to another,
thus it is foolish to shift blame for one’s own

It is of benefit to gain knowledge from those

that have success and vast experience in something
familiar to them, which may be unfamiliar to you that
you wish to have. As one discipline themselves into
mastery, changes will happen! New friends that will
expand the experience arrive as old friends detracting
the experience leave. Opportunity smile upon those that
will seize it, with its evidence growing abundantly while
threat is minimized and dwindled into non-existence.
New beliefs are formed that can be expanded and
changed, influence to accommodate, and of course
environment will yield as a result to one’s focus.

There isn’t a need to be selective per se, auto-

suggestion will take care of that, as the way one feels in
proximity to another will be expressed in the absence to
the former’s perceptive focus (quite frankly, the latter
will become aware, with or without notice). There is no
such thing as loss, and so, your gain is relative to

Chapter 9: Pacifying
Contrary to general accepted thought, there is
only good and the perceptive absence of “good”. What
one may deem “terrible” or “awful”, another may not
notice or feel apathy, and others still may find the exact
same thing or circumstance as “terrific” or “amazing”.
The beauty of this paradox is understanding what it is
that one feel toward any particular subject, as the
seeking of personal satisfaction is solely ours and
autonomous, conscious or not. There is always a way to
lessen intense emotional response and guide that
toward that which benefit one’s self, and at minimum,
not evoke response. Yes, even if it is a person that is the
producer of what is irritating to another (i.e. loud
chewing, loud talking, excessive talking, presence … …
or just simply existing), with a simple pivot in focus or
ignoring the cause of agitation, one’s own peace can be

These stimuli should not be leveraged with any

form of anxiety as to react in a manner to diminish
another or create a potentially destructive moment. We
are all free to express ourselves, and more free to
acknowledge personal mindfulness. Telling another that
their behavior has a negative impact on you is like

saying their influence is more superior to your own and
they should change to allow you to feel better about
yourself. With practiced and mastered focus, anyone is
able to navigate and negate, and maybe not find
anything perceptively displeasing.

Here’s another goodie from the teachings of


“If a tree falls in the woods and there isn’t a person to

hear it, does it make a sound?”

It. Does. Not. There isn’t anyone to perceive the

information. For the sake of skepticism, sure there are
trees possibly falling at this very moment, but assuming
that these kind of people are not in proximity to falling
trees, I’m certain that they cannot and are not currently
hearing trees fall.

Then there is the absolutely ill intended,

subverted actions that are called “provocation”. There
isn’t a need to justify or validate that which you aren’t
for the sake of confirming another’s perceptive beliefs,
as you should understand certainly at this point, you are
a great and worthy being. In other words, nobody can
make another do anything; if a person can be
influenced beyond self then they are susceptible to
being controlled. One can only find evidence of that
which they are by way of expression.

“If it doesn’t apply, let it fly…”

It is only sensible to not be what is
characterized as “being beneath” one’s self. Let’s take
an informal approach and view on this topic (this next
section will be very blunt and frank), as many will grow
as this book’s purpose is intended:

Why find yourself in a stupid argument with a stupid

person only to lose by massive handicap of experience?
Isn’t THAT stupid? This kind of conflict is meant for
exponential destruction. The only point proven is that
the Law of Attraction is immutable and will gift all
participants what their focus is on, which DOES NOT
exclude negativity. What is realized may not be
consciously intended, but it is on purpose. Choice with
accompanying emotions, commitment, focus, continued
expanded belief through perception, momentum …
reading this book several times make every chapter’s
message more clear as all of these suggestions are
cooperative with one another.

Let’s say that there isn’t an option to physically

remove yourself from a place immediately, such as
school, a work place, public transit or even a home in
which you may find discomfort. It is helpful to know and
remind yourself of the many positive aspects that is not
only afforded you, but also the value in which you
happily provide willingly AND unconditionally (any
terms agreed on is your being). It is then apparent that
any attempt of irritation is merely that of insecurity as
conditions must be met to find satisfaction by all

participating. Your gift and value in this situation is
absence in that perception, no matter how forceful
others may seem. It is your acknowledgement of the
greatness of whom you are that should be extended, or
being your best influence. Your natural being will evoke
feelings in others, and you will receive evidence of it –
quickly. With little effort, confusion and calamity is
quickly displaced by well-being. Once more, either you
will expand or your environment has to, and will,
accommodate your expansion. Deliberately choose and
be your focus.

The application of faith while aligning with your

best self will ALWAYS materialize. You are powerful and
worthy, there isn’t a need for acknowledgement
because you are able and you have chosen what is
significant to you and how that choice will add to your
experience. The appreciation for yourself then, is a gift
for ALL. Simply put, giving a “hoot” about yourself is the
best way to form that which is around you even if what
is perceived did not physically originate from you.

Chapter 10: GO FORTH!
It is ABSOLUTELY pleasing that you’ve arrived
here. There are multiple levels of appreciation, believe
me, thank you so much! It is with great joy, and
moreover, love I have received in allowing me to join
you and the countless many this material will reach. It is
my absolute intention and desire to help people
develop within so that that it may be expressed
outward (which is the true definition of education by
the way; “Think and grow rich” by Napoleon Hill). There
is no amount of knowledge that could be imparted to
my readers that will transform without application. This
simply mean, a person must push the boundaries of
whom they are otherwise, they’re always in a familiar
space that will accommodate their being. Sure, we can
decipher and discern what is and isn’t of import from
the content within the bookends, and yes, criticism as
much as acclaim will be graciously received; neither of
which will negate the purpose of this book.

Creating this has already expanded

immeasurably and not only have I become more than
what I was before starting, there is no end to it, as my
reputation will proceed me through many levels of
transition. Thank you for your involvement in my life’s
experience, its purpose and the sharing of it. BE
everything you want to be, do, have or retain. It always
start and end with YOU. This is for YOU!

With divine love,


One more thing! It is my absolute pleasure to dedicate
this space for an autograph for whenever and where
ever we may connect in-person. It doesn’t matter if it is
at an event, work shop, book store, shopping for
groceries, on a date, on vacation even using a public
restroom (eww … I mean it though) and on and on…

Now, the significance isn’t to obtain a signature from

me, rather, it is the preceding culmination of the
application of the content within. Those that discover
‘the secret’ will boisterously discover that which is in
plain sight to us all. We’re all in this together.

And about the interest promised in the preface of this

wonderful little book?

Row row row your boat gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream…

This isn’t a riddle or jest. Take it. Freedom, growth and

joy radiates from it and it is my desire for you to live
abundantly. My motto, just like my logo the concrete
rose is: growth from an unexpected place.

About the Author

Jahmal Simmons, a certified life coach,

motivational speaker and now, author, is an
advocate for well-being through self-awareness
and deliberate focus. From early childhood,
Jahmal’s father Leroy, has encouraged him to
maintain an open mind through inquiry.
Jahmal’s mother, Dawn, has taught him the
empowering value of excellence in every
undertaking. This combination of influence lead
to many experiences testing the conviction of
these beliefs, merging and transforming into
something much more resonate: enjoying the
process of desire and aligning with the desire.

Jahmal is the father of 3 wonderful sons, Jody,

Riley, and Harley, whom are 3 of the best
spiritual teachers with abundant lessons in
confidence, joy, and self-expression.


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