Unit 1: Introduction: Pre-Chapter Questions
Unit 1: Introduction: Pre-Chapter Questions
Unit 1: Introduction: Pre-Chapter Questions
Pre-Chapter Questions
These questions are designed to stimulate your thinking and introduce you to the Unit
material. Do not submit answers as they are not part of your assessment. The thinking
process will get you ready for the following:
1. How do you think children learn language? Do you think we are born with something that
helps us learn language?
2. With what grammar-based approaches to second or foreign language teaching are you
already familiar?
3. What do you think an effective communicative approach might be? How might it be
different from the other approaches with which you are familiar?
4. Grammar has traditionally been the focus of second and foreign language teaching for
hundreds of years, so it is no surprise that today many language teachers still believe that
grammar should take centre stage in language programs. What do you think?
1. Grammar-Translation
Grammar-translation was the most popular method until several decades ago and versions
of it still exist in some countries around the world. Its goal was to produce students who
could read and write in the target language by teaching them rules and applications.
A typical grammar-translation lesson began with a reading to be translated into the first
language followed by the rule it illustrated. New words would be presented in a list along
with definitions in the first language. These new words would be included in the reading,
which was usually far above the level of the students’ proficiency. Topics for readings may
have included a trip to the library, an historical sketch of an area, a shopping expedition, a
trip by train, a vacation, and the like. Lessons were grammatically sequenced and students
were expected to produce errorless translations from the beginning. Little attempt was
made to communicate orally in the target language. Directions and explanations were
always given in the first language.
The Audio-Lingual Method, or ALM was a new approach to oral communication that came
of behaviourist B.F. Skinner’s work in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It follows the theory
that language is acquired a) through the process of forming habits and b) the
stimulus/response model. Learning a second language, according to ALM, is throwing away
the habits of the first language and learning a new set of habits for the second.