Lab # 2: Introduction To Programming: EC-102 - Computer Systems and Programming

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Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

EC-102 – Computer Systems and Programming

Usama Wajhi

School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (SMME),

National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)

September 26, 2016

Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

1 Lab Grading
2 Lab Report
Lab Report Contents
Lab Report Title
3 Basics of Computer
What is a computer system?
What is a computer
Why study programming?
4 Evolution of Programming
5 C++
6 Criteria for Judging Code
Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

Lab Grading Criteria

Lab Work and Lab Report ∼ 50%

Lab work represents your performance in lab
assignments/tasks. Every student will be graded individually.
Lab report may be submitted by a group of max 5 students.
Make sure that you submit one lab report per week.
Projects ∼ 40% (details will be provided later)
Attendance ∼ 10%
Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

Lab Report: Contents

Problem statement
Flow chart
Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

Lab Report: Title Page

Name of school and university

Name of subject
Lab number and topic
Submitted to
Submitted by ( Name and Reg No)
Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

Basics of Computer Programming

A computer system is one that is able to take a set of inputs,
process them and create a set of useful outputs.

One or more inputs are used to provide data, this data is then
processed in some way and the outcome of processing is sent to an
output or it may be stored until some event happens and brings it
to the output.
For processing to take place, there needs to be a set of instructions
of what needs to be done. This set of instructions is known as a
computer program.
Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

Why Study Programming?

Automation – home, industrial

Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

Why Study Programming?

Robotics – wheeled, aerial, humanoid

Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

Why Study Programming?

Computer Vision – face recognition, image filtering

Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

Why Study Programming?

Movies – computer generated imagery, motion capture

Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

Why Study Programming?

Computer Games – computer graphics, physics

Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

Why Study Programming?

Web Development – website design, information security

Mobile Phones – mobile applications
Big data Analytics – data processing, data analysis, machine
Banking and Finance – financial systems simulation, policy
Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

Evolution of Programming Languages

Machine Language
Lowest-level programming language
0s and 1s
Easily understood by computers but is almost impossible for
humans to use
Assembly Language
English-like abbreviations such as MOV, ADD etc.
Translated into a machine language by a program called an
Many instructions for even a simple task
High level Language
Easier to understand for humans
A compiler is required to convert it into machine language
Single statement is enough to carry out many tasks
Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

Why C++?

Why C++?
ANSI/ISO standardization
Revisions – C++ 98, C++ 2003, C++ 2011, C++ 2014
C vs. C++
Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming


What is Syntax?
What is Algorithm?
What is Code?
Lab # 2: Introduction to Programming

Criteria for Judging Code Quality

Simplicity (readability)
Time taken

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