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Original Article

Assessment of teachers who are teaching in clinical skills department from

medical students, perspectives
R. Gaffari, N. Safaie, S. Hassanzadeh, H. Sarbazvatan

From Center for Educational Research and

Development (EDC), Tabriz University of Medical Science and Health Services, Tabriz, Iran.

Correspondence: Dr Reza Ghaffari, Assistant manager of Research and Development Center

of Tabriz University of Medical Science and Health Services. Email: mosharkesh@yahoo.com
Received: December 8, 2007 Accepted: February 4, 2008

Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess teachers who are teaching in clinical skills department
regarding different aspects from medical students’ perspectives.
Material and Methods: The design of this study was descriptive. A questionnaire was used to gather data, with 10
questions, and likert scale of very much=6, very little=1 was used. The statistical analysis was performed with
SPSS software.
Results: In the case of respectful and appropriate attitudes towards students, teachers gained 92.10±12.99, in the
case of their on time presence in class, and spending time, they gained 87.02±18.33, in the case of ideal class
management and teaching sessions they gained 87.75±15.85, in the case of maintaining appropriate relationships
with participants, they gained 88.92±15.51, in the case of effective use of methods and pedagogical regalia which
will match their aims and learning scopes', they gained 87.68±16.25, in the case of making a correlation between
theory and practice in pedagogical issues,' they gained 87.64±15.69, in the case of' giving a summary at the end of
the work in workshop,' they gained 84.93±58.23, in the case of their ability and academic dominance (their
proficiency) in their specific field of study,' they gained 89.36±15.39, their fluency was 87.74±17.31, and finally,
their average from students’ perspectives was 18.66±1.51 out of 20.
Conclusion: Using students' opinion in pedagogical planning, providing facilities, and using regalia in teaching
clinical skills can be affective in improving the quality of clinical pedagogy. (Rawal Med J 2008;33:101-103).
Key Words: Assessment, University teachers, Clinical Skills Department.

INTRODUCTION teachers gather information and make judgments

The teaching of clinical skills is an intricate and give suggestions about the way of teaching
process which can be influenced by various in order to improve their own performances,
elements and variables, and the role of the while the latter helps the managers and
teacher as an essential element in this process is authorities of the pedagogical institutions make
very important. As to improve the quality of decisions with regard to teacher employment,
pedagogy, all attempts should be directed at wage increasing, and other professional
students achievements, and in this regard, it is a privileges.2 The aim of this study was to assess
necessity to gain students satisfaction for much teachers teaching in Clinical Skills Department
better learning.1 In order to assess university regarding different aspects from students,
teachers qualities, many objectives have been perspectives.
enumerated that the most important of them are
those which assist them to reform and improve MATERIAL AND METHODS
their methods of teaching and pedagogical This descriptive study was performed through
activities and help managers and authorities who 500 medical students in 2006. The community
manage pedagogical organizations make studied included all university teachers. The
reasonable and right decisions with regard to instrument which was used for gathering the data
improving organization, its promotion, and was a questionnaire with 10 questions as
more. Two types of assessment are genesis and follows: teachers attitudes towards students,
accumulative assessments. The former helps teachers on-time attendance in class and how
they spent time in class, their care about their factor in the increase of making suitable
students, presence and learning their ideal class relationships with students and consequently
management, and maintenance of appropriate promotes the pedagogical out puts by increasing
relationships with their students, effective use of student’ s interests.4
pedagogical methods and regalia, their Most of university teachers who participated in
observance of proportionate usage of theoretical this study used to pre- planned specking or
and practical pedagogies, and offered summary practical methods used to teach on the basis of a
and conclusion, ability, academic dominance and designed syllabus. However, the newly offered
fluency. Likert scale (very much=6, to very method almost decreases the disadvantages of
little=1) was used. The statistical analysis was traditional lecturing method and increases the
performed with SPSS software and was done possibility of learners’ active cooperation.
through descriptive statistical methods. Although the skills which were taught were not
considered as courses in this department, the
RESULTS practicality of teaching methods and practical
The teachers in the case of their attitudes exercises are considered as import elements.5 In
towards their students gained 92.10±12.99, their a study in university of California, Davis the
on-time attendance in class and spending time, authors reported that Developing a cadre of
they gained 87.02±18.33, their care about master educators requires careful program
students, presence and learning was planning implementation and program/
87.80±16.89, their ideal class management was participant evaluation. Based on participant
87.75±15.85, their maintenance of appropriate feedback, our program was a success at
relationships with their students was stimulating change.6 In conclusion, using
88.92±15.51, their effective use of pedagogical students’ opinions in pedagogical planning, to
methods and regalia which were match with their maintain facilities and using regalia in teaching
aims and learning scopes was 87.68±16.25, their clinical skills are issues that can be helpful in
observance of proportionate usage of theoretical promoting the quality of clinical pedagogy.
and practical pedagogies was 87.64±15.69, their
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