მასწავლებლების შეფასება
მასწავლებლების შეფასება
მასწავლებლების შეფასება
Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess teachers who are teaching in clinical skills department
regarding different aspects from medical students’ perspectives.
Material and Methods: The design of this study was descriptive. A questionnaire was used to gather data, with 10
questions, and likert scale of very much=6, very little=1 was used. The statistical analysis was performed with
SPSS software.
Results: In the case of respectful and appropriate attitudes towards students, teachers gained 92.10±12.99, in the
case of their on time presence in class, and spending time, they gained 87.02±18.33, in the case of ideal class
management and teaching sessions they gained 87.75±15.85, in the case of maintaining appropriate relationships
with participants, they gained 88.92±15.51, in the case of effective use of methods and pedagogical regalia which
will match their aims and learning scopes', they gained 87.68±16.25, in the case of making a correlation between
theory and practice in pedagogical issues,' they gained 87.64±15.69, in the case of' giving a summary at the end of
the work in workshop,' they gained 84.93±58.23, in the case of their ability and academic dominance (their
proficiency) in their specific field of study,' they gained 89.36±15.39, their fluency was 87.74±17.31, and finally,
their average from students’ perspectives was 18.66±1.51 out of 20.
Conclusion: Using students' opinion in pedagogical planning, providing facilities, and using regalia in teaching
clinical skills can be affective in improving the quality of clinical pedagogy. (Rawal Med J 2008;33:101-103).
Key Words: Assessment, University teachers, Clinical Skills Department.