Day 2 - Krishna Niti @nation

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Krishna Niti @ Nation - Day 2

29 August 2020
Krishna Niti @ Nation (The India Story)
By Braj Mohan Pr
Notes -
 Two things are important in work place is -
o Krsna reinforces the work culture and go out to get prosperity. Because Many times,
especially KC is seems like to be giving up
o SP said - what do you have to give up? Everything we have is borrowed things and even you
speak of giving up only PM can give up and only the someone has the great things then he can
say I have given it up.
o Without achieving something without achieving full identity of ourself which skill has god
has given us, it is very superficial to say of renunciation
 Entry of krsna in MB in draupadi svayamvara -
o Krsna and balaram didn’t had any conjugal mood toward draupadi but sometimes is shown
that krsna and draupadi had some conjugal mood amidst them but it was only sister brother
relationship they had
o Krsna wants to teach us in this arena is -
 He Is that god often is in observer in the field of activity we does.
 We are all engaged in the activities and absorbed into our work and when we are
absorbed in lives of work we cannot able to observe and sitback and see the reality
 Krsna says in BG upadrishta nu manta - he is the observer and krsna in MB krsna is
observer of the arena where arjuna is going to be successful
 And in BG krsna also shown as neutral participants and arjuna was about to observe
and because it was without fully detached and being well being of everyone,
 Supreme Lord and balarama who are like spiritual master and supreme lord. They
came here on a talent hunt for selecting proper candidate for a mission of establishing
 In assembly all the qualified candidates materally was present there and in amidst
krsna and balarama was observing that who is that talent and attitude to be an instrument in
my mission.
 Almost all of them had a mood of overpowering.
 When arjuna comes to see the bow, he doesn’t gets overpowered by it and many
times when we see the great challenge we just get totally shrinked into our shoes that we
cannot able to perform.
 So, capacity is there but arena and intensity of the atmosphere just makes blind and
we cannot able to perform
 Similarly, arjuna comes when all the kashatriyas lost and it was disgraced of whole of
the kshatriyas and leadership of the society and people would have lost faith.
 Compromise people trust in the leadership
 If kshatriya wouldn’t fulfil the promises then many times brahmanas comes to rescue
them to establish that trust
 When arjuna comes first he circumambulates the challenge and honors it, he doesn’t
disrespect and neither he was overpowered by it nor he was overconfident
 Whenever we take up the challenge something difficult usually we takes too easily
and they fail and someone takes too seriously that they cannot perform
 Mood of arjuna was - being confident in his own ability but that confident didn’t
turned into arrogant where he disrespect his challenge or demeaning the challenge
 This showed to krsna by not just ability of arjuna but also the character of arjuna.
 Our talent and attitude both are imp to progress in our career or achivements
 If you just have talent, but not good attitude of being respectful either people or
projects then we tend to abuse them or neglect them/
 Krsna appreciated this of wonderful quality of ability, talent and attitude in arjuna
 Arjuna was very much capable but krsna saw pandavas that they are not properly
 Every talent also needs a proper place where it is flourished
o Krsna explains in BG 5 factors of achievement
 Adistanam - as when we want job, we do survey where is the right place where my
talent is more flourished
 Krsna seen this quality of observing to proceed ahead in our achievements
 When Every successful person is on the way to achieve success he has the ability to
observe the things that what are peoples strength and weaknesses and my strength and my
 Many times we just absorbed in our lives, we cannot able to sitback
 Often when there is a setbacks then people sit backs and they tend observe
 But many times when there is setbacks people cannot able to sit back to observe what
actually went wrong
 In this lockdown is wonderful time to observe our feel and see both what is beneficial
and what is limitation in our material and spiritual
 Krsna advised pandavas to written back to hasitinapur because they has just came
from house of fire and they escaped. Similarly, many times in work places that seems to be
like we are forcibly put into fire that we face so much heat in all different sides and when
we face that heat like the pandavas we retreat.
 Just like tiger into the zoo that is not a place to plush his life in zoon and he need
space. Similarly, pandavas may be discontent because they faced intense heat they just
wanted to be there not wanting to revive their ability
 So, krsna observed what is good in them and also he saw that this is not a right place
where their abilities will flourish
 Many times we seen that each of us has different talents and abilities and no one is
totally useless
 As doctor wilson said .every other species except human species has great role play in
eco cycie and if anyone is taken out then whole system got collapses eventually and if
human species doesn’t exist on planet then there is no harm to nature
 As in this corona virus we can able to see the free of pollution. So, tiger has the
speciallity of to control the herbivorous animals especially deers they just populated a lot
and there would be a femine in the forest. So, tiger play crucial role
 Whether we are tiger or squirrel or anyone, we all have unique role but unless we
observe. Therefore, the best thing is that we can take and often we don’t consult with out
parent because parents are someone who has observed us right from infancy
 We can have a honest convos about our ability and weaknesses and many times we
don’t have that convos because sometimes parents are so busy in their lives that they cannot
even observe and they just put into the assembly line and hope we can prosper
 But lord krsna shows that we must observe both talent and guidelines and therefore
He gives advice to pandavas
 But sometimes, when we give advice, we are very harshed on people that we try to
destablize them and we just scrumble everything.
 Krsna informed them to better to go to hastinapur but also he said you must consider
to your local authority who is drupad maharaj
 Question asked to yudhistir maharaja - What is the best support in ones lives?
o Best support in ones lives that one can have is father in law. That father in law who cares for
the daughter and many times father in law does many things if a person is downtrodden and
difficulty then father in law come and save
o Best support in ones lives is especially in terms of career, not emotionally but achieving thing
is father in law
 India was rich nation in an older times and there were so much variety, prosperity and enjoyment and
India was a hub where everyone wanted to migrate and get benefitted
 The amount of money britishers took from india especially the train system established to loot was
calculated 34 trillions dollars they looted
 India was rich country but now it came to rags
 We all have seen so much in our childhood that so many policies comes to help the poor but poverty
have not ended. Because of may be corruption or may be you must remove the mindset of making
people poor or to keeping people are poor.
 Like story of pandavas we sit back and lay back just in the past glory and pat our back and in terms
of global economy and respect, india still doesn’t have that respect comes through economy
 b/w yudhistir and draupadi's convos was about forgiveness and revenge which is better and human
exertion and depending on god's plan?
o Wealth - if person is stricken by poverty then its very difficult for him to persue dharma
o When artificial femine poverty, is created then all the family of values and society and our
base tendencies comes up when there is survival risk.
o When we are just have animal tendency are arouse because of the survival then humans are
also tends to just care for themselves although we may tend to see I would not do this to my
family but love for my body and our own survival is very strong compare to emotions we have
o Yudhistir maharaja said - one cannot subject to oneself to the force poverty, but one can
accept voluntarily poverty for higher cause
o Just like there is starving and fasting. Fasting means for a higher cause you choose not to take
food for improving spiritually or improve our health and starving means you want food but you
don’t get it
o SP said - material well-being follows spiritual well being
o When we are spiritually alert and advancing then we also take care of this vehicle and that is
our tool for us to proceed.
o When spirituality get corrupted, prosperity evaporate
o The main reason spirituality corrupt is not having understanding of spirituality and there is so
much artificial rituals in the name of spirituality and so many alternate methods and the whole
focus started going to have a variety in this spiritual practices and people forget to excel
o Along with spiritual progress, one cannot neglect his need to have esteem identity in
o Just like when you make atta, only the flour is properly mixed then it becomes non-sticky,
and until you didn’t mixed the properly then atta will still becomes sticky and it would be useless
o Similarly, our capacity we have is like that flour and you need to make that place where we
can easily get detached to it
o Each stage has relevance and unless person is not acknowledging that stage he is in that in
full justice to that, he never progresses in further stage
o Because of misguided spiritual understanding, proper understanding of knowledge and
spirituality also get vanished. But krsna left SB, His life examples and by learning from that
people can still pursue their life materially and spiritually prosperous
o Even spiritual life evaporate that yoga nastha parantapa - I am speaking that science which is
o Krsna says the understanding of harmony between different facet has been lost and krsna
comes to establish it
o Spirituality = digestive capacity and prosperity is like that health comes with that health of
spirituality we have.
 Two characters guided differently
o Shakuni - crooked one and Krsna - A Smart one
 Shakuni came to india not to do welfare to kauravas but he was in anguish. When
bhishma comes to conquer entire world, he also took the gandhar under the hastinapur
 And shakuni don’t want to submit to superior and he wanted no one to rule me
 First invasion happened in india to destroy bharat was by shakuni from cunning
means and trying to see who is weak and to show them that he is their friends
 Two kinds of people come with tissue - one come to wipe our tears and one comes to
sell tissue people to us to use that opportunity that trouble we have that they can make
 Similarly, in our life many times it is happen people are around us although people are
seen to be our well wishers but they may have their own intention like shakuni
 India is protected by selfess guidance and even now people starts to take guidance from brahmanas
from those people are themselves either satisfied in the persuit of supreme lord or they are content with
their own profession then someone who gives guidance can be trusted
 Krsnas amazing quality is being involved but not being dependent and this is the way you have to
see with family and we have to be involved in the lives of the family member but emotionally we
cannot be dependent because when we become dependent we cannot give advice
 and often advice we giveto others its for our own benefit and that because of you are frustrated and
expressing it rather then you have concern to others
 Sp through iskcon - those who are pursuing this ideas and actively trying to know and inculcate and
values of this being dependancy unto the supreme lord for emotional and spiritually well being rather
than other's emotions that people can able to guide us
 Krsna always stood for being assertive and standing for our responsibility.
 Adhikar means position of responsibility
 Many times laziness and not taking initiative that there is laziness in us that laziness either in
leadership takes this convenience of non-violence
 When misguided principles made into policies that becomes devastation
 Non-violence - krsna explains that the principle of dharma and pandavas never want to be non
violence and it cannot be a cost of abuse or suppressing your nature
 If brahmana is non-violent then it is well placed because wealth of brahmana is kshama.
 If kshama if it is placed in kshatriya then what he does then it makes him weak and this can make
them by those people who are evil used this wrong principles to exploit
 Ahimsa - means that which brings well being for everyone and if progress of the soul is limited by
someone else's abuse then to stop that it is real violence
 Suppose one is raping your daughter and will you become non violence and try to stop him or just
plead and passive about ?
 Wrong principles of non-violence caused most devastation in Bharat
 Spirit to fight for kshatriya is to have responsibility to protect ones Nation
 Krsna did not advocates the principle of passive of non violence or active non violence but He
advocated the principles of that if you sees the diseases in the society as a leader then you have to
rectify that before it goes wild.
 Vidura told dhritarashtra that your son will be cause of evil and support adharma better he left in
forest and if he is in the forest in a place if he didn’t get any power he wont abuse much but if he is in a
royal place and by his royal mentality he will cause ruination for everyone.
 Way we can conquer jarasandha is to find that weaknesses of that person and weaknesses that krsna
identifies is that is his dissatisfaction to want more to bring his downfall
 Capitalism means whoever gets bread enjoys and rich gets richer and poor get poor and when poor is
raised high then they want equality that wealth is shared by everyone and then they form communism.
 Krsna didn’t advocate capitalism and neither communism because trouble with communism is
that it removes or dilute the entrepreneur spirit and spirit to go out to earn something and if you
don’t get result then why will you motivate?
 Krsna combined both that he says that there is a freedom to innovate and have your own empire but
at the same time it shouldn’t be at cost of lavishly spending at the cost of everyone else
 When I have asked one of the devotee to give your PPTs so that it would help me but I was denied. I
thought he is selfish but he is not selfish then he later on explained me.
o If I just give you everything and If you have not work hard on that effort the process and
developed that then it would be never be yours and if it is not yours then you will not ever get
that emotions and energy for the people to connect to that
o Many times we don’t want to work hard and bring out that which is ours and we all have
unique talents and ability
o Because when you prepare anything by your own it’s a great satisfaction and you have your
baby that raised and developed.
o And if it is comunist model that everybody gets everything easily then people become lazy
and that innovative spirit that to spirit to bring out which is actually there.
o Krsna always excelled in his family but also he had spent time to help others to become great
prosperous and for krsna, True wealth he look up to is not a gold but it was nature's wealth.
o Real productivity happens in nature that one grain produces hundreds of grains and you
should really invest in it
o When there is indra devta krsna says its okay to worship but also to recognize the visible role
which mountain feeding them - we must worship govardhan and later indra
o Wealth just not to saved but also it should be enjoyed(neither conversation or consumption
but healthy balanced
o Honor comes from wealth he never gave honor because of wealth but He gave honor and
respect because of character
o In the world people celebrates is what people pursuit but krsna always celebrated honesty,
integrity and devotion
Thank you very much
Hare Krsna

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