Go It Alone - Find Yourself
Go It Alone - Find Yourself
Go It Alone - Find Yourself
After two days in Florence, Italy, I had already met some fascinating people. When you are
with a companion, it's easy to focus on that person and forget about meeting Europeans and
other travelers. Without the comfortable crutch of a friend, you are more likely to know the
joys of self-discovery and the pleasures found in the kindness of strangers. You will be
exploring yourself as well as a new country and culture.
Solo travel gives you complete freedom and independence. You never have to wait for your
partner to pack. You decide where to go, how far to travel, how much to spend and when to
call it a day.
Of course, there are downsides to traveling alone: Accommodations typically cost more
because you are not splitting the bill, and you may be more vulnerable to theft when you are
alone. But the biggest struggle is loneliness.
Fortunately, the continent is full of lonely travelers and natural meeting places. Staying in
hostels gives you a built-in family (hostels are open to all ages). Small pensions and B&Bs
often have owners who have time to talk with you. City walking tours provide an easy
opening to meet other travelers.
The idea of eating alone can be intimidating until you do it. The key is to keep busy. Use the
time to learn more of the language. Practice your verbal skills with the waiter (when I asked
a French waiter if he had kids, he proudly showed me a picture of his twin girls). Read a
guidebook, a novel or the International Herald Tribune. Do trip planning, write in your
journal or scrawl a few postcards to the folks back home.
Consider quick and cheap alternatives to formal dining. Try a self-service cafe, a local-style
fast-food restaurant or a small ethnic eatery. Visit a supermarket deli, and get a picnic to eat
in the square or a park. Grab a slice of pizza, and munch it as you walk along, people-
watching and window-shopping.
Evenings can be tough if you feel lonely. Use this time to visit an Internet cafe and send
travel news to friends and family. Or go out, and experience the magic of European cities at
night. Stroll well-lit streets, enjoying the parade of people, busy shops and illuminated
monuments. See Paris by night on a river cruise. Take advantage of the wealth of evening
entertainment: concerts, movies, puppet shows and folk dancing. If you like to stay in, get a
room with a balcony overlooking a square. You will have a front-row seat to the best show in
If you don't feel comfortable traveling alone, consider joining a tour. With a tour, all of your
hotel rooms are reserved, a guide plans most of your activities and other tour members keep
you company. I have talked to too many people who put off their travel dreams because they
don't want to do it alone. Don't delay. Just think of Europe as one big gelato social. The first
step is to show up.