Prawira 2020 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 479 012044
Prawira 2020 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 479 012044
Prawira 2020 IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 479 012044
Conference Paper in IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science · July 2020
DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/479/1/012044
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All content following this page was uploaded by Frankstein Arphan on 14 July 2020.
Department of Geophysical Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology,
Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Medco Hidro Indonesia, The Energy Building, Jenderal Sudirman Lot 52-53, Jakarta
12190, Indonesia
Department of Physics Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology,
Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
Abstract. Cipogor is an area in PSK-1 Power Plant located at West Java. This area has a
damaged flushing canal due to landslides at 2018. Therefore, integration of two-dimensional
resistivity (ERT), one-dimensional resistivity (VES), and Digital Elevation Model is conducted
to determine lithology and unstable slope that characterized by water saturated weak zone.
Resistivity models from ERT and VES method are integrated with elevation data from DEM.
Lithologies from interpreted VES model are as follows: Alluvial (6 – 70.06 Ωm), Tuff sediments
(12 – 28.44 Ωm), sandstone sediments (1.96 – 9 Ωm) and Breccia (42.07 – 88.6 Ωm) from
Koleberes Formations. There is an anomaly (12 – 28.98 Ωm) within sandstone layer. From ERT
model, there is low resistivity zone (2-5 Ωm) interpreted as weak zone and moderate resistivity
zone (16-24 Ωm) around 9-17 m in depth, interpreted as sediments transported during previous
landslide. From the interpretation, it can be concluded that there is weak zone in depth 5-6.91 m
and 17-20 m which is a weathered sandstone of Koleberes Formation and a sediment layer that
transported from previous landslide in depth 9-17 m. Heaving is occurred in this layer and
preventing any large landslide to occur but cannot prevent soil creeping in the area.
1. Introduction
Landslide is a downhill movement of slope-forming material under the influence of gravity and water
[1]. PSK-1 Hydro Powerplant reside in a foothill located at Cianjur, West Java. Because of this, it has
steep slopes. There are water springs located on upper part of the hill. This condition is one of the
primary factors of the landslide.
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The 7th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Natural Disaster (RCND 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 479 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/479/1/012044
Based on Regional Geology Map of Sindang Barang and Bandar Waru from Koesmono, Kusmana
& Suano (1966), PSK-1 Powerplant have four geological unit [Figure 1], which are;
- Mount Patuha lava and volcanic mudflow [Qv(p, l)], consists of andesite lava from Mount Patuha.
This geolocal unit are deposited at surface, estimated from Holocene era.
- Lava and volcanic mudflow Mount Kendeng [QL(K, W)], consists of lava flow interspersed with
lava mudflow deposit like andesite breccia and tuff breccia. It is located at North side of the
powerplant. It is estimated that this unit is deposited at Pleistocene era.
- Inseparable pyroclastic deposited [QTv], consists of breccia andesite, breccia tuff, and lapilli tuff.
This unit is deposited at Pleistocene – Pliocene era.
- Koleberes Formation [Tmk] consists of finely laminated tuff sandstone, crystal tuff, breccia tuff
and breccia with andesite. It is located at the South side of the powerplant and deposited during
Late Miocene era.
The Cipogor area itself located near a headpond that is used to control the flow of water. Not only
that, this area is passed by flushing canal. South of the flushing canal is a slope leading down to Cibuni
River below the study area. Based on the previous geological analysis by Medco Energi geology survey
team in 2018, Cipogor consists of three main lithologies; alluvial, pyroclastic deposit and sandstones
from Koleberes Formation. This area has suffered continuous landslide in 2018, resulting massive
damage to flushing canals near headpond. Up to this day, there are some indications of soil creeping in
the area.
Our aim of study is to interpret the subsurface condition of the area to determine landslide or soil
creeping potential in the area. To achieve this, we use resistivity methods integrated with remote sensing
data. Resistivity method is a geophysical method that measures the soil ability to “resist” the electrical
current. This method is divided into two methods, which are Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) or one-
dimensional resistivity and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) or two-dimensional resistivity
method. One-dimensional method resulted vertical soil boundary, meanwhile two-dimensional method
could give clearer view on weak zones and estimated landslide slopes. ERT method is used because it
The 7th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Natural Disaster (RCND 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 479 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/479/1/012044
can provide effective and useful information on the distribution of resistivity contrast that often
correspond with to the boundaries between sliding material and bedrock by identification of water
saturated zone. Not only that, ERT method can be considered suitable for geometrical characterization
of a landslide body. This method still requires calibration results from other geophysical or geological
data, especially when a very wet material is investigated [2]. Therefore, we integrate one-dimensional,
two-dimensional resistivity and remote sensing data with geological and environmental condition
information to give accurate analysis of Cipogor area.
2. Methods
Figure 2. Illustration of electrical current propagation and its equipotential field when using 2
Current Electrodes. Reprinted from Geoelectrics, BGR, retrieved 21 October 2019, from
de_en.html. Copyright by Ursula Noell. Reprinted with Permission
The resistivity method itself is an active geophysical method by measuring the potential difference
generated due to the injection of an electrical current. From the measured potential difference value and
the amount of current injected, we can determine the resistivity variation of each layer below the
measurement point. Figure 2 shows the current injection and flow from point A and B. The electrical
potential of that current is detected from point M and N using steel electrode.
The resistivity value is also influenced by water content in the soil due to high electrical conductivity
of water. Therefore, the resistivity method can be used to detect subsurface saturated zones [4]. Soil,
rocks or other material where water is difficult to fill or flow (impermeable), can resulted to high
resistivity value.
In reality, subsurface rocks are not a homogeneous medium so the value obtained is no longer actual
resistivity but an apparent resistivity (ρa). Apparent resistivity is not a physical property of the
subsurface media, unlike the original resistivity. In the sense that all data obtained in the field is apparent
resistivity. The resistivity value can be formulated as follows [5]:
𝜌𝑎 = 𝐼
.𝐾 (1)
1 1 1 1 −1
𝐾 = 2𝜋. {[𝐴𝑀 − 𝑀𝐵] − [𝐴𝑁 − 𝑁𝐵]} (2)
The 7th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Natural Disaster (RCND 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 479 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/479/1/012044
Variable 𝜌𝑎 is apparent resistivity of the measured location in Ωm. VMN is potential difference of the
location measured from M and N electrode in Volt. I is the injected electrical current in Ampere. Factor K is
called geometric factor of the configuration used for acquisition. The distance between AM, MB, AN, NB
are length between electrodes in meter.
The value of apparent resistivity depends on the geometry factor K value of the electrode
configuration used. Each configuration has its own characteristics. There are factors to consider when
choosing a configuration when measuring, which are: amount of space available to lay out the
configuration, the sensitivity level of the electrode configuration to vertical and horizontal changes
below the surface, horizontal data coverage, and also which method (one or two-dimensional) that is
used [6].
In this study, we use Vertical Electrical Sounding and Electrical Resistivity Tomography. One major
difference between two methods is each method used different configuration. Our aim for this method
is to create a model where we can determine the weak zones and the landslide plane caused by water
impermeable layer.
VES acquisition were carried out with 7-point VES measurements. The location of the VES point
can be seen in Figure 3. The acquisition of the VES method uses Schlumberger configuration to obtain
sufficient penetration depth as well as good vertical resolution. The length of VES measurement range
is 50 m - 140 m, so that expected maximum depth can reach 25 m - 75 m. the measurement data were
processed using one-dimensional inversion program to make one-dimensional resistivity modeling.
The ERT acquisition was carried out on the west side of Cipogor area and close to the damaged
flushing canal. Measurements were made with a track length of 100 m and electrode spaces is 4 m. The
expected maximum depth is 20 m. Electrode configuration used in ERT measurements is Wenner-
Schlumberger configuration to produce good horizontal resolution as well as sufficient vertical
resolution. The measurement data are then processed two-dimensional resistivity inversion program to
create a two-dimensional resistivity cross section model. All of the data are then correlated to create
three-dimensional model.
The 7th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Natural Disaster (RCND 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 479 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/479/1/012044
Figure 4 shows the processed Digital Elevation Model of Cipogor area. Yellow to red colour shows
an elevation of 620 m – 729 m above mean sea level. From the produced DEM, it is known that Cipogor
area has an elevation around 650 - 720 meter above mean sea level.
Resistivity measurements are carried out during the rainy season. Therefore, the resistivity value is
estimated to have smaller value than normal resistivity value of rocks. In this Paper, we interpret the
data based on resistivity contrast of the data, rather than standard resistivity value of rocks. In VES
method, each VES point are interpreted and then correlated to form a model. After all points are
processed and interpreted, the results showed five rock or soil layer with the following resistivity range;
The 7th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Natural Disaster (RCND 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 479 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/479/1/012044
Table 2 shows interpreted one-dimensional resistivity model from VES method. Based on this
interpretation, Cipogor area has 5 layers. At the top there are alluvial and tuff deposits which have
varying resistivity value possibly because of external factor, for example there are hard rocks at the
surface that could produce higher resistivity value. Based on previous study, the surface of this area is
covered by alluvial layer, and followed by thin pyroclastic tuff deposits that tend to thin toward Southern
direction. Below the tuff deposits, there is a sandstone layer from Koleberes Formation.
ERT resistivity data was processed using the two-dimensional resistivity program. In this program
topographic input are also carried out to produce accurate model according to Digital Elevation Model.
Inversion parameters used are; convergence limit is 0.1 and RMS value changes between iterations limit
is 0.5. The mesh for this model is used 4 nodes to produce more detailed and sensitive model to resistivity
variation. Jacobian matrix was recalculated in the 2 initial iterations and the flatness filter ratio was 1.0.
The following is the two-dimensional resistivity model.
Figure 5 shows the two-dimensional resistivity model from inversion of ERT data. Red coloured
resistivity contrast indicates a high resistivity value of 40-60 Ωm, while the yellow colored indicates a
medium resistivity of 20-30 Ωm. Green indicates medium-low resistivity of 10-19 Ωm and blue
indicates low resistivity of 0.2-8 Ωm. There is high resistivity contrast at the surface to 5 meters below
The 7th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Natural Disaster (RCND 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 479 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/479/1/012044
the surface that can be interpreted as an alluvial layers and tuff deposits, whereas the low resistivity zone
can be interpreted as a weak zone where underground water flows. There is a possibility that
underground water flow originates from water springs on the upper North side of the area (left to the
ERT model), indicated by the presence of rice fields owned by local community or from fracture of the
old flushing canal which was damaged by landslides in the previous year. There is a small quantity of
water flowing in the damaged canal. The water flows into fractures of the damaged canal and become a
water infiltration points. On the meter 47 there is a medium resistivity zone (15-29 Ωm). This can be
interpreted as a soil sediment that have been lifted as a result of sediment transportation during the
landslide in 2018. Heaving occurred in this sediment so that the direction of the water flow changes and
water discharged onto the surface.
4. Conclusion
From the interpretation of ERT and VES model with topography values from Digital Elevation Model,
it can be concluded that there is a weak zone at 5 - 6.91 m and 17 - 20 m in depth that indicates a water-
saturated layer from weathered sandstone layer due to 2018 landslide. Furthermore, there is an
The 7th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Natural Disaster (RCND 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 479 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/479/1/012044
anomalous sediment (12 – 29 Ωm) at 9-17 meter in depth. It is possible to become a landslide plane but
at the same time heaving occurs and prevent potential large landslide.
Special Thanks
Special Thanks to Mr. Widya Utama from Geophysical Engineering Department ITS, Mr. Pramadi
Praja, Mr. Ishom Subkhan from Medco Energi for administration support during study and Iqbal
Hamami from Gatupa Consultant for the help during data acquisition.
Appendix A
Figure A1. Cipogor Area in 2018. The new Flushing canals has been built near the water flow
from Headpond to Power House. Reprinted from “Formulir Investigasi dan Monitoring :
Longsoran Area Jalur Flushing Headpond Lama Desember 2018” by S., Sugiyono, 2018.
Copyright PT. Pembangkitan Pusaka Parahiangan.
The 7th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Natural Disaster (RCND 2019) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 479 (2020) 012044 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/479/1/012044
Figure A3. Correlation Between Interpreted ERT result with Interpreted VES Result
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