Connective Tissue Injury in Calf Muscle Tears and Return To Play: MRI Correlation
Connective Tissue Injury in Calf Muscle Tears and Return To Play: MRI Correlation
Connective Tissue Injury in Calf Muscle Tears and Return To Play: MRI Correlation
BJSM Online First, published on October 26, 2017 as 10.1136/bjsports-2017-098362
Original article
Original article
aponeuroses and tendon are subject to considerable variation in
terms of number, position and dominance.
The plantaris arises from the lateral supracondylar line of the
distal femur and from the oblique popliteal ligament. The small
muscle belly lies deep to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius
muscle, but the long thin plantaris tendon courses obliquely and
medially, lying between the soleus and the medial head of the
gastrocnemius muscles (figure 2A,B). Distally, the tendon inserts
on the calcaneus just anteromedial to the Achilles tendon.14
Inclusion criteria
Consecutive patients in the age between 20 and 50 years,
were referred for MRI of the leg with the clinical suspicion and
MRI confirmation of acute calf muscle tear, and with injury
occurring within the previous 2 weeks were included in the study.
Exclusion criteria
MRI-negative studies, patients with delayed onset muscle sore-
Figure 1 Anatomy of gastrocnemius aponeuroses: (A) PD and (B)
ness or muscle overload MRI pattern, Achilles tendon tear,
PD fat saturated images showing proximal posterior (arrowhead) and
muscle contusion MRI pattern or history, bone stress reaction,
distal anterior aponeurosis (thin arrow) of the gastrocnemius. (C,D)
pre-existing non-healed muscle tear in either leg and follow-up
PD fat saturated images of an athlete with grade 2 posterior soleus
studies were excluded. Patients were also excluded if they were
aponeurosis tear and sliver of fluid between gastrocnemius and
out of play for any other reason and if we could not obtain the
soleus muscles; the intermuscular fluid clearly demarcates the anterior
RTP details.
aponeurosis (thin arrow) of the gastrocnemius muscle.
Return to play
localised aponeuroses on the anterior and posterior aspects of RTP was defined as time from the date of injury to return to full
the muscle (figure 2A). Distal to the origin, there are proximal competition.
intramuscular medial and lateral aponeuroses (figure 2B). These
medial and lateral intramuscular aponeuroses run inferiorly, are
directed towards the midline of the muscle belly and fade out MRI technique
inferiorly. Proximal muscle fibres arise from these aponeuroses. The MRI imaging technique included placing an external marker
Distally the muscle fibres insert into a long central intramuscular (vitamin E capsule) over the area of maximum symptom, as indi-
tendon (figure 2B,C), which arises from the anterior aponeu- cated by the patient. All scans were carried out using 3T MRI
rosis of the soleus, and also to the posterior aponeurosis of the scanners. A dedicated surface coil was used to obtain high-reso-
soleus (figure 2C). The central intramuscular tendon and poste- lution image with 2.5 mm axial proton density (PD) and PD fat
rior aponeurosis merge to form the soleal contribution to the saturated axial images, as well as 2 mm sagittal and coronal PD
Achilles tendon.13 In our experience, the soleus intramuscular fat saturated images.
Figure 2 PD fat saturated images obtained through normal (A), proximal (B), mid and (C) distal leg showing anterior (thin white arrow in A and
B), posterior (curved white arrow in A, B and C), medial and lateral intramuscular (block arrows in B) aponeuroses and central intramuscular tendon
(arrowhead in B and C). Plantaris tendon is shown by the thin black arrow in A and B.
Original article
Figure 5 (A) Axial PD fat saturated and (B) coronal PD fat saturated
Figure 3 (A) Axial PD fat saturated and (B) sagittal PD fat saturated images of a 24-year-old professional player showing grade 2 muscle
images of a 30-year-old athlete showing grade 0 muscle injury of injury of soleus. There is myofibril detachment. The lateral intramuscular
the soleus (arrow). There is oedema adjacent to a normal posterior aponeurosis shows increased intermediate signal intensity consistent
aponeurosis of the soleus without myofibril detachment. He had no time with delamination (arrow in B), but no aponeurosis retraction. His time
out of play. to return to play was 30 days.
Original article
Original article
Figure 8 Scatter plot of the study with grade of injury in x-axis and time to return to play (RTP) in y-axis.
our study did not show a significant difference in time to RTP between similar grades of calf injury at different locations with
between soleus and gastrocnemius injuries. time to RTP.
The findings in our study did not show any particular soleus Our study has a number of limitations. Majority of our
aponeurosis or epimysium being significantly more commonly patients were professional and elite athletes; therefore our
injured than others. However, in gastrocnemius, most tears findings may not be representative of the general population.
were located in the anterior aponeurosis and distal myotendi- The number of higher grade injuries in this study group may
nous junction. There were no isolated lateral gastrocnemius tears be over-represented due to bias in the patient population
in our cohort. In addition, there were no plantaris tears in our recruited, as clinically higher grade injuries were more likely
cohort; in our experience this is an uncommon injury. While the to be referred for MRI. MRI evaluation was done by consensus
soleus was the more commonly injured muscle, the incidence between three radiologists; the intraobserver and interobserver
of grade 3 injury was higher in the gastrocnemius, particularly reliability is therefore not known. The doctors deciding the
failure of the distal aponeurosis. time to RTP were not blinded to the MRI findings. We did not
Our results show that the time to RTP is significantly longer in correlate between MRI and clinical findings; we therefore do
patients with higher grades of connective tissue injury. An earlier not know if the MRI clinical findings add to clinical evalua-
study among AFL players with calf injuries identified an asso- tion. We recognise that time to RTP in players may slightly vary
ciation between missing at least one game and injury involving during preseason, season and postseason. Time to RTP may
multiple muscles, musculotendinous junction strains, deep strain also be influenced by players’ motivation to RTP and pressure
location and intramuscular tendon tears.7 Balius et al21 studied to play exerted by the clubs. We did not follow up patients in
55 cases of soleus injury by MRI and ultrasound (US), and this study for reinjury.
concluded that US is not a sensitive technique for detecting and
assessing soleus traumatic tears compared with MRI.
Pedret et al22 evaluated the association of different typical Conclusion
locations of the soleus muscle tears and their recovery times, Calf muscle injuries involve muscle fibre disruption at the inter-
which showed wide variation. However, soleus central intramus- face with the connective tissue structures, such as epimysium,
cular tendon injuries had a significantly longer recovery time. aponeurosis and intramuscular tendon. These connective tissue
They did not grade the injuries in their study. We think severity structures are likely to fail with higher grade muscle injuries.
of connective tissue injury is more important than just the loca- Attention should be directed to the connective tissue integrity
tion of the injury. It is a topic for future research to correlate rather than focused solely on the characteristics of the injured
muscle fibre component. We propose a MRI grading system that
can be used to assess the extent of injury and integrity of the
connective tissue structures involved. As demonstrated in this
What are the findings?
study, higher grades of connective tissue injury have a longer
time to RTP and are important in determining the duration of
MRI-detected connective tissue injury in calf muscle tears is
rehabilitation among athletes.
associated with longer time to return to play.
Competing interests None declared.
Ethics approval Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee, Victoria,
How might it impact on clinical practice in the future?
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
The proposed MRI grading system for calf muscle tears can be © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the
used to guide the time to return to play in athletes. article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise
expressly granted.
Original article
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