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VCC Administrator Training: Style Guide

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VCC Administrator Training

Style Guide

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This style guide and its attachments is for the sole use of Yapster eLearning, Inc. and contains confidential information of Five9 and/or its affiliated entities.
Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, distribution or duplication of this document or any attachments is expressly prohibited.
Log-in Credentials

Administrator Username Password Station ID Extension Skills Agent Groups Campaign

ABC Company ABC Company abc12345 None 0000 None None None

Supervisor Username Password Station ID Extension Skills Agent Groups Campaign

James Smith sup_jsmith@abc.com pass12345 1428580 0001 CSR, TSR and Sales Inbound ABC Inbound ABC Support

John Anderson sup_janderson@abc.com pass12345 1428581 0002 Sales Outbound ABC Sales ABC Outbound Sales

Reporting Username Password Station ID Extension Skills Agent Groups Campaign

1428589 0010 CSR, Sales, TSR ABC Reportings CampaignABC Support and
Anna Williams report_awilliams@abc.com pass12345
Outbound Sales

Agents CSR Username Password Station ID Extension Skills Agent Groups Campaign

Barbara Summers AgentCSR_bsummers@abc.com pass12345 1428582 0003 CSR ABC inbound ABC Support

Deborah Carter AgentCSR_dcarter@abc.com pass12345 1428583 0004 CSR ABC inbound ABC Support

Agents TSR Username Password Station ID Extension Skills Agent Groups Campaign

Fletcher Campbell AgentTSR_fcampbell@abc.com pass12345 1428584 0005 TSR ABC inbound ABC Support

Rachel Collins AgentTSR_rcollins@abc.com pass12345 1428585 0006 TSR ABC inbound ABC Support

Agents Inbound Sales Username Password Station ID Extension Skills Agent Groups Campaign

Alisa Bosconovitch AgentInSales_abosconovitch@abc.com pass12345 1428590 0011 Sales Inbound ABC inbound ABC Support

Bryan Fury AgentINSales_bfury@abc.com pass12345 1428591 0009 Sales Inbound ABC inbound ABC Support

Agents Outbound
Username Password Station ID Extension Skills Agent Groups Campaign

Jaicah Hernandez AgentSales_jhernandez@abc.com pass12345 1428586 0007 Sales Outbound ABC sales ABC Outbound Sales

Jacob Brown AgentSales_jbrown@abc.com pass12345 1428587 0008 Sales Outbound ABC sales ABC Outbound Sales
Log-in Credentials
Campaign DNIS and ANI

Campaign Toll free Local DNIS Local ANI DID ANI

ABC Company Main 8003113054 9257324089 9257324090

ABC Outbound Sales 9257324089 8003113054


ABC Company

Supervisor Reporting Supervisor

Inbound Outbound
sup_jsmith@abc.com report_awilliams@abc.com sup_janderson@abc.com

CSR CSR TSR TSR In-Sales In-Sales Sales Sales

AgentCSR_bsummers@abc.com AgentCSR_dcarter@abc.com AgentTSR_fcampbell@abc.com AgentTSR_rcollins@abc.com AgentInSales_abosconovitch@abc.com AgentINSales_bfury@abc.co AgentSales_jhernandez@abc.com AgentSales_jbrown@abc.com
VCC Administrator Training
User Interface (Home/Landing Page)
File>New Project>Project From Template

1280 px

Topic Name
Font: Avenir LT Std 35 Light, 46pt

840 px
Transition: Fade In and Out (0.5 sec)

Font: Avenir LT Std 35 Light, 16pt
Transition: Fade In and Out (0.5 sec)

Stage Area
Insert Animation if needed

Module Name
Font: Arial Regular, 14 pt
Display for: Rest of Project
Transition: None

Next Button
Actions: Jump to slide

Play Pause/Mute Button

Display for: Rest of Project
Transition: None
VCC Administrator Training
User Interface (Home/Landing Page)

Mute Button
On Success: Execute Advanced Actions
Script: MuteUnmute_1_2
VCC Administrator Training
User Interface (Home/Landing Page)

Play/Pause Button
On Success: Execute Advanced Actions
Script: PlayPause_1_2

Voice over
Timing: Starts at 1 sec.
Add 1 sec on the timeline after voice over.
VCC Administrator Training
User Interface (Master Slide)

Topic Name
Avenir LT Std 35 Light, 46 pt




Main_Steps Main_Tips

VCC Administrator Training

Camphor Std Regular, 14 pt

VCC Main Window

Dimension: w 909 x h542

Selection Higlight
Stroke : # C50F3C
Width : 6
Fade In and Out : 0.5 sec

Start center of slide
Straight Pointer Path
Reduce Speed Before Click
*Un-check Mouse Click Sound, Show Mouse Click
Timing : 1sec

Slide Indicator
Active : #0092B3
Transition : Fade In Only (0.5 sec)

Inactive : #D1D3D3
No Transition
VCC Administrator Training

VCC Main Window Screenshot Edit:

1. Create a Layer Mask with 6 px Radius to
add a rounded corners on the image.

2. Add a 3 px white stroke on the image and

save as PNG file.
VCC Administrator Training
Steps (New Active Window)

White Transparent Layer

Added on top of previous
active window
Opacity: 75%

Active Window/Pop-up
Max height : 500 px
Transition : Fade In Only (0.5 sec)

Effects : Entrance>Zoom In
Initial Zoom : 50%
Final Zoom : 100%
Duration : 0.2 sec
VCC Administrator Training

Pop-up Window Screenshot Edit:

1. Create a Layer Mask with 6 px Radius to add a rounded corners on the image.

2. Duplicate the layer. Add 3 px white stroke on the top image.

3. Add Outer Glow on the bottom image.

Blend Mode : Normal
Opacity : 50%
Spread : 6 %
Size : 20 px
VCC Administrator Training

Description/definition box
Color :#003A5D
Text : Camphor Std Regular, 14 pt
No Transition
VCC Administrator Training

Important box
Color :#C50F3C
Text : Camphor Std Regular, 14 pt
No Transition
VCC Administrator Training
Zoom Portion

Zoom Portion Edit

1. Open Microsoft Magnifier and adjust zoom to 200%.

2. Take a screenshot.

3. Layer properties.
Color :#C50F3C ; 4 px stroke
Color :White ; 4 px stroke

Inner Shadow
Blend Mode : Multiply, Color : #D1D3D3
Opacity 48%
Distance : 11, Choke : 0, Size : 65
VCC Administrator Training
End Slide

Done Indicator
Show after voice over.
No transition.

Back button
VCC Administrator Training

Slide Properties
1. Select all slides.

2. Change Quality to High (24-bit)

2. On Enter : Execute Advanced Action and select “showPlayonEnter”.

VCC Administrator Training
Publish Settings

Check “Enable reporting for this project”.

Check “Slide Views”

Check “Send Data On Every Slide”.

Check “Set Exit to Normal after completion”.
VCC Administrator Training
Publish Settings

Project Title : “CX_MX_TX_TopicTitle”

Select “HTML5”

Check “Scalable HTML content”

VCC Administrator Training
Color Palette


Pantone 302 C Pantone 7689 C

C 100 M 74 C 78 M 25
Y 50 K 32 Y8 K0
R 0, G 59, B 93 R 40, G 141, B 193
#003A5D #248DC1

Black Pantone 431 C Pantone 430 C Pantone 427 C White

C0 M0 C 67 M 52 C 55 M 40 C 18 M 12 C0 M0
Y 0 K 100 Y 44 K 17 Y 37 K 4 Y 12 K 0 Y0 K0
R 0, G 0, B 0 R 91, G 103, B 112 R 124, G 134, B 141 R 208, G 211, B 212 R 255, G 255, B 255
#000000 #5B6770 #7C868D #D0D3D4 #FFFFFF


Pantone 7462 C Pantone 7684 C Pantone 632 C

C 100 M 71 C 88 M 68 C 92 M 24
Y 22 K 5 Y9 K1 Y 23 K 0
R 0, G 84, B 139 R 52, G 94, B 158 R 0, G 145, B 179
#00548B # 345E9E #0091B3


Pantone 7733 C Pantone 7737 C Pantone 124 C Pantone 138 C Pantone 193 C Pantone 7651 C
C 92 M 31 C 64 M 15 C 7 M 35 C 10 M 59 C 16 M 100 C 57 M 94
Y 89 K 22 Y 100 K 1 Y 100 K 0 Y 100 K 1 Y 76 K 5 Y 36 K 23
R 0, G 111, B 67 R 107, G 165, B 58 R 236, G 170, B 0 R 225, G 125, B 0 R 197, G 15, B 60 R 109, G 42, B 92
#006F43 #6BA53A #ECAA00 #E17D00 #C50F3C #6D2A5C
VCC Administrator Training

Primary Typeface: Avenir

VCC Administrator Training
Word Usage

Click Select and Clear

Use for menu commands, buttons, options, and options in a list, Use for check boxes.
gallery, or palette. Use “Click,” not “Click on.” Use click, rather than select or
press, for a mouse action. Correct:
Select the Reminder check box.
Correct: Incorrect:
Click the Print button. Check the Reminder check box.
Click on the Print button. Correct:
Clear the Reminder check box.
Correct: Incorrect:
Click the OK button. Uncheck the Reminder check box.
Incorrect: Click the Reminder check box to empty it.
Select the OK button.

In general, use "type" for an item that the user types into a text box
or field. You may use "enter" when a user either types information or selects
from a list, as in a combo box. Only use "enter" when there is no possibility
of confusion between the verb "enter" and the Enter key.

Type your password and then press Enter.
In the File name box, enter the name of the file.

For radio buttons, use the verb select. Click is also acceptable,
but select is preferred. Use the term option instead of radio button.

Select the Compress option.
VCC Administrator Training
Word Usage

Window and Screen Elements Preferred Terms: Window and Screen Elements Preferred Terms: Window and Screen Elements
Address bar mouse, mouse pointer, mouse devices, taskbar
taskbar button
check box text box

notification area (not system tray)

Close button
course menu
(Option is preferred; radio button is
acceptable if it is a client’s preference.) Up Arrow key
Down Arrow key
cursor Quick Launch bar
Right Arrow key
drop-down arrow right, left
Left Arrow key
right side
website (one word, no hyphen, lower case. Avoid “web page”.)
left side (not right-hand side, left-hand side)
Web (capitalized, as a short form of World Wide Web)
drop-down list scroll arrow

Preferred Terms: General Terms

agent (not associates or CSR)
Links bar scroll bar
log in slider (can also slide right-left)
login (when used as a noun or adjective) closed-ended questions, open-ended questions
log off, or log out (when used as an curriculum
log on
online (one word, no hyphen)
menu bar Start button service delivery center (never customer management center or call center)
tabs teach-back (hyphenated; not teach back)
Minimize button
Supervisor (not team lead—for Five9 supervisors)
Maximize button
Five9 University

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