The Seven Ignored Messages of Jesus
The Seven Ignored Messages of Jesus
The Seven Ignored Messages of Jesus
19. What must [ do to Its certain that the precious gold,- white raiment and
eyesalve are mina? Revelation 3:20
Ans: Open wide the ____________ and let Jesus enter my ______________
NOTE: Though Jesus can open many doors, He will not force open the door
to my heart, This I must do myself.
on a sombre note. His last day church IS NOT READY FOR HIS APPEARING!
His counsel to us in Revelation 3 is FANTASTIC. However, He has MUCH The books of the New Testament are largely letters written by apostles to various
MORE to say to us in the remaining 19 chapters. SOME COUNSEL WILL BE churches or individuals. Christendom, in general; accepts all these fetters as
SHOCKING and STARTLING, but since it is HIS counsel I WANT IT God's authoritative word to the church today.
ANYWAY. Don't you?
But one of the New Testament books, Revelation, bears the name of JESUS,
Himself. In fact, the book is entitled, "The Revelation of Jesus Christ'. It begins
with seven specific letters or epistles from Jesus to the churches. Of all the letters,
or epistles, of the New Testament, surely, these personal letters of love, with
special counsel from our Lord, should receive the greatest attention and concern
by His people
But it is not so.. Tragically, these seven imperative letters from Jesus have been
almost entirely: ignored Satan, the archenemy of God's people, must; certainly
rejoice that .most Christians are not listening to .Jesus' Important counsel from
His own extraordinary book of Revelation,.
Thank God, it is not too late. This Revelation Seminar comes to grips with these
seven great messages May the Holy Spirit guide us as we study chapters two and
three of Revelation, and listen to Jesus' crucial counsel for busy Christians in the
1. What solemn warning does Jesus give in regard to the extreme
importance of every word of Revelation? Revelation 22:18, 19
Ans: a. If I add anything to Revelation, God will add to me
Copyright 1983 Review & Herald Publishing Assn. _____________________________________________________
and Revelation Seminars, Box 66, Keene, Texas 76059.
Christian ethics dictate that this material 8not be copied without written permission.
Ans: b. If I subtract anything from Revelation, God will remove my name
from ____________________________________.
NOTE: Most notes for this lesson are on Exhibit #2. See Point 1 for the note
for Question One.
Jesus' messages to the seven churches. Please study it carefully PRIOR to our
next seminar session. We will be discussing two chapters in Revelation in LAODICEA (mid 1800's until Jesus comes). The heart beats faster as we study
one evening, and must cover all points quickly. It will be much easier for you about the church of our day. These words Ln are direct council and reproof to
to follow if you acquaint yourself with this overview sheet ahead of time. It Christians living now. Jesus knows our spiritual problems and needs. He offers
is labelled "Exhibit #1". Also, please read chapters two and three of solutions and assistance.
Revelation before the session.
16. What does Jesus say our problems are today? Revelation 3:15-17
3. Three statements that Jesus makes to the seven churches are so Ans: a. Verse 16 - We are ________________________________
exceptionally Important and so relevant to Christians in all eras that
they were given to all seven churches. What are these three statements Ans: b. Verse 17 - We feel that spiritually we are ________________ and in
that were made to all seven churches? need of _________________ when truly we are spiritually _____________,
a. Revelation 2:2; 2:9; 2:13; 2:19; 3:1; 3:8; and 3:15 __________________, ___________________, __________________ and
Ans: "I know thy ____________________________________________.” ___________________.
NOTE: See Exhibit #2, Point 3-a
NOTE: This condition is alarming. Nothing is worse than for me to think I
b. Revelation 2:7; 2:11, 17; 2:26; 3:5; 3:12 and 3:21 am in harmony with God's will when, instead, I am desperately in need of
repentance (verse 19). Many, seemingly devout people, will be lost in the
Ans: "To him that ____________________________________________.”
final judgment for the same reason. See Matthew 7:21-23. It is bad enough to
NOTE: See Exhibit #2, Point 3-b. be in trouble. It is worse yet to be in trouble and not know it.
c. Revelation 2:7; 2:11, 17; 2:29; 3:6; 3:13 and 3:22
17. What three things does Jesus counsel me to obtain in order for me to see
Ans: "Hear what the ______________________ saith unto the churches". myself as I really am, so I may bring my life into harmony with Him?
NOTE: See Exhibit #2, Point 3-c. Revelation 3:18
Ans: 1. _______________________________________ (a precious metal).
Ans: 2. White ________________________________________ (clothing).
Ans: 3. _____________________________________________ (medicine).
1. God knows all about me. I cannot deceive Him. 18. What Is the meaning of gold, white raiment and eyesalve?
2. "Overcoming" Is Imperative. It takes place only through Jesus. Ans: a. GOLD means the true riches of Heaven, which are manifested in a
golden character, which will stand up under the fire of persecution and
3. I must heed the voice of the Holy Spirit at all times. adversity. It includes: GOD'S WORD, Psalm 19:7-10 and FAITH WHICH
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as you find it and blessings will come. Refuse to do so, and calamity comes. NOTICE: Because time is limited, as we look at these messages to the seven
Jesus reveals light to me gradually, as I can handle it John 16:12. If I accept churches, we will emphasize only the key points for each era.
light as He gives it I receive more, till I have full light, Proverbs 4:18, 19. If
I refuse light, it goes out and I stumble in darkness, John 12:35.
Ans: '`Thou hast a name that thou and art
NOTE: See Exhibit #2, Point 13.
expansion of foreign missions and the American and British Bible Societies.
Missionaries encircled the world.
Great revival preachers like Whitefield and the Wesleys helped spark a global
revival. The greatest revival since Pentecost was fuelled by the study of the EPHESUS - ERA OF APOSTLES
books of Daniel and Revelation.
EPHESUS, the church of the Apostles, represents God's church of the first
The name "Philadelphia" or "brotherly love" is fitting. As Jesus looked at His century. Before his death (ca 65 AD) the apostle Paul could say the gospel had
church of this era He offered no reproof. been taken to the whole world. Colossians 1:5,6,23 (1728). With incredible speed
the church grew to over 6 million, by the end of the first century. (pg. 6)
14. This church had difficulties, however, with the same group as did the 4. What reproof did Jesus give Ephesus? Revelation 2:4
church at Smyrna. What was the group called? Revelation. 2:9; 3:9
Ans: They had ______________ their ______________ love.
Ans: The _______________________ of _______________________
NOTE: See Exhibit #2, Point 4.
NOTE: Notice that the people of Satan's synagogue (church) were here
pretending to be faithful, true members of God's church and did not reveal
their true colours. These are the most dangerous emissaries of the devil, 5. Jesus commended the Ephesus era of the church for their attitude
because they appear so righteous and sweet and loving. Jesus calls them toward false teachers. What was their attitude? Revelation 2:2
wolves in sheep's clothing, Matthew 7:15. We can expect the devil’s
Ans: "Thou hast ______________ them which ______________ they
representatives to be devious and deceitful. After all, the devil is the father of
lies, John 8:44. If we stay close to Jesus and check all teachings by His are _______________________ and are _______________________.”
Word, we will not be deceived, Isaiah 8:20; 30:21
NOTE: See Exhibit #2, Point 5.
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Ans: "_________________ none of these things which thou shalt suffer... NOTE: See Exhibit #2, Point 9.
be thou __________________ unto ___________________ and I will give
10. What solemn warring did God give to this symbolic Jezebel and all who
thee ______________________.” followed her?. Revelation 2:22, 23
NOTE: See Exhibit #2, Point 6. Ans: a "I will cast them... into great _____________________________ ".
Ans: b. "I will ____________________ her _______________________
7. What was promised to the overcomer in Smyrna? Revelation 211
with ______________________________________________________ ".
Ans: "He that _______________________ shall not be ________________
NOTE: See Exhibit #2, Point 10.
of the __________________ death".
NOTE: See Exhibit #2, Point 7.
11. Whom do you think the "rest' are in Thyatira, who opposed the Spiritual
corruption of time period? Revelation 2:24
Ans: ______________________________________________________
NOTE: See Exhibit #2, Point 11.
PERGAMOS (313 through 538 AD) covers the era of state supported religion
and compromise. Christianity had grown so rapidly that there were places where
Christians were in the majority. The Roman Emperor, Constantine, , professed
conversion and had his entire army baptized as Christians.
Satan, unable to destroy the church through -persecution, corrupted it by
popularity, compromise and worldly alliance. Pagan beliefs and practices
corrupted the church. Pergamos was called Satan's seat (v, 13) because it was the
headquarters of Rome's heathen religion. The Lord rebuked the church of this era
for allowing false teaching to flourish.
8. The doctrines of a man and a group were mentioned. What are their
names? Revelation 2:14, 15
Ans: a. Man ______________________________________
Ans: b. Group _____________________________________ SARDIS (1500's through mid 1700's A.D.) covers the crucial period of
reformation when Spirit filled men shook the world by testing Christian
NOTE: See Exhibit #2, Point 8. beliefs by God's Word.
Some of these great men of God founded church denominations, still in
existence today. But, alas, when they died, their followers ceased searching
THYATIRA - ERA OF APOSTACY for truth, compromised what they already possessed and went backward with
astounding rapidity.
THYATIRA (538 through the 1400’s AD) is the longest period of all the seven
churches. This period, sometimes called the "Dark Ages," was a time of fearful
apostasy. 12. What did Jesus say was about to happen to the spiritual experience of the
church of this era? Revelation 3:2
9. The Lord rebuked the church of this era for opening its doors to an evil Ans: It was about to ____________________________________
woman who corrupted it. What was this woman called? Revelation 2:20 NOTE: See Exhibit #2, Point 12.
Ans: ______________________________________________________ NOTE: This solemn lesson is for us today. Keep pursuing truth and follow it
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