Registration, Assignment and Transmission of Trade Marks and Domain Names
Registration, Assignment and Transmission of Trade Marks and Domain Names
Registration, Assignment and Transmission of Trade Marks and Domain Names
A- Trade Mark
An Overview
There is also a Joint Registrar, Deputy Registrar, Assistant
Registrars and Examiners of trademarks and clerical staff to assist the
origin of the goods they are purchasing. There are also the
interests of other traders who are entitled to object if the use of
the Trade Mark proposed for registration will be calculated to
enable the applicant’s goods to be passed off on the public as
such other trader’s goods. Thus a mark which is similar to a
mark already registered or used for similar goods will not be
allowed registration.
(e) Section 12 of the Act states that it may so happen that a trader
honestly used a Trade Mark for a number of years although an
identical or similar mark has been registered or used by another.
It will obviously cause hardship to such a trader if he is deprived
of the benefits of registration. There is therefore provision for
registration of such marks subject to suitable conditions and
(f) According to section 12 the life of a Trade Mark depends on its
use; and continued non-use may lead to its eventual defeat.
There is, therefore, no equitable or logical basis for the
continuance of the protection afforded by registration where the
mark is no longer is use for a sufficiently long period. This
principle is recognized in the Act by providing for the removal
of a mark from the register on the ground of non-use.
(g) Sections 40- 45 provides that a Trade Mark is recognised as a
form of property. The term “proprietor of a Trade Mark” is used
in the definition of a Trade Mark and also in various other
provisions of the Act. It should, therefore, be assignable and
transmissible as in the case of other forms of property. Having
regard to the peculiar nature of this property, the Act has taken
care to impose various restrictions and conditions for the
assignment or transmission of property rights in a Trade Mark,
whether registered or unregistered.
(h) According to sections 20 and 21granting the benefits of
registration under the Statute is not only a matter of interest to
the applicant seeking registration, but is a matter is which the
public is also interested. It is, therefore, necessary that any
member of the public who wants to object to the registration
should be permitted to do so. The Act accordingly provides for
advertisement of the application and opposition thereto by any
These principles are substantially the same in all countries
administering Trade Mark law.
Grounds for Refusal of Registrations
(1) Absolute Grounds for Refusal
The following categories of trademarks shall not be registered
under section 9.
(b) Trade Marks Consist Exclusively of Marks
As per section 9 (1) (b), the Trade Mark which consist
exclusively of marks or indications which may serve in trade to
designate they are
(i) Kind
(ii) Quality
(iii) Quantity
(iv) Intended purpose
(v) Value
(vi) Geographical origin or
(vii) Time of production or rendering of services; or
(viii) Other characteristics of goods or services shall not be registered
as Trade Mark, Laudatory words such as perfection, good,
excellent, fine and words of common usage may now be register
able if they form act of a Trade Mark in combination with other
material, and display ‘distinctive character’.
The refusal of registration entails only, whereas Trade Mark is
exclusively formed by any of these eight characteristics matters. If
there is another matter in Trademark, which makes the Trade Mark a
composite whole of non-distinctive and distinctive matter and the
Trade Mark finally possesses a distinctive character, than the above
disabilities do not operate as a prohibition for registration.
language or are used in the bona fide and established practice of trade,
shall not be registered as Trade Marks.
Very common words and indication which are required by other
traders and such other marks which appear to be in the public domain
shall not be registered.
(d) Grounds Based on Public Policy and the Public Interest
Section 9 (2) fulfils the proposition that all Trade Marks serve a
double purpose of identification of the source and protection against
confusion function for the benefit of consumers, Section 9 (2) reads as
such shapes as a Trade Mark. In the Trade Marks Act, 1999, there is
specific mention of possibility of the shape of goods as a mark.
Shape Trade Marks are possible only for goods and they are not
available for services. Shape Trade Marks are allowed registration for
the first time in India from the commencement of the Trade Marks Act,
is identical or similar to an earlier registered Trade Mark for similar
goods or services. The requirements under section 11 (1) is a collar to
the exclusive right extended to the registered Trade Marks and to
protect the rights of the Traders in relation to the goods or services
marketed by them under those Trade Marks.
Section 11 (1) (a) and (b) operative only if one of the two results are
(i) Likelihood confusion on the part of the public; or
(ii) Likelihood of association with earlier Trademark.
Likelihood of confusion with the earlier Trademark may arise, if
there is a likelihood on the part of the public to associate the Trade
Mark sought to be registered with ‘Earlier Trade Mark’.
The likelihood of confusion resulting in refusal of registration in
section 11 has to be based upon:
(a) Identity of the Trade Mark with an earlier Trade Mark and
similarity of goods or services covered by earlier Trade Mark;
(b) Similarity of Trade Mark with earlier Trade Mark and their
identity of similarity of goods or services covered by earlier
Trade Mark. Section 11 (1) prohibits the registration, when the
Trade Mark applied for being identical or is similar to an earlier
Trade Mark and the goods or services on which later mark is
sought to be used are similar to goods or services covered by the
earlier Trade Mark. It follows that there can not be on the
register simultaneously two or more registrations the same or
nearly resembling marks, in the name of different proprietors in
respect of similar goods or services.
goods from 1 920 under the Trade name ‘DHARIWAL’ with the device
of lamb written in a characteristic style. The petitioners got
registration of the mark granted in its favour in 1955, The respondents'
registration application describes their Trade Mark as DWM -
DHARIWAL, for the same goods in the same class, which could be
registered. They have been in fact been using a part of the same class,
which could be registered. They have in fact been using a part of the
proposed Trade Mark namely DHARIWAL, which is same as registered
for the petitioner. By dropping the prefix ‘DWM’ from the Trade Mark
in doing actual business an effect is being made by the respondents to
device the general public. This cannot be said to be an honest
intention. The possibility of confusion between the goods of the two
manufacturers by virtue of their using the Trade Mark containing the
same device and the same Trade Mark containing the same device and
the same trademark is very real. The court held that the registration is
justifiably refused.
(ii) Earlier Trade Mark is registered in the name of different
proprietors, irrespective of the goods or services for which it is
(3) Honest and Concurrent Use
Under Section 12 the Registrar may permit the registration to
more than one proprietor of the trademarks which are identical or
similar, irrespective of an earlier registration in respect of one of them,
on the ground of honest and concurrent use or other special
be, of the legal representative of the deceased person to the connection
appearing on the trade mark, and may refuse to proceed with the
application unless the applicant furnished the registrar with such
consent. 5
Judicial Response
There are various judicial decisions which are indeed helpful for
clear and proper understanding to refuse registration on the absolute &
relative grounds of a trade mark and reasons when the trade marks can
be allowed for registration.
Illustrations :
Words Found Invented Registration Allowed
Flexgrip used in relation to pens & the
other writing instrument. 9
Matkewala used for items like roasted gram
and roasted groundsnuts 10
Words Found Non-Descriptive Registration Allowed.
Solar used for photographic apparatus,
studio light etc. 12
Stayfree used for sanitary napkins etc. 13
Registration allowed on the ground of distinctiveness and the
Cadbury – For confectionery.
Toefani- For cigarettes on the proof of extensive user. 16
Surnames – Registration Refused
Spicer – No evidence of distinctiveness. 17
Zimmer – No evidence of distinctiveness. 18
Geographical Names- Registration Allowed
Italia – For motor cars. 19
North Pole – On the ground of distinctiveness. 20
Geographical Names – Registration Refused.
India – For electric fans. 21
Himalaya – No importance in respect of goods 22
Procedure for Registration
The foremost conditions during the registration process is the
desire of the person to register the Trade Mark. Before seeking
registration the person should either be the proprietor of the Trade
Mark or the same must be proposed to be used by him in respect of
goods or services. The surest means of acquiring effective Trade Mark
right is to obtain registration and also use the mark on goods or in
relation to services in India.
The Procedure for registration of a Trade Mark is enumerated in
sections- 18 to 23 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999.
Appropriate Office of Registry
The application for registration of Trade Mark should be filed in
the office of the appropriate Trade Marks registry. The head office and
office of the appropriate Trade Marks registry. The head office and
various branches of the Trade Marks registry exercise their functions
within territorial limits which are defined by the Central Government
through notification in the official gazette. The application for
registration has to be filed in that office of the registry within whose
territorial limits the principal place of business of the applicant is
located. In the case of a joint application, the location of the applicant
whose name is mentioned first in the application is to be taken into
account for the purpose of jurisdiction.
A joint application may be filed, where the relations between
one or more persons interested in a Trade Mark is such that none of
them is entitled between oneself and the other or others of them to use
the Trade Mark except (a) on behalf of both or all of them;, or (b) In
relation to an article or service with which both or all of them
connected in the course of trade. Such persons may be registered as
joint proprietors of the trade mark.
Section 1 8 (3) of the TM Act, 1 999 states that the applicant for
registration of a Trade Mark may or may not carry on business in India
but an address for service in India must be declared.
the fee paid thereon giving notice of withdrawal of the application.
Other conditions are practically same as applicable in advice on
Section 47 (1) (a) of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 enables any
aggrieved person to apply to the registrar or to the Appellate Board to
take off a registered Trade Mark from the register the Trade Mark was
registered without any bona fide intention on the part of the applicant
to use the Trade Mark on goods or services stated in the application.
There are incidental powers vested in Registrar in Section 19 and 20 to
withdraw the acceptance or very the acceptance or to advertise the
application before acceptance if proviso to section 20 (1) applied. The
advertisement before the acceptance of the application may be in the
cases falling in Section 9 (1) or section 11 (1) and (2) or in other cases
of exceptional circumstances.
one month by the Registrar, any person may [Section - 21 (1)] give
which the applicant relies within two months there from, otherwise it
after hearing the parties and pass a speaking order stating all the
into account any ground of objection even if that has not been relied on
by the opponents. 24
(3) Abandoning Tie Registration Application
If in the opinion of the Registrar, an application is in default in
perusing an application filed under the law, the Registrar must give
notice to the applicant to remedy the default within a specified time.
The Registrar may treat the application as abandoned, unless the
default is remedied within the time specified in the notice.
notifications and direction of general applicability under this power
prohibiting certain marks from registration.
satisfied that it is just to do so, may restore the Trade Mark to the
register and renew the registration of the Trade Mark for a period of
ten years from the expiry of the registration. The Registrar has
discretion not only in relation to the restoration of the trade mark but
also as to imposing conditions or limitations while restoring the mark
on the Resister.
priority of six months is applicable in a-members of the Paris
convention and the WTO countries.
(3) Preservation of the filing date within six months Of priority
period in all countries of the Paris convention and WTO which
means that by making an application in one country, if the\
applicant chooses to make an application in the other countries,
other application will be deemed to have been filed at the
earliest date.
(5) After registration of the Trade Mark for goods or services, there
shall not be registered the same or confusingly similar Trade
Mark not only for the same goods or services but also in respect
of similar goods or services by virtue of section 11 (2) of Trade
Mark, 1999.
(6) Moreover, after registration of the Trade Mark for goods or
services, there shall not be registered the same or confusingly
similar Trade Mark even in respect of dissimilar goods or
services by virtue of Section 11 (2) in case of well-known Trade
(7) Registered Trade Mark shall not be used by any one use in
business papers in advertising. Use incorporate advertising
should not take under the advantage of the Trade Mark. Such
advertising should not be contrary to honest practices in
industrial or commercial matters. The adverting should not be
detrimental to the distinctive character or reputation of the trade
(8) There is a right to restrict the import of goods or services
marked with a Trade Mark similar to once’ Trade Mark.
(9) There is a right to restrain use of the Trade Mark as Trade name
or part of the Trade name of business concern dealing in the
same goods or services.
(10) The registered Trade Mark continues to enjoy all the rights
which vest in an unregistered Trade Mark. By registering the
proprietor of an unregistered Trade Mark is converted into
proprietor of the registered mark. An application for registration
may be based on a mark in use from prior to such application
and such a Trade Mark is already vested with right at common
law from the time the use of the mark was commenced.
So getting a trademark registered is more beneficial. Here in TM
Act, 1999 the object is to provide for registration and better protection
of trade marks for the prevention of the use of fraudulent marks and
services for use, or services available for acceptance in any
place in India; and
(b) An exclusive right at another of these persons concerned, to the
use of a trade mark nearly resembling the first-mentioned trade
mark or of an identical trade mark in relation to –
(i) The same goods or services; or
(ii) The same description of goods or services; or
(iii) Services which are associated with those goods or goods of that
description or goods which are associated with those services or
services of that description,
shall not take effect unless the assignee, not later than the expiration of
six months from the date on which the assignment is made or within
such extended period, if any. Not exceeding three months in the
aggregate, as the Registrar may allow, applies to the Registrar for
directions with respect to the advertisement of the assignment, and
advertises it in such form and manner and within such period as the
Registrar may direct.
For the purposes of this section, an assignment of a trademark of
the following description shall not be deemed to be an assignment
made otherwise than in connection with the goodwill of the business in
which the mark is used, namely :
(a) An assignment of a trademark in respect only of some of the
goods or services for which the trade mark is registered
accompanied by the transfer of the goodwill of the business
concerned those goods or services only: or
(b) An assignment of a trade mark which is used in relation to goods
exported from India or in relation to services for use outside
India if the assignment is accompanied by the transfer of the
goodwill of the export business only. 34
Assignment of Certification trademarks can only be done with
the consent of the registrar under section 43 of the Trade Marks Act
1999. The associated trademarks shall be assignable and transmissible
only as whole and not separately but will be treated as a separate
trademark for all other purposes under section 44 of the act.
(1) Where a person becomes entitled by assignment or transmission
to a registered trademark, he shall apply in the prescribed
manner to the Registrar to register his title, and the Registrar
shall, on receipt of the application and on proof of title to his
satisfaction, register him as the proprietor of the trade mark I
respect of the goods or services I respect of which the
assignment or transmission has an effect, and shall cause
particulars of the assignment or transmission to be entered on
the register:
Provided that where the validity of an assignment or
transmission is in dispute between the parties, the Registrar may refuse
to register the assignment or transmission until the rights of the parties
have been determined by a competent court.
(2) Except for the purpose of an application before the Registrar
under sub section (1) or an appeal from an order thereon, or an
application under section 75 or an appeal from an order thereon,
a document or instrument in respect of which no entry has been
made in the register in accordance with sub-section (1), shall not
be admitted in evidence by the Registrar or the Appellate Board
or any court in proof of title to the trade mark by assignment or
transmission unless the Registrar or the appellate Board or the
court, as the case may be, otherwise directs. 35
under section 23, the applicant or the registered proprietor may
make an international application on the form prescribed by the
Common Regulations for international registration of that trade
(2) A person holding an international registration may make an
international application on the form prescribed by the Common
Regulations for extension of the protection resulting from such
registration to any other Contracting Party.
(3) An international application under sub-section (1) or sub-section
(2) shall designate the Contracting Parties where the protection
resulting from the international registration is required.
(4) The Registrar shall certify in the prescribed manner that the
particulars appearing in the international application correspond
to the particulars appearing, at the time of the certification, in
the application under section 18 or the registration under section
23, and shall indicate the date and number of that application or
the date and number of that registration as well as the date and
number of the application from which that registration resulted,
as the case may be, and shall within the prescribed period,
forward the international application to the International Bureau
for registration, also indicating the date of the international
(5) Where at any time before the expiry of a period of five years of
an international registration, whether such registration has been
transferred to another person or not, the application under
section 18 or the registration under section 23, as the case may
be, has been withdrawn or cancelled or has expired or has been
finally refused in respect of all or some of the goods or services
listed in the international registration, the protection resulting
from such international registration shall cease to have effect:
Provided that where an appeal is made against the decision of
registration and an action requesting for withdrawal of an application
or an opposition to the application has been initiated before the expiry
of the period of five years of an international registration, any final
decision resulting into withdrawal, cancellation, expiration or refusal
shall be deemed to have taken place before the expiry of five years of
the international registration.
(6) The Registrar shall, during the period of five years beginning
with the date of the international registration, transmit to the
International Bureau every information referred to in sub-section
(7) The Registrar shall notify the International Bureau the
cancellation to be effected to an international registration
keeping in view the current status of the basic application or the
basic registration, as the case may be.
the date on which the advice referred to in sub-section (1) was
(3) Where the Registrar finds nothing in the particulars of an
international registration to refuse the grant of protection under
sub-section (2), he shall within the prescribed period cause such
international registration to be advertised in the prescribed
(4) The provisions of sections 9 to 21 (both inclusive), 63 and 74
shall apply mutatis mutandis in relation to an international
registration as if such international registration was an
application for registration of a trade mark under section 18.
(5) When the protection of an international registration has not been
opposed and the time for notice of opposition has expired, the
Registrar shall within a period of eighteen months of the receipt
of advice under sub-section (1) notify the International Bureau
in its acceptance of extension of protection of the trade mark
under such international registration and, in case the Registrar
fails to notify the International Bureau, it shall be deemed that
the protection has been extended to the trade mark.
(6) Where a registered proprietor of a trade mark makes an
international registration of that trade mark and designates
India, the international registration from the date of the
registration shall be deemed to replace the registration held in
India without prejudice to any right acquired under such
previously held registration and the Registrar shall, upon request
by the applicant, make necessary entries in the register referred
to in sub-section (1) of section 6.
(7) A holder of international registration of a trade mark who
designates India and who has not been extended protection in
India shall have the same remedy which is available to any
person making an application for the registration of a trade mark
under section 18 and which has not resulted in registration under
section 23.
(8) Where at any time before the expiry of a period of five years of
an international registration, whether such registration has been
transferred to another person or not, the related basic application
or, as the case may be, the basic registration in a Contracting
Party other than India has been withdrawn or cancelled or has
expired or has been finally refused in respect of all or some of
the goods or services listed in the international registration, the
protection resulting From such international registration in India
shall cease to have effect.
(2) Subject to payment of a surcharge prescribed by the rules, a
grace period of six months shall be allowed for a renewal of the
international registration.”
B- Domain Name
An Overview
A computer system firm in Cambridge Massachusetts had
registered his first commercial Internet domain name (.com) under the
name on 15 March 1985. By 1992 fewer then 15000
(.com) domains were registered. In December 2009 there were 192
million domain names, including 11.9 million online businesses and e-
commerce sites, 4.3 million entertainment sites, 3.1 million finance
related sites and 1.8 million sports sites. 36
Thus from the above statistic it is clear that the demand for
domain names has been increasing speciously with the advent of e-
business, organizations had to cater to new marks and new philosophic,
in the fulfilment of which the Internet is to play a profound role. As a
result, the securing of an appropriate domain name and the protection
of the company’s right to use it are aspects that every organization has
to confront. 37
new TLDs led to the conversion of some country codes to quasi-
generic TLDs. Moreover in2001, ICANN introduced seven new domain
name extension.
Thus, <.co> in India corresponds to <.com> in the U.S. Typically,
companies in the U.S. ignore the <.us> TLD and use <.com>, <.edu>,
etc as their TLDs. 43 Though overseas business has by passed country
TLDs and have registered <.com> domain with NSI.
The first step in acquiring the right to use a domain name is to
contact (usually through a service provider) the administrator
(authorized by the ICANN) of the desired TLD. If the identical
requested domain name is not already assigned, the name will be
approved by the administrator. No proof of ownership or trademark
registration is required to register.
India has a top level domain <.in> as listed in the ISO-3166. The
second level sub domains registered under the <.in> domain are
<.ernet> for the academic and research network, <.nic> for the
government’s network, <.ac> for the academic community, <.co> for
commercial organizations, <.net> for Internet Services Providers,
<.res> for the research community, <.gov> for government offices and
machinery, <.mil> for military organizations and <.org> for
organizations which do not get covered under any of the above sub-
domains. 49
Domain Naming
The third level sub domain provides the space for registering
organization names or organization acronyms. Some typical patterns
that can result are detailed below :
<org_names>,<org_category>.in-eg.<>or<micro.>or <>.
Each organization will register a domain as above. The
organization can then plan its own sub domain hierarchy under the
registered domain. For e.g., a commercial organization
BUSINESSNAME registers a domain <>. The
organization then subdivided the domain space under this registered
domain based on division names resulting in domain names like.
<>-Publicity Division
<>-Finance Division.
<>-Support Division.
The hostnames will then be prefixed to these domain names to
yield names like
For every registration made, an entry will be made in the DNS
by NCST. A DNS server will be required to be run by every
organization. 51
Domain Registration
Domain name registration requests are entertained by NCST only
if the organization has a valid IP address or has applied for one. The
domain may be registered electronically. 5 2 The application form, on
receipt, is circulated within a review group and the applicant will be
contacted for clarifications/name clashes, if any. If there is none, then
the applicant will be allocated the desired domain name and intimated.
Domain names are generally registered on a first come first serve basis.
Upon registration, the registrant is required to run a DNS
server. 53 the DNS entries are then made into the primary name-server
(for <.in)domain) by NCST. A negligible fee is charged to cover the
registration costs and the cost of providing the secondary name server
service and the registration information services.
the world or by jealously protecting the same in the municipal spheres
by all the countries of the world.
someone else’s trademark or domain name and then tries to sell the
same for a profit. This is known as “Cybersquatting”.
Registration of a trademark is the best way to protect a mark.
Trademark registration in India is regulated by the Trade Mark Act
1999. A trademark is registered for a period of 10 years, which can be
renewed for another period of 10 years. If the mark has been expired
one can apply for its re-registration. Therefore, a trademark is
protected by the laws of a country where rich trademark may be
registered. Consequently, a trademark may have multiple registrations
in many countries throughout the world.
The purpose behind the registration is to provide better
protection of trademark and to prevent the use of fraudulent marks.
Registration confers on the proprietor a kind of monopoly right over
the use of the mark, which may consist of a word or symbol
legitimately required by other traders for bon fide trading or business
purposes, certain restriction are necessary on the class of words or
symbols over which such monopoly right may be granted. Thus
descriptive worlds surnames and geographical names are not
considered prima facie registrable.
jurisdictions etc, the distinctive nature of the domain name providing
global exclusivity is much sought after.
Notes & References
1. P. Narayan, Intellectual Property Law, 3 rd Edition (revised),
2004 Eastern Law House Publication, page 162.
2. 2000 PTC 171.
3. 1998 PTC (18) (Del) 300.
4. Sec. 13 Trade Mark Act 1999
5. Sec. 15 Trade Mark Act 1999
6. 2004 (29) PTC 265 IPAB
7. 1991 PTC 148 (SOSFT) UK
8. (1898) AC 571
9. The Gillette Company V. A.K. Stationary (2001) PTC (21) 513
10. Sant Kumar Mehra V. Ram Lakhan (1999) PTC (19) 307
11. 1992 PTC 261 (Bom.)
12. Central Camera V. Registrar (1980) IPLR 1
13. Christine Holden V. Johnson & Johnson (1990) IPLR 96.
14. Aruna Cosmetics V. Hindustan Lever Ltd., (1988) PTC 311.
15. Campa Bewrages Ltd. V. Tripti Enterprises, 1984 PTC 129.
16. 1913/30 RPC 76.
17. Dona Corp. Toledo, Ohio V. Spicer Auto Products, 1983 PTC
333 Del.
18. Zimmer Orthopedics Ltd. London V. Kith De Fair, 1985 PTC
133 (Del.)
19. Italia Fabric Application, (1990) 27 RPC 493.
20. Pals Distilleries v. Dahisar Distilleries, 1992 PTC 41 (Bom.)
21. Indian Electricals Applicatioin, (1945) 49 CHW 425.
22. Himalaya Industries v. Rajasthan Asbestors Cement Co. 1990
PTC 201 (Del).
23. Section (21) (5) Trade Mark Act 1999.
24. Section 22 (5) Trade Mark Act 1999.
25. Section 23 Trade Mark Act 1999.
26. Section 25 Trade Mark Act 1999
27. Section 32 (2) Trade Mark Act 1999.
28. Section 25 (2) Trade Mark Act 1999.
29. Section 26 Trade Mark Act 1999.
30. Section 30 (2) Trade Mark Act 1999.
31. Section 38 & 39 Trademark Act 1999.
32. Section 40 Trade mark Act 1999.
33. Section 41 Trademark Act 1999.
34. Section 42 Trademark Act 1999.
35. Section 45 Trademark Act 1999.
36. Prof. Saleem Akhtar & Shweta Jain, Protection of Domain
Names in India & Abroad, 2012, Printed at : Aligarh Muslim
University Press, P. 37.
37. Domain names serve a variety of purposes, and will rapidly grow
to form the fulcrum of a company’s visibility & marketing
operations. A company will soon be remembered only through
its internet address, rather than its geographical or telephonic
addresses & numbers. Moreover, the protection of existing
domain names puts forth new challenges to the policy maker in
particular and the law more generally. See, Mitchell Zimmerman
& Sally M. Abel, “Securing and protecting a Domain Name for
your website : Trade Marks, Trade Names And Domain Names in
cyberspace”, atc http::>.
38. Kamath Nandan, “Law Relating to Computers, Internet and e-
through product differentiation. Two companies may use the
same trade maker e.g. ABC, because they are completely in
different line of business and there is little, if any, likelihood of
confusion. Under the current Internet naming system, however,
one of these companies will not be able to include its marks in
its domain name, since their can be only one <>. See,
Richard Baum and Robert Cumbow, “First Use : Key Test in
Internet Domain Disputes”, Nat’1 L.J., Feb. 12, 1996, at p. C17
(Also see Majumdar Ankit and Kamath Nandan, “Name-Calling
Numbers, and most top and second level Domain Names
however, are handled by the Internet Registry (IR) and regional
registries. (Also see Majumdar Ankit and Kamath Nandan,
and the prevention of domain name misappropriation and
consequent trade mark implications.
46. Supranote41 p.216
47. Ibid.
48. Note the definition of Europe and the Asia Pacific in this context
are not as per the existing political boundaries.
49. Supranote.41 p.218
50. Ibid.
51. Supra note 49, at pp. 218-219.
52. To register a domain, one may obtain the form electronically
from URLs or <fp://soochak.>.This form is to be filled up and mailed to
53. At least a 64kbps leased data circuit.
54. Supra note 51 at p. 219.
55. NCST is an autonomous society, involving in Research &
Development, under the administrative purview of Department
of Information Technology, Ministry of Communication &
Information Technology, Government of India.
56. It‟s Indian ccTLD, i.e. unique identity symbol of Indian