The Effect of Group Guided Discovery Approach On Theperformance of Students in Geometry

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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)

ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119

( Volume I, Issue II, 2015
Luzviminda J. Achera*, Rene R. Belecina** & Marc D. Garvida***
* Teacher, Malinta National High School, Metro Manila, Philippines
** Faculty of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research, Philippine Normal
University, Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines
*** Faculty Member, College of Education, Rizal Technological University, Philippines
This study aims to examine the effect of group guided discovery approach on the
performance of students in Geometry of Malinta National High School for school year
2012-2013. The study used the quasi- experimental approach with non-equivalent control
group pretest/posttest design. The sample of the study consisted of 92 students, half of
whom were taught using the group guided discovery approach, and the other half using
the traditional lecture approach of teaching. The experiment lasted for two months during
the fourth grading period. To determine the mathematical performances between the
defined groups the percentage, mean, and the t- test for dependent and independent
means were used. The study showed that the performance in Geometry of those students
taught using group guided discovery was significantly higher than those students taught
using the traditional lecture approach. Thus, the study concluded that group guided
discovery approach was more effective than the traditional approach.
Index Terms: Group Guided Discovery, Discovery Approach & Performance in
1. Introduction:
According to Plato, as cited by Static (1986), those who are by nature good at
calculation, as one might say, are naturally sharp in every study and those who are less
adept at it, if they are educated and trained in this study, nevertheless improve and
become sharper than they were (Indiogine, 2009). In other words, mathematics has a
great influence in all areas of studies. In fact, De Leon (2004) claims that mathematics
education is the window to success, understanding, appreciating, and accepting
A number of methods to improve the performance of students in mathematics
have been discussed such as experimentation, cooperative learning, questioning,
repetition, and manipulation. Some of them are recommended for application, others
are disapproved and some have been recommended for use but with caution. The
teacher has to make his/her own choice based on the available methods.
Salazar (2008) claimed that students learn best if they are allowed to think
rather than just to read and to listen. She further argued that students learn and achieve
more, behave better, and like learning better when they are permitted to learn through
their sociological preferences.
Many researchers such as Brosnahan (2001) and Mayer (2004) have
recommended that traditional ways related to teaching should be substituted by more
innovative ones. Among those innovative strategies are guided discovery, which is
based on the extent of students' involvement in classroom activities under the guidance
of the teacher and how much the teacher activates student’s thinking processes.
Since guided discovery is a student-centered activity, it would be difficult for
some students to adjust to it because some are less competent and others lack
confidence in their own ideas. Guided discovery is also time-consuming (Domitrascu,

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)
ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119
( Volume I, Issue II, 2015
2004). Therefore, to solve this problem, students must work in groups.
According to De Leon (2004), group brainstorming sessions bring several minds
together to work on a problem, thus increasing the chances that a fruitful idea will come
up. Even when a student first gets an idea from another student, he/she sees the idea in
the context of intense thought about a problem. Usually the idea is only partly formed
when it comes up in a brainstorming session, so the students must complete it either as
a group or on their own. Thus students have the tendency to learn better from an idea
they first met in a group brainstorming session than they first encounter in a lecture.
In this study, the researcher considered the two strategies- the group work and
guided discovery approach to find out if these teaching strategies in teaching Geometry
will improve students’ proficiency in Geometry. The combined strategies were called
the group guided discovery approach.
The group guided discovery approach using the concepts learned from lectures
and other researches inspired the researcher to engage in this study. This research is
geared towards the improvement of students’ performance not only in Geometry but
also in other branches of Mathematics.
2. Conceptual Framework:
Figure 1 shows the study’s conceptual framework, including the stages of guided
discovery and the relationship between and among the different stages.

Figure 1: Study’s Conceptual Framework

 Motivation:
In this stage, the teacher posed initial questions to prepare the students for the
lesson. The teacher helped the students to recall information from their own experience
to link the previously learned material with the new subject matter. This stage is very
essential to get the students' attention and to help in bridging the gap in learning by
activating students' prior knowledge for them to absorb the new material.
 Exploration Activity:
The students worked in groups. During the group work, the teacher went around
from group to group, listened to their discussions, encouraged them if the direction was
right or otherwise asked questions to steer them on to a more productive path,
requested more details or further justification. At this stage, each member of the group
held a copy of the activity sheet. On their own the students discussed ideas that
emerged within the group as they worked through the activity sheet. The activity sheets
were checked after the presentation to ensure participation of each member and
corresponding points would be given. Students were asked to compile the activity sheet
in a portfolio. Once students had worked through the activity sheet successfully, the
class was ready to move onto their presentation.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)
ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119
( Volume I, Issue II, 2015
 Presentation:
This was the stage where the students discussed their solution tothe problem to
the class. In each activity, one member of the group was required to present and discuss
their answers.
 Wrap Up:
The wrap up came after one objective of the lesson was presented by
group/groups followed by other group/groups for other objectives to make sure that
the students clearly see and meet the objective of the lesson. The teacher guided the
students through follow-up questions.
 Practice:
Here, an extension of concepts and generalization of ideas was necessary. The
students were given another problem to ensure mastery of the lesson.
 Evaluation:
The teacher measured the understanding of the students through the pencil and
paper researcher-made test. The test consisted of multiple choice, identification, and
problem-solving items. Each lesson took two to three days to complete. The first day
was devoted to the motivation or review and was followed by the exploration of the
activity. In the second day or third day the students presented their output before the
wrap-up, practice, and evaluation.
Statement of the Problem:
This study was conducted to determine the effect of group guided discovery
approach on students’ performance in Geometry. Specifically, this study sought to
answer the following questions:
 What are the mathematical performances of the students who belong to the
control group and the experimental group before and after the use of group
guided discovery method and traditional lecture method?
 Is there a significant difference between the pretest mean scores of the
experimental and control groups?
 Is there a significant difference between the pretest and posttest mean scores of
 Control Group; and
 Experimental Group?
 Is there a significant difference between the posttest mean scores of the
experimental and control groups?
 What are the implications of group guided discovery on the students’
performance towards geometry?
Scope and Limitation of the Study:
This study was conducted in Malinta National High School, a public school
located at St. Jude Subd., Malinta, Valenzuela City. The respondents selected were third
year students of academic year 2012-2013, who belonged to two heterogeneous
sections. This study covered two topics, namely circles and plane coordinate Geometry.
The researcher would like to find out the effectiveness of group guided discovery
method of teaching on the performance of students’ in Geometry. This research was
limited to the information gathered from the achievement test used to determine the
students’ performance.
3. Methodology:
The researcher adopted a quasi-experimental approach using non-equivalent
control group pretest/ posttest design because in this study the participants were not
randomly assigned. According to Harris et al. (2006) quasi-experiments are studies that

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)
ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119
( Volume I, Issue II, 2015
aim to evaluate interventions that do not use randomization. Similar to randomized
trials, quasi-experiments aim to demonstrate causality between an intervention and an
outcome. Two sections of third year students were used in the study. One section, the
experimental group, was taught using the group guided discovery approach. The other
group, the control, was taught using the traditional lecture method.
According to Harris et al. (2006) quasi-experiments are studies that aim to
evaluate interventions that do not use randomization. Similar to randomized trials,
quasi-experiments aim to demonstrate causality between an intervention and an
outcome. Two sections of third year students were used in the study. One section, the
experimental group, was taught using the group guided discovery approach. The other
group, the control, was taught using the traditional lecture method. Since the proponent
handled five sections of students that are heterogeneously grouped, two classes were
chosen based on the results of the diagnostic test taken before the class started in June
2012.The researcher chose the group with the closest score in the Mean Percentage
Score 8.04 and 8.31.
Participants of the Study:
The 92 participants of this study were third year high school students taking
Geometry in Malinta National High School (MNHS), a public school located inside St.
Jude Subdivision of Malinta, Valenzuela City with a population of about 3000 students. It
has large class sizes, high dropout rate and inadequate facilities, equipment, and
materials. The research covered the fourth grading period of school year 2012-2013.
Research Instruments:
The research instruments used in this study were as follows:
 Achievement Test: The table of specification for the achievement test was
constructed (see Appendix A). The total items were 30, 18 for easy items which
is equal to 60% percent of the items, 9 for average items which is equal to 30% of
the items and 3 for difficult questions which is 10% of the items. The
achievement test(see Appendix B) which is used as pretest and posttest was
content-validated using item-analysis procedure (see Appendix C).The test is
also face-validated by a master teacher of Mathematics, a head-teacher of
Mathematics and a teacher III in Mathematics (see Appendix F). The head
teacher of Mathematics suggested to change some items in question form. The
master teacher and the teacher III in Mathematics asked the researcher to
reconstruct confusing items.
 Guided Discovery Sheets- Guided discovery sheets (see Appendix D) were
prepared by the researcher. The guided discovery sheets were based on the
lesson guides in Geometry prepared by Ateneo De Manila University. The
researcher prepared 9 activity sheets or 9 lessons for the fourth grading. The
coverage of the lesson was the fourth grading period wherein the topics were
Circles and Plane Coordinate Geometry. The researcher asked her head teacher
and one English teacher to check the lesson plan for its validity. The head teacher
did some corrections on the content of the activity sheets and the English teacher
did some corrections on the grammar of the activity (see Appendix I). Also the
researcher tested the activity first to students not under the study. After this, the
researcher made the necessary modifications and adjustments.
Evaluation Scores:
To get the scores for evaluation, each response was given a point value. The
corresponding value of each score was as follows:
Table 1: Interval and Corresponding Verbal Interpretation of Mathematical

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)
ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119
( Volume I, Issue II, 2015
Scores Verbal Interpretation
25-30 High Performance
19-24 Above Average performance
13-18 Average Performance
7-12 Below Average Performance
1-6 Low Performance
Table 2: Interval and Corresponding Verbal Interpretation of Group Performance on
Group Guided Discovery
Scores Interpretation
10 points Met or exceeded the expectation for the objective of the lesson.
8 points Presentations were well-prepared, missed some key ideas.
Presentations were adequate, but required more work to meet the
6 points
standard expectation.
4 points Presented outputs but only gave few correct answers.
2 point Presented outputs but did not contribute or give correct answer.
0 point No presentation of output.
Table 2 shows the corresponding score of the performance of each group (Domitrascu,
2004).After the presentation of the activity by the students, the teacher evaluated their
group performance based on their presentation by using the rubric above.
Data Gathering Procedures:
The researcher sent a letter of permission to the principal to conduct the study
during the fourth grading period (see Appendix A). The table of specification was
constructed for two topics: the Circle and Plane coordinate Geometry. The researcher-
made 50 items which were tried out to 50 fourth year students, and only thirty items
were retained from the 50 items (see Appendix C).The questions were adopted from a
textbook in Geometry, the teacher’s resources and some materials in the internet. The
students who were under the study were the sections with closest mean score during
the diagnostic test done before the start of classes. Before the fourth grading III- Daniel
and III- Jeremiah were pretested to determine their knowledge of the subject. The
lesson for each subject matter took two days. The first day focused on motivation and
group activity. On the second day, the activity allowed each group to present their group
work and their presentations scored (see table 5), followed by a wrap up for teachers
and students and evaluation or seat works. After 9 lessons within two months of
instruction, a posttest (see Appendix A) on Geometry was administered to the
respondents. The pretest and posttest used the same test so that the degree of learning
could be directly measured.
Statistical Treatment of Data:
In order to facilitate the accuracy and reliability of interpretation of the data, the
following statistical tools were used.
 Percentage: It is used to describe the relationship of a part from the whole. The
researcher used this to determine the profile of the students.
 Mean and Standard Deviation: It is used to represent the level of performance
of the respondents in Mathematics before and after the learning unit and the use
of group guided discovery.
 T-test for Dependent Samples: This was used to find if there is a significant

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)
ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119
( Volume I, Issue II, 2015
difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the experimental group
and the pretest and posttest scores control groups in the performance test.
 T-test for Independent Samples: This was used to find out if there is a
significant difference between the pretest scores of the experimental group and
control group and posttest scores of the experimental group and control group in
the performance test.
4. Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data:
Problem 1: What are the mathematical performance of the students who belong to the
control group and the experimental group before and after the use of group guided
discovery method and traditional lecture method?
Table 3 shows the distribution of the mathematical performance of respondents
who belong to the control group.
Table 3: Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According to Pretest and Posttest of
the Control Group
Control Group
Scores Interpretation Before After
F % F %
25 – 30 High Performance 0 0 5 10.87
Above Average
19 – 24 0 0 10 21.74
13 – 18 15 32.61 21 45.65
Below Average
7 – 12 31 67.39 10 21.74
1 –6 Low Performance 0 0 0 0
Total 46 100 46 100
Mean 9.46 14.80
A careful examination of table 3 shows that before the learning unit, 15 out of 46
or 32.61% of the respondents had average mathematical performance; 31 out of 46 or
61.39% had below average performance level. All the respondents had a mean score of
9.56 which indicated below average performance in Mathematics before the learning
Table 3 also shows that after two months of learning the concept of Geometry,
particularly the circles and plane coordinated geometry, the students in the control
group had increased their performance from a mean score of 9.46 to 14.80. Five (5) out
of 46 or 10.87% of the respondents registered high performance; 10 out of 46 or
21.74% of the respondents remained above average mathematical performance; 21 out
of 46, or 45.65% of the respondents had average performance; 10 out of 46 or 21.74%
got below average performance. None of the students who belong to the group got low
in mathematical performance. The control group had an average performance as
indicated by the mean score of 14.80%.
Table 4 shows the distribution of the mathematical performance of respondents
who belong to the group guided discovery.
Table 4: Frequency Distribution of the Respondents According to Pretest and Posttest of
the Experimental Group

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)
ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119
( Volume I, Issue II, 2015
Experimental Group
Scores Interpretation Before After
F % F %
25 – 30 High Performance 0 0 11 23.91
Above Average
19 – 24 0 0 23 .50
13 – 18 15 32.61 10 21.74
Below Average
7 – 12 28 60.87 2 4.35
1 –6 Low Performance 3 6.82 0 0
Total 46 100 46 100
Mean 9.07 19.11
Table 4 shows the mathematical performance of the experimental group before
the learning unit and treatment. Initially, 15 out of 46 or 32.61% of the respondents had
average mathematical performance; 28 out of 46 or 64% had below average
performance in Mathematics; 3 out of 46 or 6.82% of the respondents had low
performance in Mathematics. Collectively, they had a mean score of 9.07, which also
indicated a below average mathematical performance.
After the treatment (group guided discovery approach) was used in the
experimental group, the researcher administered a posttest. Eleven (11) out of 46
students got high mathematical performance or 23.91% of the students; 23 out of 46 or
50% of the students had above average mathematical performance; 10 out 46 or
21.74% of the students received average performance in Mathematics. However, two
(2) out 46 or 4.35% remained below average mathematical performance. None of the
students who belonged to the group scored low in their mathematical performance.
The experimental group had an above average mathematical performance as indicated
by a mean score of 19.11.
Problem 2: Is there a significant difference between the pretest mean scores ofthe
experimental and control groups?
Table 5 shows the comparison of the pretest of the control and experimental
groups on the performance test.
Table 5: Comparison of the Pretest Mean Scores on the Performance Test of the
Experimental and Control Group
Experimental Critical
Control Group T-test Verbal
Group Value at
III- Jeremiah value Interpretation
III- Daniel =.05
SD Mean SD Mean
0.0842 1.645 Not Significant
2.81 9.46 3.45 9.07
It can be viewed from the table that the computed t-value is less than the critical
value of 1.645 at 0.05 level of significance. This means that in terms of prior knowledge
there is no significant difference in the Mathematics performance of the students in the

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)
ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119
( Volume I, Issue II, 2015
control and experimental groups. This indicates that the experimental and control
groups were comparable at the start of the study.
Problem 3: Is there a significant difference between the pretest and posttest mean
scores of the experimental and control groups?
 Control Group
 Experimental Group
Table 6 shows the comparison of the pretest and posttest of the control groups
on the performance test. Table 6 shows the comparison of the pretest and posttest of
the control groups on the performance test.
Table 6: Comparison of the Pretest -Posttest Mean Scores on the Performance Test of
the Control Group
T-test Verbal
Value at
Pretest Posttest value Interpretation
SD Mean SD Mean
2.81 9.46 5.50 14.80 1.645 Significant

As shown on the table above, the computed t-test value of 5.89 is beyond thecritical t-
test value of 1.645 at =.05 with degrees of freedom equal to 90. This means that the
pretest scores differed significantly from the posttest scores of the control group on the
performance test. Table 7 shows the comparison of the pretest and posttest of the
control groups on the performance test.
Table 7: Comparison of the Pretest -Posttest Mean Scores on the Performance Test of
the Experimental Group
T-test Verbal
Value at
Pretest Posttest value Interpretation

SD Mean SD Mean
3.45 9.07 4.87 19.10 1.645 Significant
As shown on the table above, the computed t-test value of 11.40 is beyond the critical t-
test value of 1.645 at =.05 with degrees of freedom equal to 90. This means that the
pretest scores differed significantly from the posttest scores of the experimental group
on the performance test. Clearly, it is an indication that the performance of the
respondents after the experiment improved. This indicates that the performance of the
participants after the experiment improved significantly regardless of the treatment
Control Group and Experimental Group:
Figure 3 above illustrates the big improvement in the scores of the experimental
group compared to the control group in the pretest and posttest. It shows that students
in the experimental group performed better than in the control group.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)
ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119
( Volume I, Issue II, 2015
Figure 2: Graph of Mean Scores of Pretest and Posttest of the Groups

Problem 4: Is there a significant difference between posttest mean scores of the

experimental and control groups?
Table 8 shows the comparison of the posttest mean score of the experimental
and the control groups on the performance test.
Table 8: Comparison of the Posttest Mean Scores on the Performance Test of the
Experimental and Control Group
Experimental Critical
Control Group T-test Verbal
Group Value at
III- Jeremiah value Interpretation
III- Daniel =.05
SD Mean SD Mean
5.46 1.645 Significant
5.50 14.80 4.87 19.10
As shown on the table above, the computed t-test value of 5.46 is beyond
thecritical t-test value of 1.645 at =.05 with degrees of freedom equal to 90. This
means that there was a significant difference in the posttest means score on the
performance test of the two groups. The performance of the students in the
experimental group was better than the performance of the students in the control
Problem 5: What are the implications of group guided discovery on the students’
performance towards geometry?
The results of the study suggest that, group guided discovery approach is an
effective teaching strategy for Geometry. The result of pretest and posttest mean scores
showed a significant difference between the performances of the students of
experimental group and the students of the control group. Students among the group
guided discovery had higher scores compared to those students who underwent the
traditional method of teaching. As one of the students said, “I like the group guided
discovery because I personally discover the answer and sometimes with the help of my
classmate. It is exciting because the questions help me to think and become responsible
learner”. Another student also said, “At first I don’t like the method because it was
difficult but later I enjoyed it because I experience to do a lot of errors which help me to
remember the right answer”.
Students learn better when they are led through activities that allow them to
discover concepts for themselves (guided discovery) than from the presentation of
concepts by an instructor.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education (IJMRME)
ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119
( Volume I, Issue II, 2015

It was observed that students were motivated in learning through the activity. This is
because the students worked cooperatively thus they helped one another and shared
their own ideas in a certain topic. One student said, “I like to be in a group because I feel
good when I share my ideas”. Other said, “I am afraid to ask question during class
discussion because I am not comfortable to open it to the teacher but with group work, I
can ask the things I can’t understand from the question”.
The group guided discovery methods of teaching helped the students to be active
learners and that’s why retention is better as shown in their mathematical performance
after the intervention.
5. Summary of Findings:
The initial mathematical performance of the students was below average as
shown by the pretest results. After the learning unit and the use of intervention (group
guided discovery approach), the control group had an average performance while the
students who belonged to group guided discovery increased their mathematical
performance from below average to above average. A significant difference on the
mathematical performance of students between the control group and experimental
group was registered in the computed t-test value of 3.98 which was beyond the critical
value of 1.645 at 0.05 level of significance with 90 degrees of freedom. The students
who belonged to the group guided discovery performed significantly better than those
students who belonged to the control group. Consequently, the group guided discovery
proved to be an effective intervention to help the students become active learners.
6. Conclusion:
Based on the findings of the research, the following conclusions were reached:
 The group taught using guided discovery approach performed better in
Mathematics than the group taught using the traditional lecture method.
 The use of group guided discovery approach significantly and positively affects
the performance of the students in Geometry.
 Students are more interested and motivated to do the activities in group guided
7. Recommendations:
On the basis of the findings and conclusions of this research, the following
recommendations are offered:
 Teachers should attend seminars, workshops, conferences, and other
professional development gatherings particularly those related to construction
of guided questions as a part of group guided discovery approach.
 Mathematics teachers should devise and implement group guided discovery
approach to further improve students’ performance in Mathematics.
 Further researches should be conducted on the effectiveness of group guided
discovery at different year levels to verify the result of this study.
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ISSN (Online): 2454 - 6119
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