Set No. 1: Code No: RT42034A
Set No. 1: Code No: RT42034A
Set No. 1: Code No: RT42034A
IV B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2019
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question paper consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answer ALL sub questions from Part-A
Answer any THREE questions from Part-B
4. a) Explain the method of Die Penetrant Testing (DPT) with diagram. Can it be
used for subsurface defects? Yes / No – Justify. [8]
b) Discuss the method of examination, interpretation and evaluation of liquid
penetrant test. [8]
5. a) What are the pre-requisites for a material to be tested through magnetic particle
NDT? [8]
b) Explain various methods of magnetization and demagnetization commonly
practiced in Non destructive testing procedure. [8]
Code No: RT42034A R13 Set No. 2
IV B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2019
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question paper consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answer ALL sub questions from Part-A
Answer any THREE questions from Part-B
PART–A (22 Marks)
1. a) What is Radioactivity and explain how Radioactive elements are divided? [4]
b) Write short notes on Piezo-electric effect and list various piezo-electric
materials. [4]
c) Give essential safety precautions while performing liquid penetrant test. [4]
d) Define magnetic flux and draw diagram of different types of magnetic fields
used in magnetic particle test. [4]
e) How can you relate depth of penetration and frequency for various materials? [3]
f) Write the span of NDE activities in automotive industries. [3]
4. a) State the principle of dye penetrant test and explain capillary action, contact
angle, adhesive force and cohesive force. Mention limitations of dye penetrant
test. [8]
b) Explain the methods of removing excess penetrant from the surface of the
component. [8]
5. a) Explain the procedure of magnetic particle testing and state its limitations. [8]
b) What is the purpose of standardization of magnetic particle test system and
explain how it is calibrated? [8]
6. a) What is the principle of Eddy current testing? What are its applications?
Explain its merits and demerits. [8]
b) Write about various test coils use in Eddy current testing. [8]
Code No: RT42034A R13 Set No. 3
IV B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2019
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question paper consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answer ALL sub questions from Part-A
Answer any THREE questions from Part-B
3. a) Explain the terms attenuation, beam spread and acoustic impedance and their
importance in ultrasonic testing. [8]
b) Compare and contrast ultrasonic testing with radiographic testing. [8]
4. a) Discuss briefly about ‘Penetrants’, ‘Cleaners and Emulsifiers’ and ‘developers’. [8]
b) Briefly explain the sequence of operations in Die Penetrant Test (DPT). [8]
5. a) Explain magnetic particle testing principle and give applications and limitations. [8]
b) How can you interpret and evaluate the defects in Magnetic particle testing? [8]
6. a) Explain the principles of Eddy Current Testing (ECT). What do you understand
by sensitivity in ECT? Narrate one application on ECT. [8]
b) What are different types of defects identified using eddy current testing method? [8]
7. a) List most commonly used NDT methods. State advantages and limitations of
NDT. [8]
b) What is the role of NDE in Aircraft and Aerospace Industries? [8]
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Code No: RT42034A R13 Set No. 4
IV B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May - 2019
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Question paper consists of Part-A and Part-B
Answer ALL sub questions from Part-A
Answer any THREE questions from Part-B
5. a) Briefly explain the principle and flow chart of Magnetic particle test. [8]
b) Name different methods of magnetization. Why and how demagnetization is
carried out? [8]
6. a) State the principle of eddy currents and explain the factors affecting eddy
currents? [8]
b) Explain with neat sketch the different types sensing elements in eddy current test. [8]
7. a) What are the scope and limitations of Non destructive evaluation methods?
Justify its advantages over Destructive testing. [8]
b) What is the importance of NDE in Coal mining industry? [8]
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