NR 304 SIM-Cohen

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Morgan Caldwell

NR 304
Standard Simulation
Patient: Mary Cohen

1) What is Cholecystitis and the common signs and symptoms associated with it?
a. Cholecystitis is the inflammation of the gallbladder due to obstruction at the
cystic duct lasting several hours.
b. Common Signs and Symptoms
 Pain in RUQ
 Pain increasing after a fatty meal/alcohol/caffeine
 Tenderness over Abdomen
 Vomiting
 Nausea
 Fever

2) Describe nursing education that should accompany a patient with Cholecystitis.

a. Giving the patient information about Cholecystitis and their current condition
 Definition
 The common symptoms
 Treatments
 Prevention and aftercare if surgery is recommended

3) What medications can be used to treat and/or alleviate Cholecystitis?

a. Antiemetic’s (nausea and vomiting)
 can help make the patient more comfortable and can prevent fluid and
electrolyte abnormalities.
b. Analgesics: pain
 help with pain/discomfort; not morphine due to affecting the sphincter of
c. Antibiotics: possible bacterial infections
 depending the severity of Cholecystitis (life-threating verses nonlife-
threatening) different combinations of antibiotics

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