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Metamagnetism and Critical Fluctuations in High Quality Single Crystals

of the Bilayer Ruthenate Sr3 Ru2 O7
R. S. Perry, L. M. Galvin, S. A. Grigera, L. Capogna, A. J. Schofield, and A. P. Mackenzie*
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, United Kingdom

M. Chiao and S. R. Julian

Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OHE, United Kingdom

S. I. Ikeda,1,2 S. Nakatsuji,2 and Y. Maeno2,3

Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan
Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0012, Japan

C. Pfleiderer
Universität Karlsruhe, Physikalisches Institut, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
(Received 28 July 2000)
We report the results of low temperature transport, specific heat, and magnetization measurements
on high quality single crystals of the bilayer perovskite Sr3 Ru2 O7 , which is a close relative of the
unconventional superconductor Sr2 RuO4 . Metamagnetism is observed, and transport and thermodynamic
evidence for associated critical fluctuations is presented. These relatively unusual fluctuations might be
pictured as variations in the Fermi surface topography itself.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.2661 PACS numbers: 75.30.Kz, 71.27. +a

Research over the past decade has shown the potential physics in the low disorder limit. The superconductivity of
of perovskite ruthenate metals to play a pivotal role in our Sr2 RuO4 , for example, is strongly disorder dependent [7],
understanding of the behavior of strongly correlated elec- and further examples of unconventional superconductivity
trons. The position of the Fermi level in bands resulting may be expected in other ruthenates if they can be grown
from the hybridization of oxygen 2p and ruthenium 4d lev- with mean-free paths as long as those of Sr2 RuO4 . Of par-
els leads to ground state behavior covering a wider range ticular interest is the subject of this paper, Sr3 Ru2 O7 , which
than that seen in almost any other transition metal oxide has a Ru-O bilayer per formula unit, and hence an effec-
series. Pseudocubic SrRuO3 is a rare example of an itin- tive dimensionality that is intermediate between those of
erant ferromagnet based on 4d electrons, and has a good Sr2 RuO4 and SrRuO3 .
lattice match to the cuprates [1,2]. Sr2 RuO4 has the layered The synthesis of Sr3 Ru2 O7 in polycrystalline form has
perovskite structure with a single RuO2 plane per formula been reported by several groups over the past three decades
unit. It is strongly two dimensional, and shows a Pauli- [8–10], but investigations of its electrical and magnetic
like paramagnetic susceptibility [3]. It is best known for properties were not carried out until the past few years.
its unconventional superconductivity [3], which is thought There has been some variation in the reports and interpre-
to involve spin triplet pairing [4]. Structural distortions in tation of its ground state. Cava and co-workers showed
Sr-based ruthenates are either small or absent, but substi- that the magnetic susceptibility 共x兲 of powders obeyed a
tuting Ca for Sr introduces larger rotations of the Ru-O oc- Curie-Weiss law with a maximum in the susceptibility
tahedra, causing bandwidth narrowing and changes to the at approximately 20 K and a negative Weiss temperature,
crystal field splitting. Thus, although Ca and Sr are both which they interpreted in a local moment picture as antifer-
divalent cations, the properties of the Ca-based materials romagnetism [11]. Early reports on single crystals grown
are markedly different. CaRuO3 is a paramagnetic metal from a SrCl2 flux in Pt crucibles, however, gave evidence
with a large mass enhancement [5], while Ca2 RuO4 is an for weak itinerant ferromagnetism [12].
antiferromagnetic insulator [6]. This diversity shows that Recently, Ikeda and co-workers succeeded in growing
the ruthenates are characterized by a series of competing, much purer crystals (residual in-plane resistivity, rres , of
nearly degenerate instabilities, giving a clear motivation 3 4 mV cm) in an image furnace [13]. The magnetic sus-
for the careful investigation of all the compounds in the ceptibility of these crystals reproduces the basic features of
series. An even more important feature of the ruthenates the paramagnetic susceptibility reported in Ref. [11], with
is that, in contrast to 3d oxides such as most manganites a pronounced maximum at approximately 16 K [14]. Be-
and many cuprates, no explicit chemical doping is required low 5 K, x becomes completely isotropic and temperature
to produce metallic conduction. This gives a unique op- independent. If the maximum were associated with an
portunity to probe a wide range of correlated electron antiferromagnetic phase transition, an easy axis would be

0031-9007兾01兾86(12)兾2661(4)$15.00 © 2001 The American Physical Society 2661


expected. The data of Ref. [14] therefore support the con- netism broadens until it is impossible to define. We have
clusions of elastic neutron scattering measurements [15] checked extensively for anisotropy with respect to the di-
that no long-range order exists at low fields. Combined rection of the in-plane field, but none is observed within
with the observation of a T 2 dependence of r below 10 K, our resolution. There is some anisotropy if the field is ap-
the data strongly suggest that at low applied magnetic plied along c, as shown in the inset. For each orientation,
fields, Sr3 Ru2 O7 is an exchange-enhanced Fermi liquid. data were taken at a total of 18 temperatures below 30 K,
Here we report the results of low temperature trans- but the traces lie sufficiently close to confuse the plot, so,
port, magnetic, and thermodynamic measurements in ap- for clarity, only a few are shown.
plied fields up to 14 T on the crystals studied in Ref. [14] In order to obtain information on the metamagnetism to
and some even cleaner ones 共rres 苷 2 mV cm兲. We con- lower temperatures, we have studied its effects on the mag-
clude that the low temperature properties of Sr3 Ru2 O7 are netoresistance (MR). Field sweeps to 14 T were performed
strongly influenced by critical fluctuations associated with between 50 mK and 20 K for three standard configura-
itinerant electron metamagnetism. tions of the in-plane MR r: B k c, I k ab; B k I k ab;
Several growth runs of single crystals of Sr3 Ru2 O7 were and 共B ⬜ I兲 k ab. The results are summarized in Fig. 2,
performed crucible-free in an image furnace in Kyoto. The in which a small subset of representative data is presented.
resistivity of over 50 pieces taken from three growth rods For B k c, I k ab, the weak-field MR is quadratic in B.
was studied down to 4 K using standard low frequency ac At higher fields, the metamagnetism is clearly seen in the
methods in a small continuous flow cryostat. Residual re- MR. For T $ 5 K, the width of the feature is similar to
sistivities ranging between 2 15 mV cm were observed, that seen in the magnetization, but at low temperatures it
with most samples from the latter batches toward the high sharpens considerably, although there is evidence for extra
purity end of the range. Six of these (rres , 4 mV cm) structure at 11 T. For B k ab there is clear evidence of
were used for further study. Magnetization measurements a split transition for both B k I and B ⬜ I. The transport
were performed down to 2.8 K in a commercial vibrating measurements show that the metamagnetic transition field
sample magnetometer. Magnetotransport was studied at is essentially temperature independent for any direction of
ambient pressure in both 4 He systems and a dilution refrig- the applied field.
erator in Birmingham, and in a 4 He system in Karlsruhe. The term metamagnetism can be applied to qualitatively
Specific heat measurements were performed in Kyoto us- different physical phenomena. In insulators, it describes
ing commercial magnetothermal apparatus. changes from ordered antiferromagnetic states at low field
Our magnetization results for Sr3 Ru2 O7 are summarized to ferromagnetically polarized states at high field via “spin-
in Fig. 1. For magnetic fields applied in the ab plane, a flip” or “spin-flop” processes [16]. In metallic systems
rapid superlinear rise in the magnetization is seen with a such as Sr3 Ru2 O7 , the change in magnetization is due to
characteristic field of approximately 5.5 T. Such behavior a rapid change from a paramagnetic state at low fields to
can be described as metamagnetism (for further discussion a more highly polarized state at high fields via either a
see below). As the temperature is raised, the metamag- crossover or a phase transition. Although the distinction

FIG. 1. The magnetization of single crystal Sr3 Ru2 O7 for mag-

netic fields applied in the ab plane. The high field data drop FIG. 2. The magnetoresistance of single crystal Sr3 Ru2 O7 at
monotonically with the measurement temperatures of 2.8, 5, 7, a series of temperatures below 10 K. For B k c, the very broad
9, 12, 16, and 20 K. Metamagnetism is seen for all temperatures peak at 5 K [comparable to the total width of the feature seen in
below 10 K, centered on a field of approximately 5.5 T. Inset: M共B兲] sharpens considerably at low temperatures. For in-plane
data for magnetic fields along the c axis. For this field orienta- fields, the low temperature MR gives evidence for some peak
tion, the metamagnetic field is approximately 7.7 T (see Fig. 2). splitting, as shown by data at 1 K for this orientation.


between a crossover and a phase transition can be an im- is clearly pushing the system very close to it, and its as-
portant one, in this case it is less relevant, because some of sociated critical fluctuations are playing a central role in
the basic physics is common to both. First, the observation determining the properties of the metallic state.
of itinerant metamagnetism demonstrates the existence of Measurement of the specific heat gives further ex-
strong ferromagnetic coupling in the system. Second, low perimental support for the existence of critical fluctua-
temperature critical points are likely in either scenario. tions. Data for the electronic specific heat 共Cel 兲 divided
A crossover might be linked to close proximity in phase by temperature are shown in Fig. 4. In zero field, Cel 兾T
space to a quantum critical point that can be reached only (a measure of the quasiparticle mass) rises as the tem-
by the application of some other control parameter. If the perature falls below 20 K, but it then crosses over at
metamagnetism is due to a T 苷 0 phase transition along lower temperatures on a scale similar (but not identical)
the magnetic field axis, the transition would be expected to to the crossover to the quadratic dependence of the resis-
be first order (since it is like a density transition of spins tivity seen in Fig. 3. The application of fields parallel to
in the presence of a symmetry-breaking field). However, the c axis suppresses this crossover, so that Cel 兾T rises
the first order transition line might terminate in a criti- steeply at low temperatures. At 7.7 T, the slope increases
cal point at very low temperatures. A natural question, as the temperature falls, consistent with a low tempera-
then, is whether there is evidence for critical fluctuations ture log共T 兲 divergence. By our maximum field of 9 T,
associated with the metamagnetism in Sr3 Ru2 O7 . To ad- however, the slope decreases below 2.3 K, which would
dress this issue, we have performed measurements of the be consistent with the onset of a crossover cutting off the
temperature-dependent resistivity and specific heat. divergence. As well as giving thermodynamic support for
In Fig. 3 we show a color plot of the power-law behav- the critical fluctuations suggested by the transport mea-
ior of the resistivity of Sr3 Ru2 O7 as a function of tem- surements, the specific heat data emphasize the closeness
perature and field, for I k ab k B. At low and high fields, of the link between the metamagnetism and these fluc-
the quadratic temperature dependence expected of a Fermi tuations. If the critical point dominating the fluctuations
liquid is seen at a sufficiently low temperature, but, near the seen in Fig. 3 was primarily controlled by some parameter
metamagnetic field, the Fermi liquid region is suppressed other than the field, then changing the field orientation
to below our lowest temperature of measurement (2.5 K for would be expected to make very little difference. Here,
these precise temperature sweeps). These data are strongly however, we have tuned into the divergence of Cel 兾T by
suggestive of the existence of a critical point at a tempera- cooling at the metamagnetic field for B k c (identified
ture low on the scale of the measurement temperature, at as 7.7 T by the peak in Fig. 2) rather than the value of
a field close to the metamagnetic field. They do not con- approximately 5.5 T that would be deduced from Figs. 2
strain it to lie exactly on the field axis, but the applied field and 3 for B k ab.
We believe that the above data give good evidence for
a close association between metamagnetism and critical

FIG. 3 (color). The evolution of the temperature dependence

of the resistivity of Sr3 Ru2 O7 as a function of temperature with
B k I k ab. The plot was constructed by interpolating the re-
sults of temperature sweeps at fourteen values of applied field FIG. 4. The electronic specific heat divided by temperature
(0 to 12 T in 1 T steps, with an additional sweep at 5.5 T). The for Sr3 Ru2 O7 at low temperatures, for magnetic fields applied
colors show the change in the parameter a for a temperature- parallel to c. Subtracting the T 3 lattice contribution gave a
dependent resistivity of the form T a . The T 2 behavior expected Debye temperature of 360 K, in good agreement with previous
of a Fermi liquid is observed at low temperatures only for fields work on polycrystalline samples [17]. Apparently divergent
well away from the metamagnetic field of approximately 5.5 T behavior is seen when the field is tuned to the metamagnetic
identified from Fig. 2. field for this field orientation, identified from Fig. 2 to be 7.7 T.


fluctuations in Sr3 Ru2 O7 . These fluctuations have an in- enced by critical fluctuations associated with the presence
teresting physical interpretation. In an itinerant ferromag- of metamagnetism. These fluctuations have an interesting
net, the moment is generated by a spontaneous polarization interpretation as changes in the Fermi surface topography.
of the spin-up and spin-down Fermi surfaces at the Curie Our observations also highlight important and somewhat
temperature. In an itinerant metamagnet, the extra mo- unexpected differences with the metallic state that exists
ment appears at the metamagnetic field due to the same in its well-studied structural relative, the unconventional
basic mechanism, so the fluctuations that we observe can superconductor Sr2 RuO4 .
be thought of as fluctuations of the Fermi surface itself. We are grateful to C. Bergemann, N. R. Cooper, V. J.
Although this is a q 苷 0 picture, the polarized and unpo- Emery, E. M. Forgan, H. v. Löhneysen, G. G. Lonzarich,
larized Fermi surfaces are likely to have different nesting A. J. Millis, A. Rosch, and D. J. Singh for fruitful discus-
properties in a nearly two-dimensional material, so a cou- sions. This work was supported by the EPSRC (UK), the
pling with fluctuations at higher q is to be expected. Itiner- Royal Society, the Leverhulme Trust, NSERC (Canada),
ant electron metamagnetism has previously been observed CREST-NST (Japan), and ESF (FERLIN Collaboration).
in several systems (notable recent examples are MnSi [18]
and CeRu2 Si2 [19]), but this is, to our knowledge, the first
time that such clear evidence has been seen for a magnetic
field driving a system closer to criticality. Sr3 Ru2 O7 will
therefore give an excellent opportunity to study a novel
class of low temperature fluctuations. *Current address: School of Physics and Astronomy, Uni-
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