Language Test 6B : Grammar
Language Test 6B : Grammar
Language Test 6B : Grammar
should or shouldn’t.
1 I study now. I’m taking a
test tomorrow.
Language Test 6B* 2 It’s cold. They open the
Grammar window.
3 Young children go to bed
1 Complete the sentences with the after midnight.
correct form of going to and the 4 We be late for school.
verbs in the box. 5 You brush your teeth twice
not / play not / take a day.
not / walk use visit
___/5 marks
1 Edith and Conrad to
school tomorrow.
2 Harry his aunt in 4 Complete the sentences with must
Scotland next week. or mustn’t.
3 We ice hockey on 1 Stop it! You fight with your
Saturday. little brother.
4 You Dad’s cell phone. 2 You give the flowers some
5 Ivy any photos next water. It’s hot.
week. 3 You be rude to your
___/5 marks 4 They go home now. It’s
5 She copy her friend’s
2 Complete the questions and homework.
answers with going to and the verbs
in the box. ___/5 marks
buy do have dance
(x2) meet retire Vocabulary
1 A (they) dinner 1 Look at the pictures and complete
together tonight? the sentences with the words in the
B Yes, . box.
2 A (she) next year?
B No, . clean cut damage
3 A What (you) on plant pollute protect
Saturday? recycle reuse save
B I my friends at throw turn waste
the gym. 1 the whales!
4 A (you) a new
B No, .
5 A Who (he) with at
the party?
B He Elsa.
___/10 marks
___/7 marks
___/6 marks