ODS Geral
ODS Geral
ODS Geral
1 General Information .......................................................................... 5
1.1 Explanation of Symbols ...................................................................... 5
1.2 Important Terms .................................................................................. 5
1.3 Declaration of Conformity ................................................................... 6
2 Safety Notices ................................................................................... 6
2.1 Safety Standard .................................................................................. 6
2.2 Intended Use ....................................................................................... 6
2.3 Working Safely .................................................................................... 7
2.4 Organizing Measures .......................................................................... 7
3 Description ........................................................................................ 8
3.1 General description ............................................................................. 8
3.2 Typical Areas of Application for the ODS 96 ....................................... 8
3.2.1 Continuous Distance Measuring .................................................... 8
3.2.2 Positioning Tasks ........................................................................... 9
3.2.3 Filling Level Control for Bulk Goods ............................................... 9
3.3 ODS 96 Models ................................................................................. 10
3.3.1 ODS 96 M/V with Analog Output ................................................. 10
3.3.2 ODS 96 M/D with Serial Output ................................................... 11
3.3.3 ODS 96 M/S with Two Switching Outputs .................................... 13
4 Technical Data ................................................................................. 14
4.1 Optical Data ...................................................................................... 14
4.2 LED Indicators .................................................................................. 14
4.3 Electrical Data, Installation Data ....................................................... 15
4.4 Dimensioned and Connection Drawings ........................................... 16
4.5 Accessories ....................................................................................... 17
5 Installation ....................................................................................... 18
5.1 Storage, Transportation .................................................................... 18
5.2 Mounting ........................................................................................... 18
5.3 Teach-In ............................................................................................ 19
6 Software ........................................................................................... 20
6.1 Connection of the PC ........................................................................ 20
6.2 Installation of the Programming Software ......................................... 20
6.3 Starting the Program ......................................................................... 21
6.3.1 Description of the Menu Commands ............................................ 22
6.3.2 Programming and Adjustment Possibilities .................................. 22
7 Appendix .......................................................................................... 27
7.1 How to update the parameter files of the ODS 96 software .............. 27
1 General Information
This symbol appears in front of text which must be carefully observed. Failure
to heed this information can lead to injuries to personnel or damage to the
This symbol indicates text which contains important information.
Absolute measurement Shows the possible divergence of the measurement value from the anticipat-
accuracy ed value through changes in the environmental conditions during the mea-
suring process. Higher accuracy is given at constant environmental condi-
Repeatability Measuring distance change with repeated measurement at the same output
signal (observe the same peripheral conditions as with resolution).
Resolution The smallest possible distance change of the measured object, which causes
a definite change in the output signal. Resolution is higher in the proximate
area than in the distant area. Small objects can be recognized better in the
proximate area.
Integration time The integration time of the ODS 96 is comparable to the exposure time in a
camera. It is automatically adjusted to the intensity of the reflected light and
thus depends on the reflectance factor of the measured object. It is inversely
proportional to the measurement frequency.
Response time The time period required by the ODS to obtain stable measurements after
change of the reflectivity behavior.
Delay before The delay before start-up indicates the point in time when the first valid mea-
start-up surement can be obtained after switching on.
Insensitivity towards Indicates the insensitivity of the measurement result towards extraneous
extraneous light light. The ODS 96 is reliably measuring even with extraneous light intensity
of 5 kLux. Typical light intensity in a work place is only 1 kLux.
The corresponding declaration of conformity can be requested from the
The manufacturer of the product, Leuze electronic GmbH & Co. in D-73277
Owen/Teck, possesses a certified quality assurance system in accordance
with ISO 9001.
2 Safety Notices
The protection of personnel and the device cannot be guaranteed if the de-
vice is operated in a manner not corresponding to its intended use.
Optical distance sensors of the series ODS 96 are intelligent, adjustable sen-
sors with CCD element for distance measuring.
In particular, unauthorized uses include:
• rooms with explosive atmospheres (zone 0, 1). Operation in zone 2 is
possible with a manufacturer's declaration.
• operation for medical purposes
Fields of application The optical distance sensors of the series ODS 96 have been designed for
the following areas of application:
• Distance measurement
• Contour determination
• Stack positioning
• Filling level measurement
• Packet conveying machines and many more
Access to or making changes to the device, except where positively de-
scribed in this operating manual, is not authorized.
Documentation All entries in this operating manual must be heeded, in particular those in sec-
tion 2 "Safety Notices".
Carefully store this operating manual where it is accessible at all times.
Safety regulations Observe the locally applicable legal regulations and the rules of the employ-
er's liability insurance association.
Qualified personnel Mounting, commissioning and maintenance of the device may only be carried
out by qualified personnel.
Electrical work must be carried out by a certified electrician.
Repair Repairs must only be carried out by the manufacturer or an authorized rep-
3 Description
Accessories To expand the functionality of the ODS 96, a programming software is avail-
With regard to their dimensions, the ODS 96 distance sensors are identical
with the sensors of the series 96 of Leuze electronic. Particularly, the mount-
ing accessories of the series 96 can be used for the ODS 96. Details can be
found in section 4 "Technical Data".
Old Stack
New Stack
Material flow is switched on/off by the ODS as soon as the filling level falls
below the lower limit or reaches the maximum.
For mounting instructions please refer to section 5.2 "Mounting".
LED device
no object
Measurement range
I (mA) U (V)
app.21 app.10,5
20 10
4 1
Meas. distance
1 0
0 90 100 600 app.625 app.800 - 1500
laser device
no object
I (mA) U (V) Measurement range
app.21 app.10,5
20 10
4 1
Meas. distance
1 0
0 180 200 2000 2100 app.3000
Behavior of the output, The ODS 96 M/V has an analog output with linear behavior inside the respec-
ODS 96 M/V tive measurement range. The user can choose between current output
(4 - 20 mA) and voltage output (1 - 10 V). Above and below the linear range,
linearity is lost however, the output values signify an upper deviation (>
20 mA respectively > 10 V) or a lower deviation (< 4 mA respectively < 1 V)
of the measurement range.
Additionally, a switching output is available with the ODS 96 M/V. The posi-
tion within the measuring range, at which the switching output is active can
be set as needed via a teach-in lead. The breadth of the active range is
± 2 mm (LED) respectively ± 10 mm (laser).
Using the optional programming software, the declivity of the output charac-
teristic curve can be changed (steep progression with concurrent reduction
of the measurement range). Furthermore, the switching behavior of the addi-
tional switching output can be individually set.
Serial output of the The serial output of the ODS 96 M/D delivers a continuous data stream. The
ODS 96 M/D measurement value is transmitted with two byte. The LSB signifies the High-
and the Low-Byte, to ensure recognition of definite coherence. For transmis-
sion, no telegram frame, but only the normal serial protocol is used. The
transmission protocol consists of 8 databit, 1 startbit, 1 stopbit, no parity. The
ODS 96 M/D has a digital output which is realized either through the RS 232
or the RS 485 interface. The transmission rate is 9600 baud at the RS 232
interface and 9600 baud without termination at the RS 485 interface.
A "C" program example demonstrates how bytes are read and processed for
further usage:
Program example in "C" //Start of the program for measurement value generation-------------------------------
Switching outputs of
2. switching output
the LED and laser
device 1. switching output
Measuring distance
LED: 100 600
Laser: (200) (2000)
ODS 96 M/S with two The two switching outputs of the ODS 96 M/S are working independently
switching outputs from each other. Through the teach input, the second signal edge can be
tought at output 1, the first signal edge is situated at the beginning of the mea-
surement range. The first signal edge can be tought at output 2, the second
signal edge is situated at the end of the measurement range.
A teach line is available for both switching outputs, meaning the switching
outputs are tought alternatingly. The presently tought output is displayed
through the simultaneous or alternating flashing of the LEDs.
The outputs can be adjusted independently of each other by using the option-
al programming software.
4 Technical Data
Indicator LEDs
green yellow
optical axis
optical axis
Device Plug
Parameter Plug
ODS 96 M/D
ODS 96 M/S
4.5 Accessories
The following accessories are available for the ODS 96:
Designation Order No. Short Description
KB-ODS96-1500 50082007 Parameterizing cable 1,5 m
KB-ODS96-6000 50061428 Parameterizing cable 6 m
ODS96-PS 50082006 Programming software
KB-095-5000-5 50020500 Connection lead (M12, angled, 5 m)
KB-095-5000-5A 50020499 Connection lead (M12, axial, 5 m)
BT 96 50025570 Mounting part
UMS 96 50026204 Universal mounting system
Table 4: Accessories
5 Installation
Unpacking © Check the packaging for any damage. If damage is found, notify the post
office or shipping agent as well as the supplier.
© Check the delivery contents using your order and the delivery papers:
• delivered quantity
• device type and model as indicated on the name-plate
• accessories
• operating manual
© Save the original packaging for later storage or shipping.
If you have any questions concerning your shipment, please contact your
supplier or your local Leuze electronic sales office.
© Observe the applicable local regulations when disposing of the packaging
5.2 Mounting
Mounting systems are available which have to be ordered separately at
Leuze electronic. For order numbers please refer to section 4.5 "Accesso-
ries". Apart from this, the through-borings can be used for individual mounting
of the ODS 96, depending on the area of application.
Mounting of the ODS 96 To avoid errors while the object enters the measurement beam, correct
movement direction of the objects has to be observed. The following graphics
show instructions on the installation of the ODS 96:
Preferred movement of
the objects
Preferred mounting in
connection to objects
with structured surface
5.3 Teach-In
The teach-in procedure can be extended and facilitated through the optional
programming software.
Switching points can also be set through teach-in without using the software.
Connected to the teach-in procedure, differences occur between the ODS 96
M/S types with two switching outputs and the analog and digital device:
Teach-In procedure © Position the measured object at the desired distance. Connect the teach
ODS 96 M/V, ODS 96 input for 2 sec. to +UB. After that, connect the teach input to GND. The
M/D switching output is tought.
The tought switching point represents the middle of the switching range of the
These default values are preset:
• Function characteristics of the switching output: "light switching"
• Switching range: ± 2 mm with infrared devices and ± 10 mm with laser
• Hysteresis: ± 1 mm with infrared devices and ± 5 mm with laser devices
These values can only be changed by using the programming software.
6 Software
General description The programming software can be used either for online programming of the
connected ODS 96 or for the offline generation of configurations. For this pur-
pose, the command Type!, explained in section 6.3.1 "Description of the
Menu Commands" can be used. After starting the program a dialog is dis-
played in which you have to choose a device (see section 6.3 "Starting the
Program"). After the offline generation of a parameter configuration, this con-
figuration can be transmitted to the ODS 96 after connection to the PC has
been established.
The order number for the software can be found in section 4.5 "Accessories".
Additional window
without connected ODS
File Under menu item "File" you can switch to parameterization mode or quit the
Type! Menu item "Type!" enables presetting of parameters and generation of pa-
rameter files without connected ODS. In this menu you can choose a device
for which parameter files should be defined.
Password If the program has been started for the first time that day, the password has
to be entered. The factory-set password is: ODS 96.
After entering and confirming the following window appears:
Options The complete parameter set for the ODS 96 is stored in a default parameter
file. In case of necessary service, the command Options Write default
parameters can be used to transmit the contents of this file to the ODS 96.
The command Options Write customer parameters, triggers the same
result as the button Write parameters to ODS.
Working range analog You can adjust which distance corresponds to a voltage of 1 V, 4 mA at the
output analog output (lower range limit) and which distance corresponds to a voltage
of 10 V, 20 mA (upper range limit).
The shortest adjustable range is 44 mm for the LED version and 400 mm for
the Laser version.
Switching outputs Depending on the ODS 96 type, values for either one or two switching out-
puts can be set. The adjustable parameters have the following meaning:
• Light switching: in case an object is inside the area defined under
"from - to", the switching output is active (high).
• Dark switching: in case an object is inside the area defined under "from
- to", the switching output is inactive.
• Hysteresis: Expansion of the switching range for switching off. For
switching on, the set switching points remain always valid.
Adjustable value range:
• 0 .. 300 mm LED device
• 0 .. 1000 mm laser device
It is possible to adjust values which exceed the limits of the measure-
ment ranges. A regulation happens at the following values:
Additional extraneous All conventional measures have been taken to render the ODS 96 insensitive
light suppression towards extraneous light. Through a special way of signal processing, the in-
tegrated microcontroller enables an additional extraneous light suppression.
Number of Particularly objects with uneven or reflective surface require the measure-
measurements for ment value be taken from the average of several measurements instead of
averaging just one.
The higher the number of measurements for averaging is chosen, the lower
is the number of measurements per time unit (refreshing of measurement re-
If necessary, Leuze electronic can only deliver replacement sensors with de-
fault settings. You as customer are responsible for correct storage of your
changed data sets.
Read parameter from © Use this button if you want to read the present settings from the ODS.
ODS The ODS 96 transmits the data to the PC.
Write parameters to © After having finished work in the parameterization mode, use this button
ODS to write the new settings to the ODS.
Quit parameterization To ensure that all data has been sent correctly to the ODS, use the button
Quit parameterization only after the status line in the lower left corner of the
parameter window shows the message Parameters written to ODS.
7 Appendix
Paper manufactured
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