Osteoarthrosis / Osteoarthritis: Entitlement Eligibility Guidelines
Osteoarthrosis / Osteoarthritis: Entitlement Eligibility Guidelines
Osteoarthrosis / Osteoarthritis: Entitlement Eligibility Guidelines
The terms osteoarthrosis and osteoarthritis are used interchangeably in the medical
community and the general public. For the purpose of this guideline, the terms are
considered synonymous and will hereinafter be referred to as “OA”.
This guideline excludes inflammatory joint disease, examples of which are as follows:
rheumatoid arthritis
Reiter’s syndrome
psoriatic arthritis
ankylosing spondylitis (peripheral joints)
septic arthritis
arthritis associated with Crohn’s disease
arthritis associated with ulcerative colitis
This guideline excludes depositional joint disease, examples of which are as follows:
gout and pseudogout
Wilson’s disease
ochronosis (alkaptonuria)
hemophilia and other bleeding disorders
Each claimed joint should be individually diagnosed, and the diagnosis for each joint
should describe the site(s) affected. The term “generalized” OA may be used where
five or more joints are affected by OA. For VAC pension purposes, each hand is
considered one joint, and each foot is considered one joint.
Joints are formed as a connection between any two bones. There are three types of
joints found in the human body that vary by the amount of relative motion allowed. They
are as follows:
3. Cartilaginous joints
The bones involved in these joints are united by cartilage which permits slight
bending especially early in life and during pregnancy. Examples would include
symphysis pubis and manubriosternal joint.
The joint is a complex organ made up of periarticular and subchondral bone, articular
cartilage, synovial membrane, joint capsule, and periarticular musculature.
Articular cartilage covers the ends of the bones and provides the primary load bearing
functions in the joint with excellent frictional characteristics. It also provides a highly
wear-resistant surface that allows one end of the joint to move efficiently over the other
with little or no attrition. Most OA changes begin with focal lesions on the cartilage
surface, eventually leading to the wearing away of the cartilage entirely and thereby
producing OA.
The main joints of concern with OA are synovial joints, such as the hip and the knee,
which are characterized by large amounts of motion. The primary function of these
joints is to facilitate the movement of various limbs and locomotion. Every movement by
the human body involves synovial joints. Under normal conditions, the synovial joint is
an efficient bearing system with excellent friction, lubrication, and wear properties that
undergoes little or no deterioration during the life of the individual. It must be able to
withstand loads of up to six times body weight on a repetitive basis, for up to one million
cycles per year, depending on the specific joint and function. Wear and tear breakdown
of these synovial joints leads to degenerative joint disease and arthritis, resulting in
limitations in joint function and body movement.
1. age
2. gender
3. ethnicity
4. biochemical, e.g. bone density
5. genetics
6. local biomechanical factors, e.g.
cumulative joint trauma
specific joint injury
joint deformity
muscle weakness
ligamentous laxity of joint
7. inflammation, e.g. bacterial joint infection
The following risk factors have been identified for post-traumatic OA:
The following risk factors have been identified for cumulative trauma-induced OA:
OA is a common disease, with more than 75% of individuals over 70 years of age
showing some definite radiographic evidence of OA. While the incidence of OA
increases with age, the disease is not caused solely by aging of articular tissues. Joint
trauma and other factors may accelerate the development of OA, and it is on these
aspects that the Pension Considerations section is focused.
A number of factors has been implicated in the pathogenesis of OA, including but not
limited to age, gender, ethnicity, biochemical (e.g. bone density), and genetics.
OA often affects the joints of the hands, including the distal interphalangeal joints, the
proximal interphalangeal joints, and the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb. Other
joints involved include the cervical spine, the lumbosacral spine, the hip, the knee, and
the first metatarsophalangeal joint. OA is less common in the ankle, wrist, elbow and
shoulder. The metacarpophalangeal joints, wrists, elbows and shoulders are rarely
affected without previous trauma.
While OA is common in most populations, its clinical patterns vary with ethnic
background. For example, OA of the hips is uncommon in Japan and Saudi Arabia but
is prevalent in the United States. Overall, OA occurs with approximately equal
frequency in men and women, although different patterns of joint involvement
predominate in each gender. For example, OA of the hands and knees is more
common in women, whereas OA of the hips is more common in men.
OA is a disease that begins in the articular cartilage but eventually involves the
surrounding tissue, bone and synovium. When the cartilage is absent from the articular
surface, the underlying bone is subjected to greater local stresses. Remodelling of the
bone occurs at the joint margins through the formation of osteophytes, and can be
After the initial stages of cartilage degeneration (from many causes, including injury),
there may be a delay of many years before a person feels joint pain or an x-ray shows
osteoarthritic changes. Significant cartilage damage may have occurred before relevant
signs and symptoms appear.
There are known inconsistencies between findings on x-rays and clinical symptoms,
with only 50% to 60% of subjects with radiographic OA being clinically symptomatic.
Further, an absence of x-ray evidence of OA does not exclude the presence of the
disease, particularly in the early stages. Clinical symptoms, which must be recurrent or
continuous after initial manifestation, may precede x-ray findings by up to approximately
10 years.
Any evaluation of x-ray findings may consider whether radiographic scoring methods
were used to evaluate the radiographs, and what criteria have been used for the
diagnosis and grading of OA. The American College of Rheumatology has developed
criteria for x-ray classification of OA, which is widely used in diagnosis and treatment
decisions. The American Medical Association (AMA) Guides to the Evaluation of
Permanent Impairment, 5th edition, state:
“Certain roentgenographic findings that are of diagnostic importance, such as
osteophytes and reactive sclerosis, have no direct bearing on impairment. The best
roentgenographic indicator of disease stage and impairment for a person with
arthritis is the cartilage interval or joint space. The hallmark of all types of arthritis is
thinning of the articular cartilage; this correlates well with disease progress.”
Pain is typically insidious in onset and gradually progresses, usually for many years.
Flare-ups may be followed by partial or complete remission. Pain is commonly present
when the joint is in motion and is relieved by rest, at least until the advanced stages of
disease are reached. Joints often stiffen for short durations after periods of rest.
Stiffness tends to abate after a few seconds or minutes of joint motion.
Elderly persons manifest symptoms most often; individuals younger than 40 years are
rarely symptomatic.
Although the disease can progress rapidly, the course is usually slowly progressive,
with gradually increasing dysfunction over many years. Fortunately, deterioration is not
inevitable; symptoms may remain mild or may disappear for long periods. It is therefore
difficult to determine the prognosis.
Examination of the involved joints may reveal mild tenderness, pain, restricted range of
movement, joint effusions (collection of fluid in the joint), and crepitus ( a grating noise
on joint movement). Firm swelling (caused by underlying bony proliferation) may be
seen. In advanced OA, gross deformity, bony enlargement, angulation, and marked
loss of joint movement may be seen. Bony fusion is rare.
Each claimed joint and specific site affected by OA should be individually
considered on application for pension. The term “generalized” OA may be
used where five or more joints are affected by OA. For VAC pension
purposes, each hand is considered one joint, and each foot is considered one
While the incidence of OA increases with age, and while a number of risk
factors has been implicated in OA, including but not limited to gender and
ethnicity, the following section specifies the more important factors for VAC
purposes which can be identified as accelerating the development of OA.
Where there is no evidence that risk factors, including aging, have contributed
to the development of OA in any given case, no restriction on entitlement
should occur.
For specific trauma to cause or aggravate OA, the following should be evident:
Pain, swelling, or altered mobility, or any other pertinent sign or symptom,
should occur in the joint within 24 hours of the injury; and
These acute symptoms and signs should generally last several days following
their onset except where medical intervention for the trauma to that joint has
occurred (“Medical intervention” includes but is not limited to physician-
recommended medication; immobilization of the joint or limb by splinting, sling
or similar mechanisms; injection of corticosteroids or local anesthetics into the
joint; aspiration of the joint; surgery to the joint.); and
Signs/symptoms of OA must be present within 25 years of the specific
Specific trauma means physical injury to a joint, including a fracture involving the
intra-articular surface of the joint, surgery, and penetrating injuries from
projectiles such as bullets and shrapnel.
The risk of developing OA from a single major impact to a joint depends, at least
in part, on the size and depth of the injury. Injury which directly damages
articular cartilage and underlying subchondral bone is strongly associated with
OA. Injury of supporting structures, e.g. ligaments and tendons, may accelerate
the development of OA in weight-bearing joints if the injury has resulted in an
unstable joint.
3. Obesity
For obesity to cause or aggravate OA of the knee(s), hips or lumbar spine, the
following should be evident:
Obesity should have produced a significant weight gain, of the order of a 20%
increase in baseline weight; and
Obesity should be associated with a BMI of 30 or greater; and
Obesity should have been present for at least 10 continuous years prior to
clinical onset or aggravation.
For VAC purposes, obesity is a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater. The
BMI table is contained in the Gastrointestinal Chapter of the Table of Disabilities.
BMI = weight in kgs
height in metres squared
peritoneal or pleural effusion
muscle hypertrophy
Vibration can occur from a number of tools, including pneumatic tools and other
mechanized tools, such as a chain saw.
A pneumatic tool is any tool driven by compressed air, including but not limited to
jack hammers, pneumatic drills, compacters, large pop rivet guns of the type
used on construction sites, sand blasting equipment, and spray painting
Despite research efforts to date, there is a lack of sufficient evidence at this time
to establish for pension purposes a relationship between OA and the following:
Osteoarthritis includes all soft tissue and joint disorders in the area of the
affected joint. Examples include, but are not limited to the following:
5. OA of the hip:
trochanteric bursitis
7. OA of the ankle:
chronic ankle sprain
calcaneal bursitis
Achilles tendonitis
8. OA of the wrist:
Cumulative Joint Trauma in the development of OA of the Lumbar Spine, Hips,
Knees and Ankles.
Please note :
OA can be diagnosed by symptoms or pathology. For VAC purposes, the “disability” of
OA is defined by the existence of relevant signs and/or symptoms; x-ray evidence alone
is insufficient.
There are several risk factors for OA which have been identified in the literature. For
the purposes of this paper, however, only the following risk factors, as defined in the
following Definitions subsections, are considered in the relationship between cumulative
joint trauma and OA:
an anatomically abnormal joint;
a joint that has been affected by specific trauma
Normal spine means a spine that is not anatomically abnormal or a spine that
has not been subject of specific trauma, as defined below.
Cumulative joint trauma associated with occupations should take place for at
least 2 hours per day, on at least 51% of days worked, for a period of at least 10
years; and
Cumulative joint trauma associated with occupations should take place for at
least 2 hours per day, on at least 51% of days worked, for a period of at least 5
years; and
2. Obesity may be a factor in aggravation of lumbar spine OA when the criteria set out
in the Definitions subsection are met.
The following activities are not considered activities which would cause OA in a
normal lumbar spine or aggravate OA lumbar spine:
running that is not of high intensity or high mileage
walking on uneven ground*
*The level and intensity of the noted activities are what is anticipated to occur
on an informal basis in daily life.
Cumulative joint trauma associated with sports and/or exercise activities means
high-intensity, acute, direct joint impact as a result of contact with other
participants, playing surfaces, or equipment; or repetitive joint impact with
torsional loading (twisting); or running of high intensity and high mileage, as in
marathon running or training.
Normal hip means a hip that is not anatomically abnormal or a hip that has not
been subject of specific trauma, as defined below.
Cumulative joint trauma associated with occupations should take place for at
least 2 hours per day, on at least 51% of days worked, for a period of at least
5 years; and
Signs/symptoms of OA should be present in the hip joint during this timeframe
or within 25 years after the activity ceases.
For cumulative joint trauma associated with sports and/or exercise activities to
cause OA in a normal hip in a non-obese individual, the following criteria should
be met:
Cumulative joint trauma associated with sports and/or exercise activities
should take place for a total of at least 5 hours per week for a period of at
least 10 years; and
Signs/symptoms of OA should be present in the hip joint during this timeframe
or within 25 years after the activity ceases.
For cumulative joint trauma associated with sports and/or exercise activities to
contribute to OA of the hips in an obese individual, the following criteria should
be met:
Bilateral hip OA must have developed; and
Cumulative joint trauma associated with sports and/or exercise activities
should have taken place for a total of at least 5 hours per week for a period of
at least 5 years; and
Signs/symptoms of OA should have been present in the hip joints during this
timeframe or within 25 years after the activity ceased.
For cumulative joint trauma associated with sports and/or activities in a non-
obese individual to aggravate hip OA, the following criteria should be met;
Increased signs/symptoms of OA develop during the activity, or within 30
days of stopping the activity; and
Increased signs/symptoms of OA last for a period of at least 6 months, on a
continuous or recurrent basis, whether or not the activity has stopped.
3. Obesity may be a factor in aggravation of bilateral hip OA when the criteria set
out in the Definitions subsection are met.
The following activities are not considered activities which would cause OA in a
normal hip joint, or aggravate hip OA:
running that is not of high intensity or high mileage
walking on uneven ground*
*The level and intensity of the noted activities are what is anticipated to
occur on an informal basis in daily life.
Cumulative joint trauma associated with sports and/or exercise activities means
high-intensity, acute, direct joint impact as a result of contact with other
Normal knee means a knee that is not anatomically abnormal or a knee that has
not been subject of specific trauma, as defined below.
Cumulative joint trauma associated with occupations should take place for at
least 2 hours per day, on at least 51% of days worked, for a period of at least
5 years; and
Signs/symptoms of OA should be present in the knee joint during this
timeframe or within 25 years after the activity ceases.
For cumulative joint trauma associated with sports and/or exercise activities to
cause OA in a normal knee in a non-obese individual, the following criteria
should be met:
Cumulative joint trauma associated with sports and/or exercise activities
should take place for a total of at least 5 hours per week for a period of at
least 10 years; and
Signs/symptoms of OA should be present in the knee joint during this
timeframe or within 25 years after the activity ceases.
2. Cumulative joint trauma associated with sports and/or exercise activities in a non-
obese individual in the aggravation of pre-existing knee OA
For cumulative joint trauma associated with sports and/or exercise activities in a
non-obese individual to aggravate knee OA, the following criteria should be met:
Increased signs/symptoms of OA develop during the activity, or within
30 days of stopping the activity; and
Increased signs/symptoms of OA last for a period of at least 6 months,
on a continuous or recurrent basis, whether or not the activity has
The following activities are not considered activities which would cause OA in
a normal knee joint, or aggravate knee OA:
running that is not of high intensity or high mileage
walking on uneven ground*
*The level and intensity of the noted activities are what is anticipated to
occur on an informal basis in daily life.
The following activities are not considered activities which would cause OA in
a normal ankle joint, or aggravate ankle OA:
running that is not of high intensity or high mileage
walking on uneven ground*
*The level and intensity of the noted activities are what is anticipated to occur
on an informal basis in daily life.
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