Situation Analysis of Corruption in Kenya
Situation Analysis of Corruption in Kenya
Situation Analysis of Corruption in Kenya
Corruption in Kenya has been a major issue since the early 70’s and has
permeated the entire body of institutional life. It has led to increase in
poverty, stagnated growth and compromised service delivery such that it’s
only affordable to those who can pay rent. When the NARC government
come into power anti-corruption initiatives such as legislations, anti-
corruption bodies and commission of inquiries were put in place to curb
corruption and look into past corrupt practices. Nonetheless, corruption
continued to thrive and measures put in place were contemned with no
regards to the plight of the common man. Thus this paper looks at how
corruption has mutated since we got our independence, the weaknesses of
the legislation introduced to curb corruption and the necessary steps that we
need to take to win the fight
The fight against corruption in Kenya is not only politicized but it also
ethnicised and its proponents the subject of suspicion from the moment they
declare their supposedly selfless intentions. Once politicians are accused of
being corrupt they run back to their constituency to be defended. Karuti
Kanyinga states that “Inequalities in the composition and staffing of key
governance positions are the result of ethnicity and attempts by the
governing elite to consolidate political power by locking out members from
other ethnic groups … ethnicity provides the means of inequality in the
composition of governance institutions”2
Abdullahi, Ahmednasir. “Coalition is a collection of graft veterans” In corruption Special Report: Have
we Lost the War? , Sunday Standard (Nairobi), February 1, 2009, p.5
Kanyinga Karuti. “Governance Institutions and Inequality in Kenya”. In the Society for International
Development, Readings of Inequality in Kenya: Sectoral Dynamics and Perspectives. Nairobi : Society for
International Development
Corruption in Kenya 1
in his article ‘where the rain started beating us’ states that ‘the abject
abandon with which corruption was embraced in Kenya became blatant in the
1977 and 1978 when senior Government officials openly participated in
smuggling Ugandan coffee through lakes Victoria’s SIo Port Usenge and
overland at Chepkube in western’.3 For all this atrocities committed no one
was punished leading to a culture of impunity which was inherited by the
former president and now the current government. Corruption scandals have
snowballed to greater heights due to the recycling of the same players (both
in the Moi and Kibaki regime) who have no regards whatsoever to the
common man.
Dr. Lumumba. “When the rain started beating us” In corruption Special Report: Have we Lost the War? ,
Sunday Standard (Nairobi), February 1, 2009, p.7
See Kimberly (1997) Corruption and the Global Economy
Kenyan Politician Assassinated in 1975
Corruption in Kenya 2
Those most affected by marginalization are the indigenous peoples, who are
not only impoverished and discriminated against but suffer from the
ineffectiveness and corruption of institution set up to support and assist
them. One of the most crucial issues is still access to land and land
management by the indigenous groups who are also affected by poor or
nonexistent health care.
In spite of the Million Acre settlement scheme unveiled in 1962 where land
previously owned by the settlers was purchased by the government to
resettle Africans on a variety of schemes, the majority of people who were
actually settled were not necessarily the absolutely land people who had
given the political impetus to that scheme but rather the beneficiaries were
those who had accumulated some cash through farming, small business
ventures, wage employment or sale of their existing holdings. The
programme, an attempt to establish and entrench a landed African middle-
class and counter insurgency against radical landless peasant movement, it
enabled some people from central Kenya and the post-independent political
elite to buy back land (sic).
A few people got large tracts of land, other got small parcels and still many
more who were indeed landless did not have access to this programme as
evidenced by the unending squatter problem in the forest and other area.
Therefore tension between big landowners (today mainly rich Kenyans) and
the landless has continued to mar Kenya’s picturesque landscape. The
current happenings with Mau forest is a case in point of consequences of this
action and the sub-divided parts of the forest have been legitimised by the
settlers who are now accusing the government of taking their ‘legal’
Corruption in Kenya 3
this phenomenon. In spite of the report, no concrete action has been taken to
implement the report.
A more positive action is the initiative to formulate a National Land Policy for
Kenya which was launched in February 2004 to address the land question
holistically and the process of developing the national land policy has
progressed considerably and it is expected to translate into a more
transparent, efficient and sustainable land management and administration
for Kenya.
The NARC government also introduced free primary education (FPE) which
led to an upsurge enrolment at primary school level putting pressure on text
books and other instructional material as well as the infrastructure. Whilst
introducing the FPE, the government did not factor in children living in the
Arid and Semi Arid Land and the urban slum who may opt not to enrol in
formal primary school for various reasons.
A number of challenges face the free primary education the major one being
poor management and internal inefficiency that negatively impacts on
access, equity and quality. Thus there is need to enhance special capitation
grants in schools where parents have neglected their responsibility to
contribute to school building and maintenance. It is also imperative to
provide more alternative learning opportunities for the out of school children
as well as create strong linkage with formal education system.
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intolerance to criticism, brutal repression, and political assassination began
to emerge in Kenya as an officially accepted pattern of political management.
The assassination of Pio Gama Pinto, T.J. Mboya, and J.M Kariuki provide the
best examples” 7 Anatomy of corruption.
This was the state of affairs when Moi took over power in 1978. Kenya was
essentially a corrupt society in which most of the institutions of democratic
governance, parliament and the judiciary, as well as the separation of powers
and check and balances, popular participation, transparency and
accountability had all been subverted by Kenyatta personal rule. Although
the Moi government acknowledged the existence of corruption in public
service, little was done to enforce the anti-corruption legislation or introduce
new, meaningful anti-corruption measures - in essence Moi perfected what
Kenyatta had started. Corruption became part of the survival strategy for the
Government – a means for the distribution of political patronage by
distracting attempts to formulate and implement anti-corruption
interventions in the public service. The failure of the Kenya Africa National
Union (KANU) Government to implement anti-corruption policies and
legislation suggested that the government had vested interests in the
External and internal pressure between the 1990 and 2000 witnessed
formation of anti-corruption measures but the same were not effectively
implemented. This period also saw the thwarting of the introduced anti-
corruption reformed initiatives whenever possible. Some of the initiatives
introduced were the amendment of the Prevention of Corruption Act (Cap 65)
to provide for the establishment of the Kenya Anti-Corruption Authority (KACA
- 1998) whose Executive Director was Harun Mwai. This was later disbanded
in 2000 and only two prosecutions took place. The period also saw the
establishment of the Parliamentary Anti-Corruption Select Committee chaired
by Musikari Kombo whose mandate was a) to study and investigate the
causes, extent and impact of corruption in Kenya b) identity the key
perpetrators and beneficiaries of corruption and to recommend the
immediate effective measures to be taken against them and c) prepare a bill
to provide for stiff penalties on corruption related offences – the report on the
causes, extent and impact of corruption in Kenya was adopted with drastic
amendment to expunge the list of shame and the Anti-Corruption act
defeated on the floor of the house.
Kibwana Kivutha et al…, (Eds.) The Anatomy of Corruption in Kenya: Legal and Political Social
Economic Perspective
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scandal, shows lack o f political commitment by the KANU government to
fight corruption.
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compounded by weak legislation and strategies employed by the
government. This is attributed to the lacklustre of the operations of the AG’s
office and the failure to address the actual cause of corruption – political
patronage and the deficiencies of the enacted laws.
The cabinet is not able therefore to lead the anti-corruption crusade as part
of the government programmes. The struggle against corruption has to be
seen in conjunction with rather than in isolation from the struggle for
democracy. The struggle for democracy in turn has to involve the
establishment of institutions and processes to anchor a popularly elected
government that can rely on popular support for legitimacy, and eschew
patronage and corruption 9
Corruption in Kenya 7
Between 1991 and 2001, the KANU government yielded to pressure for
democratization and accountability and began to implement a range of
measures against corruption. These were:-
The dissolution of KACA in 2000 infuriated donors, especially the IMF and
the World Bank. The IMF offered to assist the Attorney general re-draft two
bills- the constitutional of Kenya amendment bill, 2001 that was meant to
grant KACA constitutional legitimacy and a broader Anti-Corruption and
economic Crime bill, 2001 to replace the supposedly obsolete Prevention of
Corruption Act. The bills were defeated in parliament upon introduction to
have them debated. The IMF and the World Bank further insisted on
Structural Adjustment Programmes which were meant to drastically reduce
the role of government in the management of the economy.
In 1997 the GOK, in collaboration with IMF, World Bank and DFId conducted
from 1997 a series of study that confirmed that the system of financial
accounting in the public service was weak and contributed to the high
incidence of corruption and loss of public resources. The studies
demonstrated rampant disregard for accounting procedures and regulations;
inadequate and unreliable financial information system, including data input
and out put; mismatch between project identification, expenditure
requirements, resource availability, and expected benefits; deficient
budgeting system for both expenditure and revenue; and inadequate
monitoring of expenditure and revenue collection especially between the
district level departments and the headquarters of ministries in Nairobi. The
reforms were intended to enable the department (Internal Audit) to become
more vigilant in safe guarding public resources. 11
Chweya Ludeki. “The Government Anti-Corruption Programmes 2001-2004”. In the Control of
Corruption in Kenya: Legal and Political Dimensions 2001 - 2004
Republic of Kenya, Report on Strengthening Government Finance and Accounting Functions prepared by
Accountant General’s Department and KPMG, volume 2 – main report, June 1997.
Corruption in Kenya 8
In July 2003, IMF officials praised the Government reforms. However they
observed that “While the Government has begun to crack down aggressively
on corruption, the administration challenge is to run sound and sustained
economic programme. 12The donor community has continued imposing
conditions to the GOK for it to qualify for aid. An example is the passing of
the Public Procurement and Disposal Act and also during the post-election
crisis they ensured that the two principles reached an agreement in order to
get further assistance from them. The fiscal dependence upon external
financing and sacrifices that citizen are asked to make to comply with
international adjustment mandates are perceived by ordinary citizen and the
parliamentarians as mechanism of foreign domination and exploitation.
Saturday Nation January 3, 2004
Corruption in Kenya 9
anti-corruption strategies, plans and policies to avoid unnecessary costs over
attempts to re-invent the wheel.
1. Chweya, L., Kithome, J.T., and Akivaga, S.K. (2005) Control of
Corruption in Kenya: Legal –Political Dimension 2001 – 2004. Nairobi:
2. Elliot, Kimberly Ann. (Ed.). (1997) Corruption and the Global Economy.
Washington: Institute for International Economics
3. Kibwana Kivutha et al.., (Eds.). (1996) The anatomy of Corruption in
Kenya: Legal, Political and Social economic Perspectives. Nairobi:
4. Kibwana, K., Akivaga, S.K., Mute, L.M and Odhiambo, M. (Eds). (2001)
Initiatives against Corruption in Kenya: Legal and Policy Interventions
1995-2001. Nairobi: Claripress
5. Maina, Wachira. (2004) Overview of Corruption in Kenya: Counting the
Costs, Combating the Consequences and Charting the future
6. Society for International Development (2006) Reading of Inequalities in
Kenya. Nairobi: Society for International Development
Wanjiku Kiiru
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