An Audio Example Using DSP/BIOS: Application Report
An Audio Example Using DSP/BIOS: Application Report
An Audio Example Using DSP/BIOS: Application Report
Data transfer is essential for any digital signal processing application. Texas Instruments
(TI) DSP/BIOS kernel provides basic runtime services used for managing data transfer. The
DSP/BIOS pipes are used to buffer streams of program input and output data. Data transfer
is scheduled through the use of DSP/BIOS software interrupts. These software interrupts,
patterned after hardware interrupt routines, are the foundation for structuring DSP/BIOS
applications in a prioritized hierarchy of real-time threads.
This audio example demonstrates how to use DSP/BIOS APIs for scheduling data transfer
between the hardware I/O peripherals and the target DSP.
1 Introduction to Foundational Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Overview of DSP/BIOS SWI and PIP Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1 Software Interrupt or SWI Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Pipe or PIP Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 An Audio Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.1 About the Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Configuration Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.3 Reviewing the Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.4 Debugging and Testing With DSP/BIOS Real-Time Analysis Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.5 Adding a Periodic Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.6 Running With a Periodic Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.7 Increasing the Number of Frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.8 Getting Your Priorities Straight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.9 Reviewing the ISR Code: The Assembly Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.10 Using a C ISR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.11 Things to Try . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4 Summary/Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
List of Figures
Figure 1. DSP/BIOS Real-Time Analysis Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Figure 2. DSP/BIOS Configuration Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Figure 3. Prioritization of DSP/BIOS Threads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Figure 4. DSP/BIOS Data Pipes (PIP Module) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Figure 5. Diagram of the Audio Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Figure 6. DSS_rxPrime and DSS_txPrime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1 Introduction to Foundational Software
The ability for digital signal processors to handle high-speed arithmetic, I/O and interrupt
processing requires basic scheduling and I/O services. The DSP/BIOS foundation software,
included in Code Composer Studio, furnishes a small firmware kernel with basic run-time
services that software developers can embed on target DSP hardware. DSP/BIOS includes
optimized run-time services such as low-latency threading and scheduling along with a data pipe
managers designed to manage block I/O(also called stream-based or asynchronous I/O). The
embedded DSP/BIOS run-time library and DSP/BIOS plug-ins support a new generation of
testing and diagnostic tools that allows developers and integrators to probe, trace, and monitor a
DSP application during its course of execution (see Figure 1. DSP/BIOS Real-Time Analysis
Tools) This real-time monitoring lets you view the system running in real-time so that you can
effectively debug and performance-tune your system before deployment.
statistics accu-
processor event runnung
load event state unknown
Your target application is designed using the DSP/BIOS Configuration Tool for creating and
assigning attributes to individual run-time objects (threads, streams, etc.). Unlike other systems
in which object creation and initialization occur at run-time thought supplementary API calls,
incurring further target overhead –especially code space-, all DSP/BIOS objects are statically
configured and bound into an executable program image using hosted tools. In addition to
minimizing the target memory footprint by eliminating run-time code and optimizing the layout of
internal data structures, the static configuration strategy pursued by the DSP/BIOS Configuration
Tool provides the means for early detection of semantic errors through validation of object
attributes prior to program execution.
The DSP/BIOS Configuration Tool serves as a visual editor for creating run-time objects that are
used on the target application through the DSP/BIOS APIs. This graphical tool makes it easy for
a developer to control a wide range of parameters.
The DSP/BIOS Buffered Pipe Manager or PIP Module manages block I/O (also called
stream-based or asynchronous I/O) used to buffer streams of program input and output typically
processed by embedded DSP applications. Each pipe object maintains a buffer divided into a
fixed number of fixed length frames, specified by the numframes and framesize properties. All I/O
operations on a pipe deal with one frame at a time. Although each frame has a fixed length, the
application may put a variable amount of data in each frame (up to the length of the frame). Note
that a pipe has two ends. The writer end is where the program writes frames of data. The reader
end is where the program reads frames of data.
PIP Alloc
Data notification functions (notifyReader and notifyWriter) are performed to synchronize data
transfer. These functions are triggered when a frame of data is read or written to notify the
program that a frame is free or data is available. These functions are performed in the context of
the function that calls PIP_free or PIP_put. They may also be called from the thread that calls
PIP_get or PIP_alloc. After PIP_alloc is called, DSP/BIOS checks whether there are more full
frames in the pipe. If so, the notifyReader function is executed. After PIP_alloc is called,
DSP/BIOS whether there are more empty frames in the pipe. If so, the notifyWriter function is
A pipe should have a single reader and a single writer. Often, one end of a pipe is controlled by
a hardware ISR (ex: Serial Port Receiver ISR) and on the other end is controlled by a software
interrupt function. Pipes can also be used to transfer data within the program between two
application threads.
Next, we use two DSP/BIOS Data Pipes in the audio example to move data between the
software interrupt function called audioSWI and a serial port connected to the codec.
3 An Audio Example
This audio example demonstrates how to use DSP/BIOS APIs for scheduling data transfer
between hardware I/O peripherals and the target DSP. This example has been provided to assist
with development for your DSP application program. The following steps will guide you through
the audio example setup, how to use the DSP/BIOS Configuration Tool and how to use the
DSP/BIOS Real-Time Analysis Tools for debugging/testing program code. This example has
been installed in both the C5000 or C6000 Code Composer Studio products and can be found in
the ...\ti\c6000\examples\bios\audio or ...\ti\c5400\examples\bios\audio directories.
Serial Port
Audio Source Codec Speaker
The ISR for the serial port receive interrupt copies each new 32 bit data sample in the Data
Receive Register (DRR) to a frame from the DSS_rxPipe pipe object. When the frame is full, the
ISR puts the frame back into DSS_rxPipe to be read by the audio function.
As the audio function will just read a frame from DSS_rxPipe and copy it to a frame in
DSS_txPipe. The transmit rate will be the same as the receive rate: 48 kHz. This allows us to
further simplify the example by enabling only the receive interrupt for the serial port. The
transmit interrupt for the serial port is not enabled.
The ISR for the receive interrupt will also take care of the transmit process in the serial port.
It will take a full frame from DSS_txPipe and write a 32-bit word from the frame to the 32-bit
serial port Data Transmit Register (DXR) each time the interrupt is handled. When the whole
frame has been transmitted, the empty frame is recycled back to DSS_txPipe for reuse by the
audio function.
The function DSS_init (found in dss.c) takes care of the initialization of the serial port and the
codec. DSS_init programs the sampling rate of the codec and sets the bits in IMR and IFR to
enable the serial port receive interrupt, etc. Notice the following:
• DSS_init does not enable interrupts and should be called before interrupts are enabled by
DSP/BIOS at the return from main.
• DSS_init does not set up the interrupt vector table to call the ISR for the serial port receive
interrupt. This is performed and setup with the HWI – Hardware Interrupt Service Routine
Manager in the DSP/BIOS Configuration Tool.
• Two data pipes, DSS_rxPipe and DSS_txPipe, to exchange data between audioSWI and
the ISR for the serial port receive interrupt.
• Plug in the corresponding ISR for the serial port using the HWI – Hardware Interrupt Service
Routine Manager
You begin by opening the project with Code Composer Studio and examining the source code
files and libraries used in that project.
1. If you installed Code Composer Studio in c:\ti, create a folder called audio in the
c:\ti\myprojects folder. (If you installed elsewhere, create a folder within the myprojects
folder in the location where you installed.)
2. Copy all files from the c:\ti\c6000\examples\bios\audio folder to this new folder.
3. From the Windows Start menu, choose Programs –> Code Composer Studio ‘C6000’ –>
Code Composer Studio.
4. Choose Project –> New. Type in audio.mak for the file name in the folder you created and
click Save.
6. Select the template for your DSP board and click OK.
7. Right-click on the LOG – Event Log Manager and choose the Insert LOG from the pop-up
menu. This creates a LOG object called LOG0.
8. Right-click on the name of the LOG0 object and choose Rename from the pop-up menu.
Change the object’s name to trace and change the buffer length property to 256.
9. Right-click on the name of the LOG_system object and choose properties. Change the
buffer length property to 256.
10. Right-click on the SWI – Software Interrupt Manager and choose Insert SWI. Rename the
new SWI0 object audioSWI.
11. Right-click on audioSWI and select Properties from the menu. In the audioSWI properties
window, enter _audio for the function, 3 for the mailbox, DSS_rxPipe for arg0, and
DSS_txPipe for arg1. Click OK to save your changes.
12. Right-click on the PIP – Buffered Pipe Manager and choose Insert PIP twice. Rename the
first pipe to DSS_rxPipe and the second pipe to DSS_txPipe.
13. Right-click on the DSS_rxPipe and select Properties from the menu. Enter the following
properties for DSS_rxPipe:
14. Right-click on the DSS_txPipe and select Properties from the menu. Enter the following
properties for DSS_txPipe:
When a full frame is put in DSS_rxPipe the notifyReader function will clear the second bit in
the mailbox for audioSWI. When an empty frame is available in DSS_txPipe, the first bit in
the mailbox for audioSWI is cleared. In this way, audioSWI is posted only when there is a
full frame available in DSS_rxPipe and an empty frame available in DSS_txPipe.
The notifyWriter for DSS_rxPipe, DSS_rxPrime, is a C function that can be found is dss.c.
DSS_rxPrime calls PIP_alloc to allocate an empty frame from DSS_rxPipe that will be used
by the ISR to write the data received from the codec. DSS_rxPrime is called whenever an
empty frame is available in DSS_rxPipe (and the ISR is done with the previous frame). The
ISR calls DSS_rxPrime after it is done filling up a frame (see Figure 6)
The notifyReader for DSS_txPipe, DSS_txPrime, is a C function that can be found is
dss.c. DSS_txPrime calls PIP_get to get a full frame from DSS_txPipe. The data in this
frame will be transmitted by the ISR to the codec. DSS_txPrime is called whenever a full
frame is available in DSS_txPipe (and the ISR is done transmitting the previous frame). The
ISR calls DSS_txPrime after it is done transmitting a frame to get the next full frame. See
Figure 6.
audio function
DSS_rxPipe DSS_txPipe
PIP_alloc PIP_get
PIP_put PIP_free
Now we need to plug in the corresponding ISR for the serial port.
15. Click on the + next to the HWI – Hardware Interrupt Service Routine Manager to display
its objects. Each of these objects corresponds to an interrupt in the TMS320C62x interrupt
vector table. Right-click on the HWI_INT11 and select properties. Choose the interrupt
source that corresponds to the Multichannel Buffered Serial Port 0 Receive Interrupt
(MCSP_0_Receive). Also, change the function to _DSS_isr similar to the following:
if (PIP_getReaderNumFrames(in) == 0 || PIP_getWriterNumFrames(out) == 0) {
size = PIP_getReaderSize(in);
1. Choose File –> Load Program. Select the program you just built, audio.out, and click
2. Choose Debug –> Go Main. The program runs to the first statement in the main function.
3. Choose Tools –> DSP/BIOS –> RTA Control Panel. You see several check boxes at the
bottom of the Code Composer Studio window.
4. Right-click on the area that contains the check boxes and deselect Allow Docking, or
select Float in Main Window, to display the RTA Control Panel in a separate window.
Resize the window so that you can see all of the check boxes shown here.
5. Put check marks in the boxes shown here to enable SWI and CLK logging, SWI
accumulators and globally enable tracing on the host.
6. Choose Tools –> DSP/BIOS –> CPU Load Graph.
7. Choose Tools –> DSP/BIOS –> Execution Graph. The Execution Graph appears at the
bottom of the Code Composer Studio window. You may want to resize this area or display
it as a separate window.
8. Right-click on the RTA Control Panel and choose Property Page from the pop-up menu.
9. Verify that the Refresh Rate for Message Log/Execution Graph is 1 second and click OK.
10. Choose Debug –> Run or click the (Run) toolbar button. You should be able to hear the
acoustic signal out of the speaker. The Execution Graph should look similar to this:
11. Count the marks between times the audioSWI object was running. It should be running
every 2 milliseconds. You can see that in between 2 consecutive execution of audioSWI
there are 2 system clock ticks (each clock tick corresponds to 1 msec). The audio function
runs every timer there is a full frame in DSS_rxPipe and an empty frame in DSS_txPipe.
The ISR is running every 1/48000 microseconds, writing and reading a word at a time. For
96 word frames, the ISR needs to execute 96 times before filling up a frame. Therefore,
the audio should be running every 96/48000 microseconds, i.e., 2 milliseconds.
if (loadVal) {
loadVal is a global variable that is initially set to 0. AUDIO_load is an assembly routine that
simulates a process that uses up cycles on the CPU. (You can find the source code for
AUDIO_load in AUDIO_LD.S62.)
Using the DSP/BIOS Real-Time Analysis Tools you can set how much CPU load load takes up
by changing the value of the global variable loadVal.
1. In Code Composer Studio, open audio.cdb. Right-click on the Periodic Function Manager
and select Insert PRD from the menu.
2. Rename the new PRD object to loadPrd. Right-click on it and select Properties from the
menu. Enter the properties for this periodic object as follows:
has the lowest execution priority within the program. Because the higher-priority threads
are using all the processing time, there is not enough time for the host control updates to
be performed. The program is now missing its real-time deadline. Putting a smaller value
in loadVal will continue target/host communication.
8. Observe the STS data for audioSWI. The increase in the load of the periodic function
raised the maximum, but it is still under the real time deadline of 2 milliseconds for
9. Increase loadVal by entering new values in the Data Memory window. Try 150, 200, etc.
Observe the increase on the CPU load and the Max field for the audioSWI STS. Observe
how eventually the audioSWI STS maximum reaches more than 2 milliseconds, and the
application starts to miss real time. You will notice this as you start to hear the quality of
the acoustic signal output getting worse. Write down the value of loadVal that causes the
application to start missing real time.
10. In the System Log window, observe how the increase in loadVal lengthened the amount
of time it took for loadPRD to execute. (You can see this by counting the number of
system ticks that came in while loadPRD was running).
When audioSWI was posted, it did not run immediately but had to wait until loadPRD finished.
When loadPRD started to take more than 2 milliseconds to execute, it caused the audioSWI
waiting for it to be late for its 2 milliseconds deadline. When we added a new buffer, we
increased the amount of time that audioSWI could be late, as there was an extra buffer that the
ISR could continue to fill. However, this kind of arrangement will not help us indefinitely. If
loadVal becomes large enough, eventually audioSWI will be delayed long enough that the ISR
will run out of available frames.
To solve this situation we need audioSWI to be able to preempt the periodic software interrupt
(PRD_swi) that calls loadPRD. If audioSWI can preempt PRD_swi, audioSWI will run
whenever it is posted, regardless of whether loadPRD is finished, because it will take away the
control of the CPU (preempt) from the periodic function. Since audioSWI is no longer delayed
by loadPRD, the load of loadPRD will no longer make our application miss real time.
1. Open audio.cdb inside Code Composer Studio. Click on the Software Interrupt Manager
object to highlight it.
2. On the right pane, drag audioSWI above PRD_swi. audioSWI becomes the highest
priority software interrupt.
Follow the same steps as in the previous section and observe how audioSWI does not miss real
time when loadVal is increased. Note in the Message Log window how audioSWI preempts
loadPRD. Note in the STS window for audioSWI how the maximum remains constant
regardless of changes to loadVal.
.include dss.h62
ldw *+b14(_DSS_txCnt),b1
nop 4
[!b1] b txErr ; process tx error
; *DXR = *DSS_txPtr++;
[b1] ldw *+b14(_DSS_txPtr),b1 ; load DSS_txPtr
[b1] ldw *+b14(_DSS_txCnt),b2 ; load DSS_txCnt
nop 3
ldw *b1++,a0 ; load word pointed to by DSS_txPtr
; autoincrement DSS_txPtr
(5) stw b1,*+b14(_DSS_txPtr) ; store updated DSS_txPtr
mvkl DXR,a1 ; load address of serial port DXR
mvkh DXR,a1
; DSS_txCnt––;
sub b2,1,b2 ; decrement DSS_txCnt
stw a0,*a1 ; write word to DXR
stw b2,*+b14(_DSS_txCnt) ; store updated DSS_txCnt
; if (DSS_txCnt == 0) {
; txDone = 1;
; }
; }
[!b2] or 2,a2,a2
;if ((rxDone | txDone) == 0) {
[a2] b Done ; if rxDone or txDone do Done processing
stw a2,*+b14(rtxDone) ; store done flags into memory
; return; /* return from interrupt */
; }
[!a2] ldw *++b15[2],b2 ; restore temp registers
[!a2] ldw *++b15[2],b1
[!a2] ldw *++b15[2],a2
[!a2] ldw *++b15[2],a1
b irp ; return from interrupt
ldw *++b15[2],a0
nop 4
ldw *++b15[2],b2 ; restore temp registers
ldw *++b15[2],b1
ldw *++b15[2],a2
ldw *++b15[2],a1
ldw *++b15[2],a0
nop 4
HWI_enter C62_ABTEMPS, 0, 0xffff, 0
; if (rxDone) {
ldw *+b14(rtxDone),b0 ; load done flags from memory
nop 4
and b0,1,b0 ; check if rxDone set
[!b0] b txDone
nop 3
; PIP_put(&DSS_rxPipe);
[b0] mvkl _DSS_rxPipe,a4 ; load pipe address
[b0] mvkh _DSS_rxPipe,a4
; DSS_rxPrime();
; }
b _DSS_rxPrime
mvkl txDone,b3 ; set return pointer to come back here
mvkh txDone,b3
nop 3
; if (txDone) {
ldw *+b14(rtxDone),b0 ; load done flags from memory
nop 4
and b0,2,b0 ; check if txDone set
[!b0] b allDone
nop 3
; PIP_free(&DSS_txPipe);
[b0] mvkl _DSS_txPipe,a4 ; load pipe address
(9) [b0] mvkh _DSS_txPipe,a4
; DSS_txPrime();
; }
b _DSS_txPrime
mvkl allDone,b3 ; set return pointer to come back here
mvkh allDone,b3
nop 3
(10) allDone:
HWI_exit C62_ABTEMPS, 0, 0xffff, 0
; dummy = *DRR;
mvkl DRR,a1 ; load address of serial port DRR
mvkh DRR,a1
ldw *a1,a1 ; read word from DRR
|| ldw *+b14(_DSS_error),b1 ; load DSS_error value
b checkTx ; start return to primary ISR code
nop 3
; DSS_error |= 1;
or b1,1,b1 ; DSS_error has now arrived
stw b1,*+b14(_DSS_error) ; save new value of DSS_error
; *DXR = 0;
mvkl DXR,a1 ; load address of serial port DXR
mvkh DXR,a1
|| zero b1
stw b1,*a1 ; write to DXR
ldw *+b14(_DSS_error),b1 ; load DSS_error value
b checkDn ; start return to primary ISR code
nop 3
; DSS_error |= 2;
or b1,2,b1 ; DSS_error has now arrived
stw b1,*+b14(_DSS_error) ; save new value of DSS_error
1. Since the ISR calls HWI and PIP assembly macros, hwi.h62, pip.h62 and c62.h62 need
to be included. The HWI_Obj and PIP_Obj structures and the HWI and PIP module
macros are defined in these header files. These include files can be found in the
...\ti\c6000\bios\include directory of your product distribution. The order in which these
files are included is not important.
2. Set the addresses for the Multichannel Buffered Serial Port 0.
3. An ISR must save all the registers it uses. At the very beginning of _DSS_isr we save
only a subset of the total registers used by the ISR. This is done to optimize performance
and CPU consumption.
4. Every time the ISR is triggered, checkRead copies the 32 bit value from the Serial port
Receive Register (DRR) to a word in a _DSS_rxPipe frame. _DSS_rxCnt (defined in dss.c)
keeps track of how many words are left to fill up the current _DSS_rxPipe frame.
_DSS_rxPtr (defined also in dss.c) points to the location in the current frame where the next
data sample from the serial port will be written. Every time the contents of DRR are copied to
the _DSS_rxPipe frame, _DSS_rxCnt is decreased by one and _DSS_rxPtr is increased by
one, to point to the next location in the frame. When the frame is full and ready to be put in
_DSS_rxPipe, _DSS_rxCnt becomes 0.
If _DSS_rxCnt was 0 when the ISR is triggered, there is no frame available to write the
received serial port data. This error condition is handled by readerror.
5. Every time the ISR is triggered, checkWrite copies a word from a _DSS_txPipe to the 32
bit Serial port DataTransmit Register (DXR). _DSS_txCnt (defined in dss.c) keeps track
of how many words are left to be transmitted in the current frame. _DSS_txPtr (defined
also in dss.c) points the location in the frame from where the next data sample will be
copied to DXR. Every time a data sample is copied to DXR,
_DSS_txCnt is decreased by one and _DSS_txPtr is increased by one, to point to the next
location in the frame. When all the data in the frame has been transmitted, and the frame is
ready to be recycled back to _DSS_txPipe, _DSS_txCnt becomes 0.
If _DSS_txCnt was 0 when the ISR is triggered, there is no full frame available to write data
to the serial port data transmit register. This error condition is handled by writeError.
6. Check whether the last received data sample filled up a _DSS_rxPipe frame or whether
the last transmitted data sample emptied a _DSS_txPipe. If neither of these conditions is
met, we restore the registers and return from the ISR.
7. If a _DSS_rxPipe frame is full, the ISR needs to call the PIP_put assembly macro to put
the frame back to the pipe. Calling PIP_put may result in the audio function being posted.
The ISR will also call the C function _DSS_rxPrime to allocate the next empty frame from
_DSS_rxPipe (if available). In order to do this the ISR needs to:
• Save any registers that may be used by DSP/BIOS internally (since kernel macros will be
• Save any registers that may be used by the compiler for the C function.
• Disable the scheduler, so that if a software signal is triggered as a result of a call to a kernel
macro, the signal does not start executing in the context of the ISR. Instead, the ISR should
finish first and then re-enable the scheduler so that the software signal can be executed.
To meet these requirements the ISR calls HWI_enter C62_ABTEMPS, 0, 0xffff, 0.
HWI_enter is an assembly macro that disables the scheduler and saves all the registers
specified by the masks
8. We need to meet the preconditions before calling PIP_put: a4 should contain the address
of the pipe object (_DSS_rxPipe). There are no postconditions for PIP_put.
9. As with PIP_put, we need to meet PIP_free preconditions by loading the pipe object
address into a4. PIP_free does not have any postconditions.
10. At the end of the ISR HWI_exit is called to restore registers, re-enable the scheduler, and
exit the ISR
To use DSS_cisr as our ISR we need to write a small stub function in assembly that calls this
DSS_cisr. This assembly function is named _DSS_isr, as this is the function name entered in
the HWI_INT11 object (therefore, the function that is plugged in the TMS320C62x interrupt
vector table). The code for this function can be found in DSS_ASM.S62:
; ======== dss_asm.s62 ========
.include c62.h62
.include hwi.h62
.global _DSS_isr
.global _DSS_cisr
; ======== _DSS_isr ========
; Calls the C ISR code
HWI_enter C62_ABTEMPS, 0, 0xffff, 0
b _DSS_cisr
mvkl dssi,b3
mvkh dssi,b3
nop 3
HWI_exit C62_ABTEMPS, 0, 0xffff, 0
_DSS_isr needs to save all the registers that it uses. Therefore, it needs to use the
HWI_enter/HWI_exit macros to preserve all those registers that are not saved by the compiler. It also
needs to make sure that the scheduler is disabled, as DSS_cisr will call DSP/BIOS APIs that may post a
software interrupt.
4 Summary/Conclusion
This audio example has demonstrated how to configure and use DSP/BIOS APIs for scheduling
data transfer between the hardware I/O peripherals and the target DSP. This example has been
provided to assist with your DSP application development and the understanding DSP/BIOS.
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