#PDF 3 - BUS 2103 (Theory)

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Computer Application in Business

Course Code : BUS 2103

Credits : 3.0
What is Computer System?
What is Computer System?
Firmware is a permanent software programmed into a read-only memory.

Firmware is a software program permanently

imprinted into a hardware device such as a
keyboards, hard drive, BIOS, or video cards.
It is programmed to give permanent
instructions to communicate with other
devices and perform functions like basic
input/output tasks.
Software is written by high level language and firmware is written by low level language.

What is Low-Level and High-Level Language ?

High-Level Language:

 High Level Language is close to human or the programmer.

 These programming languages are easy for humans to understand and
allows to develop programs to perform various tasks.
 They are machine independent and portable.
 Some examples of High Level Languages are Java, C#, Python.
Software is written by high level language and firmware is written by low level language.

Low-Level Language:

 A Low-Level Language is a machine-friendly language.

 It can interact directly with registers and memory.
 the Low-Level Language is faster than a High-Level Language.
 Those programs are machine dependent and not portable.
 The most common Low-Level Languages are Machine Language
and Assembly Language.
All the human expertise in the computer system are called
liveware or humanware:

Graphics Designer
Data Entry Operator
Web designer
Network Engineer
Software Engineer
ICT Manager
System Engineer
All the human expertise in the computer system are called
liveware or humanware:

Graphics Designer
Data Entry Operator
Web designer
Network Engineer
Software Engineer
ICT Manager
System Engineer

Software is a set of instructions or programs

that instructs a system for performing a task.
Software is intangible, we can’t touch them.

In a layman example:
if we consider our laptop then the monitor and
keyboard are the hardware but the Operating
System and the User Interface are the software.
All the applications running on our laptop are
also software.
System Software

System software is a type of computer program

that is designed to run a computer’s hardware
and application programs.

If we think of the computer system as a layered

model, the system software is the interface
between the hardware and user applications.
The operating system (OS) is the best-known
example of system software. The OS manages
all the other programs in a computer.
Operating System
 An Operating System (OS) is an interface between a
computer user and computer hardware.
 An operating system is the most important software
that runs on a computer. It manages the computer's
memory and processes, as well as all of its software and
hardware (Peripherals).
 It also allows us to communicate with the computer
without knowing how to speak the computer's
language. Without an operating system, a computer is
 Now a days Popular Operating Systems are Linux
Operating System and Windows Operating System.
Operating System
Some examples of Operating Systems (OS)

Microsoft Windows
Apple macOS
Linux Operating System
Apple iOS
Google's Android OS

 A program written in high-level language is called as source code. To

convert the source code into machine code, translators are needed.

 A translator takes a program written in source language as input

and converts it into a program in target language as output.

 It also detects and reports the error during translation.

Roles of translator are:

• Translating the high-level language program input into an equivalent

machine language program.

• Providing diagnostic messages wherever the programmer violates

specification of the high-level language program.

 Compiler is a translator which is used to convert programs in high-

level language to low-level language.

 It translates the entire program and also reports the errors in source
program encountered during the translation.


 Interpreter is a translator which is used to convert programs

in high-level language to low-level language.

 Interpreter translates line by line and reports the error once it

encountered during the translation process.

 It gives better error diagnostics than a compiler.


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