Org Man - Module 1 Nature Concept of MGMT PDF
Org Man - Module 1 Nature Concept of MGMT PDF
Org Man - Module 1 Nature Concept of MGMT PDF
What is Management?
Management is the science of coordinating and overseeing work performance of individuals working
together in organizations, so that they could efficiently and effectively accomplish their chosen aims
or goals.
Weihrich and Koontz (2005) defines management as the process of designing and maintaining an
environment for efficiently accomplishing selected aims.
1. Planning- Setting goals or objectives and deciding how to achieve them
2. Organizing- Arranging tasks, people, and other resources to accomplish specific tasks
3. Staffing- Ensuring that the organization has the right people at the right time at the right place
at the right circumstances
4. Leading- Motivating, directing, and otherwise influencing people to work effectively and
efficiently to achieve organizational goals
5. Controlling- Monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action as
EFFECTIVENESS (ends)- Being adapted to produce an effect or being able to do things correctly
Levels of Management:
Top-level Managers
General or strategic managers who focus on the long-term organizational concerns and emphasize
the organization’s stability, development, progress, and overall efficiency and effectiveness.
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Organization and Management
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section: Grade 11
Email:; Website:
Middle-level Managers:
Tactical managers in charge of an organization’s middle levels or departments and formulate
specific objectives and activities based on the strategic or general goals developed by top-level
CONCEPTUAL SKILLS- Enable managers to think of possible solutions to complex problems.
HUMAN SKILLS- Enable managers to relate well with people across all levels of the organization
TECHNICAL SKILLS- Enable managers to perform specific tasks with high levels of proficiency with the
use of their expertise.
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Organization and Management
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section: Grade 11
Email:; Website:
Scientific Management
A. Frederick Taylor – an American mechanical engineer who is known as the Father of Scientific
Time and motion studies- A science for each element of an individual’s work. Hire the best person
for the job
B. Henri Fayol – French mining engineer
Proposed the general administrative theory and created the management functions as well as 14
management principles.
14 Management Principles:
i. Division of Labor - Jobs can have too much specialization leading to poor quality and worker
ii. Authority and Responsibility - Both formal and informal authority
iii. Unity of Command - Employees should have only one boss
iv. Line of Authority - A clear chain of command from top to bottom
v. Centralization - The degree to which authority rests at the top
vi. Unity of Direction - A single plan of action to guide the organization
vii. Equity - The justice and fairness in the treatment of all employees
viii. Order - Arranging employees to be of the most value and to provide career opportunities
ix. Initiative - Fostering creativity and innovation by encouraging employees to act on their own
x. Discipline - Obedient, applied, respectful employees are necessary for the organization to
xi. Remuneration of Personnel - An equitable uniform payment system that motivates contributes to
organizational success
xii. Stability of Tenure of Personnel - Long-term employment develops skills that improve
organizational performance
xiii. Subordination of Individual Interest - The interest of the organization takes precedence
xiv. Esprit de corps - Fosters comradeship, shared enthusiasm, and devotion to the common cause.
B. Hawthorne Studies - Employees perform when they are observed and tend to slack off when
managers or supervisors are not around.
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Organization and Management
Governor Pack Road, Baguio City, Philippines 2600
Tel. Nos.: (+6374) 442-3316, 442-8220; 444-2786;
442-2564; 442-8219; 442-8256; Fax No.: 442-6268 Grade Level/Section: Grade 11
Email:; Website:
C. McGregor’s Theory X and Y - Represents two ends of the spectrum of how employees view work
Workers dislike to work Workers enjoy their jobs
Have little ambition Commitment is key
Control is key (rewards and punishments) Have creative potentials
Seeks security Seeks and accepts responsibility
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