Project Report Format 2019-2021
Project Report Format 2019-2021
Project Report Format 2019-2021
The following are the guidelines for the structure of the project report. The report should be
submitted in the prescribed format, draft of which should be duly approved by the faculty mentor
before submission.
1. Title Page
The contents of the page should be in the following order.
a. Summer Internship Project Report on “Title of the Study”
b. Company Name with logo ( optional)
c. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Business
d. Name of the Faculty Mentor, Name of the Industry Mentor, Name of the student,
Enrollment number and batch.
e. I.T.S – Institute of Management with Institute logo
f. Session
Sample at Annexure-A
2. Certificate of Originality
Annexure - B
3. Industry Certificate
Suggested format – Annexure C
4. Faculty Mentor’s Certificate ( Tentative)
Annexure - D
5. Acknowledgement – You should acknowledge the contribution of faculty, other
members of the Institute and the individuals and organizations from which assistance has
been taken.
7. List of Contents – This should list in sequence, with page numbers, all sections of the
project from objective to appendices.
Statistical tables, graphs, photographs etc. should be separately listed in addition to the
list of contents.
8. Introduction – Discussion of the Concept, Problem & related Issues and Technique on
which the project is based.
9. Industry profile with data and source – The attractiveness of industry along with
SWOT analysis and Porter’s five forces model, emerging trends should be discussed.
Sources of data used and facts shared must be mentioned.
11. Objectives & Methodology of Project– Should clarify the purpose and the reason/s
leading to the study and the focus areas. The objective / s should relate to the title of the
project. Students may use research methodology for empirical projects assigned by the
Industry Mentor/Academic Mentor. Students may choose either empirical projects or non
empirical project as per the instruction of Academic Mentor/Industry Mentor.
In the case of non empirical projects students are required to translate their learning in the
form of case study/project. Whatever students are
learning/observing/experiencing/finding, it must be translated in the form of project.
12. Data Analysis, Observations and presentation of the issues concerning the allotted
project work – Presentation and establish cause effect relationship or to do the analysis
of the salient information, which has been gathered in order to test the
hypothesis/hypotheses. This section will vary considerably in both length and content
depending upon the nature of the topic. Analysis of data by usages of statistical tools,
usage of demographic data for analysis of response and relationship between different
responses should form a part of this chapter. It may include models or systems
constructed by the students as a result of the investigation.
Students are also required to do analysis for non empirical projects and analysis must be
done in terms observation, experiential learning etc.
14. Conclusion – At the end, clearly indicate whether you have achieved your objectives or
not (stated in the initial part of report) and a sum up of all important findings and
recommendations. Outcome of the project report should be clearly highlighted.
15. References – Harvard reference style should be used for listing published papers /
articles/ web link and others. List all references used in the text in alphabetical order by
the authors surname according to the convention detailed as follows.
Surname and initials of author(s) year of publication, title of article, name of journal,
volume number.
For Example: -
16. Annexure – Separate annexure are to be used for different sets of detailed information
that would not be appropriate to include in the main text of the project. For instance,
Reproduction of the questionnaire used
Details of a population sample
List of organization sample
Relevant Extracts from standard tables (with acknowledgement of source)
Raw or gross data from surveys summarized in the text
Annexures must not include brochure, pamphlets etc. obtained from organizations.
Note: The data collected in a coded and tabulated form should be attached to the final project as
a soft copy in a CD, for further use.
1. Paper
A4 Sized paper should be used.
2. Font
Times New Roman in size 12, heading in Size 16 and Sub-heading in size 14.
3. Type
Project should be in type script or print. Copies produced by xerographic or comparable
permanent processes are acceptable.
4. Layout
The margins at the binding (Left Hand) edge should not be less than 4cm and other
margins are not less than 2 cm. Type should be in 1.5 line spacing, except for indented
quotations or footnotes, where single line spacing should be used. Typing should be on
the one side of the paper only.
The student should have his/her copy of the project hard bound only after the same has
been approved by the Academic Mentor.
The student should have additionally his / her own copy of the Project for presentation
and viva and further use.
6. Cover Title
a) The outside front cover shall bear the title of the work in block capitals, 28 pt.
b) The lettering shall read top to bottom i.e. as to be readable when the project is lying
flat with the front cover upmost.
c) The logo of the institute and the names of the Mentors should also be placed,
Annexure- A
Submitted in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Two Year Full Time Master of
Business Administration
I.T.S Logo
Annexure B
I hereby declare that this Summer Internship Project Report is my own work and that, to the best
of my knowledge and belief, it reproduces no material previously published or written that has
been accepted for the award of any other degree of diploma, except where due acknowledgement
has been made in the text.
(Student Name)
Enrollment No.
Annexure- C
Date: ………….
This is to MBA Batch (2019-21) has successfully completed his/ her summer internship under
the guidance of Mr./ Ms………………………(Industry Mentor’s Name) for a duration of
…………………..weeks, from…….to…………, 2020.
We wish him/ her all the very best for future endeavors.
Organization seal
Annexure- D
This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. ……………………….. MBA (2019-21 Batch) a student of
Institute of Technology and Science has undertaken the project on “(Project Title)
………………………………………………………………………………………………..”. The
project has been carried out by the student in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award
of MBA, under my guidance and supervision.