SDH Concepts
SDH Concepts
SDH Concepts
It is an international standard networking principle and a multiplexing method.
The name of hierarchy has been taken from the multiplexing method which is
synchronous by nature. The evolution of this system will assist in improving the
economy of operability and reliability of a digital network.
1. Historical Overview
In February 1988, an agreement was reached at CCITT (now ITU-TS) study
group XVIII in Seoul, on set of recommendations, for a synchronous digital hierarchy
representing a single world wide standard for transporting the digital signal. These
recommendations G-707, G-708, G-709 cover the functional characteristic of the
network node interface, i.e. the bit rates and format of the signal passing over the
Network Node Interface (NNI).
2. Merits of SDH
(i) Simplified multiplexing/demultiplexing techniques.
(iv) Easy growth to higher bit rates in step with evolution of transmission
3. Advantages
(i) Multi-vendor environment (mid span meet) : Prior to 1988 international
agreement on SDH all vendors used proprietary non-standard
techniques for transporting information on fibre. The only way to
interconnect was to convert to the copper transmission standards
(G702/703/704). The cost and complexity levels were very high.
(iv) Positioning the network for transport on new services : LAN to LAN,
HDTV, interactive multimedia, video conferencing.
4. S.D.H. Evolution
S.D.H. evolution is possible because of the following factors :
(i) Fibre Optic Bandwidth : The bandwidth in Optical Fibre can be increased
and there is no limit for it. This gives a great advantage for using SDH.
(iv) Customer Service Needs : The requirement of the customer with respect to
different bandwidth requirements could be easily met without much additional
2. Voice
3. Interconnection of LAN
4. Computer links
5. S.D.H. Standards
The S.D.H. standards exploit one common characteristic of all PDH networks
namely 125 micro seconds duration, i.e. sampling rate of audio signals (time for 1
byte in 64 k bit per second). This is the time for one frame of SDH. The frame
structure of the SDH is represented using matrix of rows in byte units as shown in
Figs. 2 and 3. As the speed increases, the number of bits increases and the single
line is insufficient to show the information on Frame structure. Therefore, this
representation method is adopted. How the bits are transmitted on the line is
indicated on the top of Fig.2.
The Frame structure contains 9 rows and number of columns depending upon
synchronous transfer mode level (STM). In STM-1, there are 9 rows and 270
columns. The reason for 9 rows arranged in every 125 micro seconds is as follows :
For 1.544 Mbit PDH signal (North America and Japan Standard), there are 25
bytes in 125 micro second and for 2.048 Mbit per second signal, there are 32 bytes in
125 micro second. Taking some additional bytes for supervisory purposes, 27 bytes
can be allotted for holding 1.544 Mbit per second signal, i.e. 9 rows x 3 columns.
Similarly, for 2.048 Mbit per second signal, 36 bytes are allotted in 125 micro
seconds, i.e. 9 rows x 4 columns. Therefore, it could be said 9 rows are matched to
both hierarchies.
A typical STM-1 frame is shown in Fig. 3. Earlier this was the basic rate but at
present STM-0 which is just 1/3 rd of STM-1, i.e. 51.840 Mbit per second has been
accepted by CCITT. In STM-1 as in Fig.3 the first 9 rows and 9 columns
accommodate Section Overhead (SOH) and 9 rows x 261 columns accommodates
the main information called pay load. The interface speed of the STM-1 can be
calculated as follows :
The STM-0 contains just 1/3rd of the STM-1, i.e. 9 rows x 90 columns out of
that 9 rows x 3 columns consist of section overhead and 9 rows x 87 columns consist
of pay load. The STM-0 structure was accepted so that the radio and satellite can
use this bit rate, i.e. 51.840 Mbit/s across their section.
6. Basic Definitions
(ii) Container
The first entry point of the PDH signal is the container in which the signal is
prepared so that it can enter into the next stage, i.e. virtual container. In container
(container-I) the signal speed is increased from 32 bytes to 34 bytes in the case of
2.048 Mbit/s signal. The additional bytes added are fixed stuff bytes (R), Justification
Control Bytes (CC and C’), Justification Opportunity bytes (s).
Detail follows : 756 bytes are in 9 x 84 bytes/125 seconds frame. They are
further subdivided into 3 sub frames 3 x 84 (252 bytes or 2016 bits). Out of this
One justification control bit (C) plus five fixed stuff bits (R) plus two overhead
bits (o).
Six information bits (I) plus one justification opportunity bit (s) plus one fixed
stuff bit (R).
(vii) Pointer
An indicator whose value defines frame offset of a VC with respect to the
frame reference of transport entity, on which it is supported.
(x) Concatenation
The procedure with which the multiple virtual container are associated with
one another, with the result their combined capacity could be used as a single
container across which bit sequence integrity is maintained.
8. Multiplexing Principles
The basic multiplexing principles and processing stage by stage, the
information signal is shown in Fig.7. In C-11, 1.544 Mbit per sec is mapped. In C-12
container, the entry is 2.048 Mbit/sec. In C-2 container the entry, i.e. 6.312 Mbit/sec
which is of American standard. These three containers passes through their
respective virtual containers and tributary unit pointers. At TUG-2 it can be either
4VC-11 with TU-11 or 3VC-12 with TU-12 or 1 VC-2 with TU-2. The C-3 container
takes the input 34 Mb/s or 44.7 Mb/s of the American Standard. These through VC-3
container and with tributary unit-3 goes to Tributary Unit Group–3. 3 Nos. VC-3 with
AU-3 can directly go to AUG and enter STM-frame. Similarly, 7 TUG-2 can be
mapped into one VC-3. Otherwise one VC-3 with TU-3 or 7 TUG-2 can go to TUG-3
and 3 TUG-3 are mapped into one VC-4. A 139.264 Mbit/sec signal can be mapped
into one VC-4 through C-4.
VC-4 with AU-4 goes to AUG and then to STM-frame. The different
possibilities are shown in Fig.7.
A1 : 11110110
A2 : 00101000
(i) These two types of bytes form 16 bit Frame Alignment Word (FAW).
FAW formed by the last A-1 byte and the adjacent A-2 byte, in the
transmitter sequence defines the frame reference for each of signal
rates. There are 3 A-1 bytes in STM-1 and 3 A-2 bytes in STM-1. In
higher order STM their number increases with the STM order, i.e. in
STM-4, there will be 12 A-1 bytes and 12 A-2 bytes.
(ii) STM Identifier with C-1 Byte : In STM-1 there is a single C-1 byte
which is used to identify each of inter-leaved STM’s and in an STM-N
signal. It takes binary equivalent to the position in the inter-leave.
(iii) D-1 or D-12 : These bytes are for data communication channel. Inthis
D-1, D-2 and D-3 are for regenerator section. It can support 192 kilo
bit per section. D-4 to D-12 are for multiplex section. They can support
576 kilo bit per second.
(vi) B-1 byte are called bit inter-leave parity-8. This is used for error
monitoring in the regenerator section. There is only 1 byte in STM-1 or
STM-4 or STM-16. On line monitoring can be done in this case.
(vii) B-2 bytes. These are used for error monitoring in the multiplex section.
There are 3 bytes for STM-1, STM-4 and 16 will have more number of
B-2 bytes as per their order.
(viii) K-1, K-2 bytes. There are 2 bytes for STM-1, 4 or 16. These are used
for co-ordinating the protection switching across a set of multiplex
section organised as protection group, they are used for automatic
protection switching.
(ix) Z-1, Z-2 : These bytes are located for functions and yet defined, as
per CCITT recommendations.
Customer residence
Fig. 1
Standardization of Digital Hierarchies
Fig. 2
SDH Interface Frame Representation Method
Fig. 3
STM-N Frame Structure
Fig. 4
SDH Standards – Bit Rates
Fig. 5
SDH–based Transport Network Layered Model
Fig. 6
SDH Layers
Fig. 7
Multiplexing Principles
Fig. 8
Layer Interaction
A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 A2 C1
D1 D2 D3
9 rows
AU–n pointers
B2 B2 B2 K1 K2
D4 D5 D6
D10 D11 D12
S1 F2 Z1 Z2 Z2 M1 E2
X – Byte reserved to national use
– Media dependent
Blanks – Reserved for future use
Fig. 9
Section Overhead
2 Mb 34 Mb 140 Mb STM–1
– – 1 STM–1
– 3 – STM–1
21 2 – STM–1
42 1 – STM–1
63 – – STM–1
ATM – 00010011, MAN – 00010100, FDDI – 00010101, LOCKED TU –
Z K3 – APS FOR PROTN. SWG. (b1 …. b4) SPARE (b5 …. b8) TO INCREASE
Fig. 10
Multiplexing of STM–1 Signals
Fig. 11
Synchronous Multiplexers
Optional Tributary Interfaces
Fig. 12
Add Drop Multiplexer
On the other hand in SDH, multiplexers performs both multiplexing and line
terminating functions. Synchronous multiplexers can accept a wide range of
tributaries and offer a number of possible output data rates. Though the regeneration
of signal at repeaters is similar to PDH, there are some additional equipment in SDH
to perform function like cross–connection and OA&M functions as explained in
following sections.
Fig. 13
Terminal Multiplexer
Fig. 14
Add/Drop Multiplexers
Fig. 15
Digital Cross–Connects
10.4 Regenerators
Regenerators, as the name implies, have the job of regenerating the clock
and amplitude of the incoming data signals that have been attenuated and distorted
by dispersion. They derive their clock signals from the incoming data stream.
Messages are received by extracting various 64 kbit/s channels (e.g. service
channels E1, F1, etc. in RSOH) and also can be output using these channels.