111-Article Text File-229-1-10-20180804 PDF
111-Article Text File-229-1-10-20180804 PDF
111-Article Text File-229-1-10-20180804 PDF
The present study is conducted to analyze the potential of SMEs in the economy of Bangladesh. Data were collected
from 100 SME units by using simple random technique. A structural questionnaire was developed to get the responses
from different SME units in the country. For Bangladesh SMEs have assumed special significance for poverty reduction
programmes and potential contribution to the overall industrial and economic growth. Some of the constraints related
SME financing are identified and some pointers for the future are provided through the study.
Table 7.17 Is restructuring of the Credit Information Bu- More than 20 percent of the small and medium entrepre-
reau (CIB) with resources a must to help SMEs and finan- neurs were found to have no training in terms of preparing a
cial institutions for SMEs finance and development? sound business plan for taking credits. Under the circum-
% of Respondents stances, the risk of running business increases. Investors re-
Yes 100% sponded favored the idea of developing a financial incentive
schemes based on ranking of sound business plan. Such
No 00%
practice would help the sector to mature using sound busi-
Total 100%
ness plan and through training. We can observe from the
Source: Field survey
following that Japan, USA has also used such schemes to
Table 7.17 shows that all of the SME entrepreneurs agree to
promote sound business record keeping in the SMEs.
restructure the CIB to get information regarding credit histo-
ry, bank and firm’s performances etc and to help SMEs and Based on the results of the survey, entrepreneurs support
financial institutions for SMEs finance and development. an institutional network under private-public partnership
to accumulate and redistribute funds for SMEs financing.
Table 7.18 Does government or the private institutions can Of them, most believe restructuring of the public and pri-
play a better role so that the outcomes from the interac- vate support institutions are necessary for the policy to be
tions between players from both sides are maximized? effective.
% of Respondents
Need a public private partnership 10% Most of the SMEs responded positively of the above poli-
Govt. should provide mortgage 60% cy recommendation based on the questionnaire survey.
free loan up to a limit
The survey result shows that most of the SMEs support
Should set up an special fund by 20% venture capital formation through SMEs financing.
the Govt.
Developing skilled manpower 10% Most of the entrepreneurs suggested HRD and training pro-
Total 100% grams for entrepreneurs through government initiatives.
Source: Field survey
Maximum entrepreneurs want the government to help
Table 7.18 shows that 60% SME entrepreneurs think that
government should provide mortgage free loan up to a government agencies and financial institutions in devel-
limit to the major SME entrepreneurs.20% responses that opment of skilled manpower to deal with SMEs more effi-
it is necessary to set up an special fund by the government ciently and effectively.