Dental Clinics Desinfeccion
Dental Clinics Desinfeccion
Dental Clinics Desinfeccion
D ental O ff i c e
a, b a
Francesco R. Sebastiani, DMD *, Harry Dym, DDS , Tarun Kirpalani, DDS
Hand hygiene Blood-borne pathogens Personal protective equipment
Sterilization and disinfection Environmental infection control
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed infection control
guidelines intended to improve the effectiveness and impact of public health interventions
and inform clinicians, public health practitioners, and the public.
This article highlights current scientific rationale and technique for performing proper
infection control practices in the dental office.
Although the principles of infection control remain unchanged, new technologies, mate-
rials, equipment, and data require continuous evaluation of current infection control
During dental treatment, both patients and dental health care personnel (DHCP) can
be exposed to pathogens through contact with blood, oral and respiratory secretions,
and contaminated equipment. Following recommended infection control protocols
described in the 2003 CDC guidelines and 2016 CDC summary can prevent transmis-
sion of infectious organisms among both patients and DHCP.1 Dental patients and
DHCP may be exposed to a variety of disease-causing microorganisms that are
present within the oral cavity and respiratory tract. These pathogens include
cytomegalovirus, hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), herpes simplex virus
types 1 and 2, HIV, tuberculosis (TB), staphylococci including methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus, and streptococci, among others. The modes of infection of
these organisms in dental settings are through multiple routes:
1. Direct contact of blood, saliva, teeth, or other potentially infectious patient mate-
rials with intact or nonintact skin
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, The Brooklyn Hospital Center, 121 Dekalb
Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA; b Department of Dentistry and Oral Maxillofacial Surgery,
The Brooklyn Hospital Center, 121 Dekalb Avenue, Box 187, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
All body fluids, secretions, and excretions except sweat, regardless of whether
they contain blood
Nonintact skin
Mucous membranes
Standard precautions include respiratory hygiene with cough etiquette, sharp
safety, safe injection practices, sterile instruments and devices, clean and disinfected
environmental surfaces, and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Saliva
has always been considered a potentially infectious material in dental infection control;
thus, no operational difference exists in clinical dental practice between universal pre-
cautions and standard precautions.
When standard precautions alone cannot prevent transmission, they are supple-
mented with transmission-based precautions. This second tier of infection prevention
is used when patients have diseases that can spread through contact, droplet or
airborne routes in addition to standard precautions. Despite that most dental practices
are not designed to carry out all transmission-based precautions, DHCP should carry
out systems for early detection and management of potentially infectious patients at
initial points of entry into the dental setting.
Standard precautions include
Hand washing
The use of PPE, such as gloves, masks, eye protection, and gowns, intended to
prevent the exposure of skin and mucous membranes to blood and other poten-
tially infectious materials
Proper cleaning and decontamination of patient care equipment
Cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces
Injury prevention through engineering controls or safer work practices
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) retains the use of the
term, universal precautions, because they are concerned primarily with transmission
of blood-borne pathogens.
The CDC estimates that each year approximately 2 million patients in the United
States acquire infections in hospitals, and approximately 90,000 of these infections
result in patient mortalities.1 The hands are the most common mode of pathogen
transmission. Hand hygiene is a general term that applies to routine hand washing,
antiseptic hand wash, antiseptic hand rub, and surgical hand antisepsis.
Hand washing refers to washing hands with plain soap and water.
Antiseptic hand wash refers to washing hands with water and soap or other de-
tergents containing an antiseptic agent, such as triclosan or chlorhexidine.
Using a waterless agent containing 60% to 95% ethanol or isopropanol alcohol-
containing preparation is referred to as an alcohol hand rub.2 These agents are a
new addition to the dental guidelines and have become more frequently used in
the United States to improve compliance with hand washing in hospitals. In
dental practices, however, sinks are readily available and the need for alcohol
preparations is not as great.
Surgical antisepsis refers to an antiseptic hand wash or alcohol-based hand rub
(if using an alcohol-based hand rub, the hands should first be washed with soap
438 Sebastiani et al
Table 1
Methods of hand hygiene
Method Agent Purpose Area (Minimum)
Routine Water and Remove soil and All surfaces of 15 sb
hand nonantimicrobial transient the hands and
wash soapa (plain soap) microorganisms fingers
Antiseptic Water and Remove or destroy Remove or destroy 15 sb
hand antimicrobial soap transient transient
wash (chlorhexidine, microorganisms microorganisms
iodine and and reduce and reduce
iodophors, resident flora resident flora
chloroxylenol (persistent (persistent
[PCMX], triclosan) activity) activity)
Antiseptic Alcohol-based hand Remove or destroy All surfaces of Until the hands
hand rub rub transient the hands and are dry
microorganisms fingersc
and reduce
resident flora
Surgical Water and Remove or destroy Hands and 2–6 min
antisepsis antimicrobial soap transient forearms
(chlorhexidine, microorganisms
iodine and and reduce
iodophors, resident flora
chloroxylenol (persistent
[PCMX], triclosan) activity)
Water and — — Follow
nonantimicrobial manufacturer
soap (plain soap) instructions for
followed by an surgical hand
alcohol-based scrub product
surgical hand with persistent
scrub product activity
with persistent
Use of liquid soap with hands-free dispenser is preferred. Pathogenic organisms have been found
on/or around bar soap during and after use.
Reported effective time in removing most transient bacteria flora from skin. A vigorous rubbing
together of all surfaces of premoistened lathered hands and fingers for 15 seconds, followed by
rinsing under a stream of cool water is recommended. Dry hands thoroughly before donning
Alcohol-based hand rubs should contain 60% to 95% ethanol or isopropanol and should not be
used with visible soil or organic material.
Adapted from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Guidelines for infection control
in dental health-care settings — 2003. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2003;52:161.
Infection Control in the Dental Office 439
Hand hygiene substantially reduces potential pathogens on the hands and is consid-
ered a primary measure for reducing the risk of transmitting organisms to patients and
health care personnel (HCP). Hospital-based studies have shown that noncompliance
with hand hygiene practices is associated with health care–associated infections and
the spread of multiresistant organisms and has been a major contributor to out-
breaks.1 Studies also have shown that the prevalence of health care–associated infec-
tions decreased as hand hygiene measures improved.2
Specific indications for hand hygiene include
Before and after treating each patient (before glove placement and after glove
After bare hand touching of inanimate objects likely contaminated by blood,
saliva, or respiratory secretions
Before leaving the dental operatory
When hands are visibly soiled; before regloving, after removing gloves that are
torn, cut, or punctured
For oral surgical procedures, perform surgical hand antisepsis before donning
sterile surgical gloves.
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are the most effective products for reducing the
number of germs on the hands of health care providers.2 Antiseptic soaps and deter-
gents are the next most effective and nonantimicrobial soaps are the least effective.
When hands are not visibly dirty, alcohol-based hand sanitizers are the preferred
method of cleaning a provider’s hands in the health care setting. Soap and water
are recommended for cleaning visibly dirty hands (Table 2).
Blood-borne viruses, such as HBV, HCV, and HIV, are of particular concern to DHCP.
These viruses
Can be transmitted to patients and HCP in health care settings
Can produce chronic infection
Are often carried by persons unaware of their infection
Table 2
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations during routine dental care
From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Hand hygiene in healthcare settings. Avail-
able at: Accessed April 2, 2016.
440 Sebastiani et al
Table 3
Percutaneous exposure risk in dental practice
Source Risk
HBsAg1 and HBeAg1 22.0%–31.0% clinical hepatitis; 37%–62% serologic evidence
of HBV infection
HBsAg1 and HBeAg 1.0%–6.0% clinical hepatitis; 23%–37% serologic evidence of
HBV infection
HCV 1.8% (0%–7% range)
HIV 0.3% (0.2%–0.5% range)
Data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Division of Oral Health. Infection pre-
vention & control in dental settings. Questions & Answers: Occupational Exposure to Blood. Avail-
able at:
Accessed April 2, 2016.
Infection Control in the Dental Office 441
Box 1
Categories for recommendations on infection control in dental health care settings
Adapted from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Guidelines for infection con-
trol in dental health-care settings — 2003. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2003;52:1–61.
facilities should take the following steps, ranked according to their likely
1. Elimination of potential exposures (deferral of treatment of ill patients and source
control by masking persons who are coughing)
2. Engineering controls that reduce or eliminate exposure at the source without
placing primary responsibility of implementation on individual employees
3. Administrative controls, including sick leave policies and vaccination, that depend
on consistent implementation by management and employees
4. PPE for exposures that cannot otherwise be eliminated or controlled (PPE includes
gloves, surgical face masks, respirators, protective eyewear, and protective
clothing, such as gowns.)
Box 2
Hepatitis B virus vaccination
Offer the HBV vaccination series to all DHCP with potential occupational exposure to blood or
other potentially infectious material (category IA or IC).
Always follow US Public Health Service/CDC recommendations for hepatitis B vaccination,
serologic testing, follow-up, and booster dosing (category IA or IC).
Test DHCP for anti-HBs 1 to 2 months after completion of the 3-dose vaccination series
(category IA or IC).
DHCP should complete a second 3-dose vaccine series or be evaluated to determine if HBsAg
positive if no antibody response occurs to the primary vaccine series (category IA or IC).
Retest for anti-HBs at completion of the second vaccine series. If no response to the second 3-
dose series, nonresponders should be tested for HBsAg (category IC).
Counsel nonresponders to vaccination who are HBsAg negative regarding their susceptibility
to HBV infection and precautions to take (category IA or IC).
Provide employees appropriate education regarding the risks of HBV transmission and
availability of the vaccine. Employees who decline the vaccination should sign a declination
form to be kept on file with the employer (category IC).
Adapted from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Guidelines for infection con-
trol in dental health-care settings — 2003. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2003;52:1–61.
442 Sebastiani et al
Box 3
Preventing exposures to blood and other potentially infectious material
General recommendations
Use standard precautions (OSHA blood-borne pathogen standard retains the term universal
precautions) for all patient encounters (category IA or IC).
Consider sharp items (eg, needles, scalers, burs, laboratory knives, and wires) that are
contaminated with patient blood and saliva as potentially infective, and establish engineering
controls and work practices to prevent injuries (category IB or IC).
Implement a written, comprehensive program designed to minimize and manage DHCP
exposures to blood and body fluids (category IB or IC).
Engineering and work practice controls
Identify, evaluate, and consider devices with engineered safety features at least annually and as
they become available on the market (eg, safer anesthetic syringes, blunt suture needle,
retractable scalpel, or needleless intravenous systems) (category IC).
Place used disposable syringes and needles, scalpel blades, and other sharp items in
appropriate puncture-resistant containers located as close as feasible to the area in which the
items are used (category IA or IC).
Do not recap used needles by using both hands or any other technique that involves directing
the point of a needle toward any part of the body. Do not bend, break, or remove needles
before disposal (category IA or IC).
Use a 1-handed scoop technique or a mechanical device designed for holding the needle cap
when recapping needles (eg, between multiple injections, before removing from a
nondisposable aspirating syringe) (category IA or IC).
Postexposure management and prophylaxis
Follow current CDC recommendations after percutaneous, mucous membrane, or nonintact
skin exposure to blood or other potentially infectious material.
Handling of biopsy specimens
During transport, place biopsy specimens in a sturdy, leak-proof container labeled with the
biohazard symbol (category IC).
If a biopsy specimen container is visibly contaminated, clean and disinfect the outside of a
container, or place it in an impervious bag labeled with the biohazard symbol (category IC).
Handling of extracted teeth
Dispose of extracted teeth as regulated medical waste unless returned to the patient
(category IC).
Do not dispose of extracted teeth containing amalgam in regulated medical waste intended
for incineration (category II).
Clean and place extracted teeth in a leakproof container, labeled with a biohazard symbol, and
maintain hydration, for transport to educational institutions or a dental laboratory category
(IB or IC).
Heat-sterilize teeth that do not contain amalgam, before they are used for educational
purposes (category IB).
Adapted from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Guidelines for infection con-
trol in dental health-care settings—2003. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2003;52:1–61.
Infection Control in the Dental Office 443
Vaccination, an administrative control, is one of the most important interventions for
preventing transmission of influenza to HCP. More information on this hierarchy of
controls is available in the CDC Interim Guidance on Infection Control Measures for
2009 H1N1 Influenza in Healthcare Settings, Including Protection of Healthcare
Personnel (CDC: H1N1 Flue Clinical and Public Health Guidance, http://www.cdc.
Mycobacterium TB is spread from person to person through the air. When a person
with pulmonary or laryngeal TB coughs or sneezes, tiny particles, known as droplet
nuclei, are expelled into the air. The particles are an estimated 1 mm to 5 mm in size,
and normal air currents can keep them airborne for prolonged periods of time and
spread them throughout a room or building.4 Infection may occur when a person in-
hales droplet nuclei containing TB organisms.
444 Sebastiani et al
During the first few weeks after infection, organisms can spread from the initial loca-
tion in the lungs to the lymph nodes in the center of the chest and then to other parts of
the body by way of the bloodstream. Within 2 to 12 weeks, the body’s immune system
usually prevents further multiplication and spread, although they can remain alive in
the lungs for years.3 This condition is referred to as latent TB infection. Overall, the
risk for transmission of TB in most dental settings is low.
Table 4 lists the CDC recommendations on work restrictions for HCP infected with
or exposed to major infectious diseases at work in the absence of state and local
Administrative Controls
Administrative controls include policies, procedures, and enforcement measures to
prevent exposure to disease-causing organisms. The placement in the hierarchy
varies by the problem addressed, such as early identification and referral of a patient
suspected of having TB.2
Table 4
Work restrictions for health care personnel exposed to infectious diseases
Table 4
(continued )
Disease/Problem Work Restriction Duration
Herpes simplex virus
Genital No restriction
Hands (herpetic whitlow) Restrict from patient contact Until lesions heal
and contact with patient’s
Orofacial Evaluate need to restrict
from care of patients at
high risk.
HIV; personnel who perform Do not perform exposure-
exposure-prone prone invasive procedures
procedures until counsel from an
expert review panel has
been sought; panel should
review and recommend
procedures that personnel
can perform, taking into
account specific
procedures as well as skill
and technique. Standard
precautions should always
be observed. Refer to state
and local regulations or
Active Exclude from duty Until 7 d after the rash
Postexposure (susceptible Exclude from duty From 5th day after first
personnel) exposure through 21st day
after last exposure, or 4 d
after rash appears
Meningococcal infection Exclude from duty Until 24 h after start of
effective therapy
Active Exclude from duty Until 9 d after onset of
Pediculosis Restrict from patient contact Until treated and observed to
be free of adult and
immature lice
Active Exclude from duty From beginning of catarrhal
stage through 3rd week
after onset of paroxysms,
or until 5 d after start of
effective antibiotic therapy
Postexposure No restriction; prophylaxis
(asymptomatic recommended
Postexposure Exclude from duty Until 5 d after start of
(symptomatic personnel) effective antibiotic therapy
Table 4
(continued )
Disease/Problem Work Restriction Duration
Active Exclude from duty Until 5 d after rash appears
Postexposure (susceptible Exclude from duty From 7th day after first
personnel) exposure through 21st day
after last exposure
Staphylococcus aureus infection
Active, draining skin Restrict from contact with Until lesions have resolved
lesions patients and patients’
environment or food
Carrier state No restriction unless
personnel are
epidemiologically linked to
transmission of organism.
Streptococcal infection, Restrict from patient care, Until 24 h after adequate
group A contact with parent’s treatment started
environment, and food
Active disease Exclude from duty Until proved noninfectious
Purified protein derivative No restriction
(PPD) converter
Varicella (chicken pox)
Active Exclude from duty Until all lesions dry and crust
Postexposure (susceptible Exclude from duty From 10th day after first
personnel) exposure through 21st day
(28th day if varicella-zoster
immune globulin
administered) after last
Zoster (shingles)
Localized; in healthy Cover lesions; restrict from Until all lesions are dry and
person care of patientsb at high crust
Generalized or localized in Restrict from patient contact Until all lesions are dry and
immunosuppressed crust
Postexposure (susceptible Exclude from duty From 10th day after first
personnel) exposure through 21st day
(28th day if varicella-zoster
immune globulin
administered) after last
exposure or, if varicella
occurs, when lesions crust
and dry
Table 4
(continued )
Disease/Problem Work Restriction Duration
Viral respiratory infection, Consider excluding from the Until acute symptoms resolve
acute febrile care of patients at high
riskc or contact with such
patients’ environments
during community
outbreak of respiratory
syncytial virus and
Unless epidemiologically linked to transmission of infection.
Those susceptible to varicella and who are at increased risk of complications of varicella (eg, ne-
onates and immunocompromised persons of any age).
Patients at high risk as defined by ACIP for complications of influenza.
Adapted from Weissfeld AS. Infection control in the dental office. Clin Microbiol Newsl
2014;36(11):81, 82; with permission.
respiratory infection (eg, signs with instructions to cover their mouth/noses when
coughing or sneezing), providing tissues and no touch receptacles for disposal of tis-
sues, providing resources for performing hand hygiene in or near waiting areas, offer-
ing masks to coughing patients, and encouraging persons with symptoms of
respiratory infections to sit as far from others as possible. Lastly, DHCP should be
educated on the importance of infection prevention measures to contain respiratory
Despite best efforts, blood exposures will likely continue to occur. Postexposure man-
agement remains an important component of a complete program to prevent infection
following exposure to blood. Elements of an effective postexposure management pro-
gram include
Policies and procedures that clearly state how to manage exposures
Education of DHCP in prevention strategies (including evaluation of safety de-
vices), principles of postexposure management, the importance of prompt re-
porting, and postexposure prophylaxis efficacy and toxicity
Resources for rapid access to clinical care, postexposure prophylaxis, and
testing of both source patients and exposed HCP (preferably with a rapid HIV test)
Except for institutional settings, coordination with off-site infection control or occupa-
tional health services likely is necessary. A health care professional who is qualified to
manage, counsel, and provide medical follow-up should be selected before staff are
placed at risk. Ensure that this person is familiar with the dental application of risk
assessment and management. The key elements of postexposure management include
wound management and exposure reporting. After a puncture wound, such as a needle-
stick, the area should immediately be thoroughly washed with soap and water. If blood
or saliva contacts mucous membranes, immediate flushing with water is necessary.3
The evaluating health care professional should assess the risk of infection by examining
the type and severity of exposure, the blood-borne status of the source person, and the
susceptibility (immune status) of the exposed person. All these factors should be
considered in assessing the risk of infection and the need for further follow-up.
Table 5
Categories of patient care items
Modified from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Guidelines for infection control
in dental health-care settings — 2003. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2003;52:1–61.
Sterilization stages include presoaking, cleaning, corrosion control and lubrication,
packaging, sterilization, handling sterile instruments, storage, and distribution. The
physical agents used in sterilization can include sunlight, drying, dry heat, moist
heat, filtration, radiation, ultrasonic and sonic vibrations. The chemical agents used
can be alcohols, aldehydes, dyes, halogens, phenols, surface-active agents, metallic
salts, and gases.10
Cleaning is the first step in the decontamination process, which involves the physical
removal of debris and reducing the number of microorganisms on the instrument. If
visible debris or organic matter is not removed, it may interfere with the disinfection
or sterilization process. This may be achieved by manual cleaning, or automated
cleaning, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Web site lists registered
approved cleansers.5
Manual Cleaning
The instruments should be soaked in a rigid container filled with disinfectant. This pre-
vents drying of patient material and makes cleaning easier and less time consuming.
Infection Control in the Dental Office 451
The disinfectant to hold the instruments should not be high level, such as glutaralde-
hyde. To avoid injury, it is recommended that personnel wear puncture-resistant,
heavy-duty gloves.2
Automated Cleaning
a. Ultrasonic cleaner: involves the use of sound waves to form oscillating bubbles, a
process referred to as cavitation. Instruments are kept in a perforated cassette
where the bubbles act on remaining debris to remove it from the instruments.
They are then rinsed and then carefully inspected for debris. Instruments likely to
rust are dipped in a rust inhibitor solution and are then dried using an absorbent
b. Instrument washer: uses high-velocity hot water and a detergent; there is a clean-
ing and drying cycle in this process. Thermal disinfectors may also be used, which
are similar to instrument washers except that it is the high temperatures of the wa-
ter and chemical additives that are used to disinfect the instruments.10
Autoclaving usually involves a temperature of 121 C at 15 lb of pressure for
20 minutes.6 It is the most rapid and effective method for sterilizing cloth surgical
packs and towel packs, is dependable and economic, and the sterilization is verifiable.
Items sensitive to elevated temperatures cannot be autoclaved, however, this process
tends to rust carbon steel instruments and burs, and the instruments must be air dried
at cycle completion. Types of autoclaves include downward displacement, positive
pressure displacement, negative pressure displacement, a triple vacuum, and prevac-
uum.10 In the commonly used gravity displacement sterilizers, steam enters the cham-
ber and unsaturated air is forced out through a vent. Prevacuum sterilizers are fitted
with a vacuum pump to create a vacuum in the chamber before the chamber is pres-
surized with steam to improve the speed and efficiency of the process.
Chemiclave involves the use of an unsaturated chemical vapor system of alcohol and
formaldehyde. This process is quick, the load comes out dry, the sterilization is verifi-
able, and corrosion-sensitive instruments do not rust. Items sensitive to elevated
temperatures are damaged, however, must be dried before processing; aeration is
needed due to offensive vapors; and heavy cloth wrappings of surgical instruments
may not be penetrated.10
and the high temperatures may damage heat-sensitive items, including rubbers and
techniques do not guarantee sterilization but help detect procedural errors and equip-
ment malfunction.
Mechanical techniques
Mechanical techniques involve assessment of cycle time, temperature, and pressure
by observing gauges on the sterilizer. Because these parameters can be observed
during the sterilization cycle, this might be the first indication of a problem.
Chemical Techniques
Chemical techniques use sensitive chemicals that change color when a given param-
eter is reached, usually a heat-sensitive external tape or an internal chemical indicator
strip. A chemical indicator should be used in every package to verify that the steriliza-
tion agent penetrated the package and reached the instruments inside. If the internal
chemical indicator is not visible from the outside of the package, an external indicator
should be used. These indicators can also help differentiate between processed and
unprocessed items, eliminating the possibility of using instruments that have not been
sterilized. It is recommended to use multiparameter internal chemical indicators that
react to time, temperature, and presence of steam.7
Biological Techniques
Biological techniques, or a biological spore test, is the most valid process because it
assesses the process directly by using the most heat-resistant microorganism, which
is contingent on the sterilization method. A control biological indicator from the same
lot, which has not been sterilized, should be incubated along with the test indicator.
The control should show a positive result and the test should yield a negative result
(Box 4).3
Box 4
Protocol for positive spore text
Modified from Thomas MV, Jarboe G, Frazer RQ. Infection control in the dental office. Dent
Clin N Am 2008;52(3):624; with permission.
454 Sebastiani et al
Digital radiography sensors are also considered semicritical and should be pro-
tected with a Food and Drug Administration–cleared barrier to reduce contamination
during use, followed by cleaning and heat sterilization or high-level disinfection be-
tween patients. These items vary by manufacturer and their ability to be sterilized or
high-level disinfected also vary. The manufacturer’s instructions for reprocessing
should be referred to.7
Dental unit water systems are classified as open or closed based on the water source;
open units are connected to a municipal water supply whereas closed units use a refill-
able reservoir attached to the unit. Studies have shown that biofilms can form inside
the tubing that transport water within the dental unit to hand pieces and air/water
syringes. A few pathogenic bacteria, such as Legionella species, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, and nontuberculous mycobacterium have been isolated from water sys-
tems, but a majority of them are heterotrophic bacteria with limited pathogenic poten-
tial. Regardless, untreated dental units cannot reliably produce water that meets
drinking water standards of less than 500 colony-forming units/mL of heterotrophic
water bacteria. Hence, removal of dental waterline biofilms is required to meet CDC
standards. Using independent reservoirs, chemical treatment, microfilters, or sterile
456 Sebastiani et al
water delivery systems can do this. Monitoring of dental water quality may be per-
formed by using commercial self-contained test kits. In-office water-testing systems
are available that work at room temperature to culture medium to reveal bacteria col-
onies. Dentists should, however, follow recommendations provided by the manufac-
turer of the dental unit or waterline treatment protocol to monitor the water quality and
disinfecting the waterlines.2 For open water systems, it has been recommended that
these units be flushed for varying periods. If no guidance is provided, then flush all
dental unit waterlines for 5 minutes before patient care.6
For components of devices permanently attached to the air and water lines, water-
proof barriers must be used and changed between uses. Examples include attach-
ments of saliva ejectors, high-speed air evacuators, and air/water syringes. If an
item becomes visibly soiled, an intermediate-level disinfectant with tuberculocidal
claim must be used. With saliva ejectors, patients should be instructed to not close
their lips tightly around the tips because this can cause reverse flow, potentially
causing material from the mouth of the previous patient to be aspirated into the mouth
of the next patient. Saliva ejectors and high-volume evacuation valves should be
removed and sterilized, especially if the unit is used for surgical procedures. If this
is not feasible, the valves should be cleaned thoroughly with an intermediate level
Each dental office should have a written plan for an infection control program that in-
cludes elements to protect personnel. These elements include
Education programs for staff members
Immunization plan for vaccine preventable diseases
Exposure prevention and postexposure management, with follow-up of staff
exposed to infectious organisms or potentially harmful materials
Medical condition management and work-related illnesses and restrictions
Maintenance of health records in accordance with all applicable state and federal
1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Division of Oral Health, Infection
Control in Dental Settings. Available at:
infectioncontrol/index.html. Accessed April 2, 2016.
2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for infection control in
dental health-care settings—2003. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2003;52:
1–61. Available at:
3. Weissfeld AS. Infection control in the dental office. Clin Microbiol Newsl 2014;
4. Little JW, Falace DA, Miller CS, et al. Guidelines for infection control in dental
health care settings. Little and Falace’s dental management of the medically
compromised patient. 8th edition. St Louis (MO): Mosby; 2013. p. 587–601. Ap-
pendix B.
5. Boyce R, Mull J. Complying with the Occupational Safety and Health Administra-
tion: guidelines for the dental office. Dent Clin North Am 2008;52:653–68.
6. Thomas MV, Jarboe G, Frazer RQ, et al. Infection control in the dental practice.
Dent Clin North Am 2008;52:609–28.
Infection Control in the Dental Office 457