English File: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
English File: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
English File: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation
Progress Test Files 6–10 ENGLISH FILE
Intermediate Plus
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A
GRAMMAR 7 been year able last drive to Vicky’s since
1 Underline the correct word(s).
8 flat do often your redecorated How have you ?
Example: He’s having / He has a shower at the moment. ________________________________________
1 A What does ‘awkward’ mean?
B Why don’t you look it up / look up it?
2 I’ve lost my key again. I really should / ought to be
more careful. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verb in brackets.
3 The teacher told them to not download / not to
download essays from the internet. Example: Max is going to have his hair cut off
tomorrow. (have)
4 Does / Is she like travelling so much for her job?
5 The train was late so I didn’t manage / wasn’t able to 1 I’d love ________________ play the double bass. (be
get to the meeting on time. able to)
6 He asked me why I haven’t / hadn’t phoned him the 2 How good are you at ________________ directions
day before. in cars? (give)
7 Where did you have this photo taken / taken this 3 The police officers made the teenagers
photo? ________________ the mess. (clean up)
8 You oughtn’t / shouldn’t go to work – your cold has 4 We ________________ go to work tomorrow – it’s
got much worse. a public holiday! (not have to)
9 Meet / Meeting up with our old friends is something 5 Phones must ________________ during the exam.
we love doing. (switch off)
10 She ran to the check-in desk, but the flight had 6 You really should stop ________________ so hard
already gone / already went. – it’s making you ill. (work)
11 James doesn’t get with his brother on / on with his 7 They couldn’t see the play because all the tickets
brother. ________________. (sell)
12 The castle roof was being repaired / repairing so we 8 I decided ________________ the flat because it was
didn’t go in. too expensive. (not buy)
12 9 He asked me why I ________________ to the
conference the week before. (not go)
2 Order the words to make sentences. 10 If we’d known it was going to be cold, we
________________ warmer clothes! (pack)
Example: five I was when speak could French I
I could speak French when I was five. 10
1 wants see to doctor My wife the me
________________________________________ 4 Complete the second sentence so that it means the
same as the first.
2 think you When we do arrive should ?
________________________________________ Example: They are building a new theatre at the
3 having hair Miguel cut his tomorrow is
A new theatre is being built at the moment.
4 best fallen with Julia friend out has her 1 The teacher said we could use our dictionaries.
________________________________________ The teacher let ________________ our dictionaries.
5 was leave to allowed today early work He 2 Perhaps you should get a new television.
________________________________________ Perhaps you ought ________________ a new
6 back I like took coat the so it didn’t I
________________________________________ 3 I forgot to go to the bank before it shut.
I didn’t ________________ go to the bank before it
4 She said she wouldn’t help them. 12 Please don’t cut much off. I only want a tr________.
She said, ‘I ________________ them.’ 13 Kevin f________ the exam because he hadn’t
5 You needn’t go to the shop. There’s enough food. worked hard enough.
You don’t ________________ to the shop. There’s 14 I had three br________ and two page boys at my
enough food. wedding.
6 Somebody painted my portrait. 15 Walter’s m________ isn’t so good now. He often
I had ________________. forgets things.
7 Mum said I should tidy the room before dinner. 15
Mum wanted ________________ the room before
dinner. 6 Underline the odd word out.
8 They’ve discovered new information about
curled cut straightened waxing
New information about Shakespeare 1 mug jug glass cup
________________. 2 glue drill screwdriver hammer
9 It’s impossible to revise everything in one weekend. 3 manicure fringe pedicure facial
You ________________ everything in one weekend! 4 balance account deposit score
10 ‘I might go to Berlin if I can find a cheap flight.’ 5 battle leader war attack
He said ________________ to Berlin if he could find 6 rope tap wire string
a cheap flight.
7 best man reception bride groom
8 exam cram pass take
Grammar total 40 9 plate bowl meal saucer
10 matinee spectators audience crowd
5 Complete the sentences. Write one word in each
gap. 7 Write the American word for the British word.
Example: The most expensive seats at a theatre are in Example: sweet candy
the stalls.
1 petrol ________
1 Could you pass the oil and v________, please? 2 holiday ________
2 My new car br________ down on the way to work. 3 underground ________
I’ve only had it a week!
4 rubbish ________
3 Dinner’s ready. Can you p________ the wine?
5 pavement ________
4 You always g________ up too easily. You should try
harder. 6 biscuit ________
Pronunciation total 20
1 Read the text and choose the answer (A, B, C, or D) which you think fits best
according to the text.
In 1800, only 3% of the world’s population lived in cities, a largest of these is the Tokyo-Yokohama area, home to 37
figure that had multiplied almost sixteen-fold to 47% by the million people, followed by, in order, the Indonesian capital of
end of the twentieth century. In 1950, there were 83 cities Jakarta, Seoul-Incheon, Delhi, Shanghai, and Manila in the
with populations exceeding one million; by 2007, this number Philippines.
had risen to 468. The term ‘megacity’ was first used as far In the ancient world, Rome with its one million inhabitants
back as the early 1960s by French geographer Jean Gottman was a megacity. And today, London could be considered one.
to describe the north-eastern United States. The term is Although the capital of the UK was one of the world’s first
used more widely now and is defined as an urban area with modern cities of a million people, it is not on the list of
more than 10 million people living closely together. A megacities. In fact, the only western urban areas among the
megacity can be a single area, or several areas that merge to world’s biggest megacities are now Moscow, Los Angeles,
make one huge area known as a megalopolis. As of March and Paris. The fastest-growing cities in the last decade have
2013, there were 28 megacities in the world. all been in the developing world and this trend looks likely to
Megacities are the result of the process of urbanization. continue. It is expected that by the year 2030, 60% of the
When cities started to become crowded, people who could world’s population will be living in megacities.
afford to moved out into the suburbs at the edge of the city. Megacities have several things in common, mainly the
Then, when the suburbs started attracting too many people, problems they all experience. Among these are high traffic
people moved further out into villages and the countryside. levels resulting in bad pollution, housing problems, and
It was important that they were still close enough to the city various social problems such as unemployment. Often the
to be able to commute comfortably every day, though. For huge division of wealth in such cities means that the only
this reason, the countryside was growing in popularity for affordable housing is unplanned and illegal. However, large
the first time since industrialization in the nineteenth population numbers alone do not create these problems:
century. London, for example, lost 15% of its population city problems are thought to be caused mostly by weak and
between 1950 and 1970, and Detroit in the USA lost 47%. ineffective city governments. Despite the fact that
However, movement away from cities does not mean the megacities are increasingly more common in the developing
end of the city. Far from it, in fact. The city continues to world, the developed world needs to pay attention to them.
spread, and from the old city develops a greater What happens in the megacities of the developing world may
metropolitan area. And with the passing of time these grow shape the rest of the world. And that’s something for us all
into megacities with millions of people. Currently, the world’s to think about.
six greatest megacities are all to be found in Asia. The
Example: In the late 1990s, ___% of the world’s 1 The word ‘megacity’ was initially used
population lived in cities. A to describe several crowded cities in the
A 3 ■ world. ■
B 16 ■ B to describe places of fewer than ten million
C 20 ■ people. ■
D 47 ■ ✓ C by a European to describe somewhere in
the United States. ■
D by an American to describe a European
city made up of smaller cities. ■
2 More people began living in the suburbs
A cities had too many people. ■
B villages were too expensive. ■
C industry there improved greatly. ■
D the countryside had too few people. ■
3 illegal ________
Reading and Writing total 25
4 ineffective ________
5 shape ________
A not allowed
B join
C not nice
D affect
E travel to work
F not working well
Reading total 15
1 Listen to a woman talking about New York city. 1 Make questions and ask your partner.
Choose the correct answer. 1 When / you like / listen / music? Why?
1 Leanne recommends New York because ___ 2 What gift would you buy / best friend / birthday?
A it’s the most exciting city in the world. Why?
B there’s so much on offer there. 3 Who / be / you closest to / your family? Why?
C there are still some uncrowded tourist sights
4 Tell me about / favourite book.
5 / it important / have / hobby? Why?
2 The city got its current name from a ___
A place. Now answer your partner’s questions.
B person.
2 Talk about the statement below, saying if you agree
C food.
or disagree. Give reasons.
3 According to Leanne, the most economical way to
‘It’s more enjoyable to do hobbies with friends.’
travel in New York is by ___
A bus. 3 Listen to your partner talking about friends. Do
B subway. you agree with him / her?
C taxi. Speaking total 15
4 Leanne says that visitors often think the Statue of
Liberty will be ___ than it is. Listening and Speaking total 25
A higher
B shorter
C wider
5 Leanne advises buying tickets for Broadway ___
A on the evening of the show.
B through your hotel.
C a long time before the event.
Listening total 10