SlovVetRes 44 (1-2) pp11-18
SlovVetRes 44 (1-2) pp11-18
SlovVetRes 44 (1-2) pp11-18
UDC 614.31:579.67:615.33:637.5
Andrej Kirbiš
Institute for Food Hygiene and Bromatology, Veterinary Faculty, Gerbičeva 60, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Summary: Antibiotics are natural products of a micro-organism, identical synthetic products or similar semi synthetic
products that inhibit the growth of or destroy microorganisms. In veterinary medicine antibiotics are used for therapeutic,
prophylactic, metaphylactic and nutritive purposes. The presence of antibiotics or their metabolites in food is potentially
hazardous to health as it may cause allergic reactions in people and antibiotic resistance in pathogenic microorganisms.
In addition antibiotics may influence starter cultures in food industry and lead to economic damage. The methods used to
detect antibiotic residues in food of animal origin are microbiological, immuno-enzymatic and chemical. Microbiological
methods are used as screening methods whose results direct the choice for more expensive and time consuming chemical
confirmation methods. To serve this purpose the sensitivity of a microbiological method must be at or below the prescribed
maximum residue level (MRL) for specific antibiotic group.
The purpose of our study was to develop a microbiological method for detection of macrolide, aminoglicoside, β-lactame,
quinolone and tetracycline antibiotic families in meat by identifying the most appropriate set of bacterial test strains and
to establish the limit of detection for each antibiotic group. Micrococcus luteus ATCC 9341 was selected as the most
appropriate sensitive strain for detection of macrolides and β-lactams, Bacillus subtilis BGA for aminoglicosides, Bacillus
cereus ATCC 11778 for tetracyclines and E. coli ATCC 10536 for quinolones. In addition magnesium sulphate was used
to inactivate aminoglicosides β-lactamase to differentiate between macrolides and β-lactames. For all antibiotic groups the
level of detection was below the MRL.
Key words: food analysis-methods; antibiotics; drug residues-analysis; microbiological sensitivity tests-methods; meat
infusions (4). Theoretically, all these routes may In our institution which is also the Slovenian
lead to residues appearing in foods of animal origin National Reference Laboratory for detection of
such as milk, meat and eggs (5). antibiotics in food of animal origin we have been
Acquisition of resistance to antimicrobial agents using microbiological screening methods since
by consuming food of animal origin has been 1968. These methods had to be adapted to the
receiving increasing attention in the literature, also requirements of the above mentioned Council
raising awareness of the importance of minimizing Regulation 2377/90. The aim of our study was
exposure to antibiotic residues in food (6, 7). The to identify the appropriate combination of test
most common causes for the presence of antibiotic strains for detection of aminoglycoside, macrolide,
residues in food of animal origin are violation of tetracycline, quinolone and beta-lactame antibiotic
withdrawal periods, overdosing of antibiotics and families and to determine the limit of detection
use of antibiotics banned for treatment of economic (LOD) for each family in view of the prescribed
animals (8, 9, 10, 11). The 2377/90 Council MRLs for antibiotic residues. We also attempted to
Regulation (12) determines a limited number of improve the specificity of different bacterial strains
drugs allowed in veterinary medicine and defines for different antibiotic groups by the addition of two
MRL for each drug. This Regulation represented neutralizing substances: β-lactamase and Mg SO4.
a milestone in food control because in addition to
mere identification it also requested quantitative Material and methods
determination of antibiotic residues, the strategy of
analyses and subsequently the methods therefore The principle of method
had to be adapted to the new legislation.
Microbiological, immuno-enzymatic and chemical Microbiological methods are based on measu-
methods are used for detection of antibiotic residues rement and evaluation of zones of inhibited
in food of animal origin and the protocol of control is bacterial growth on media. Two test strains are
usually based on two steps: screening for presence used to assess the presence of each antibiotic – one
of different antibiotic groups and confirmation maximally sensitive and the other resistant to the
with identification of specific antibiotic in the tested substance. With the combination of different
sample and more accurate quantitative analysis. sensitive and resistant bacterial strains specific
An ideal screening method would detect all licensed antibiotic groups present in the sample can be
antibiotics at or below their Marls and should be identified. These principles are followed in the STAR
robust, rapid, simple and cost effective (13). Chemical (screening test for antibiotic residue) protocol (22)
methods are too specific to be applied as a first choice on which our method is based.
screening method for the high number of monitored
substances. In addition chemical methods require Bacterial strains
more expensive equipment. Microbiological methods
are better suited for the first step screening, but In our research we used the following strains:
unfortunately a single bacterial inhibition test for all Bacillus cereus ATCC 11778 (Remel, Lenexa,
antibacterial residues does not exist (14). USA), Micrococcus luteus ATCC 9341 (Remel), Es-
Microbiological methods detect inhibitory cherichia coli ATCC 10536 (TCS Bioscience, Buck-
substances diffusing from a piece of tissue (14, 15, ingham, UK), Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC
16) or from a paper disk soaked with tissue fluid 12228 (Remel) and Bacillus subtilis BGA(Merck,
(17) into an agar layer seeded with a susceptible Darmstadt, Germany). For confirmation solutions
bacterial strain. These methods are usually we used β-lactamase (BioChemika, Seelze, Ger-
multiresidue screening tests able to detect several many) at the concentration of 5 mg/ml and MgSO4
families of antimicrobial drugs and use one or (Sigma&Aldrich, Taufkirchen, Germany)
more test plates which differ in bacterial strains,
pH values of media and temperatures of incubation Antibiotics
(15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24). Ferrini et al (2006)
reported a modification of such methods with the Antibiotics used in the study are described in
addition of neutralizing chemical substances that Table 1. The procedure or preparing the standard
further help to narrow the spectrum of antibiotic and working solutions are described in the section
families detected by a single test plate ( 24). Preparation of working solutions and meat samples.
Microbiological screening method for detection of aminoglycosides, β-lactames, ... 13
where 0,2 ml of suspension was added to 50 ml heating, the samples were compressed to obtain
of medium. The mixture of medium and bacterial a liquid meat extract; 100ml of the extract were
culture was poured into a 90 mm diameter Petri transferred to test plates in 8 mm wide cylinders.
dish (5 ml of mixture into each Petri dish) and after Detection levels were obtained by placing 100 µl
15 min at room temperature the Petri dishes with meat extract obtained from meat sample containing
solidified medium were enveloped in a parafilm and the working solution with known concentration
stored in a fridge. The storage period of test plates of antibiotic into cylinders. The range of working
was seven days. Before application of samples to test solutions is shown in table 2. For the evaluation
plates, plates were warmed at room temperature for of reversible concentrations, 75 µl of standard
20 to 30 min. solutions were applied to cylinders with addition of
25 µl of confirmatory solution. Each concentration
Confirmation solutions of antibiotics was tested 10 times.
Test plates AC, E, I-BGA were incubated at 30 oC
To confirm the presence of antibiotic groups and plate ER and Kin at 37 oC for 18-24 hours (20,
or their individual representatives we used con- 24).
firmation solutions. They inhibit the action of
certain antibiotics and can help to distinguish Evaluation of results
antibiotic groups which cause inhibition zones on
the same test plates. Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) Results of microbiological methods can be
was used to neutralize the aminoglicosides and β- evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively.
lactamase enzyme to neutralize the β-lactams. Qualitative results are obtained by analyzing the
25 μl of 20% MgSO4 solution in water was added effect of antibiotics on a combination of sensitive
to the sample on E, AC and I-BGA plates where and resistant bacterial strains. When required
inhibition zones are produced by aminoglicosides, neutralizing substances (confirmation solutions)
macrolides or tetracyclines. 25 μl of β-lactamase can help to differentiate between antibiotics with
was added to samples on AC and I-BGA plates to similar action on test bacterial strains.
identify cephalosporins.
Preparation of working solutions and meat
samples We have identified sensitive and resistant bac-
terial strains for all antibiotic groups tested in our
First standard antibiotic solutions had to be study. Based on our results we chose to use Bacil-
prepared from reference standard antibiotics of lus cereus ATCC 11778 (E plate) as the sensitive
known chemical composition and purity (Table 1). and Micrococcus luteus ATCC 9341 (AC plate) as
Standard antibiotics in powder were dissolved in the resistant strain for the tetracyclines group. For
appropriate solvents: tetracyclines in phosphate macrolides group Micrococcus luteus ATCC 9341 (AC
buffer (Merck) with pH value 4,5, β-lactames in plate) was chosen as the sensitive and Escherichia
phosphate buffer with pH value 6,0, aminoglicosides coli ATCC 10536 (Kin plate) as the resistant strain.
in phosphate buffer with pH value 8,0, quinolones For the aminoglicosides group Bacillus subtilis BGA
in pH 8 and macrolides in methanol (J.T. Baker, (I-BGA plate) was chosen as the susceptible and Sta-
Deventer, Netherlands). Standard solutions were phylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228 (ER plate) the
then diluted to desired concentrations with 1 mg/ml resistant strain. For β-lactam group from the sensi-
to create working solutions which were then added tive group Micrococcus luteus ATCC 9341 (AC plate)
to meat samples as follows. One milliliter of working was chosen as the susceptible and Staphylococcus
solution was added to 9g of minced beef formed into epidermidis ATCC 12228 (ER plate) as the resist-
a sphere and left to diffuse throughout the meat. ant strain. For quinolones group Escherichia coli
After 1 hour the meat sample with the disposed ATCC 10536 (Kin plate) was chosen as the sensitive
working solution was transferred to a 10-ml test strain.
tube and heated to 80oC for 5 min to avoid later non- Table 3 shows the limits of detection for meat
specific reaction on test plates due to antagonizing samples containing standardized antibiotic solu-
micro flora in meat. This procedure was shown not tions on selected test plates and also the limits of
to affect the concentration of antibiotic (25). After detection for pure standard solutions. The LOD was
Microbiological screening method for detection of aminoglycosides, β-lactames, ... 15
Table 3: Detection levels, MRL, range of working solutions and diameters of inhibitions zones of antibiotics
Table 4: Mean diameter of inhibition zone (mm), recovery and standard deviation (SD) for each inoculated antibiotic
at or below half the MRL for all tested antibiotics, troublesome. For this reason the recovery should
both for meat samples and for standard solutions. always be calculated. In our method the values
Determination of LOD in standard solutions is were within the values demanded by the Directive
essential to assess the influence of matrix (in EEC 657/2002 (26) which confirms the reliability of
our case meat) on the sensitivity of the method. our method. The standard deviations for inhibition
Knowing the LOD both in standard solutions and zones are comparable with data reported by Ferrini
in meat samples allows calculation of the recovery et al(2006) and Myllyniemi et al(2001). Low values of
which is one of the measures of the reliability of the standard deviations show the high accuracy of our
method. method.
Table 4 shows the recovery and standard In several Scandinavian countries kidneys
deviation of the inhibition zones at the LOD for each are used as the matrix from which the level of
tested antibiotic. For all antibiotics the recovery was antibiotics in meat is assessed, because the
above 80% which is the limit set by the Directive concentration of antibiotics and therefore the MRL
EEC657/2002 (26). The only exception where the are higher in kidney tissue compared to meat. Using
recovery was 76% was tetracycline. this approach a method that would otherwise have
failed to reach MRL in muscle tissue was proved to
Discussion be sensitive enough to detect antibiotic residues at
half the MRL in kidney matrix and thus met the
Microbiological methods for detection of requirements of EEC 657/2002 (26). One of the
antibiotic residues in food are used in practically problems of this approach is the rate of false positive
every laboratory in Europe involved in controlling results caused by natural inhibitors of bacterial
food of animal origin. Although the method is widely growth such as lysozyme which are often present
know as the “four-plate method”, many variations in kidneys. Ferrini et al (2006) managed to avoid
are used and most laboratories apply a specific their influence by placing a dialysis membrane
approach with a different number and types of between the growth media and the analyzed matrix
bacterial strains and therefore a different number (24). Despite some known advantages of analyses
of test plates (19, 21, 24). Methods using between of kidney tissue, in Slovenia we opted for the use of
one and eighteen plates have been described in the meat in routine investigations.
literature. There are also differences in incubation The method developed in our study allows iden-
periods, pH values of media and the quantity of tification of b-lactame, aminoglicoside, macrolide,
media on which the bacteria are cultured, and, most tetracycline and qionolone antibiotic groups at or
importantly, differences in detection levels (27, 28, below the MRL prescribed for meat. To improve
29, 30). the ability for differentiation between the listed an-
Microbiological methods for detection of tibiotic groups we used MgSO4 which inhibits the
antibiotic residues in food are screening methods action of tetracyclines, aminoglicosides and qui-
able to detect and differentiate only between nolones and enzyme b-lactamase which inactivates
antibiotic groups. Their results are used to minimize b-lactames but not macrolides which otherwise
the number of chemical and immuno-enzymatic cause inhibition of growth on identical set of test
methods that are required to confirm the presence plates. The drawback of b-lactamase is resistance
of antibiotics and identify specific substance within of some synthetic b-lactames, for example newer
the antibiotic group (31, 32). generations of cephalosporins. A substance that
The sensitivity of a microbiological method must would inactivate these groups of antibiotics would
be high enough to allow detection of antibiotic be an important step forward in the development of
residues level below the MRL prescribed in the antimicrobiological screening methods.
current legislation (33). In some of the already
published studies only working solutions were used Conclusion
instead of the real matrix investigated in routine
analyses. This may lead to falsely low levels of The microbiological method described in this
detection. According to our experience the influence paper allows differentiation between five antibi-
of matrix on the results should not be neglected, otic groups and detection of antibiotic residues at
and this is especially true in the case of meat as or below the MRL prescribed for each group. The
a solid matrix whose preparation is especially time required to perform the analysis is short (be-
Microbiological screening method for detection of aminoglycosides, β-lactames, ... 17
tween 18 and 24 hours) and no expensive equip- 13. Stead S, Sharman M, Tarbin JA et al. Meeting maxi-
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A. Kirbiš
Povzetek: Antibiotik je po definiciji naravni produkt mikroorganizmov ali naravnemu produktu enaka sintetična ali podobna
polsintetična spojina, ki zavira razmnoževanje drugih mikroorganizmov in deluje bakteriostatično ali pa bakterije ubija, kar
imenujemo baktericidni učinek. V veterinarski medicini se antibiotiki uporabljajo v terapevtske, profilaktične, metafilaktične
in nutritivne namene. Ostanki antibiotikov in njihovi metaboliti v živilih so lahko nevarni za zdravje ljudi, saj lahko povzročajo
alergijske reakcije oziroma vplivajo na nastanek odpornosti pri mikroorganizmih, povzročajo pa tudi gospodarsko škodo,
saj delujejo zaviralno na štarterske kulture. Metode, ki se uporabljajo za ugotavljanje ostankov antibiotikov v živilih živalskega
izvora, so mikrobiološke, imunoencimske in kemijske.
Mikrobiološke metode se uporabljajo kot presejalne oziroma screenig metode. Meja detekcije metode za posamezne
skupine antibiotikov mora biti vsaj na meji MRL vrednosti oziroma pod njo. Rezultati, ki jih dobimo z zanesljivo presejalno
metodo, so zelo dobra orientacija za potrjevalne kemijske metode, ki so zamudne in zelo drage.
Namen raziskave je bil uvedba mikrobiološke metode za ugotavljanje antibiotikov s testiranjem in uvedbo testnih sevov
bakterij in ugotoviti minimalno količino antibiotikov, ki jih je s posamezno metodo mogoče ugotoviti. Določili smo občutljive
in odporne bakterijske seve za skupine makrolidnih, aminoglikozidnih in β-laktamskih antibiotikov kakor tudi kinolonov in
tetraciklinov v mesu. Za ugotavljanje β-laktamskih in makrolidnih antibiotikov uporabljamo bakterijski sev Micrococcus
luteus ATCC 9341 kot občutljivi sev, za aminoglikozidne antibiotike bakterijski sev Bacillus subtilis BGA , za tetracikline
Bacillus cereus ATCC 11778 ter za kinolone E.coli ATCC 10536. Pri poskusu smo uporabili potrditvene spojine, in sicer
magnezijev sulfat, ki inaktivira aminoglikozidne antibiotike, ter predstavnike kinolonov in tetraciklinov, pa tudi encim β-lak-
tamaza, ki inaktivira delovanje β-laktamskih antibiotikov. Rezultati, ki smo jih dobili, so pod MRL vrednostmi za posamezne
predstavnike antibiotikov.
Ključne besede: hrana, analize-metode; antibiotiki; zdravila, ostanki-analize; mikrobni občutljivostni testi-metode; meso