Case Digests - Cruz Vs Secretary of DENR
Case Digests - Cruz Vs Secretary of DENR
Case Digests - Cruz Vs Secretary of DENR
Case Digests
There are no shortcuts to passing the Bar.
Cruz vs Secretary of DENR
Natural Resources and Environmental Law; Constitutional Law; IPRA; Labels
La Bugal-B’laan Tribal
Association, Inc. Vs Ramos
Natural Resources and
Environmental Laws G.R.
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Carpe Diem!
Tano vs Socrates
Natural and Environmental
Laws; Constitutional Law;
Regalian Doctrine GR No.
110249; August 21, 1997
FACTS : On Dec 15, 1992,
Republic vs Naguiat
Natural Resources and
Environmental Laws G.R.
No. 134209; January 24,
2006 FACTS : Celestina
Naguiat filed an application
for reg...
Obergefell vs Hodges
The landmark case of
Obergefell vs Hodges upheld
the rights of same-sex
couples to marry. The US
Supreme Court held that the
Fourteenth Ame...