TOK Diaries - Sense Perception
TOK Diaries - Sense Perception
TOK Diaries - Sense Perception
150-200 words
“Everyone should be an empiricist”
TOK Diary 2
In my opinion, not everyone should be an empiricist. An empiricist believes that knowledge gained
from senses is more important and reliable than reason. However, as a rationalist would say, senses
can be misleading sometimes, hence, the knowledge gained from them can be incorrect too. As an
example, we have the mirage effect formed on pavement when it reaches high temperatures and
seems to be reflective. This is formed by a layer of hot air above the asphalt, and creates a visual
effect. But, if you get close to it, you won’t see it. This is a case in which you can not trust your
senses completely, since the “reflection” you think it’s there, is actually not real and just a mirage.
One might disagree with my statement, since senses most of the time are correct, and in the special
cases they are not, reason can be used exclusively, and therefore, everyone should see the world as
an empiricist does.
Visual illusions present a challenge to, arguably, the most useful sense there is; sight, and to
empiricism itself. Our senses can sometimes be misleading, fooling us to believe something that is
close to reality, but isn’t. As an example we have the bent pen in water, in which the water refracts
the image of the pen, deceiving our vision. Another example, we have the mirage effect formed on
pavement when it reaches high temperatures and seems to be reflective. Yet it does not mean that
it is, in fact, a wavy reflection. As we can see, sight should not be trusted unconditionally due to the
fact that it can mislead us from time to time. However, it is of highly important to highlight the
significance of sight for humans, since it is one of the most, if not the most, important sense there is
to gain knowledge and even survive. Hence, it should be trusted most of the time, as long as we
always give the benefit of the doubt in case something off happens, such as an illusion or mirage.
Everyone sees the world differently. That statement is known by most of us as general knowledge.
The people’s perspective of the world is always going to vary from one person to another, depending
on their background, country, family, experiences and own knowledge. Let's take as an example the
second sentence I wrote in this exact paragraph. Most people believe that they see the world in a
different way as other people do, but there is a group of individuals that think they see the world
exactly the same as everyone else. This exact sentence backs my point, everyone sees the world
different. Masses do, political parties do, but when we are talking about the individual way of seeing
things, every little experience lived changes your way of perceiving reality as it is, varying from your
favorite ice cream to your moral ideologies. However, one might disagree with my position, liking
their argument with the concept of shared knowledge. From learning the same courses in class, to
the most basic terms of knowledge everyone shares. In conclusion, masses are able to see the world
in the same way, but individuals have their own unique way of doing so.