Petrel Workflow Tools: 5 Day Introduction Course
Petrel Workflow Tools: 5 Day Introduction Course
Petrel Workflow Tools: 5 Day Introduction Course
Processs Manager
Upscaling of Well Logs
G i UUnderstanding
d t di off Concept
C t and
d Process
Understand and Use Discrete Logs
– Averaging
g g
Understand and Use Continuous logs
– Averaging
– Biasing to a discrete log
– Different averaging methods
Look at Different Scale-Up p Settings
– Treat log as lines or points
– Method of which penetrated cells to use
QC of Upscaled Logs
– Using well section window
Values assigned
g to cells based on
well log values along the well path.
1. Create new p
p y and Select input
from: Well logs.
Continuous logs,
logs such as porosity,
porosity have real
number values (decimals).
Settings – Treat Log
As points: All sample values within each cell are used for averaging.
N i hb cells:
ll Cells
C ll iin th
the same cellll
layer are averaged.
Option to set a
minimum number
of data points in a
cell for it to be
QC of Upscaled Logs
Harmonic mean - Gives the effective vertical permeability if the reservoir is layered
with constant permeability in each layer. It works well with log normal distributions. It is
used for permeability because it is sensitive to lower values.
Random Pick – Picks a log point at random from anywhere within the cell. This random option avoids
the smoothing tendency of other methods and is therefore more likely to give a property with the same
distribution of values as the original well log data.
Upscaling of Well Logs
QC of Upscaled Logs
Create Synthetic logs; these will resemble the
ti (Upscaled
(U l d logs)
l ) but
b t are stored
t d as
physical logs under Global Well Logs