Quality and Formulae 4

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rs 52 Sulfur Balance in Kiln

Sr. No. Title Symbol Unit Equation

1 sulfur in fuel As %
2 SO3 in kiln feed Cs %
3 fuel rate Wa kg/kg
4 feed rate dry Wdf kg/kg
5 SO3 in clinker Hs %
6 SO3 in dust Gs %
7 dust K kg/kg
8 dust returned to Kiln G % expressed as decimal

Sulfur, SO3 balance

Input Output
kg/kg clinker kg/kg clinker

1 fuel 0.02497 × As × Wa clinker 0.01 × Hs

2 feed 0.01 × Cs × Wdf dust (1-G)0.01 × Gs × K
3 dust 0.01 × G × Gs × K exit gas

exit gas concentrations are calculated by difference to make two sids equal

Source : Cement Manufacturers Handbook

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