Eyes: Focus Your Eyes On The Tip of The Nose. Mudra: Bring Both Palms in Front of The Heart Center

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The passage discusses the Adi Mantra, which is used to center oneself before practicing Kundalini Yoga. It links the practitioner to the 'Golden Chain' of teachers.

The Adi Mantra is used to center oneself before practicing Kundalini Yoga and to link to the 'Golden Chain' of teachers. It makes one receptive to the messages of their body, mind and intuition.

ONG represents creative energy. NAMO means to bow down. GUROO represents wisdom or teacher. DAYV means subtle, divine or belonging to God. Together they call on subtle wisdom and guidance.

The Complete Adi Mantra for Individual Meditation p.

Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh.

Eyes: Focus your eyes on the tip of the nose.

Mudra: Bring both palms in front of the Heart Center

facing upward. Touch the sides of the palms along the
little fingers and sides of the hands, as if you will receive
something in them. Form Gyan Mudra in each hand.

Breath & Mantra: Chant the entire mantra 3-5 times on

one breath. Keep the number of repetitions per breath
constant. The sound DAYV is chanted a minor third
higher than the other sounds. The sound of DAYVAA
carries slightly on the AA sound. ONG NAMO, GUROO
DAYVAA The sound of ONG is created in the inner
chambers of the sinuses and upper palate. It is the NG
sound that is emphasized. The first part of NAMO is
short and rhymes with HUM. The syllable GU is
pronounced as in the word good. The syllable ROO
rhymes with the word true. The word DAYV rhymes with
save. The AA in DAYVAA is chanted with the mouth
open and the sound vibrating from an open throat.

Time: Continue for 11-31 minutes for a powerful

meditation and guidance. Yogi Bhajan did not restrict
longer periods of practice.

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan ©2008

The Complete Adi Mantra for Individual Meditation p.2

To center before a set of Kundalini Yoga we chant the Adi
Mantra at least 3 times. Adi means the first or primal;
Mantra is the creative projection of the mind through
sound. This mantra is the first creative action. It centers
you into the higher self and reminds your lower mind that
it is not your ego that will practice or teach Kundalini
Yoga. Technically, it is the linking mantra for the Golden
Chain. The Golden Chain is the inner spark of kundalini
that is passed person to person; teacher to student; guru to
teacher; cosmos and God to Guru. By chanting this
mantra and linking to the Golden Chain, the exercises and
meditations that you practice are guided by your higher
consciousness and all the teachers that have brought this
opportunity to you. It makes you very receptive and
sensitive to the messages of your body, mind, and
intuition. However, it is only to be used as a link when
you are to teach. It is not like an individual mantra, which
is complete in itself. It is a hook that creates a flow,
which you serve. If your need is spiritual linkage and
guidance then there is another form that is used: the
complete Adi Mantra. The complete individual form of
the mantra immerses you in awareness and guidance for
your personal situation. It establishes a guiding beam
between you in your immediate state, and your higher
consciousness, that is true through all states. It is very
useful if you are entering Shakti Pad in Kundalini Yoga.
It is also excellent as a means to gain perspective and


Yogi Bhajan explained this when he said, "Use this
mantra in its complete form anytime you have a lack of
faith or any similar thing. Many of you will enter Shakti
Pad, or you are in it, this mantra will help. With the grace
of Guru Ram Das, when this mantra is chanted five times
on one breath, the total spiritual knowledge of all teachers
who have ever existed or who will ever exist on this
Earth, is beseated in that person.”

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan ©2008

The Complete Adi Mantra for Individual Meditation p.3

ONG is the creative energy of the total cosmos and

consciousness of the Creator as experienced in this
Creation. It has the connotation of energy and activity. It
creates involvement without attachment. It generates
shakti, the generative force of life. Note that the sound is
not OM. That sound is for withdrawal and relaxation.
NAMO means to bow to or to call on. The connotation is
one of respect and receptivity. It is the type of bowing
that grants dignity through acknowledging a higher
consciousness and discipline. ONG NAMO calls on your
consciousness to become subtle and receptive to its own
higher resources. It instructs the conscious and the
subconscious to let go of the normal restrictions imposed
by the limited ego. GUROO means wisdom or teacher. It
does not mean a personality. Rather, it means the source
of the knowledge; not just any knowledge, but the kind of
knowledge that transforms you, that alleviates pain, and
that increases your awareness. GUROO in the spiritual
context is the embodiment of the Infinite. The word can
be broken into parts: GU means darkness or ignorance;
ROO means light or knowledge; GUR means a formula
to systematically attain a goal; so a GUROO is something
which can give you a GUR to transform your GU to
ROO! DAYV means subtle, etheric, divine or belonging
to the realms of God. It implies sophistication and
wisdom. GUROO DAYV NAMO calls on the subtle
wisdom that guides you in an impersonally personal
manner. It is a wisdom that is stored and transmitted
through the subtle and radiant bodies of the aura. It is the
realm and guidance of Guru Ram Das. If the limited
individual ego in which we normally live is a small pond,
then ONG NAMO releases us into a vast and endless
ocean. GUROO DAYV NAMO gives us the experience
of the wisest seaman and all of his charts to guide us to
the many ports we are to serve and experience.

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan ©2008

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