Approved Foods List: Nutrition & Lifestyle Training For Insulin Control and Better Health
Approved Foods List: Nutrition & Lifestyle Training For Insulin Control and Better Health
Approved Foods List: Nutrition & Lifestyle Training For Insulin Control and Better Health
A low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet has been The foods in the secondary cate-
proven to help people lower insulin lev- gory are smart choices to bring
els for better health. As a general rule, variety to your LCHF meals, but
consume 20% of your daily calories should be used in moderation
from protein, 5% from carbohydrates to avoid nutrient imbalance.
and 75% from fat.
Be mindful of the 20/5/75
In this new LCHF food pyramid, Nuts & Berries nutrient ratio, and aim for
you’ll find two categories of your goal of consuming 25
foods: primary and secondary. or less grams of carbohy-
drates daily.
Eating a balanced selection of
foods from the primary cate- The following lists are
gory to satiation will keep not comprehensive.
your nutrient intake within Be sure to consult
the recommended ratio. High-Fat Dairy, Lean Meats your doctor before
These foods serve as the making dietary
staple for meal planning. changes.
Eat in Moderation Low-Carbohydrate Vegetables
Eat to Satiation
Eat to Satiation
Satiation is the point at which you don’t feel the desire to eat more. You’ll notice that there
is no mention of how many servings you should eat on this list. That’s because LCHF eating
is simply about learning to intuitively eat the right things, not calorie-counting.
Proteins: Beverages:
+ Fatty cuts of beef, pork, lamb, game + Coffee (unsweetened, black or w/cream)
+ Fish and seafood + Herbal teas
+ Bacon + Water with lemon or lime
+ Eggs w/yolk
Condiments & Sweeteners:
+ Broths (beef, chicken, bone, vegetable)
+ High-fat mayonnaise, mustard, pesto
Vegetables & Fruits: + High-fat dressings (3 grams or less
+ Leafy green vegetables: spinach, chard, lettuce, carbs per serving)
kale, etc. + Coconut aminos
+ Asparagus, celery, leeks, radishes, zucchini, + Guacamole
onions, bok choy, cucumbers + Pork rinds (for breading)
+ Avocados + Stevia, xylitol, erythritol, monk fruit
+ Olives
Fermented/Pickled Foods:
+ Herbs and spices: parsley, cilantro, thyme,
+ Kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles
basil, rosemary, lemon/lime juice, etc.
+ Kombucha, apple cider vinegar
Healthy Fats & Oils:
Nuts, Seeds, Legumes:
+ Cold-pressed, non-hydrogenated oils: coconut,
+ Unsweetened nut and seed milks
MCT, avocado, macadamia, olive, krill & fish oils
(almond, coconut, etc.)
+ Rendered animal fat or lard
+ Butter and ghee
+ HLTH Code™ Shake
Eat to Satiation
Eat in Moderation
The following foods are low-carb options that bring a
variety of great tastes and textures to your LCHF meals.
Many also have lots of good, healthy fats. However,
because of their nutrient balance, they should be
eaten less than the foods in the primary category.
Eat in Moderation
Low-Carbohydrate Vegetables
Proteins: Dairy:
+ Poultry and other lean meats + Heavy cream, half-and-half
+ Deli-style meats (may contain preservatives) + High-fat yogurt (6g or less carbs
+ Powdered protein supplements per serving)
+ Cheese, cream cheese, cottage cheese
Vegetables, Fruits, Grains:
+ Broccoli, cauliflower, artichoke hearts, Nuts, Seeds, Legumes:
Brussels sprouts + Macadamias, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts
+ Squash, peppers, cabbage, okra + Pistachios, pine nuts, brazil nuts, pecans
+ Eggplant, bean sprouts, peas, mushrooms + Flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds
+ Berries + Peanut butter
+ Tomatoes + Coconut flour, almond flour
+ Psyllium husk + Snap peas
+ Resistant starch powders
Condiments & Sweeteners:
Beverages: + Hummus, Greek yogurt dips
+ Diet soda, if desired* + Sorbitol, maltitol, other sugar alcohols
* Some people prefer to eliminate all artificial sweetners.
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Nutrition & Lifestyle Training
Foods to Avoid
for Insulin Control and Better Health ™
The following foods contribute to high insulin levels and should not be a regular part of
your menu planning:
Proteins: Dairy:
+ Meats served w/sweetened sauces + Milk: 2%, 1%, skim
or breading + Condensed or powdered milk
+ Ice cream with sugar
Vegetables, Fruits, Grains:
+ Wheat, rice, millet, quinoa, oats, etc. Nuts, Seeds, Legumes:
+ Gluten-free and grain-derived flours + Cashews
+ Apples, peaches, pears, apricots, cherries + Peas (other than snap peas)
+ Bananas, oranges, mangos, + Beans
grapes, melons
Condiments & Sweeteners:
+ Corn, beets, carrots, potatoes (all varieties)
+ White sugar, brown sugar, fructose
+ Canned fruit, most canned vegetables
+ High-fructose corn syrup
+ Jams and jellies
+ Agave, honey, maple syrup
Beverages: + Sucralose
+ Soy milk
Fats & Oils:
+ Juices
+ Margarine and trans fat
+ Full-sugar sodas and sports drinks
+ Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated
+ Alcoholic beverages containing carbs
oils: peanut, canola, vegetable, soybean
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