Huffman Coding Technique For Image Compression: ISSN:2320-0790

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COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 4 (4), April-2015 (Volume-IV, Issue-IV)


Huffman Coding Technique for Image Compression

Prof. A. A. Shaikh1, Prof. P. P. Gadekar2
P. Dr. V. Vikhe Patil Institute of Technology and Engineering (polytechnic), Pravaranagar

Abstract: Image compression is one of the most important steps in image transmission and storage. “A picture is
worth more than thousand words “is a common saying. Images play an indispensable role in representing vitalin
formation and needs to be saved for further use or can be transmitted over a medium. In order to have efficient
utilization of disk space and transmission rate, images need to be compressed. Image compression is the technique of
reducing the file size of a image without compromising with the image quality at acceptable level. Image
compression is been used from a long time and many algorithms have been devised. In this paper we have converted
an image into an array using Delphi image control tool. An algorithm is created in Delphi to implement Huffman
coding method that removes redundant codes from the image and compresses a BMP image file (especially gray
scale image) and it is successfully reconstructed. This reconstructed image is an exact representation of the original
because it is loss less compression technique.

Keywords: Huffman, JPEG, GIF, BMP, Compression, loss

1. INTRODUCTION principal approach in data compression is the

A. Need Of Image Compression reduction of the amount of image data (bits) while
The change from the cine film to digital methods of preserving information (image details).
image exchange and archival is primarily motivated If lossy compression has been used (a JPEG file), it
by the ease and flexibility of handling digital image will be about 50 Kbytes. The download time for
information instead of the film media. While these three equivalent files are 142 seconds, 71
preparing this step and developing standards for seconds, and 12 seconds, respectively which is a
digital image communication, one has to make huge difference .JPEG is the best choice for digitized
absolutely sure that also the image quality of photographs, while GIF is used with drawn images,
coronary angiograms and ventriculograms is such as company logos that have large areas of a
maintained or improved. Similar requirements exist single color.
also in echocardiography.
B. How an Image Is Stored
Regarding image quality, the most critical step in Considering a black and white image, it can be
going from the analog world (cine film or high assumed to be made up of many pixels of different
definition live video in the catheterization laboratory) shades of gray which have a number value
to the digital world is the digitization of the signals. corresponding to the brightness or darkness of the
For this step, the basic requirement of maintaining shade. Black is 0, white is 255, and all the numbers in
image quality is easily translated into two basic between are shades of gray. So, each pixel is coded
quantitative parameters: as some integer from 0 to 255. To encode these
integers are encoded using binary bit string. The
 The rate of digital image data transfer or data maximum number of bits needed to code any number
rate (Megabit per second or Mb/s) between 0 and 255 is 8. Bits will appear in the
 The total amount of digital storage required or following form using binary code:
data capacity (Megabyte or MByte). 00000000

Computer technology, however, provides flexible This 8-bit representation will code integer 0.
principles for processing large amounts of Similarly 11111111 will code integer 255. As we
information. Among the algorithms available is move from right to left in a string the significance of
image data reduction or ‘image compression’. The that bit becomes twice. Thus the LSB holds a value

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 4 (4), April-2015 (Volume-IV, Issue-IV)

20(=1), similarly the nest LSB holds a value 21(=2) changes of brightness more sharply than those of
and so on. Thus the MSB will hold a value 27(=128). color, by averaging or dropping some of the
So, the 8-bit representation of 153 wouldlook likes chrominance information in the image.
this…  Transform coding. This is the most commonly
used method. In particular, a Fourier-related
142 = 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 transform such as the Discrete Cosine Transform
(DCT) is widely used: N. Ahmed, T. Natarajan
128 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 0 = 142 and K.R.Rao, "Discrete Cosine Transform,"
IEEE Trans. Computers, 90-93, Jan. 1974. The
So, now we are able to encode these images using 8- DCT is sometimes referred to as "DCT-II" in the
bit representations of each pixel to code for a specific context of a family of discrete cosine transforms;
shade of gray. Now, once we have coded this image e.g., see discrete cosine transform. The more
using this method, image compression is utilized in recently developed wavelet transform is also
order to reduce the size of the image down so that used extensively, followed by quantization and
fewer bits per pixel are used in the coding of the entropy coding.
image. The idea behind image compression is to use
the fewest possible bits per pixel to code the image  Fractal compression.
while still having a compressed image comparable to
the original image. 2. HUFFMAN CODING
Proposed by Dr. David A. Huffman in 1952. A
Image compression may be lossy or lossless. Lossless method for the construction of minimum redundancy
compression is preferred for archival purposes and code. Huffman code is a technique for compressing
often for medical imaging, technical drawings, clip data. Huffman's greedy algorithm looks at the
art, or comics. Lossy compression methods, occurrence of each character and it as a binary string
especially when used at low bit rates, introduce in an optimal way. Huffman coding is a form of
compression artifacts. Lossy methods are especially statistical coding which attempts to reduce the
suitable for natural images such as photographs in amount of bits required to represent a string of
applications where minor (sometimes imperceptible) symbols. The algorithm accomplishes its goals by
loss of fidelity is acceptable to achieve a substantial allowing symbols to vary in length. Shorter codes are
reduction in bit rate. The lossy compression that assigned to the most frequently used symbols, and
produces imperceptible differences may be called longer codes to the symbols which appear less
visually lossless. frequently in the string (that's where the statistical
part comes in). Code word lengths are no longer
C. Loss And Lossless Compression fixed like ASCII .Code word lengths vary and will be
Methods for lossless image compression are: shorter for the more frequently used characters.
 Run-length encoding – used as default method in
 Area image compression CODING
 DPCM and Predictive Coding Following steps describes working and algorithm for
 Entropy encoding Huffman coding.
 Adaptive dictionary algorithms such as LZW – 1. Read a BMP image using image box control in
used in GIF and TIFF Delphi language. The T Image control can be used to
display a graphical image-Icon (ICO), Bitmap
 Deflation – used in PNG, MNG, and TIFF
(BMP), Metafile (WMF), GIF, JPEG, etc. This
 Chain codes
control will read an image and convert the mina text
Methods for loss compression:
2. Call a function that will Sort or prioritize
 Reducing the color space to the most common
characters based on frequency count of each
colors in the image. The selected colors are
characters in file.
specified in the color palette in the header of the
compressed image. Each pixel just references the 3. Call a function that will create an initial heap.Then
index of a color in the color palette, this method re heap that tree according to occurrence of each
node in the tree, lower the occurrence earlier it is
can be combined with dithering to avoid
attached in heap. Create a new node where the left
child is the lowest in the sorted list and the right is
 Chroma subsampling. This takes advantage of
the second lowest in the sorted list.
the fact that the human eye perceives spatial

COMPUSOFT, An international journal of advanced computer technology, 4 (4), April-2015 (Volume-IV, Issue-IV)

10. The original image is reconstructed i.e.

4. Build Huffman code tree based on prioritized list. decompression is d ne by using Huffman Decoding.
Chop-off those two elements in the sorted list as they
are now part of one node and add the probabilities. 11. Generate a tree equivalent to the encoding tree. If
The result is the probability for the new node. you know the Huffman code for some encoded data,
decoding may be accomplished by reading the
5. Perform insertion sort on the list with the new encoded data one bit at a time. Once the bits read
node. match a code for symbol, write out the symbol and
start collecting bits again.
6.Repeat STEPS 3, 4, 5 UNTIL you only have1 node
left. 12. Read input character wise and left to the tree until
last element is reached in the tree.
7. Perform a traver saloftree to generate code table.
This will determine code for each element of tree in 13. Output the character encodes in the leaf and
the followingway. returns to the root, and continues the step 12 until all
The code for each symbol may be obtained by the codes of corresponding symbols is known.
tracinga path to the symbol from the root of the tree.
A 1 is assigned for a branch in one direction and a 0 4. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
is assigned for a branch in the other direction. For Huffman coding suffers from the fact that the un
example a symbol which is reached by branch in compressed have some knowledge of the
gright twice, then left once may be represented by the probabilities of the symbolsin the compressed files
pattern '110'. The figure below depicts codes this can need more bit to encode the fileif this
fornodes of a sample tree. information is unavailable compressing the file
requirestwo passesfirst pass: find the frequency of
each symbol and construct the huffman tree second
pass: compress the file. This image compression
method is well suited for gray scale (black and white)
bit map images .This method can beimproved using
adaptive Huffman coding technique that is
anextension to Huffman coding.

8. Once a Huffman tree is built, Canonical Huffman [1] J. Ziv and A. Lempel, ``Compression of
codes, which require less information to rebuild, may Individual Sequences Via Variable-Rate Coding,''
be generated by the following steps: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 24,
pp. 530--536, 1978.
Step 1.Rememberthelengthsofthecodesresultingfrom [2] Chiu-Yi Chen; Yu-Ting Pai; Shanq-Jang Ruan,
a Huffman tree generated perabove. Low Power Huffman Coding for HighPerformance
Step 2. Sort the symbols to be encoded by the Data Transmission, International Conference on
lengths of their codes (use symbol value Hybrid Information Technology, 2006, 1(9-11),
to break ties). 2006 pp.71 – 77.
Step 3. Initialize the current code to all zeros and [3] Lakhani, G, Modified JPEG Huffman coding,
assign code values to symbols from longest to IEEETransactions Image Processing, 12(2),2003 pp.
shortest code as follows: 159 – 169.
A. If the current code length is greater than the [4] Rudy Rucker, "Mind Tools", Houghton
length of the code for the current symbol , MifflinCompany,1987
right shift off the extra bits. Assign the code [5] J. Ziv and A. Lempel, ``A Universal Algorithm
to the current symbol. for Sequential Data Compression,'' IEEE
B. Increment the code value. Transactions On Information Theory, Vol. 23, pp.
C. Get the symbol with the next longest code. 337--342, 1977.
D. Repeat from Auntil all symbols are assigned [6] T. A. Welch, ``A Technique for High-
codes. Performance Data Compression,'' Computer, pp. 8--
9. Encoding Data- Once a Huffman code has been 18, 1984
generated, data may be encoded simply by replacing
each symbol with its code.


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