Mrs. Mariotti: Meet The Teacher
Mrs. Mariotti: Meet The Teacher
Mrs. Mariotti: Meet The Teacher
Mrs. Mariotti
About Me
• 6 glue sticks
• 2 packs of #2 pencils
• Pencil box
• 2 boxes of crayons
• sticks,
6 glue 1 box 2ofpacks #2 pencils, pencil box, 2 boxes crayons (24 or
less),• 1 box of black
3 thin tissue,dry
3 black
expodry erase markers (thin), pencil
• Pencil
erasers, 1 highlighter,
erasers scissors, 1 composition book, (4) 70 page
• 1 highlighter
single-subject spiral notebooks, $10 donation for Scholastic Reading
• Scissors
Subscription (physical & digital copies) (to be paid online, information
• available
will be at a later
1 composition date)
• 4 70 page single-subject spiral notebooks
• $10.00 donation for Scholastic Reading
Subscription (to be paid online, more
information to come).
We will be using most, but possibly not all of these supplies while virtually
learning. It would be best for them to have them all by the end of the first
week of school. We will be using all the supplies listed if we are able to return
to in-person instruction.
Thank you so much for supporting your student and our class.
Mrs. Mariotti
Informational Letter
Dear Families,
I know this school year is not beginning how we would have hoped, but I promise to still
make this year enjoyable for your children, help them to grow academically, and still
incorporate that social interaction they need. I am looking forward to exploring all of the
great learning experiences technology has to offer.
My goal is to have very little responsibility fall on the family members of the students. I plan
to provide direct instruction and examples, so students will know how to do the
assignments. I will also have times to be live on Zoom to provide support for them during
the school day. I will demonstrate how to access their assignments on Schoology and how
to join the Zoom meetings on their own as well.
I completely understand the problems that arise with joining meetings and completing
assignments during the workday. I will be live a few times every day (see the daily schedule
page). Ideally, they would be live on the Morning Meeting session each day, the Social
Emotional session each day, and for their Small Group Session (I will send out more
information on groups when the time comes). It is okay if your student is only able to attend
when they can, or not attend if it is not possible. I will not be able to have live sessions after
the workday ends at 4:02 pm, but I will have the important information recorded to be
watched at any time of day. Learning activities can be done at any time as well. I suggest
keeping up daily though. You can view the Schoology Information page for information on
assignments and grading. Please let me know your circumstances if your student is not able
to join Zoom or complete activities on certain days.
All information will be on Schoology, but I will also be utilizing Remind (see Remind page) to
send out important reminders, because I know most email inboxes are overflowing. If you
would like to contact me, please use email to get the quickest response. I will do my very
best to make this learning experience as smooth and as stress free as possible for all. I
promise to be there for you and your children both, emotionally and academically. Always
feel free to let me know how you are feeling, let me know your concerns, or ask any
questions you may have.
Please use a Google Chrome Browser to ensure all links will open. I will have the detailed tutorials for
parent accounts and student accounts in the “Open House Materials” folder.
• Each day I will open a folder for that day including all of
video lessons the activities for each subject.