Mrs. Mariotti: Meet The Teacher

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Meet the Teacher

Mrs. Mariotti
About Me

My husband and I grew up in New Baltimore together, graduated from Anchor

Bay Schools, and now live by the lake with our two dogs, MJ (left) and Maisey
(right), one cat (Milo), and one fish (Night Fury). I love going for walks,
swimming in the lake, watching movies with my family, and reading books in a
comfy spot with a mug of green tea. I graduated from Oakland University, and I
have taught 7th Grade, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and now 2nd Grade.
I love teaching and making learning fun.
It brings me joy to see my students enjoy school and grow!

Dear Students, Some of My Favorite Things

I can’t wait to meet some of you, see some Food: Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo
of you again, and get to know some of you Candy: Dark Chocolate
better! We are going to be working hard, Drink: Green Tea and Diet Coke
learning a lot, and having fun together. It is Color: Teal
going to be a great school year. Animal: Sloth
Sport: Swimming
Sincerely, Book: After the Fall by Dan Santat
Mrs. Mariotti

Any time: M-F 4:00-4:30pm: (586) 725-2038
Ext. 3105
2nd Grade Supply List

• 6 glue sticks
• 2 packs of #2 pencils
• Pencil box
• 2 boxes of crayons
• sticks,
6 glue 1 box 2ofpacks #2 pencils, pencil box, 2 boxes crayons (24 or
less),• 1 box of black
3 thin tissue,dry
3 black
expodry erase markers (thin), pencil
• Pencil
erasers, 1 highlighter,
erasers scissors, 1 composition book, (4) 70 page
• 1 highlighter
single-subject spiral notebooks, $10 donation for Scholastic Reading
• Scissors
Subscription (physical & digital copies) (to be paid online, information
• available
will be at a later
1 composition date)
• 4 70 page single-subject spiral notebooks
• $10.00 donation for Scholastic Reading
Subscription (to be paid online, more
information to come).

We will be using most, but possibly not all of these supplies while virtually
learning. It would be best for them to have them all by the end of the first
week of school. We will be using all the supplies listed if we are able to return
to in-person instruction.

Thank you so much for supporting your student and our class.

Mrs. Mariotti
Informational Letter
Dear Families,
I know this school year is not beginning how we would have hoped, but I promise to still
make this year enjoyable for your children, help them to grow academically, and still
incorporate that social interaction they need. I am looking forward to exploring all of the
great learning experiences technology has to offer.

My goal is to have very little responsibility fall on the family members of the students. I plan
to provide direct instruction and examples, so students will know how to do the
assignments. I will also have times to be live on Zoom to provide support for them during
the school day. I will demonstrate how to access their assignments on Schoology and how
to join the Zoom meetings on their own as well.

I completely understand the problems that arise with joining meetings and completing
assignments during the workday. I will be live a few times every day (see the daily schedule
page). Ideally, they would be live on the Morning Meeting session each day, the Social
Emotional session each day, and for their Small Group Session (I will send out more
information on groups when the time comes). It is okay if your student is only able to attend
when they can, or not attend if it is not possible. I will not be able to have live sessions after
the workday ends at 4:02 pm, but I will have the important information recorded to be
watched at any time of day. Learning activities can be done at any time as well. I suggest
keeping up daily though. You can view the Schoology Information page for information on
assignments and grading. Please let me know your circumstances if your student is not able
to join Zoom or complete activities on certain days.

All information will be on Schoology, but I will also be utilizing Remind (see Remind page) to
send out important reminders, because I know most email inboxes are overflowing. If you
would like to contact me, please use email to get the quickest response. I will do my very
best to make this learning experience as smooth and as stress free as possible for all. I
promise to be there for you and your children both, emotionally and academically. Always
feel free to let me know how you are feeling, let me know your concerns, or ask any
questions you may have.

Sincerely, Important Dates

First Day Zoom: Tuesday, September 8th at 9:11 - Textbooks and Activities Pick
Alexis Mariotti 10:00 am Zoom, 10:00am-12:40 pm will be time Up: Thursday, Sept. 10th from
for families to get comfortable with Schoology. 9:30-11:00 am at door #7 (by
Email: the first grade hallway at the
2U5SENrdXBIUWhwT09FN201MVJKdz09 back of the building)
Phone: M-F 4:00-4:30pm Meeting ID: 874 7963 0375
(586) 725-2038 Ext. 3105 Passcode: learn
Join Remind for important reminders from me. If you want to
make sure I respond quickly, please use my email to contact me.
Thank you!
Daily Schedule
For our daily routine, we will generally follow this schedule. Things may need to be adjusted
as time goes on. Your student may finish the activities sooner than the allotted work time,
but it should never take longer. You do not have to follow this schedule. The live Zoom
meeting times will stay the same every day, but they can watch the recorded lessons and do
the activities at any time of day.
Every time you see Zoom-the same Meeting ID, Link, and Passcode will be used to join.
Meeting ID: 874 7963 0375
Passcode: learn

9:00-9:10 am Have a white board, marker, eraser, and Daily Journal

(composition notebook) ready and connect to Zoom
9:11-9:25 am Zoom Morning Meeting

9:25-9:45 am View recorded literacy lesson

9:45-10:40 am Work on the literacy activity/ Zoom teacher tutoring and small
group time
10:40-11:00 am Break
11:00-11:20 am View recorded Number Corner lesson
11:20-11:45 am Work on the Number Corner activity/ Zoom teacher tutoring
and small group time
11:45-12:25 pm Lunch
12:25-12:45 pm View recorded Bridges lesson
12:45-1:10 pm Work on the Bridges Activity/ Zoom teacher tutoring and small
group time
1:10-1:40 pm Zoom Social Emotional Time
1:40-2:00 pm View recorded Writing lesson
2:00-2:55 pm Work on the writing activity/ Zoom teacher tutoring and
small group time
2:55-3:15 pm Break
3:15-4:02 pm Specials
Schoology Information
How to Log Students On
1. Go to
2. Go to the “Covid-19” tab and click “Schoology for Students”
3. Follow the directions using student email address that end in “” and
password “Student20”.

Please use a Google Chrome Browser to ensure all links will open. I will have the detailed tutorials for
parent accounts and student accounts in the “Open House Materials” folder.

What to Look For

Everything can be found under the
“Materials” tab in my Schoology course.

• I will have an Open House Materials folder which will hold

all of the class information in it and some tutorials for using

• Each day I will open a folder for that day including all of
video lessons the activities for each subject.

• There will be an assignment for reading, writing, and math

that will be posted to do during the Friday work times that
your student will need to complete independently (so I can
gauge their level and provide appropriate feedback) and
submitted through Schoology by Sunday evening.

Tentative Plan for Assignments and Grading

• K-2nd Grade grading is based on assessments done prior to report cards each quarter. We do many
learning activities to help prepare them for the assessments. It is subject to change, but at this time we
will not be doing any official or graded assessments before reevaluation on October 5th. Student
attendance and grade will be participation based.
• You will receive subject folders with supplemental practice sheets and textbooks for the students. We
may or may not get to all the activities. Please do not work ahead on them. I will be teaching lessons to
cover important concepts and modeling how to complete the worksheets. Science and social studies
will be integrated into reading and writing in our schedule.
• As students complete the activities, have them put them right back into the same folder. I will be
collecting all completed work after the reevaluation on October 5th, so please keep all materials in a
safe place.
• At the end of each week, starting the week of the 14 th, the students will independently complete an
assignment for literacy, writing, and math, and I will provide feedback. I will allow them to be
completed over the weekend as well and be due on Sunday night at 11:55 pm.
Zoom Meeting Expectations
Find a quiet place at home with
no distractions, so you can
focus, and gather all of your
needed materials.

Join class a few minutes early

to make sure you can connect
and have your sound and video
working. Set your name to your
first name only.

There is a time for playing and a

time for learning, please do not
have any toys near you while You may have a water bottle by
we learn. you, but please do not eat any
food or snacks during live
Our meetings are for second
graders in our class, please do
not have siblings sitting close Stay on speaker view, stay
by. muted, and raise your hand if
you would like to speak.

Have good listening ears,

Thank you for helping create a
participate, stay on task, and nice online learning environment!
always give your best effort. ~ Mrs. Mariotti

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