WISC-III and Wppsi-R Assessment: Alan Kaufman Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger

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of WISC-III and

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Alan s. Kaufman
Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger
WPPSI-R Interpretive Worksheet

STEP I: Interpret the WPPSI-R Full Scale IQ

Confidence Interval
90% or 95% (circle one)

STEP 2: Is the WPPSI-R Verbal IQ Versus Performance IQ Discrepancy Significant?

Significant Significant Not Is there a significant

V IQ P-IQ Difference (p < .01) (p < .05) Significant difference?

15 or more

STEP 2 Decision Box

If the answer to Step 2 is NO, there is not a significant ~J First explain the meaning of the scales not being significantly
difference between the V IQ and P-IQ. different. Then Skip to STEP 4.

If the answer to Step 2 is YES, there is a significant b Continue on to STEP 3.

difference between the V IQ and P-IQ.

STEP 3: Is the WPPSI-R Y IQ Versus P-IQ Discrepancy Abnormally Large?

V IQ vs. P-IQ Percentage of Normal Size of V IQ vs. P-IQ Is there an abnormally large
Discrepancy Children Showing Discrepancy Needed to Be V IQ vs. P-IQ discrepancy
Discrepancy Considered Abnormally Large (at least 20 pts)?

Extreme 15% 20 YES NO

Extreme 10% 22
Extreme 5% 2G
Extreme 2% ~2
Extreme 1% 36
STEP 3 Decision Box

If ANY abnormal differences then this abnormally large discrepancy Explain the abnormally large Verbal
are found b shouldbe interpreted, every if significant and Performance differences. Then go
subtest scatter exists (Step 4). to STEP 5.

I£ NO abnormal difference then you must determine if the noted Review subtest scatter examined in
are found significant differences between V IQ and Step 4 prior to making global
P-IQ are interpretable. interpretations.

STEP 4: Is the WPPSI-R Verbal Versus Pierlormance I Q Discrepancy Interpretable?

A. Is there abnormal Verbal scatter?

High Scaled Score Low Scaled Score High-Low Abnormal Not Is there
of S V I Q Subtests of 5 V IQ Subtests Difference Scatter Abnormal abnormal scatter?

7 or more 0-G

B. Is there abnormal Performance scatter? b

High Scaled Score Low Scaled Score High-Low Abnormal Not Is there
of 5 P-IQ Subtests of 5 P-IQ Subtests Difference Scatter Abnormal abnormal scatter?
8 or more 0-7 ~S NO

STEP 4 Decision Box

If the answers to both STEP 4 then V-IQ versus P-IQ discrepanry is Explain the meaningful difference between
questions (A and B) are NO interpretable. V IQ and P-IQ. Then go to STEP 5.

If the answers to either STEP 4 then the V-IQ versus P-IQ difference Examine the strengths and weaknesses in
question (A or B) are YES should probably not be interpreted. STEP 5.
Note: If there is a tign~cant dsfference between the component parts of the Full Scale IQ (i.e., the Verbal IQ and the Performance IQ or signifi-
cant subtest scatter), the Full Scale IQ should nooee interpreted as a meaningful representation of the individual's overall performance.

STEP 5: Interpret Significant Strengths and Weaknesses of WPPSI-R Profile


0-19 Then use mean of all subtests administered.' b Overall Mean Rounded Mean

mean of all Verbal subtests b Verbal Subtests'

administered.' Mean Rounded Mean
20 or more Then use and ako use

mean of all Performance subtests b Performance

administered.' Subtests' Mean I Rounded Mean

'After calculating means, round to the nearest whole numbeL

Size of DiBernce
Scaled Rounded Needed for Strength or Weakness Percentile Rank
Verbal Subtext Score Mean Difference" Significance (S or W) (seeTable 4.5)
Information ±3
Comprehension ±3
- - -
Arithmetic ±3
Vocabulary ±3
- -
Similarities ±3
Sentences ±3

Performance Subtext

Object Assembly ±4
Geometric Design ±3
Block Design ±3
Mazes -. ±4
Picture Completion
- ±3
Animal Pegs I - ±4
Difference = subtext scaled score minus appropriate rounded mean.

STEP 6: Generating Hypotheses About Strengths and Weaknesses

Review information presented on pages - , which details how to reorganize subtext profiles to systematically generate hypothe-
ses about strengths and weaknesses.

Note. V-IQ = Verbal IQ; P-IQ = Performance IQ.

Appendix C
WISC-111 Interpretive Worksheet

STEP I: I nterpret the WISC-III Full Scale IQ

Scale IQ 90% Confidence Interval Percentile Descriptive Category

Full Scale
Ve rbal

STEP 2: Is theVerbal I Q versus Performance IQ Discrepancy Significant?

V IQ P-IQ Difference Significant Significant Not Is there a significant

(Q < .01) (p < ,05) Significant difference?

15 or more 11-14 0-10 YES NO

STEP 2 Decision Box
If the answer to Step 2 is NO, there is not a significant ~ First explain the meaning of the scales not being significantly
difference between the V-IQ and P-IQ. different. Then Skip to STEP 4.

If the answer to Step 2 is YES, there is a significant b Continue on to STEP 3.

difference between the V IQ and P-IQ.

STEP 3A: Is WISC-111 Verbal Versus Performance IQ Discrepancy Interpretable? Or ShouldYou I nterpret the
Verbal Comprehension and Perceptual Organization Indexes?

A. Is there a significant difference between the Verbal Comprehension and Freedom from Distractibility indexes?
Significant Significant Is there a significant
VCI FDI Difference (p < ,01) (p < ,05) Not Significant difference?

17 or more I 16-13 0-12 YES NO

B. Is there abnormal scatter on the Verbal Scale?
High Scaled Score Low Scaled Score High-Low Abnormal Is there abnormal
of 5 V IQ Subtests of 5 V IQ Subtests Difference Scatter Not Abnormal scatter?
~or more 0-G I YES NO
C. Is there a significant difference between the Perceptual Organization and Processing Speed indexes?
Significant Significant Is there a significant
POI PSI Difference (p < ,01) (p < ,05) Not Significant difference?

19 or more 0-14 YES NO

High Scaled Score Low Scaled Score of High-Low
of 5 P-IQ Subtests 5 P-IQ Subtests Difference Abnormal Scatter Not Abnormal Is there abnormal scatter?


STEP 3 Decision Box

If the answers to ALL STEP 3 ~ then V-IQ versus P-IQ discrepancy is p Explain the meaningful difference between
questions above (A, B, C, and D) are NO interpretable. V-IQ and P-IQ. Then go to STEP 4.

If the answers to one or more questions then the V-IQ versus P-IQ difference Examine VCI versus POI discrepancy in
in STEP 3 are YES should probably not be interpreted. the continuation section of STEP 3.
STEP 3B: IsThere a Significant Difference Between the Verbal Comprehension and Perceptual
Organization Indexes?

VCI POI Difference Significant Significant

(p<.01) (p<.05) Not Significant Is there a significant difference?

A. Is there significant scatter in Verbal Comprehension subtests?

High Scaled Score Low Scaled Score of High-Low Scaled
of 4VCI Subtests 4VC1 Subtests Score Difference Abnormal Scatter Not Abnormal Is there abnormal scatter?

7 or more 0-6 YES NO

B. Is there significant scatter in Perceptual Organization subtests?
High Scaled Score Low Scaled Score of High-Low Scaled
of 4 POI Subtests 4 POI Subtests Score Difference Abnormal Scatter Not Abnormal Is there abnormal scatter?

8 or more ~ 0-7 YES NO

STEP 3 (continued) Decision Box
If there is not significant scatter in then VCI versus POI discrepancy is interpretable. Explain the meaningful difference
either the POI or VCI subtests b between VCI and POI and go to
If there is significant scatter in then the VCI versus POI discrepancy should Do not interpret VCI versus POI
either the POI or VCI subtests b probably not be interpreted. b difference and go to Step 4.
Note• If there is a .rign~cant difference between the component parts of the Full Scale IQ (.e., the Verbal IQ and the Performance IQ-examined
in Step for the Verbal Comprehension Index and the Perceptual Organization Index-examined in Step 3) or if there is significant scatter
between the subtests, the Full Scale IQ should not be interpreted as a meaningful representation of the individual's overall performance.
STEP 4: Is the WISC-III V IQ Versus P-IQ or VCI Versus POI Discrepancy Abnormally Large?

Percentage of Normal Size ofV I Q vs. P-IQ Is there an abnormally large

V IQ vs. P-IQ Children Showing Discrepancy Needed to Be V IQ vs. P-IQ discrepancy
Discrepancy Discrepancy Considered Abnormally Large (at least 1 9pts)?

Extreme 15% 19-21 YES NO

Extreme 10% 22-24
Extreme 2% 25-29
Extreme 2% 30-31
Extreme 1% 32 and above

Percentage of Normal Size ofVCl vs. POI Is there an abnormally large

VCI vs. POI Children Showing Discrepancy Needed to Be VCI vs. POI discrepancy
Discrepancy Discrepancy Considered Abnormally Large (at least 1 9pts)?

Extreme 15% 19-21 YES NO

Extreme 10% 22_25
Extreme 2% 26-29
Extreme 2% 30-32
Extreme 1% 33 and above

If ANY abnormal differences then this abnormally large discrepancy should Explain the abnormally large Verbal
are found ~ be interpreted, even if the differences were and Performance differences. 'Then go to
found uninterpretable in STEP 3. STEP 5.
If NO abnormal differences then you must deternne if the noted significant Review subtest scatter and
are found ~ differences between V-IQ and P-IQ or VCI and discrepancies between indexes examined
POI are interpretable. in Step 3 prior to malting global

STEP 5: Interpret the Meaning of WISC-III Global Verbal/Nonverbal and Small Factors

Study the information and procedures presented in Chapter 4. The rules below help to determine whether the FDI and PSI have too much
scatter to permit meaningful interpretation of these indexes.
1. Is Freedom from Distractibility Index interpretable?
Arithmetic Digit Span Difference Abnormal Scatter Not Abnormal Is there abnormal scatter?

4 or more 0-3 YES NO

2. Is Processing Speed Index interpretable?

Symbol Search Coding Difference Abnormal Scatter Not Abnormal Is there abnormal scatter?

4 or more 0-3 YES

STEP 6: Interpret Significant Strengths and Weaknesses of WISC-III Profile

0-18 Then use b mean of all subtests administered.' b Overall Mean Rounded Mean

mean of all Verbal subtests Verbal Subtests'

administered.' Mean Rounded Mean
19 or more Then use and aLco use

mean of all Performance subtests Performance

administered.' Subtests' Mean Rounded Mean

'After calculating means, round to the nearest whole number.

Verbal Scaled Rounded Size of Difference Strength or Weakness Percentile Rank

Subtest Score Mean Differenceb Needed for Significance (S or W) (seeTable 4.5)
Information ±3
Similarities +3
Arithmetic ±3
Vocabulary ±3
Comprehension ±4
Digit Span ±4

Verbal Scaled Rounded Size of Difference Strength or Weakness Percentile Rank

Subtest Score Mean Difference e Needed for Significance (S or W) (see Table 4.5)

Picture ±4

Coding ±5

Picture ±4

Block Design ±4

Object ±4

Symbol Search I I I I ±4

bDifference = subtest scaled score minus appropriate rounded mean.

STEP 7: Generating Hypotheses About Strengths and Weaknesses

Review information presented on pages - which details how to reorganize subtest profiles to systematically generate
hypotheses about strengths and weaknesses.

Notes V-IQ = Verbal IQ; P-IQ = Performance IQ; VCI = Verbal Comprehension Index; POI = Perceptual Organization Index; FDI =
Freedom from Distractibility Index; PSI = Processing Speed Index.

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