Measurement: Mina Younan, Essam H. Houssein, Mohamed Elhoseny, Abdelmgeid A. Ali
Measurement: Mina Younan, Essam H. Houssein, Mohamed Elhoseny, Abdelmgeid A. Ali
Measurement: Mina Younan, Essam H. Houssein, Mohamed Elhoseny, Abdelmgeid A. Ali
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Physical world integration with cyber world opens the opportunity of creating smart environments; this
Received 1 May 2019 new paradigm is called the Internet of Things (IoT). Communication between humans and objects has
Received in revised form 8 August 2019 been extended into those between objects and objects. Industrial IoT (IIoT) takes benefits of IoT commu-
Accepted 21 October 2019
nications in business applications focusing in interoperability between machines (i.e., IIoT is a subset
Available online 30 October 2019
from the IoT). Number of daily life things and objects connected to the Internet has been in increasing
fashion, which makes the IoT be the dynamic network of networks. Challenges such as heterogeneity,
dynamicity, velocity, and volume of data, make IoT services produce inconsistent, inaccurate, incomplete,
Industrial IoT (IIoT)
Searching and indexing
and incorrect results, which are critical for many applications especially in IIoT (e.g., health-care, smart
Blockchain transportation, wearable, finance, industry, etc.). Discovering, searching, and sharing data and resources
Big data reveal 40% of IoT benefits to cover almost industrial applications. Enabling real-time data analysis, knowl-
Data fusion edge extraction, and search techniques based on Information Communication Technologies (ICT), such as
Machine learning data fusion, machine learning, big data, cloud computing, blockchain, etc., can reduce and control IoT and
Cloud and fog computing leverage its value. This research presents a comprehensive review to study state-of-the-art challenges
and recommended technologies for enabling data analysis and search in the future IoT presenting a
framework for ICT integration in IoT layers. This paper surveys current IoT search engines (IoTSEs) and
presents two case studies to reflect promising enhancements on intelligence and smartness of IoT appli-
cations due to ICT integration.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction WoT is called the future IoT. In brief, WSNs evolved into the IoT,
which then evolved into the WoT [6]. Heterogeneous IoT (HetIoT)
Components of the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) inte- [2] is a new paradigm for expressing that IoT is being employed
grated in daily life objects (e.g., lamb, car, persons, etc.) in order in numerous application areas, such as (environmental monitoring,
to give piece of information about their states on the Internet. This smart home, smart city, intelligent transportation, advanced
integration produces a new paradigm called the Internet of Things manufacturing, etc.) [7–10].
(IoT), which was originated for the first time by Kevin Ashton in Industry 4.0 or Industrial IoT (IIoT) expresses the industrial use
1999 [1]. Now the IoT becomes a technology of connecting every- cases applications of the IoT (e.g., tracking sales and goods for pre-
day things and objects to the Internet for monitoring, controlling, dicting future business issues), which means that IIoT is a subset of
and understanding their surrounding environment [2,3]. Heteroge- the IoT [11]. The term industry 4.0 is used to reflect economic
neous networking architectures (WSNs, Vehicular Networks, impact, while IIoT is used to reflect technological improve in indus-
Mobile Communication Networks, etc.) produce extra paradigms try. IIoT applications basis on how to utilize capabilities and facil-
such as Body Sensor Network (BSN) and Web of Things (WoT), ities of sensors communications to improve production processes
etc. The WoT relays on RESTful web services and web tools for in the industry, while IoT applications concentrate on enabling
enabling its users to get benefits of the IoT in a visual form [4,5]. its user to be in more comfortable environments (e.g., smart home)
[11]. Industry automation already includes devices communica-
tions, but IIoT takes benefits of IoT global connections in industrial
E-mail addresses: (M. Younan), applications. Sisinni et al. [11] summarize relation between IoT,
eg (E.H. Houssein), (M. Elhoseny), dr_abdelm- (A.A. Ali)
0263-2241/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 M. Younan et al. / Measurement 151 (2020) 107198
IIoT, Industry 4.0, and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) such as their benefits, ICT are required to be integrated in a form that
follows: enhance search and discovery services: This review presents gen-
- Industry 4.0 IIoT IoT. - Industry 4.0 = IIoT \ CPS. eral IoT architecture and main challenges on each layer discussing
IIoT focuses mainly on interoperability between manufacturing their root causes, surveys current research work on ICT in the IoT.
systems to trigger automation and synchronization for closed This paper surveys current IoT search engines (IoTSEs) and oppor-
ecosystems more rapidly. According to McKinsey [12,13], interoper- tunities to integrate ICT to enhance SThs search and discovery. Also
ability affects 40% from the IoT benefits. Machine learning, big data, it studies how IIoT applications (e.g., smart transportation and
fog computing, cloud computing, and blockchain technologies health-care) get benefits form ICT implementations. New research
enable IoT to build secure digital transformation blocks (i.e. trans- trends are discussed at the end of this review.
formational IoT). In this review, this composition of technologies The remainder of this article is ordered such as shown in Fig. 1.
(data science and information communication technologies) is Section 2 presents a literature review about scalability of the future
referred as (ICT). These technologies work together to fulfill poten- IoT and resulting big data followed by ICT implementations in the
tial of IoT for creating billions or trillions of dollars in business (i.e., IoT. Section 3 discusses the IoT architecture and highlights chal-
IIoT). The core of ICT integration in the IIoT is to allow gaining incred- lenges on each layer, while Section 4 reviews most relevant ICT
ible insights and decisions for enhancing manufacturing and pro- focusing on how they can be integrated to enhance the IoT. Section 5
duction processes. IIoT is sustained by machine learning and big studies thoroughly IoT search engines problems, current related
data, because it mainly depends on machine-to-machine communi- work, and suggested ICT enhancement to present search service
cations. Thus technologies that enable automated decision support for human and machine. Section 6 shows the impact of using ICT
and services like discovery, searching, and information exchange in the IoT on two case studies. Finally, future research directions
are recommended especially for the IIoT and generally for the IoT. are discussed in Section 7 followed by conclusion in Section 8.
Major challenge faces the IIoT is number of Smart Things (SThs),
which are in increasing fashion (exponential growth) [3,14] and 2. Literature review
expected to reach the order of billions in the next years.
There will be nearly 50 billion devices connected to the Internet The IIoT has become one of the key development technologies
[15,16], with a $14:4 trillion business opportunities in the industry that adds smartness to our business life. Major IIoT characteristics,
(according to Cisco Systems). Regardless of this increasing number but not limited, include large scale networks and applications,
of daily life heterogeneous objects, extra sensors and devices also devices and networks heterogeneity, huge number of connected
join the IoT in order to increase accuracy of sensed data, which devices, dynamic devices’ states and measurements, and resulting
results in big data streams. Answering real-time queries becomes massive data produced. Because heterogeneity and scalability are
challenging task; where IoT search engines (IoTSEs) fight against two faces for one coin, and the same for huge data and dynamicity
keeping indices as up-to-date as possible [3,17]. IoTSEs are essen- (i.e., real-time data streams), this section is organized into four
tial for the IIoT and IoT in order to reveal their potential in the con- subsections. First subsection discusses current studies on hetero-
sumer and industrial applications. IoTSE is studied in more details geneity of resources and scalability for enabling scalable IoT. Sec-
in this review. Because IIoT is a subset from the IoT, main architec- ond subsection presents current research work on IoT data
ture and challenges are clarified in general on the IoT. But regard- streams followed by discovery and search in the IoT. Fourth sub-
ing the IIoT, case studies are discussed in the field of health-care section surveys current ICT implementations in the IoT.
and smart transportation.
Therefore, the contribution of this paper is to present an 2.1. Heterogeneity and scalability
exhaustive overview for the future IoT and related challenges
shading the light on the required data science and information Scalability in IoT, for integrating everything into the Internet,
communication technologies (ICT) such as artificial intelligence, requires standardized communication protocols and new dis-
cloud computing, etc. Industrial IoT (IIoT) takes benefits of IoT in tributed and dynamic network models and topologies. Kyu Lee
business applications. Because IoT is inclusive than IIoT, almost et al. [14] present a review on the future IoT architecture for con-
work in this review on the architecture, challenges, and required nected exponential number of daily life objects to the IoT. They
services are common for the IoT and IIoT. For revealing most of highlight technical details of the IoT infrastructure (i.e., focusing
Table 1
A brief summary for most relevant research works.
on the network layer), clarify difficulty of using client-server model posed a framework for addressing real-time data stream analysis
in the future IoT, and discuss current research projects in Europe, gap using semantics. Wu et al. [29] proposed a framework called
Asia, and the United States. HSFRH-IoT for data retrieval from hybrid IoT storage based in
For enlarging applications scale in the IoT, authors in [18] study plug-in idea of integrating new formats definitions and rules for
challenges and opportunities to integrate data fusion in ubiquitous extracting common attributes, while, Guo et al. [31] proposed a
environments, while authors in [19] survey cloud and IoT integra- framework called Crowdsourcing Semantic Fusion (CSF), which
tion (i.e., CloudIoT) discussing main facing challenges such as implements semantic fusion on two levels (document level and
heterogeneity and security, they also recommend future search object level) for improving IoT media big data retrieval. Discussed
on some features such as efficiency of power consumption, storage, challenges were: (1) data providers (resources) heterogeneity, (2)
handling large volume of data, etc. storage heterogeneity (i.e., data formats), (3) multi-expression
Jabbar et al. [20] propose a semantic interoperability model (e.g., amounts of noise), and (4) dissemination socialization.
(IoT-SIM) for integrating heterogeneous IoT devices in health- Ahmed et al. [28] discussed big data requirements (connectiv-
care domain. Heterogeneity in the IoT means implementing differ- ity, storage, QoS, real-time analytics, and benchmark) and con-
ent communication protocols, data formats, and technologies. In cluded that IoT data become useless without analytics. Big data
their proposed framework, data analytics were applied on col- techniques are concentrated on data storage and processing ser-
lected datasets and transformed into Resource Description Frame- vices, while data analytics enable business decisions to be taken
work (RDF) to add semantics, where SPARQL was used as a query in different IoT applications such as smart transportation and
language. Montori et al. [21] propose an architecture for fusing smart home. They recommended implementing semantics and
heterogeneous data from multiple sources by generalizing com- applying seamless integration and interoperability for solving pro-
mon metadata in datasets, such as (stream id, stream name, geo- tocols’ heterogeneity. Babar and Arif [27] propose an architecture
localization, description, etc.) in JSON format from different data framework for smart transportation, which consists of three phases
sources (ThingSpeak and SparkFun). For the technical part, Park for real-time big data processing, first phase for filtering, reduction,
et al. [22] use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) profile adaptor for solv- and data transformation, second phase for processing and analyz-
ing communication interoperability among SThs based on dis- ing data. The third phase is for making decisions and managing
tributed data services middleware. events. Summary of research works that address real-time big data
Qiu et al. [2] describe future IoT with heterogeneity (HetIoT); in the IoT is shown in Table 1.
they discussed future IoT layers, related challenges and current solu-
tions. For enabling integration of heterogeneous computing and ser-
vices, Razzaque et al. [23] review existing middleware solutions 2.3. Discovery and search
called orchestrator and extract set of requirements, related to mid-
dleware services and infrastructure. Functional requirements for As mentioned above, communication between humans-
middleware services are: discovering and managing data, resources, machines in the IoT has been extended into those between
events, and codes, while nonfunctional requirements are: security, machines-machines [10]. Number of human users of the IoT will
ease-of development, integrity, availability, etc. The architectural be less than number of SThs [17]. The IoT uses web tools (i.e.,
requirements are: service-oriented, distributed, context-aware, WoT) to provide its users with abstract and summarized data
lightweight, and autonomous. A brief summary for some selected about SThs and Entities of Interests (EoIs) in visual forms in the
research works that address heterogeneity in the IoT is shown in real-time (i.e., using dynamic pages like AJAX pages) [38]. On the
Table 1. other hand, in the future IoT, machines will not wait to get instruc-
tions and information from its users, but it will take almost of their
2.2. Real-time data streams decisions in the real-time depending on decisions taken by other
machines. This recommends the future IoT to provide services for
IoT applications continuously enhance the connectivity of preparing and summarizing such huge and highly frequently data
objects which resulting in huge data streams. Tonjes et al. [37] pro- in a convenient form for heterogeneous SThs and EoIs. So doing
4 M. Younan et al. / Measurement 151 (2020) 107198
search and performing analytics on IoT data streams in the real- [61]: (a) data acquisition technologies (e.g., barcode, radio-
time becomes significant and challenging tasks [17,39]. frequency identification (RFID), etc.) and (b) networking tech-
Recently, some solutions were proposed for enhancing discov- nologies (e.g., Wi-Fi, ZigBee, etc.).
ery and search services in the IoT. Surveys [3,4,38,39] study current Lin et al. [62] survey IoT architecture and study the impact of
motivation scenarios, challenges, and presented solutions for fog computing on the IoT for decreasing response time required
searching and discovery problem in the IoT and the WoT. Research for accessing data from central cloud servers. They also pre-
works interested in presenting solutions in this area could be cat- sented an overview for security and privacy issues in the IoT.
egorized based on their goals into two main classes: (a) research For the same purpose, Information Flow of Things (IFoT) frame-
works propose new architectures for IoT and WoT search engines work was proposed in [63] for processing real-time IoT streams
(IoTSEs and WoTSEs), and (b) research works present some solu- depending on distributed components instead of the cloud.
tions for enhancing IoTSEs and WoTSEs performance [3]. Dyser Main challenges for real-time processing are timeliness and
[40], Shodan [41,42], SenseWeb [43], Thingful [44], IoT- huge data (i.e., require intelligent system for understanding
SVKSearch [45], Thingseek [46], WoTSF [17] are some examples contents). The research work [10] presents an overview for
of research works on IoTSE and WoTSEs architectures. Datta and the IoT discussing required hardware technologies for leverag-
Bonnet [47] propose a framework presents simple RESTful services ing the IoT connections from machine-to-human to machine-
for discovering and accessing indexed resources’ URIs. Research to-machine; where intelligent decisions control these
work [48–50] tackle problem of indexing large volume of data in connections.
the IoT. Truong et al. [51] propose a new method for searching Data Level. Most of surveys on the IoT concern with WSNs, IoT
for similar sensors based on their context. DiscoWoT [30] is a ser- architecture, applications, and security and privacy issues,
vice for discovering SThs written in multiple formats. For the same while few papers are on heterogeneity, data fusion, and context
purpose, other solutions like [52], which aggregates GPS data for awareness. Authors in [2] spot the light on data fusion, decision
estimating traffic state, could be integrated as well. making, energy consumption, and security issues as future
research trends for the future IoT. Integrating data fusion tech-
2.4. ICT implementations nology in the IoT can reduce networking traffic, energy con-
sumption, and enhance the accuracy of the results [15], and
In accordance with our knowledge, there is no research paper is results in optimizing the IoT performance [64]. Alam et al.
consecrated to survey the impact of integrating ICT in the IoT for [15] surveyed data fusion in the IoT, they discussed mathemat-
addressing challenges of the future IoT and enabling search and ical methods, IoT environments, opportunities, challenges, and
discovery services for SThs and resources. There are few research applications’ areas that could benefit from the data fusion. Pires
papers that present partial topics from ICT in the IoT (e.g., machine et al. [65] implemented data fusion techniques for identifying
learning implementation, utilization of big data tools in the IoT, mobile activities, they classified techniques into four types
etc.). Research work [53] presents a comprehensive survey on the and concluded that choice of best technique rely on types of
required technologies for sensing and networking layers (commu- sensors, data representation, and constraints of sensors and
nications, networking, etc.), and recommends services such as algorithms.
searching and discovery services for enabling and realizing scalable Bagley et al. [66] present a prototype for live video transmission
IoT in the future (discussed in more details in [54]). But they didn’t via distributed data service (DSS) middleware highlighting
mention the ICT and their impact on the future IoT. They shaded importance of existence of such services in the future IoT, espe-
the light on two main challenging issues: IoT network size and net- cially for smart transportation applications. DSS provides a solid
works coexistence (i.e., network heterogeneity) and recommended bridge for heterogeneous platforms and applications. Medjahed
using standardized approaches for enabling global identity and dis- et al. [67] propose a tele-monitoring system called EMUTEM for
covery for things and services in secure manners. elderly people, which implements multi-modal fusion based on
Automatic discovery and search for IoT data and resources in fuzzy logic in order to increase system accuracy and robustness.
the real-time are key services that future IoT should provide They use fuzzy logic, because (1) it deals with imprecision and
[17,54,55]. Most of industrial applications in IIoT usually require uncertainty, (2) has a wide range of operators, and (3) works on
automated decision support. Thus ICT [56] based computational numeric and symbolic computations. Khaleghi et al. [68] pro-
intelligence such as data fusion [15,57], machine learning [58], pose an IoT system in the field of fish farming industry, which
data mining [59], cloud computing [60], context aware computing optimizes data fusion values by using maximum likelihood esti-
[16], etc. would have a major impact on the future IoT. These tech- mation. Authors in [51] propose a framework using fuzzy logic
nologies enable dealing with the massively produced and fre- for searching for similar sensors that produce similar readings.
quently changed data, in order to achieve the open IoT Authors in [59] present a survey for discussing data mining
ecosystem of heterogeneous systems and platforms (i.e., a fully technologies in the IoT (clustering, classification, and pattern
integrated system of systems that capable of making real-time mining). They also conclude that integration of cloud comput-
decisions). ing, big data, and smart grid with the IoT increase life smartness
Because ICT enable interoperability at device and application and partially solve problem of increasing number of devices
levels [6,56], ICT could be organized into two levels: (a) infrastruc- connected and their data produced. Data fusion, filtering,
ture level, for enabling devices communication and information abstraction, compression, summarization, prediction are hot
exchange, and (b) data level, for understanding and extracting research issues, also technologies of incremental learning and
knowledge data in the real-time for making decisions and controls. data securing have a critical impact on the future IoT. Authors
in [33] recommended using middleware solutions for managing
Infrastructure Level. Authors in [6], discuss IoT layers and context in the IoT.
required technologies for devices identification and communi-
cation (i.e., on the hardware level). Also, they recommended To sum up, all research works discussed in this section reflect
factors such as energy, latency, topology, scalability, security, the importance of ICT integration in the IoT to build a new vision
and throughput to be considered in the future IoT architecture. for the future IoT concentrating on how the IoT architecture should
For the IoT architecture (i.e., Hardware technologies for sensing be to enhance services it presents in order to face incremental chal-
and networking layers), there are two types of technologies lenges on SThs and data levels. Standardization in the future IoT
M. Younan et al. / Measurement 151 (2020) 107198 5
should be enhanced [53], because it eases extensibility and inter- and places. Implementing some technologies for filtering and
operability between SThs. Also sharing context information taking fusing sensed data and reduces power consumption for sending
benefits of the cloud computing and edge computing eases mobil- data to fog and cloud servers [15].Cloud capabilities enable data
ity and transition between SThs and can aide in reducing additional providers in the IoT to store massive information and perform
costs and efforts for deploying and managing extra SThs. Enabling analysis, and decisions making tasks. Fog layer decreases dis-
extensible context awareness makes the IoT loosely coupled. Sum- tance between SThs and the cloud. AI is required for the IIoT,
mary of research works that implement or recommend some of ICT which mainly basis on interoperability between SThs for
for the future IoT is shown in Table 1. On the light of this study, this enabling automated decisions support.
review puts an initial vision for ICT integration to serve IoTSEs to Networking layer, where some protocols, such as IPv6 over Low
crawl, index and search IoT data in the real-time (details in power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LowPAN), Z-wave,
Section 5). etc. are used for securing communications in the IoT [61,62].
Network topologies or models (e.g., star, scale-free, etc.) are
3. The future IoT implemented to transmit data to the third layer (cloud layer)
through sink nodes. This layer should provide best topologies
The IoT has many definitions, in general, The IoT could be for covering different areas. Power consumption also relays on
defined as a dynamic network of networks, where sensors and the implemented topology. Transmission bandwidth should be
actuators allow states of things (e.g. persons, objects, etc.) they balanced with network performance, resources consumption,
attached to be monitored and controlled through the Internet and reality of sensed data for recording data on the cloud. Such
[38]. In brief, the attached sensors and actuators add smartness challenges require implementing machine learning and big data
to ordinary things and their environments to be SThs and intelli- technologies for classifying sensed data and determining the
gent spaces [59]. Functionalities of SThs could be abstracted as ser- main critical events that need to be scheduled with high priority
vices. As IoT in more inclusive than IIoT, this section discusses for the periodical check, which also depends on extracting pre-
main layers of IoT architecture and related challenges followed diction patterns from historical learned data.
by main causes of these challenges. Cloud layer (services layer [6]), Because SThs have limited
resources and capabilities, the cloud layer receives and process
3.1. The architecture of the future IoT data from other layers. Heavy resources consumption algo-
rithms for data mining and retrieval for making smarter deci-
IoT architecture could be organized into different number of sions are implemented on the cloud.
layers according to business requirements [6], for example, the Application layer (interface layer [6]), Most of daily life applica-
architecture of telecommunications systems consists of sensing, tions in the IoT are of type WSN applications, which require
accessing, networking, middleware, and application layers. Wan friendly interfaces for normal users (i.e., graphical user inter-
et al. [69] discussed IIoT architecture on three main layers: physi- faces (GUI)) and machine (i.e., RESTful APIs) to ease information
cal layer, control layer, and application layer. Authors in [2,6,14] exchange and utilization. Searching and getting real-time infor-
organized the architecture of the IoT into main four layers (see mation reveal potential benefit of the IoT. Machine learning and
Fig. 2) such as follows: data retrieval technologies could enhance such services. This
layer should enhance API services for allowing automatic
Sensing layer (perception layer [62]), where smart devices (e.g., machine services calling. In general, critical feature of the future
RFID, GPS) are deployed in the infrastructure layer. IIoT sup- IoT that highlight its potential benefits is to enable human users
ports communication between SThs and the cloud [69]. Main and machines to discover and search for things and services and
characteristics of this layer are heterogeneity and big number allow data sharing between different networks.
of SThs used to build IoT applications. Most of these devices
have limited resources and different capabilities. The infrastruc- 3.2. Challenges of the future IoT
ture layer implements different technologies such as Wi-Fi,
WSN, etc., where SThs provide different connectivity (i.e., General IoT design considerations: scalability, energy consump-
heterogeneity based network level). Power consumption is a tion, devices throughput, latency, network topology, security and
critical challenge that could be solved by using alternative safety are discussed in [70] and referred by Da Xu et al. in [6]. In
power resources (e.g., natural resources) and implementing order to deal with heterogeneous devices, features such as scalabil-
wireless recharging technologies for difficult and critical events ity, interoperability, etc. are recommended for the future IoT
architecture [6]. Lin et al. [62] shade the light on two main features tions, but in some cases such as in vehicle system, SThs are
that should be addressed in the future IoT: interoperability movable devices, thus it is a critical challenge specially for
between various networks (i.e., applications) and heterogeneity tracking systems. Summary of challenges are shown in Fig. 4(a).
of things (i.e., SThs). Authors in [23] discuss and organize IoT char- Network challenges: Research in the IoT scalability (i.e., Network
acteristic into two levels; IoT infrastructure characteristic and IoT challenges) concentrates on how to leverage the infrastructure
applications’ characteristics. Main IoT characteristics that concerns layer of the IoT to connect almost objects and things to the
to our review are: heterogeneity, scalability, dynamicity, mobility, Internet to give information about themselves achieving scala-
availability, resource constraints, and huge real-time data (histori- bility of the future IoT [38,73]. The IoT partially solves this issue
cal and real-time data streams) written in different types and for- (i.e., scalability) by using standard IP and 6LoWPAN protocols
mats [3,17,48]. [14]. Thus, the IoT is considered as the global system of very
Fig. 3(a) shows Scopus [71] analysis report on the topic ‘‘IoT thing support IP connection to the Internet. The integration of
challenges” from 2010 to 2019; this figure indicates research pro- cloud computing with the IoT enlarges the scale of applications
gress on IoT challenges. Fig. 3(b) shows citation reports from Web of in different fields. Fog Computing comes with the need for
Science [72] core collection between 2010 and 2018 on the topic of requirements of interoperability, low latency and mobility of
IoT challenges almost of research paper concentrates on the fields of objects [53,74]; Where it provides a great performance for call-
computer science, engineering, and telecommunications. ing and responding services in the IoT [62]. In order to convert
IoT challenges have different meaning in each layer. For exam- spaces to smart spaces, SThs localization and distribution in
ple, heterogeneity in IoT data differs from those in IoT devices and WSN and the IoT need to be studied and optimized. Sharing
Networks [14,23]. Heterogeneity appears in IoT data when they are data between IoT applications will reduce number of connected
written in different formats like RDF, microdata, and microformats, devices, required storage spaces, and the required efforts for
and in IoT devices when non-standardized naming for SThs proper- managing them as well. Adapting topology structure to be large
ties are used, while in IoT networks when different technologies or wide enough for integrating daily life objects is critical fea-
and protocols are implemented [2,14].Thus challenges related to ture for the future IoT, specially for smart transportation sys-
the first three layers (sensor, network, and cloud) are classified into tems, which partially aide for large-scale in the future IoT.
three categories (see Fig. 4): (1) data challenges, (2) SThs chal- Future IoT is expected to connect everything on the earth to
lenges, and (3) Network challenges; where corresponding chal- the Internet and convert many ‘‘impossible” to possible [59],
lenges in these classes have the same back color, i.e., Summary of challenges are shown in Fig. 4(b).
dependences between challenges, for example, yellow diamonds IoT data challenges: Data in the IoT could be categorized into: (1)
represent scalability factors and results in each challenge class. data bout things (e.g., ID, type, logical address, etc.) and (2) data
Recommendations of the application layer are discussed at the generated by things (e.g., sensed values like temperature, humid-
end of this sub-section. ity, occupancy, power consumption, etc.) [59]. SThs in IoT appli-
cations generate massive and huge data (i.e., it is called huge
Devices challenges: In the same network SThs may speak differ- scale [29]), which results in big data. To partially solve big data
ent protocols with different capabilities, thus converting things problem, sensors are recommended to filter and clean data in
to SThs, by attaching sensors and devices to them in order to order to keep only interested data [59] and share it with their
express things states, should take into consideration commen- base stations (i.e., gateways) once a critical change occurs
surability of devices communication capabilities. Each STh pro- [38]. IoT data may be written in different formats [38], and
duces some information about itself and may share this change frequently. This massive data are collected from multi-
information with other SThs to calculate state of certain EoI ple sources (i.e., heterogeneous) and measure different attri-
(e.g., room state) [38]. None standardized naming is one of butes, thus it is called multisource and multidimensional
the main challenges, where manufactures with no standardized scalar [29]. Thus data retrieval in the IoT faces big challenge
naming, which also deployed in IoT with different naming. due to wide scale of IoT applications in different fields and con-
Truong et al. [51] proposed a framework for searching for sim- straints of user involvement. Heterogeneous IoT data may suffer
ilar sensors which are of the same type and read similar read- from inconsistence, inaccuracy, quality, and time sensitivity.
ings. This framework could be used for solving none- Accessing real-time information in IoT applications requires
standardized naming challenge by importing description of implementation of big data techniques [28] for enabling data
similar sensors. Ontologies are used for this purpose as well. collecting, storing, retrieving, mining, and sharing. Big data
In addition to the GPS attribute, SThs need to handle their log- characteristics are discussed next. Summary of challenges are
ical path for enabling human users know their absolute loca- shown in Fig. 4(c).
Fig. 3. Scopus analysis for: (a) research progress on IoT challenges, (b) progress level on main IoT challenges.
M. Younan et al. / Measurement 151 (2020) 107198 7
Fig. 4. IoT Challenges: (a) device level, (b) network level, (c) data level.
The fourth layer requires some recommendations but not lim- ties, (2) because sensor nodes still have restricted resources like
ited for enabling IoT services for its users (human and machi- batteries, memories, etc. the need for enhancing faulty tolerance
nes), they are: in sensor networks, requires to deploy extra number of sensors
– –Integration between legacy web pages and IoT (i.e., WoT). nodes, (3) certain phenomenon may need extra nodes for sensing
– Searching for real-time information. complementary part, and (4) making accurate decisions in the
– –Enabling historical analysis and future prediction for events IoT depends on accuracy of sensed data, which could be done by
and SThs states. deploying a lot of sensor nodes in the monitored environment. This
– –Sharing information between different IoT applications. results in increasing number of sensors or SThs to be exponential.
– –Allowing automatic analysis on selected IoT devices and Thus, in the next few years, number of SThs will be much more
networks. than number of normal users [17].
– –Knowledge extraction. The question here is how the human users follow and deal with
– –Enabling information browsing in a visual form. such huge sensed data in the real-time. In the future IoT, most of
– –Enabling automatic services discovery and execution real-time decisions depend on machine-to-machine communica-
through RESTful APIs. tion. No doubt, data mining techniques will be one of the main
– –Integrating extra devices and services (i.e., dynamic appli- ICT for solving problems of large volume data in the IoT [59].
cations for dynamic networks)
– –Leveraging IoT services to be on the cloud Taking benefits 4. Technologies for the future IoT
of the edge-cloud and middleware
The future IoT, cloud computing, and big data become the main
To sum up, main challenges based on SThs and data could be research goals in the Europe’s Horizon 2020 [14]. Artificial intelli-
summarized into three terms for each; (1) huge number of SThs, gence (AI) and data mining are best solutions for managing huge
which produce big data, (2), heterogeneity of SThs, which produce data flows and storage. AI methods include fuzzy logic (relay on
heterogeneous data (i.e., multi-sources and multi-dimensions), and ‘‘if-else” rules), and neural networks (relay on existence of a trans-
(3) mobility of SThs and frequent change of data (i.e., dynamicity). formation function). Data mining steps are data preparation, filtra-
tion, aggregation, selection, transformation, mining and pattern
3.3. SThs and data streams evaluation. This section discusses big data, sensor fusion, cloud
and fog computing, and blockchain technologies in order to clarify
Proliferation of SThs is the main source of big data in the IoT, for their relations and impact on IoT applications. Fig. 5(a) presents
example, heterogeneous devices in smart transportation systems number of queries on ICT and IoT using Google search engine, this
produce big data to cover multiple features, conditions, and situa- chart indicates that big data, machine learning and blockchain
tions. Main causes of the highly increased number of SThs and EoIs technologies are highly required over the last five years (i.e., recent
could be summarized into: (1) Rapid advances and enhancement in research papers focus on data level). Fig. 5(b) shows citation anal-
hardware development and manufacturing give the chance for ysis report created using web science knowledge tools on ICT inte-
more devices to be connected to the Internet with extra capabili- gration in the IoT from 2010 to 2018.
Fig. 5. (a) Google analysis: number of queries on ICT and IoT (b) ICT implementations in IoT.
8 M. Younan et al. / Measurement 151 (2020) 107198
4.1. Big data and security could be performed by edge computing gateways in
enhanced manner. Fig. 6 summarizes the relation between IoT
Structured and unstructured datasets with large volumes refers objects (SThs and EoIs), Cloud computing, and Edge computing
to big data, which are convenient for processing large datasets in (gateways).
the IoT [75]. Traditional data processing techniques couldn’t be
used with the high increased data volumes in the IoT [16]. Due 4.3. Data fusion
to massive connected number of SThs and EoIs to the Internet,
the IoT concentrates on big data and AI to make inferences and Analysis technologies should be integrated into the IoT to solve
decisions from sensory datasets. IoT big data has different charac- resulting challenges by enabling smart decisions making; one of
teristics when compared to common big data problems [76]. Main the most valuable technologies is sensor fusion or data fusion
attributes are: [15]. Sensor fusion has many definitions, but it could be defined
in general as the process of comparing, filtering, and combining
Volume (due to IoT scalability): large volume data may produce row data or derived data from multiple sources to extract new
conflict meanings (vagueness); as a result it requires to be information that is better than those individual row data [80,81].
checked for assessing quality and value. Deploying multiple Data fusion has many useful applications, it is used as fault diagno-
similar sensors allows increasing data accuracy but results in sis tool for damage detection problems of mechanical systems [82].
producing extra noise data. In this review it is used as a purging strategy for sensory data in
Velocity (due to high sensitivity for changes): frequent change of order to reduce redundancy indexing. Elmenreich [83] presents
data recommends the IoT to check accuracy and consistency an introduction to sensor fusion and describe its methods (e.g.,
of its data (veracity). inference methods), algorithms (e.g., the Kalman Filter [84]) and
Heterogeneity (due to IoT dynamicity): this property may be applications (e.g., robots). Data Fusion features in brief [15]: (a)
demonstrated in writing IoT in different formats to assess dif- merging data in optimal manner, (b) extracting intelligence from
ferent attributes. raw data, (c) substitute for low accuracy data generated by low-
Time and location correlation: most of sensed data in IoT applica- power resources, (d) hiding critical information, and (e) providing
tions record time and sensing location. abstract knowledge about fused results.
Sensor fusion techniques could be categorized based on multi-
ple criteria. Castanedo [80] presents different criteria for classify-
4.2. Cloud and fog computing ing data fusion techniques and clarifies characteristics based on:
(1) input and output relation, (2) data types for input and output
Because IoT connects everything to the Internet, then gaining parameters, (3) abstraction level, (4) data fusion type, and (5) data
real-time access for controlling and monitoring objects that change fusion architecture. Authors in [15] perform data fusion on four
their locations and data frequently becomes more challenging and levels (pixel, signal, feature, and decision). Also it could be catego-
tedious task. Edge computing technologies is essentially for allow- rized based on type of sensors configurations [80] as follows:
ing interoperability between SThs [74] and for enabling IoT objects
to gain cloud computing facilities [3] (i.e., bring the cloud closer to Complementary (integral configuration): this type of data fusion
SThs), where these technologies target to make IoT closer to com- could be done for sensors that have indirect independence,
putation stations. Edge computing [77] implementations are: fog where their data are combined together to draw a complete pic-
computing, mobile-edge, and cloudlet, these concepts are closer ture concerning certain environmental phenomenon or condi-
to each other, they have a common purpose, which is to build mid- tion. For example, deploying different sensors such as
dle layer between SThs and the cloud). Gateway, base-station ser- (temperature sensors, humidity sensor, etc.) for assessing the
ver and data center are examples for fog computing, mobile-edge, weather forecast, existence of almost sensors gives complete
and cloudlet, respectively. This means that each concept has a information about the weather forecast.
specific role in the middle layer, more details about these concepts Competitive (redundant configuration): this type of data fusion
are in [78]. Here, fog computing is referred as a general concept for targets ensuring existence or not of certain phenomena by
the edge computing. doing a vote of confidence between sensors, where they are
Fog/Edge computing enables IoT gateways for performing lower independent and measure the same phenomena. For example,
level of computations for reducing response time (i.e., local compu- when some temperature sensors (of the same type) are
tations) and network traffic [77]. Fog layer works as a middle layer deployed in different locations in a certain region, their mea-
of middle services; where it presents facilities for storage (cloud) surements are compared to make a final decision about the
and response time (SThs) [79]. Services such as fault tolerance temperature in that region
Cooperative (distinct configuration): when independent sensors
are deployed to give a piece of information that are combined
to present a final decision about certain EoI. For example, when
some types of sensors. For example, a room is considered as an
EoI in smart home, where it hosts three types of sensors, (a)
light sensor, (b) motion detection sensors, and (c) sound sensor,
room state is assessed if it is calm room or not by combining the
three measurements of those sensors.
of the IoT application areas [85]. IoT data analytics based on histor- for manufacturing materials, (e) better alignments for stocks and
ical and real-time data becomes complex task, where it could be inventories, and (f) tracking sales provided by IoT services. Auton-
used for predicting future SThs states. Akbar et al. [85] use ML cou- omous vehicle application in blockchain (self-driving cars) records
pled with CEP for that purpose. They highlight that combination and shares participants information (owners, manufacturers,
between ML and CEP enhances IoT performance in health-care and financing firms, etc.) for enabling services such as self-deriving,
manufacturing sectors. Authors in [17,40] build their prototypes self-detection for recharging or refueling, etc. [88,89].
for implementing search services in the IoT and WoT based on pre- Research works [40,87] present comprehensive survey on
diction models generated from the historical data and indexed in blockchain challenges and opportunities, and discuss deployment
their databases. As mentioned previously, fuzzy logic is used and considerations. According to the best of our knowledge, blockchain
implemented in different applications such as sensor search in faces the following challenges to be integrated in the IoT:
[53]. Deep learning will has high impact on the future IoT, Authors
in [76] presents a survey on deep learning in the IoT for handling The main obstacle for the blockchain technology is the scalabil-
big data streams at different levels. IoT data could be found at three ity, which will be increased due to exponential number of SThs
levels; (a) SThs, (b) Edge devices, and (c) IoT cloud. Deep learning in the IoT, consequently, transactions conflicts may increase.
technique could be implemented on the first two levels for perform- Blockchain security check in each transaction requires agree-
ing fast analytics, while on level (c) for big data analytics. ments from all sharing node in the network to be accomplished,
as a result number of transactions will be increased (security
check and updating information after transactions), which
4.5. Blockchain
causes higher latencies compared with centralized database
systems. Moreover, maintaining encryption keys and hash
Recently blockchain has been integrated in a wide span of appli-
codes is tedious task.
cation areas: finance, government, health-care, etc. [86], which
Enforcement rules of smart contracts are limited.
leads the authors of [87] to study its impact on the IoT. Blockchain
Sharing large information between nodes face limited resources
is a type of data structure that implement distributed leger with
of SThs.
Bitcoin that use public key cryptography for enabling secure trans-
Blockchain requires SThs in the IoT to be live almost of the time,
actions in peer-to-peer networks [87–89], where each element in
which consumes more energy.
the chain references to the hash of the previous one [87]. Powerful
benefits of the blockchain enhance IoT security [90] and allow IoT
To sum up, Table 2 presents a list of recent ICT implementations
data to be accessed in decentralized manner (e.g., IBM Watson IoT
in the IIoT to clarify integration of these technologies in IIoT appli-
Platform), immutability also increase its power for detecting mali-
cations (e.g., smart home, health-care, and smart traveling) and
cious actions. Smart contracts (self-executed scripts) solve costly
services (e.g., improving wireless communication and networking,
management for the exponential increased number of SThs.
security, real-time monitoring, and data analytics).
The nature of the blockchain technology solves cloud server
This research proposes simple architecture for integrating ICT in
downtime in the IoT [88,91]. Sagirlar et al. [91] suggested a hybrid
the IIoT for enabling SThs discovery and search(see Fig. 7). Data
architecture for the integrating blockchain in the IoT Called
fusion could increase robustness of sensed data, which are then
Hybrid-IoT. Blockchain and IoT technologies add new business
reduced once final conclusions are calculated (i.e., complex events
opportunities in almost of application areas, especially in the
are extracted). Dyser search engine [40] reduces sensed data by
industry, government, and health-care sectors [87,92,93], where
indexing prediction models that summarize how data changed
IoT devices provide real-time data about products using automatic
over time unit. The research work [106] could enhance fog edge
services (RESTful), also IoT technology is used for tracking objects
nodes to make local decisions using data summarization tech-
in the network, and on the other side, the blockchain provide
niques to reduce data volume that need to be stored on the cloud
shared leger for manage information in the business transactions
(i.e., store data on a local server for fast response). Above this layer
[89] in order to achieve efficiency, reduce costs, and remove single
some optimization algorithms could be implemented in order to
point failure, i.e., blockchain serves as proof of transactions com-
store meaningful information in fewer volumes. Machine learning
pleteness [92] and enables building decentralized IoT using private
technologies (e.g., fuzzy logic [107]) enable decision making and
ledgers to secure transactions between devices.
automatic control (discussed above). Machine learning algorithms
Supply chain solutions in commerce take benefits [87,88] like
presents promising solutions for resources discovery and search in
(a) saving time consumed for ensuring the shipment process (no
the IoT by extracting main features that represent EoIs states to be
need for third party authentications), (b) pertinent shipment, (c)
indexed in higher indices like indices’ structure of the WoTSF
sharing services (services marketplace), (d) accurate prediction
Table 2
Examples for ICT Implementations in IoT.
Fig. 7. The proposed architecture for integrating ICT in the future IoT.
framework [5]. In addition, prediction models are used to index for an efficient indexing mechanism that sort and rank IoT data.
large volume of data increasing its prediction sense to retrieve Authors recommended that Geohash encoding is one of the key
semi-real information about SThs in their applications [17,40]. Also technologies that should be used for addressing the problem of
this architecture proposes to big data algorithms implementation indexing spatiotemporal data. Also they concluded that current
for efficient storage and retrieval. crawlers or spiders have no ability to reach every STh in IoT appli-
cations, which are distributed with exponential number in very
5. IoT search engine (IoTSE) smart environment as mentioned previously. Further, due to fre-
quent change of SThs states (i.e., their locations and reads or mea-
The future IoT should presents a lot of critical services that surements), the crawling process becomes a hot research point in
leverage applications benefits to its users; this review discusses the future IoT. As a result deep learning and regression techniques
the main common services for most of IoT applications. Recently, are recommended to predict and search in real-time data streams.
researchers spot the light on real-time services like searching Tran et al. [39] discussed open issues for crawling, which are:
and discovery for IoT resources, such as shown in Fig. 8. Articles (a) detecting data sources, (b) extracting resource automatically
[2,14,39,60,73,75] highlight needs for existing such services in in XML or JSON format, and (c) automatic integration of different
the future IoT. resources by using aggregation methods. They also discussed open
General web search engines go beyond keyword search in the issues for indexing, which are: (a) live outdating of sensors indices,
web, while in IoTSEs, SThs and their dynamic states and measure- which recommended to index prediction models instead, (b) needs
ments should be taken into account. In addition to related work for new distribution and deployment strategies for keeping indices
discussed above in sub-section (Discovery and Search). Based on as small as possible. Also, they suggest implementing user sub-
most recent and relevant research papers, this section discusses scription in search engine; where this idea could be useful in
challenges, solutions and recommended services for building smart enhancing crawling schedule. Dyser [40], a search engine proposed
IoTSEs. by Ostermaier et al. for the IoT, takes benefit of traditional search
engines like Google to get static information about EoIs performing
5.1. Related work keyword search, then it looks up for the resulting list of EoIs in its
indices to get relevant prediction patterns expanding them to pre-
Pattar et al. [3] concluded their comprehensive research with dict EoIs states. Limitations of Dyser are: (1) index size was built on
future work directions targeting generating special search engine SThs level, and (2) crawling processes need to be optimized to con-
that addresses IoT challenges. One of these directions is a need sume less time.
The WoTSF framework was proposed by Younan et al. [17] for also enables IoTSE to build crawl scheduling for keeping indices
searching in the WoT, which reduces dyser index by building as up-to-date as possible. These recommendations could partially
two types of indices, where indices in the higher layer are built overcome almost IoTSE challenges. For more flexibility, IoTSEs
on EoIs states using aggregation methods. Each IoT network han- are recommended to support query format that human and machi-
dles its own index. WoTSF speed crawling process by using the nes can understand (i.e., implement semantic meaning and provide
idea of putting the server root file (Google optimization). WoTSF RESTful services). Once users write their queries, IoTSE semanti-
limitations crawling process need to be optimized on the level of cally analyze queries and serve them using parallel computing to
the scalable IoT resources. It works on the application layer of retrieve and rank results after assembling.
the IoT (i.e., WoT). Yaqoob et al. [73] discuss requirements for scal- A summary of recommended ICT based a set of criteria that
able IoT architecture in the future, one of the selected require- IoTSE could provide, is indicated in Table 3. Data fusion technolo-
ments is information retrieval based quality of services from gies have to be integrated for increasing data accuracy and consis-
scalable IoT resources (i.e., searching). Data fusion and similarity tency, while machine learning is for extracting and assessing data
search will be integrated in the future IoT. Zhao et al. [32] propose titles to be indexed. In this layer, SThs put their signature every
a retrieval system for the IoT based on semantic awareness and time they sense critical or abnormal readings for enhancing learn-
topic discovery. ing algorithms that could be used for initiating crawling schedule.
Securing data could be achieved using blockchain, where SThs put
their communication logs in IoT ledger [115]. Technologies like fog
5.2. ICT for IoTSEs
computing in the second layer should decrease response time and
enable IoTSE to get high level indices like WoTSF [17]. Sensor
Fig. 9 summarizes current features of IoT applications and data
and indicates resulting challenges that face IoTSEs. On the light of search [51], Dyser [40], and WoTSF [17] implement/depend on
machine learning and fuzzy logic for building their indices. Thing-
related work discussed in this section, this survey proposes some
recommendations, organized into three levels: SThs, network, Seek framework [46] is a search engine based cloud computing.
Search engines like Shodan [41], which crawl SThs to index their
and data; for overcoming search challenges shown in Fig. 9. This
architectural analysis could enhance IoTSE performance by prepar- banners recommend blockchain technology to be implemented in
a manner that secure crawling process for SThs.
ing data (e.g., filtering, reduction, summarization, etc.), and select-
ing most effective titles (i.e., most live and expressing data) for In addition to fog computing, blockchain and semantic middle-
ware are recommended to for securing transactions and enabling
building multi-level indices for IoT applications. This architecture
Table 3
Recommended ICT in IoT layers for enabling real-time IoTSE based on set of related works.
interoperability between applications [74]. Because low-level posed an approach for estimating real traffic speed based on GPS
indices are built in the second layer, then big data and machine data aggregation, and they concluded that calculating mean speed
learning have to be integrated as well. Third layer, where all sensed is closer to real measurements. Smart cities implement roadside
data are stored, cloud computing enhances IoTSE to run heavy infrastructures by deploying multiple sensors, cameras, actuators,
algorithms to extract abstracted knowledge from a huge data. etc. to sense and collect data about environmental conditions on
The application layer, where queries are received, semantic tech- the road (e.g., such as road conditions, vehicle conditions, and traf-
nologies should be implemented to enable normal users to retrieve fic conditions). This system collects data from multi-sensory envi-
their intended information. Because machines are considered as ronments, thus data fusion and fuzzy logic play an important role
users in the IoT, then REDTful APIs have to be the core of IoT in this application area [8].
implementations. To sum up, future IoT should improve intelligent transportation
Special search engines in the IoT targets searching by meaning systems, by improving the safety and traffic control, and develop
and real-time queries. To accomplish such types of queries, IoTSEs algorithms for selecting best interfaces for alarm, detecting fast
have to build indices in a way that ease updating and data retrieval moving objects, and making more accurate decision automatically.
processes. Distributing indices to be available on the fog edge net- Big data analytics can extract valuable information form raw
works presents promising solutions [48–50] (e.g., Geo-hash [3]). sensed and captured data form sensors and cameras [27].
Create a hybrid method taking benefits from the related work, such
as in [17,40,48,50] for creating indices that allow specific and gen- 6.2. Health-care
eral search queries. Search engines’ developers should take of their
account deep learning, prediction models and regression tech- IoT presents more enhancements generally in normal life and
niques for data analysis and correlation [3]. This native solution especially in the health-care sector by observing patients and help-
could balance between index update and data freshness [39]. ing them in their life using wearable devices. The impact of the IoT
Data fusion saves consumed power for sending more frequently on the health-care is to present health-care services with high
changed measurements by sending abstract and accurate measure- quality and with little costs [122]. Examples of IoT applications
ments. Scheduling critical events enable base-stations and gate- in the field of health-care: (a) wearable devices that are used for
ways to pull and ask critical SThs about their measurements in diagnosis Alzheimer disease [123], (b) monitoring heart rate, blood
the right time as possible [17]. Such services will enable search pressure, and extra vital measurements, and (c) tracking and guid-
engines spiders to crawl IoT networks following a set of priorities ing aging individuals [122]. The recommended and expected fea-
that is identified by networks themselves. Blockchain could be tures concerns the IoT in the near future are: easy install and
integrated in most of IoT layers; for example, in perception layer management for SThs, providing simple connectivity, enhancing
(on things level) digital signature mechanism of the blockchain information analytics, solving problems of interoperability, hetero-
ensures data integrity by allowing only authorized things to mod- geneity, and security and privacy issues [20,124].
ify their data [90]. ICT enable the IoT to plan, analysis, monitor, and control quality
of services in the field of diagnosis and treatment. Data integrity is
6. IoT case studies critical in this field, which recommended almost of IIoT applica-
tions in the health-care field to handle fault tolerance by integrat-
By IoT definition in [116], the IoT enables its users and compo- ing multiple shipments or inventing new algorithms for handing
nents (people, objects, things, etc.) to communicate anywhere at this issue [125]. Blockchain is a promising solution for handling
any time, which makes the IoT has a lot of applications [117] in dif- security issues in this field such availability, data integrity, etc.
ferent fields such as industry, agriculture, security, smart home, Fog computing, cloud computing, and big data technologies
health-care, transportation, etc. [2]. Extra applications are dis- enhance IoT health-care applications [126,127], E.g., big data classi-
cussed in [6,118–120]. Most of the IoT applications could be cate- fication for Electrocardiographic (ECG) signals [128]. Authors in [58]
gorized as sub-components in the smart city application like smart proposed a framework for cancer diagnosis based machine learning
health-care and smart transportation, etc. [118]. This section dis- and big data. Data analysis, fusion, filtering, and compression are
cusses two high risky applications to reflect ICT impacts on the main local data processing of smart gateways (UT-GATE) in the fog
IIoT: (a) smart transportation and (b) health-care. edge layer of the IoT architecture discussed in [129], where gate-
ways act as a middle layer between SThs and the cloud. Authors in
6.1. Smart transportation [130] propose a health-care IoT architecture consisting of three
phases for data collecting, transferring, and big data storing. This
Smart transportation is a central measurement for the perfec- architecture has two main parts: (a) Meta Fog-Redirection (MF-R)
tion of life in modern cities. It increases the quality of services part for collecting and storing sensed data by implementing big data
(QoS) presented to its citizens [27]. The future IoT enhances trans- technologies, and (b) Grouping and Choosing (GC) part for securing
portation systems by providing rich information in the real-time so patients’ information between the cloud and fog edge layers.
that users, administrators, and machines in such systems can make
a decision about certain actions in the right time [52].
Problems but not limited in the transportation systems are traf- 7. Future research directions
fic congestion, risky road conditions, safety, and pollution [8]. The
IoT should provide security issues for (1) drivers by warning them Up on our best of knowledge based on most earlier surveys on
with alerts in smart cars [121], (2) passengers by informing near the IoT such as [2–4], the future IoT have to efficiently handle and
ambulances with current accidents and critical issues occurred secure data and SThs. Main future research issues concentrate on
on the way, (3) administrators by studying crowd seasons and pro- the following points and summarized in Table 4.
viding some developments for transportation, and (4) machines by
preventing them from going on critical actions [2]. 7.1. Heterogeneity
Main services in the smart transportation system are monitor-
ing vehicles and objects, sensing devices’ ranges and risky road Service oriented architecture (SOA) plays a key role in systems
conditions, and sharing sensitive data between system parts in or devices heterogeneity in the IoT [6]. It is recommended to
the real-time to make accurate decisions. Qinglu Ma et al. [52] pro- implement different data transfer between heterogeneous
M. Younan et al. / Measurement 151 (2020) 107198 13
Table 4
A Summary for future research recommendations.
resources [2], and to use distributed middle layers between hetero- 7.3. Data collection and storage
geneous platforms [23]. Cloud computing allows for implementing
data unification algorithms. Heterogeneity in IoT devices may lead Collecting data from smart spaces should cover their required
for using different protocols, which requires the future IoT manage features, thus optimization on sensors or SThs localizations is rec-
connections between them. Ahmed et al. [28] recommend to solve ommended. Cloud computing technology gives the IoT the ability
problems of heterogeneous protocols (e.g., CoAP, MQTT, XMPP, for handling large scale data and implementing big data technolo-
HTTP, etc.) by applying seamless integration and interoperability. gies. As mentioned previously, IoT components are restricted with
Fog layer is a promising solution on the hardware level [74] by some features like battery, memory, and wireless communications,
enabling heterogeneous protocols and on the data level [79] by so big data techniques is a hot research area to be applicable with
implementing internal semantics and computations. Grouping these constraints. Fog computing enhances IoT performance to call
devices on two levels (physical and logical) is a promised solution and respond services. Authors in [2] recommend scheduling emer-
in this case [14]. Data fusion techniques are recommended for han- gency events, self-organization, big data transfer and integration,
dling data at device level or gateway level. Also Implementing and building large-scale network model ensuring network cover-
semantics and using rule engines for annotated data [28] is a age and connectivity for the future IoT, i.e., by implementing best
research trend for solving data heterogeneity in the IoT. topologies for managing nodes and saving resources (e.g., battery).
The research work [7] recommended the following: (a) integration
7.2. Scalability between IoT systems to share data, which reduce number of
required nodes (SThs) that need to be installed to cover the same
Research trends that aim to reduce development costs, enhance features that other IoT system may provide. Thus heterogeneity
marketing speed, and improve quality of services, result in enlarg- and standardization become critical features, (b) developing unifi-
ing the IoT scale. One of the main impacts on the IoT scalability is cation algorithms for collecting data, and (c) implementing robust-
standardization of the communication protocols (IP), which ease ness algorithms for analyzing and comparing large scale data.
the connection for almost devices [38]. The Chinese project Internet
Plus aims to make cooperation between the IoT supports and the 7.4. Security
manufacturers to establish the standardization strategy [14]. Using
RESTful APIs, SThs can communicate and interact to exchange their Threads issues concerning security and privacy in the IoT may
data [14,38]. As mentioned in [14] client-server model is not appli- cause harmful and highly cost damages in most of IoT applications
cable for the future IoT. The API CoAP (based on TinyOS) enables especially health-care and smart home applications. Yang et al.
integration of client and server to IoT. Fog layer is an essential solu- [133] present a comprehensive survey on IoT security classifying
tion for enabling interoperability that affects the IoT scale [74]. threads following the IoT architecture. The authors in the research
14 M. Younan et al. / Measurement 151 (2020) 107198
work [132] study network architecture such as resources con- Impacts of ICT are clarified on smart transportations and health-
straints and self-organization, list security and privacy require- care use cases.
ments such as location and identity privacies, and take in their IoT search engines (IoTSEs) could enhance their performance by
account how to secure data aggregation on the cloud based IoT. integrating such technologies, Dyser and WoTSF have to imple-
Security threats in the IoT could be categorized mainly into ment machine learning to extract repetition patterns in SThs mea-
three levels, as mentioned in [131,133], following the main archi- surements. IoT crawlers enhance their performance by analyzing
tecture of the IoT: (a) perception level (devices), where some com- extracted patterns to schedule SThs URIs. Blockchain enable IoT
ponents are replaced for gaining access or stealing encryption keys, devices to secure themselves from fake crawling. To guide
(b) transition level (network), where middleware layers affected by researchers for the recent trends in the IoT, this review ended by
DoS, and (c) application level (data), where services and data the future research directions (challenges and promising work on
become unavailable. each challenge): heterogeneity, scalability, task scheduling, data
Limited resources restrict implementations of some security storage (on the cloud), security, and real-time search that enable
and encryption algorithms and also enforced the IoT to use the IoTSEs to present services in a global and secure manners.
cloud as a computational and storage resource, which raises new
challenges in IoT security and privacy [132], thus lightweight
Declaration of Competing Interest
attribute-based encryption (ABE) is recommended to be used as a
solution for fine-grained cipher-text access control, and policy-
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
hidden ABE is recommended for data confidentiality. Authors in
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
[131] recommended trust management and security in the future
influence the work reported in this paper.
IoT. They recommend future research on the following points for
securing devices and data in the IoT: (a) Hardware manufacturer
should enhance components for enabling parts replacement in
the internal components (i.e., on the device level), (b) developing [1] K. Ashton et al., That?internet of things? Thing, RFID J. 22 (7) (2009) 97–114.
lightweight algorithms for encrypting messages balancing [2] T. Qiu, N. Chen, K. Li, M. Atiquzzaman, W. Zhao, How can heterogeneous
between security level and consumed time and resources and internet of things build our future: a survey, IEEE Commun. Surveys Tutor. 20
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